2nd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, is organised by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The conference will take place June 4 – 11, 2017 in Collegium Maius, the oldest building of the university founded in XIV century. Following the success of first meeting organised in 2015, this event is a continuation to once again bring together scientists from physics, nuclear medicine and healthcare. One of the main purposes of the Jagiellonian Symposium is to exchange experience and expertise gained by various institutions in the field of applied and fundamental nuclear as well as atomic and particle physics, medical imaging, radiotherapy and healthcare. The symposium will be a showcase for forefront experimental as well as theoretical developments, where the interplay between outstanding research and innovative concepts on the borderline between basic and applied science will be promoted.
More details on the scientific program of the symposium is available in section Scientific Program.
Moreover to the regular Symposium there will be three independent focused Satellite Meetings:
- Workshop on PET and MR Imaging (June 3, 2017)
- AMADEUS Collaboration Workshop (June 4, 2017)
- Workshop on Discrete symmetries and entanglement (June 11-12, 2017)