Very short remarks about setting up Python in Windows ******************************************** I tested it with Windows 10. Generally you must be able to open a command line. See e.g. here: I start all the lines that you should type in the command line with the > sign. THere are many excellent resources on the web. So you can try to find more info by just googling python + windows or something similar. 1.Python installation: ******************************************** I would recommend to install Python 2.7. I followed the instructions from this website only till the Python installation section and setting up environmental variables section: Setting the environmental variables is crucial, please follow the instruction above and add both: C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts pahts to the correct location. If everything is setup correctly, you should be able to open a command line and type: > python Upgrading pip and installing packages ******************************************** From the command line you should be able to do > python -m pip install --upgrade pip > pip install numpy > pip install ipython > pip install matplotlib The syntax > pip install NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE_TO INSTALL Is the general way to install missing packages. Editors ******************************************** You can choose whaterever editor you want. I tried Notepad++( and Atom ( Once you install Atom you should install additional plugins for code running and autocompletion. Open a command line and write: > apm install script > apm install autocomplete-python-jedi The scrip plugin (see allows to run your python script from Atom. So e.g. you have your file opened and when you use ctrl+shift+b it should execute the current file (main function).