General rules for text formatting for publish in Acta Physica Polonica A (APPA):
  1. The allowed length of the papers should be at most 4 printed pages (24000 characters).
  2. Papers should be written in LaTeX.
  3. Do not arrange the text, there are no strict rules for formatting the text (10-12 pt fonts or 1-2 interline space are acceptable). The editors of APPA after final acceptation of the article will adjust the text to the journal format.
  4. The general latex template for the article is available here (tex).
  5. One printed page in APPA without figures, tables etc. (text only) contains 6500 characters.
  6. One squared figure in the paper (placed in one of two column of the text), including short caption, is equivalent to 1100 characters. Symbols on figures should be well-readable after reducing the size of figure to fit into a single column.
  7. The appropriate, full and actual PACS numbers should be given. Please add, if possible, DOI information for cited publications.
Please send your article (LaTeX source and eps figure files) to:

For each paper author should sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, which can be downloaded here. Please send the signed Agreement to:

Marcin Zieliński
Institute of Physics
Jagiellonian University
ul. Reymonta 4
30-059 Krakow
The deadline for sending copyrights and contributions is

October 31st 2014 !