Search for the eta mesic 3He in the pd->dppi0 reaction with the WASA-at-COSY facility
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

The excitation function for the pd -> dppi0 reaction has been measured by WASA-at-COSY experiment with the aim of searching for 3He-eta mesic nuclei. The measurement in the vicinity of eta meson production was performed using a ramped proton beam. The data analysis and interpretation was carried out with the assumption that the eta-mesic Helium decays via the formation of an intermediate N*(1535) resonance. No direct signal of the eta-mesic nucleus is observed in the excitation function. We determine a new improved upper limit for the total cross section for the bound state production and decay in the pd -> (3He-eta)bound -> dppi0 process. It varies between 13 nb to 24 nb for the bound state with width in the range Gamma (5,50) MeV.
Differential Cross Sections for Neutron-Proton Scattering in the Region of the d*(2380) Dibaryon Resonance
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

Differential cross-sections have been extracted from exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized np scattering performed in the energy region of the d*(2380) dibaryon resonance covering the range of beam energies Tn=0.98?1.29 GeV (s=2.32?2.44 GeV). The experiment was carried out with the WASA-at-COSY setup having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process dp->np + p_spectator. In this way, the np differential cross-section sigma(theta) was measured over a large angular range. The obtained angular distributions complement the corresponding analyzing power Ay(theta) measurements published previously. A SAID partial-wave analysis incorporating the new data strengthens the finding of a resonance pole in the coupled D33-G33 waves
Search for eta mesic 3He with the WASA-at-COSY facility in the pd-> 3He 2gamma and pd-> 3He 6gamma reactions
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

We report on the experimental search for the bound state of an eta meson and 3He nucleus performed using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup. In order to search for the eta-mesic nucleus decay, the pd->3He2gamma and pd->3He6gamma channels have been analysed. These reactions manifest the direct decay of eta meson bound in 3He nucleus. This non-mesonic decay channel has been considered for the first time. When taking into account only statistical errors, the obtained excitation functions reveal a slight indication for a possible bound state signal corresponding to an 3He-eta nucleus width Gamma above 20 MeV and binding energy Bs between 0 and 15 MeV. However, the determined cross sections are consistent with zero in the range of the systematic uncertainty. Therefore, as final result we estimate only the upper limit for the cross section of the eta-mesic 3He nucleus formation followed by the eta meson decay which varies between 2 nb and 15 nb depending on possible bound state parameters.
Examination of the Production of an Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp->pppi+pi- Reaction
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pp->pppi+pi- reaction have been performed by means of pd collisions at Tp = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region Tp=1.08-1.36 GeV (sqrt(s) = 2.35 - 2.46 GeV), which includes the regions of N*(1440) and Delta(1232)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with experimental differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the measured total cross section. An isotensor DeltaN dibaryon resonance with I(JP)=2(1+) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies. Such a dibaryon was predicted by Dyson and Xuong and more recently calculated by Gal and Garcilazo.
Backward single-pion production in the pd->3Hepi0 reaction with WASA-at-COSY
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

New data on the production of single neutral pions in the pd->3Hepi0 reaction are presented. For fifteen proton beam momenta between pp=1.60GeV/c and pp=1.74GeV/c, differential cross sections are determined over a large fraction of the backward hemisphere. Since the only previous systematic measurements of single-pion production at these energies were made in collinear kinematics, the present work constitutes a significant extension of the current knowledge on this reaction. Even this far above the production threshold, significant changes are found in the behaviour of the angular distributions over small intervals in beam momentum.
Search for C violation in the decay eta -> pi(0)e(+)e(-) with WASA-at-COSY
R. Adlarson, WAC. Collaboration, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buescher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, R. Fedorets, K. Foehl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Huesken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, A. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, R. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, R. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, R. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, et al.

