2024-04-10Doctoral promotions of Dr Faranak Tayefi Ardebili and Dr Meysam DadgarThe ceremony was held in the Aula of Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University.
2024-03-26Agata Grabska otrzymała stypendium MNiSW
2024-03-15Manish Das received 1st prize for the best poster at EMIM 2024 conference
2024-02-27OPUS-22 project general meeting in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
2024-02-18Kick-off meeting of scientists implementing the OPUS 24+LAB High-throughput PET imaging
2024-01-29Faranak Tayefi Ardebili defended PhD thesis
2023-11-17Mgr Shivani Shivani Doctoral Defence
2023-07-06Positronium Measurements Results At III Kongres Młodej Nauki - Międzynarodowa Konferencja
2023-06-15Arrival of CT at the Center for Theranostics
2023-06-05Opening Ceremony of the Center for Theranostics
2023-06-02Distinction for Szymon Parzych in XVI Rzeszowska Konferencja Młodych Fizyków
2023-05-08Workshop in Frascati: Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology
2023-04-23Image reconstruction meeting at NCBJ, Warsaw
2023-03-275-day visit to the laboratories of iThemba LABS
2023-03-1418th European Molecular Imaging Meeting - EMIM 2023
2023-02-26Positronium imaging with Quadra in Bern
2023-02-23Participation in an experiment at ICHTJ, Warsaw
2023-01-09Doctoral promotion of Dr Kamil Dulski
2022-12-21Mgr Meysam Dadgar Doctoral Defence
2022-12-12OPUS-22 project kick-off meeting
2022-11-28IThemba Labs UJ Visit Report by Simbarashe Moyo
2022-11-17Professor Ewa Stępień takes part among 50 invited experts from around the world in Sparks! Forum at CERN
2022-10-31The Hitchhiker's Advanced Guide to Quantum Collapse Models workshop
2022-10-14The Gold Cross of Merit was awarded to professor Ewa Stępień
2022-07-27Radio Kraków interview with prof. Piotr Słomka
2022-07-16Radio Kraków interview with prof. Ewa Stępień
2022-07-15The 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine poster winners
2022-06-03The First Prize for Ksymena Poradzisz and Distinction for Gabriela Łapkiewicz in Students Poster Session
2022-05-13Mgr Juhi Raj Doctoral Defence
2022-04-29Doctoral promotions of Dr Aleksander Khreptak and Dr Hanieh Karimi
2022-04-22Mgr Kamil Dulski Doctoral Defence
2022-03-24Mgr Hanieh Karimi Doctoral Defence
2022-03-14Zimbabweans in Ukraine Evacuation
2022-03-07First measurement campaign with human patients using the Modular J-PET
2022-01-26Doktorantka z naszego zakładu wystąpi w Pekinie
2022-01-10Positronium physics day
2022-01-05Special volume of Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems
2021-12-14Meeting with colleagues from Cracow University of Technology at Kopernika 40
2021-12-10Mgr Udai Singh Doctoral Defence
2021-11-23J-PET collaboration image reconstruction meeting in Warsaw
2021-10-15Hadron Therapy Center experiment
2021-10-091st Symposium on Theranostics
2021-10-04Mgr Aleksander Khreptak Doctoral Defence
2021-09-25Talk by Wojciech Krzemień at the Science Festival 2021 in Warsaw
2021-06-11Start-up? Set it up!
2021-06-11Best talk in NanoTech Poland 2021- international conference by Hanieh Karimi
2021-05-27Mgr Paweł Kowalski Doctoral Defence
2021-03-252nd generation annihilation chamber for 2g/3g measurements with J-PET
2021-02-22Minister's of Education and Science Scholarship for Szymon Parzych
2020-12.10-11WORKSHOP: Is Quantum theory Exact? Exploring Quantum Boundaries.
2020-12-02Lecture of prof. Paweł Moskal at the Panel Discussion Total-body PET: Is it ready for Clinic?
