• 2023-06-15
    Arrival of CT at the Center for Theranostics
    On June 15th, the CT (Computed Tomography) machine was delivered to the Center for Theranostics, Kopernika 40. It marks the arrival of the first component for the total-body J-PET, a significant milestone in the center's development. Below please find some photos from the departure of the equipment from Türkiye and its arrival to Kraków.
  • 2023-06-05
    Opening Ceremony of the Center for Theranostics
  • 2023-06-02
    Distinction for Szymon Parzych in XVI Rzeszowska Konferencja Młodych Fizyków
  • 2023-03-27
    5-day visit to the laboratories of iThemba LABS
  • 2023-02-26
    Positronium imaging with Quadra in Bern
  • 2022-12-21
    Mgr Meysam Dadgar Doctoral Defence
  • 2022-11-17
    Professor Ewa Stępień takes part among 50 invited experts from around the world in Sparks! Forum at CERN
  • 2022-10-14
    The Gold Cross of Merit was awarded to professor Ewa Stępień
  • 2022-07-27
    Radio Kraków interview with prof. Piotr Słomka
  • 2022-07-16
    Radio Kraków interview with prof. Ewa Stępień
  • 2022-07-15
    The 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine poster winners