We report on the search for the rare decay eta -> pi(0)e(+)e(-) which is of interest to study C violation in the electromagnetic interaction which would indicate contributions from physics beyond the Standard Model, since the allowed decay via a two-photon intermediate state is strongly suppressed. The experiment has been performed using the WASA-at-COSY installation, located at the COSY accelerator of the Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany. In total 3 x 10(7) events of the reaction pd -> He-3 eta have been recorded at an excess energy of Q = 59.8MeV. Based on this data set the C parity violating decay eta -> pi(0)gamma* -> pi(0)e(+)e(-) via a single-photon intermediate state has been searched for, resulting in new upper limits of Gamma(eta -> pi(0)e(+) e(-))/Gamma(eta -> pi(+) pi(-) pi(0)) < 3.28 x 10(-5) and Gamma(eta -> pi(0)e(+) e(-))/Gamma(eta -> all)< 7.5 x 10(-6) (CL=90%), respectively. (c) 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp->pppi+pi- Reaction?
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pp->pppi+pi- reaction have been carried out at WASA@COSY by means of pd collisions at Tp = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region Tp=1.08-1.36 GeV, which is the region of N*(1440) and Delta(1232)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor DeltaN dibaryon resonance with I(JP)=2(1+) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.
Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) Reaction?
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, B. Shwartz, T. Skorodko, M. Skurzok, J. Smyrski, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasifree pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) reaction have been carried out at WASA@ COSY by means of pd collisions at T-p = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region T-p = 1.08-1.36 GeV, which is the region of N* (1440) and Delta(123)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor Delta N dibaryon resonance with I(J(P)) = 2(1(+)) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.
Total and differential cross sections of eta-production in proton-deuteron fusion for excess energies between Q(eta)=13 MeV and Q(eta)=81 MeV
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erveno, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, A. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunovu, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

New data on both total and differential cross sections of the production of eta mesons in proton-deuteron fusion to He-3 eta in the excess energy region 13.6 MeV <= Q(eta) <= 80.9 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained with the WASA-at-COSY detector setup located at the Forschungszentrum Julich, using a proton beam at 15 different beam momenta between p(p) = 1.60 GeV/c and p(p) = 1.74 GeV/c. While significant structure of the total cross section is observed in the energy region 20 MeV less than or similar to Q(eta) less than or similar to 60 MeV, a previously reported sharp variation around Q(eta) approximate to 50 MeV cannot be confirmed. Angular distributions show the typical forward- peaking that was noted earlier. For the first time, it is possible to study the development of these angular distributions with rising excess energy over a wide interval. (c) 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Total and differential cross sections of eta-production in proton-deuteron fusion for excess energies between Q_eta=13MeV and Q_eta=81MeV
P. Adlarson, ...,E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Zieliński, et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)

New data on both total and differential cross sections of the production of eta mesons in proton-deuteron fusion to 3He-eta in the excess energy region 13.6MeV < Q < 80.9 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained with the WASA-at-COSY detector setup located at the Forschungszentrum Julich, using a proton beam at 15 different beam momenta between p_p=1.60GeV/c and p_p=1.74GeV/c. While significant structure of the total cross section is observed in the energy region 20 MeV < Q < 60MeV, a previously reported sharp variation around Q ~ 50MeV cannot be confirmed. Angular distributions show the typical forward-peaking that was reported elsewhere. For the first time, it is possible to study the development of these angular distributions with rising excess energy over a large interval.
Importance of d-wave contributions in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd -> He-4 pi0
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, C. Hanhart, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

This letter reports a first quantitative analysis of the contribution of higher partial waves in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd -> He-4 pi(0) using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup at an excess energy of Q = 60 MeV. The determined differential cross section can be parametrized as d sigma/d Omega = a + b cos(2) theta*, where theta* is the production angle of the pion in the center-of-mass coordinate system, and the results for the parameters are a = (1.55 +/- 0.46(stat)(-0.8)(+0.32)(syst)) pb/sr and b = (13.1 +/- 2.1(stat)(-2.7)(+1.0)(syst)) pb/sr. The data are compatible with vanishing p-waves and a sizable d-wave contribution. This finding should strongly constrain the contribution of the A isobar to the dd -> He-4 pi(0) reaction and is, therefore, crucial for a quantitative understanding of quark mass effects in nuclear production reactions. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
Spin Dependence of eta Meson Production in Proton-Proton Collisions Close to Threshold
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, SD. Bass, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