2020-11-20PRELUDIUM 19 grant for Meysam Dadgar
2020-11-12International Day of Medical Physics
2020-09-29WORKSHOP: Investigating the Universe with exotic atomic and nuclear matter
2020-09-22Visit of prof. Piotr Walczak
2020-09-17Mgr Ewelina Kubicz Doctoral Defence
2020-05-29Mgr Mushin Mohammed Doctoral Defence
2020-04-05Workshops organized for diploma and Ph.D. students
2019.10.21STRANEX: Recent progress and perspectives in STRANge EXotic atoms studies and related topics
2019-11-28Second meeting in Warsaw in view of medical tests of modular J-PET
2019-10-24First meeting in Warsaw in view of medical tests of modular J-PET
2019-10-14The Cross of Merit was awarded to professor Moskal
2019-10-10Third J-PET Software Workshop
2019-10-01J-PET laboratory opening ceremony
2019-09-23Workshop in Frascati: Is Quantum Theory Exact? From quantum foundations to quantum applications
2019-09-23J-PET and TEAM meeting in Frascati
2019-09-12Total Body PET Workshop, Brussels
2019-09-02J-PET contributions at the SLOPOS-15 Conference
2019-08-12Radboud Summer School
2019-07-09-12DESY meeting for QETIR development
2019-06-27Visit of Professor Simon Cherry
2019-06-26Fukushima Accident - 8 years after
2019-06-23Zbigniew Rudy Prize award ceremony
2019-05-23Gate Output J-PET Analyzer(GOJA)
2019-04-29Visiting Ghent University
2019-04-10SIDDHARTA-2 Installation in Frascati
2019-03-25Visit of Professor Roberto Brusa
2019-03-19Mgr Oleksandr Rundel Doctoral Defence
2019-03-01Essentials of Mathematica
2019-02-12Mgr Daria Kisielewska Doctoral Defence
2019-02-0850th Birthday of Professor Paweł Moskal
2019-01-08Doctoral promotions of Dr Aleksander Gajos
2018-12-17Dr Michał Silarski nominated to the Polish Award of Inteligent Development 2019 in the category Scientist of the future
2018-12-10-14DAE International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Mumbai, India
2018-11-27Advanced C++ course
2018-11-16SABAT project at the Science: Polish Perspectives 2018
2018-11-15-16New Quantum Horizons: From Foundations To Biology - Symposium, Frascati, Italy
2018-10-10Meeting in Trento University, Trento, Italy
2018-10-08Discrete Symmetries in Particle, Nuclear and Atomic Physics and implications for our Universe, Trento, Italy
2018-09-14-151st Symposium on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
2018-09-10-133rd Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography
2018-08-19-2418th International Conference on Positron Annihilation, Orlando, USA
2018-06-30Total Body PET - From Mice to Men, Ghent, Belgium
2018-05-18MSc Łukasz Kapłon Doctoral Defence
2018-05-06Annihilation chamber for 2g/3g measurements with J-PET
2018-04-17MSc Aleksander Gajos Doctoral Defence
2018-04-11Materiał filmowy Innowacyjnej Małopolski
2018-04-04Neha Gupta-Sharma Phd defense
2018-03-21Warsaw wokshop/Meeting - 2018
2017-08.28-09.0112th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry
2017-06-4-112nd Jagiellonian Symposium on fundamental and Aplied Subatomic Physics
2017-04-24-28Hannover Messe 2017
2017-03-5-8Visit to KVI - Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
2017-03-20Second J-PET Software Workshop
2016-12-09Prof. dr hab. Paweł Moskal received the Prize of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific research and teaching achievements
2016-11-17Doctoral promotions of Dr Iryna Schaetti-Ozerianska
2016-11-10Mgr Tomasz Bednarski Doctoral Defence
2016-09-16Dr Michał Silarski won a prestigous LIDER grant from NCBR
2016-09-1-41st European Congress of Medical Physics, Ateny
2016-08-27 - 09-03J-PET Symposium in Ukraine, Lviv, Kyiv
2016-07-21-22J-PET general meeting , Jagiellonian University, Kraków
2016-07-07First J-PET Software Workshop
2016-06-30Conference 'From Vacuum to Universe' Kitzbuhel - Best Poster Prize Award for Mgr Ewelina Kubicz and Mgr Anna Wieczorek
2016-06-27Mgr Sławomir Tadeja has become one of the Seeds for the Future 2016 laureates
2016-06-26Conference 'From Vacuum to Universe' Kitzbuhel, Austria
2016-06-10Nomination to the Polish Innovation Prize 2016 for Mobile PET/MR Insert
2016-04-15Mgr. Iryna Schaetti-Ozerianska Doctoral Defence
2016-04-04Doctoral promotions of Dr Magdalena Skurzok
2016-02-12Mgr Magdalena Skurzok Doctoral Defence
2015-12-16Ms. Dominika Alfs was awarded witht the Minister's of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for the best students
2015-12-14LIDER 2015 Awards Gala - Dr inż. Marcin Zieliński received symbolic check from the Jarosław Gowin Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education
2015-10-02Dr Marcin Zieliński won a prestigous LIDER grant from NCBR
2015-06-28- 07-04PSPA2015 Conference and J-PET collaboration meeting in Lublin
2015-04-09J-PET Framework Workshop in the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw
2015-02-14Goodbye event for Mgr Natalia Zoń
2015-02-11J-PET Meeting in Collegium Maius
2015-02-10-13Wykład Prof. Pawła Moskala na XI edycji Akademii Fizyki
2015-01-22Ghanshyambhai Khatri received the prestigious INTERSTUDENT award for the best foreign student under the program Study in Poland
2014-12-27dr Eryk Czerwiński received the Professor Stefan Pienkowski Award for Outstanding Contribution to Polish Natural Sciences
2014-12-08Prof. dr hab. Paweł Moskal has been elected a member of Scientific Committee SPSC at CERN.
