Kloe New Event DispLay Environment (KNEDLE)

What is it ?

KNEDLE is a graphical event display for KLOE-2 detectors. Its main aim is to help in the development of reconstruction algorithms by visualizing the reconstructed data (clusters/hits/tracks) along with the geometry setup for subdetector systems. It provides a graphical user interface with a lot of different options. KNEDLE is based on the ROOT geometry package.

The Latest Version

The latest stable version can be downloaded from the git repository. You must have git client installed and have rights to access the repository. If it is the case you can just:

git clone ssh://knedle@koza.if.uj.edu.pl/srv/git/knedle.git
cd knedle

If you have already a directory with the code and you want to update it, just write:

git pull

If you dont have the access to the repository server, please contact:wojciech.krzemien@if.uj.edu.pl


The program documentation will be added along the package development.

The code documentation can be generated with Doxygen package using: $> make documentation The index.html file will be available in the html/ directory.

Short Instruction for Inner Tracker part

Input files

The root file with the data must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. It must contain the folder called ITALIG
  2. In the folder the TTree called treeWithITAndIntersections must exist
  3. The TTree must contain the following branches:

  4. The files with the reconstructed IT hits must have the same name as the root file without the .root suffix.
    They must have the suffixes _layerL.txt, where L = 1,2,3,4 is the layer number.
    e.g: myfile.root should have corresponding myfile_layer1.txt, myfile_layer2.txt, myfile_layer3.txt, myfile_layer4.txt

  5. The files with the reconstructed IT hits must consist of lines in the following format:

    , which correspond to event number, x, y and z coordinates, respectively.

Basic installation

  1. Enter the directory with the source code:

    cd src

    2a. To compile the program type:

    make all      (on Linux)
    gmake all     (on AIX)

    You can remove the program binaries and object files by typing:

    make clean    (on Linux)
    gmake clean   (on AIX)


    It might be necessary to regenerate the detector geometry:

    cd geometry
    make              ( on Linux)
    gmake             ( on AIX)

    Code documentation

    To generate the code documentation the Doxygen program must be installed. Type from the src directory:

    make documentation 

    and the documentation will be generated and put in folders latex and html.


    1. ROOT (at least version 5.08) with properly set paths

    2. gcc/xlc compiler

    3. Doxygen (www.doxygen.org) only if you want to generate the code documentation

    Tested Platforms

    1. AIX fibm11 3 5 000C51B8D700 xlc++ compiler ROOT v5.08

    2. Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux gcc 4.6.3 ROOT v5.32


    KNEDLE is being developed by Wojciech Krzemien

    Bug Reporting & Contact

    If you have any question or comment please write to: wojciech.krzemien@if.uj.edu.pl