The written version of presentations will be published as articles of:
- The allowed length of the papers should be at most 4 printed pages (24000 characters).
- Papers should be written in LaTeX.
- Do not arrange the text, there are no strict rules for formatting the text (10-12 pt fonts or 1-2 interline space are acceptable). The editors of APPA after final acceptation of the article will adjust the text to the journal format.
- The general latex template for the article is available here (tex).
- One printed page in APPA without figures, tables etc. (text only) contains 6500 characters.
- One squared figure in the paper (placed in one of two column of the text), including short caption, is equivalent to 1100 characters. Symbols on figures should be well-readable after reducing the size of figure to fit into a single column.
- The appropriate, full and actual PACS numbers should be given. Please add, if possible, DOI information for cited publications.
For each paper author should sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement, which can be downloaded here. Please send the signed Agreement to:
Institute of Physics
Jagiellonian University
ul. Reymonta 4
30-059 Krakow