2014-10-03Dr Eryk Czerwiński received the prestigious fellowship for outstanding young scientists from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
2014-09-24-27II Symposium on Applied Nuclear Physics and Innovative Technologies
2014-09-21-24II Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography
2014-07-07-08Workshop on hadronic physics at ~1GeV scale
2014-06-02Prof. Paweł Moskal and Mgr Aleksander Gajos have been awarded with the prizes for the two best posters presented on the MESON 2014 Conference
2014-05-15J-PET Collaboration at the Warsaw Medical Physics Meeting (15-17 May 2014)
2013-12-18IV Międzyzaborowe sympozjum dotyczące symulacji komputerowych paskowego pozytonowego tomografu emisyjnego.
2013-12-11Third general tele-symposium on International PhD Studies in Applied Nuclear Physics and Innovative Technologies
2013-10-02Dr Marcin Zieliński received the prestigious award for distinguished young scientists in 2013 from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
2013-09-27-30Group Meeting in Zakopane
2013-07-25III Międzyzaborowe sympozjum dotyczące symulacji komputerowych paskowego pozytonowego tomografu emisyjnego.
2013-07-05General meeting of the Positron Emission Tomography Group, Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University
2013-06-03-06Symposium on applied nuclear physics and innovative technologies
2013-05-24Mgr Jarosław Zdebik Doctoral Defence
2013-05-09Dr Eryk Czerwiński represents laureates of SONATA research projects at the 'National Science Centre Days'
2013-04-22Michał Silarski receives the prestigous award of the Foundation for Polish Science (START 2013)
2013-04-11Second general tele-symposium in framework of International PhD Studies in Applied Nuclear Physics and Innovative Technologies
2013-02-22II Międzyzaborowe sympozjum dotyczące symulacji komputerowych paskowego pozytonowego tomografu emisyjnego.
2013-01-18Międzyzaborowe sympozjum dotyczące symulacji komputerowych paskowego pozytonowego tomografu emisyjnego.
2012-11-08Doctoral promotions of Dr Malgorzata Hodana, Dr Michał Silarski and Dr Marcin Zielinski.
2012-09-25Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography - Cittru, UJ (2012)
2012-09-12Mgr inż. Marcin Zieliński Doctoral Defence
2012-09-09Dr Eryk Czerwiński receives Henryk Niewodniczański Prize, 2012
2012-09-04Mgr Michał Silarski Doctoral Defence
2012-05-31 - 06-05MESON 2012, 12th International Workshop on Meson Production , Properties and Interaction Kraków, Poland
2012-05-23Conference promoting laureates of the Doctus - scholarship for PhD students of Malopolska
2012-05-16-19Conference on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics, PETRAD2012, Warsaw (2012)
2012-05-12Strip-PET kick-off meeting in Czułówek (2012)
2012-04-27Open lecture at The Naval Academy in Gdynia (2012)
2012-04-21Marcin Zielinski receives the prestigous award of the Foundation for Polish Science (START 2012)
2012-03-16Mgr Małgorzata Hodana Doctoral Defence
2012-03-15Seminar in Cafe 'U Pęcherza' in Collegium Maius of the Jagiellonian Univeristy
2011-10-21Diploma promotions 2011
2011-08-07The public poster session in front of White House in Juelich, Germany.
2011-08-01School on Amplitude Analysis in Modern Physics in Bad Honnef, Germany
2011-01-20Paweł Moskal receives profesor title from Polish President Bronisław Komorowski
2009-11-03Doctoral promotions of Dr Joanna Klaja, Dr Paweł Klaja and Dr Eryk Czerwiński in 2009
2009-09-08Mgr Eryk Czerwiński Doctoral Defence
2009-08-09Summer School 2009 in the Juelich Forschungszentrum
2009-03-21Lecture of Prof. Paweł Moskal at the Małopolski University for Children
2008-06-26Diploma defences of Ewelina Czaicka, Michał Silarski, Jarosław Zdebik and Marcin Zieliński in 2008
2008-04-15Group meeting in room 222
2007-08-01COSY-11 visits Brussels
2006-10-30Visit of guest from Uppsala University (Sweden) and LNF Frascatii (Italy)
2006-08-24COSY Summer School, Jülich, 2006