Taking advantage of the high acceptance and axial symmetry of the WASA-at-COSY detector, and the high polarization degree of the proton beam of COSY, the reaction (p) over right arrowp -> pp eta has been measured close to threshold to explore the analyzing power A(y). The angular distribution of A(y) is determined with the precision improved by more than 1 order of magnitude with respect to previous results, allowing a first accurate comparison with theoretical predictions. The determined analyzing power is consistent with zero for an excess energy of Q = 15 MeV, signaling s-wave production with no evidence for higher partial waves. At Q = 72 MeV the data reveal strong interference of Ps and Pp partial waves and cancellation of (Pp)(2) and Ss*Sd contributions. These results rule out the presently available theoretical predictions for the production mechanism of the eta meson.
Isoscalar single-pion production in the region of Roper and d*(2380) resonances
P. Adlarsona, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pn -> pp pi(-) and pp -> pp pi(0) reactions have been performed by means of pd collisions at T-p= 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region T-p= 0.95-1.3 GeV (root s = 2.3-2.46 GeV), which includes the regions of triangle(1232), N*(1440) and d*(2380) resonance excitations. From these measurements the isoscalar single-pion production has been extracted, for which data existed so far only below T-p = 1 GeV. We observe a substantial increase of this cross section around 1 GeV, which can be related to the Roper resonance N*(1440), the strength of which shows up isolated from the triangle resonance in the isoscalar (N pi)(I=0) invariant-mass spectrum. No evidence for a decay of the dibaryon resonance d*(2380) into the isoscalar (NN pi)(I=0) channel is found. An upper limit of 180 mu b (90% CL.) corresponding to a branching ratio of 9% has been deduced. (c) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
Measurement of the omega->pi+pi-pi0 Dalitz plot distribution
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

Using the production reactions pd->3Heomega and pp->pp omega, the Dalitz plot distribution for the omega->pi+pi-pi0 decay is studied with the WASA detector at COSY, based on a combined data sample of (4.408+-0.042)*10^4 events. The Dalitz plot density is parametrised by a product of the P-wave phase space and a polynomial expansion in the normalised polar Dalitz plot variables Z and phi. For the first time, a deviation from pure P-wave phase space is observed with a significance of 4.1 sigma. The deviation is parametrised by a linear term 1+2 alpha Z, with alpha determined to be +0.147+-0.036, consistent with the expectations of rho-meson-type final-state interactions of the P-wave pion pairs.
Measurement of the omega -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) Dalitz plot distribution The WASA-at-COSY Collaboration
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. RudyC, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

Using the production reactions pd -> He-3 omega and pp -> pp omega, the Dalitz plot distribution for the omega -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0)decay is studied with the WASA detector at COSY, based on a combined data sample of (4.408 +/- 0.042) x 10(4) events. The Dalitz plot density is parametrised by a product of the P-wave phase space and a polynomial expansion in the normalised polar Dalitz plot variables Z and phi. For the first time, a deviation from pure P-wave phase space is observed with a significance of 4.1 sigma. The deviation is parametrised by a linear term 1+2 alpha Z, with alpha determined to be +0.147 +/- 0.036, consistent with the expectations of rho-meson-type final-state interactions of the P-wave pion pairs. (C) 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Search for eta-mesic He-4 in the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facility
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, E. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, NG. Kelkar, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magierae, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

The search for He-4-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) processes. The deuteron beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd -> He-4 eta reaction ranging from Q = 70 MeV to Q = 30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd -> (3)Hen reaction and the quasi-free proton proton scattering via dd -> ppn(spectator)n(spectator) reactions. The excitation functions, determined independently for the measured reactions, do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd -> (4He-eta)(bound) -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (He-4-eta)(bound) -> (3)Hep pi(-) processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between the both of the considered channels. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N* (1535) momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-He-4. Assuming, as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in He-4, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for n pi(0) and p pi(-) channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N*-He-3 nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for n pi(0) and p pi(-) channels respectively. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Search for eta-mesic 4He in the dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facility
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

The search for 4He-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3Henpi0 and dd->3Hepi- processes. The deuteron beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd-> 4He eta reaction ranging from Q = -70 MeV to Q = 30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd-> 3Hen reaction and the quasi-free proton-proton scattering via dd -> ppn_spectator n_spectator reactions. The excitation functions, determined independently for the measured reactions, do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Henpi0 and dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Hepi- processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between the both of the considered channels. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-4He. Assuming, as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in 4He, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range
from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for npi0 and p pi- channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N* -3He nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for n pi0 and p pi- channels respectively.
Measurements of branching ratios for eta decays into charged particles
P. AdlarsoN, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, et al.

The WASA-at-COSY experiment has collected 3 x 10(7) events with eta mesons produced via the reaction pd -> He-3 eta at T = 1.0 GeV. Using this data set, we evaluate the branching ratios of the decays eta -> pi(+)pi(-)gamma, eta -> e(+)e(-)gamma, eta -> pi(+)pi(-)e(+)e(-), and eta -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-). The branching ratios are normalized to the eta -> pi(+)pi(-) pi(0) decay. In addition an upper limit on a CP-violating asymmetry in eta -> pi(+)pi(-)e(+)e(-) is extracted.
Search for an isospin I=3 dibaryon
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhnl, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.

Various theoretical calculations based on QCD or hadronic interactions predict that in addition to the recently observed dibaryon resonance d*(2380) with I(J(P)) = 3(0(+)) there should also exist a dibaryon resonance with mirrored quantum numbers I(J(P)) = 3(0(+)). We report here on a search for such a NN-decoupled state in data on the pp -> pp pi(+) pi(+) pi(-) pi(-) reaction. Since no clear-cut evidence has been found, we give upper limits for the production cross section of such a resonance in the mass range 2280-2500 MeV. (C) 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
Search for an Isospin I =3 Dibaryon
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.

Various theoretical calculations based on QCD or hadronic interactions predict that in addition to the recently observed dibaryon resonance d*(2380) with I(JP)=0(3+) there should also exist a dibaryon resonance with mirrored quantum numbers I(JP)=3(0+). We report here on a search for such a NN-decoupled state in data on the pp -> pp pi+ pi+ pi- pi- reaction.
Measurement of the (n)over-right-arrowp -> d pi(0) pi(0) reaction with polarized beam in the region of the d(*)(2380) resonance
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Caleen, I. Ciepa, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Foohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, et al.

We report on a high-statistics measurement of the most basic double-pionic fusion reaction over the energy region of the d (*)(2380) resonance by use of a polarized deuteron beam and observing the double fusion reaction in the quasifree scattering mode. The measurements were performed with the WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal substantial analyzing powers and confirm conclusions about the d(*) resonance obtained from unpolarized measurements. We also confirm the previous unpolarized data obtained under complementary kinematic conditions.
Measurement of the vec{n} p->d pi0 pi0 Reaction with Polarized Beam in the Region of the d*(2380) Resonance
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.

We report on a high-statistics measurement of the most basic double pionic fusion reaction vec{n}p -> dpi0pi0 over the energy region of the d*(2380) resonance by use of a polarized deuteron beam and observing the double fusion reaction in the quasifree scattering mode. The measurements were performed with the WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal substantial analyzing powers and confirm conclusions about the d? resonance obtained from unpolarized measurements. We also confirm the previous unpolarized data obtained under complementary kinematic conditions.
Measurement of the np -> np pi(0)pi(0) reaction in search for the recently observed d* (2380) resonance
P. Adlarsona, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, B. Hoistad, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Podkopal, D. Prasuhn, A. Pricking, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free np --> np pi(0)pi(0) reaction have been performed by means of dp collisions at T-d = 2.27 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region root s = (2.35-2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated d* (2380) resonance. Adding the d* resonance amplitude to that for the conventional processes leads to a reasonable description of the data. The observed resonance effect in the total cross section is in agreement with the predictions of Faldt and Wilkin as well with those of Albadajedo and Oset. The ABC effect, i.e. the low-mass enhancement in the pi(0)pi(0)-invariant mass spectrum, is found to be very modest - if present at all, which might pose a problem to some of its interpretations. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Determination of the COSY Proton Beam Polarization Using the WASA Detector
I. Schätti-Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Zieliński

The dynamics of ?-meson production and the interaction of ? mesons with nucleons can be studied using the pp ? pp? reaction via measurements of the analyzing power Ay. To this end, we have performed a measurement of the pp ? pp? reaction using the WASA-at-COSY detector, which provides large acceptance and is ?-symmetric. The experiment was carried out for the beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c. In this article, we present a method and results for the determination of the degree of the beam polarization.
ABC Effect and Resonance Structure in the Double-Pionic Fusion to 3He
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.

Exclusive and kinematically complete measurements of the double pionic fusion to 3He have been performed in the energy region of the so-called ABC effect, which denotes a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the pi pi-invariant mass spectrum. The experiments were carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY. Similar to the observations in the basic pn->dpi0pi0 reaction and in the dd->4Hepi0pi0 reaction, the data reveal a correlation between the ABC effect and a resonance-like energy dependence in the total cross section. Differential cross sections are well described by the hypothesis of d* resonance formation during the reaction process in addition to the conventional t-channel Delta Delta mechanism. The deduced d* resonance width can be understood from collision broadening due to Fermi motion of the nucleons in initial and final nuclei.
Measurement of the eta -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) Dalitz plot distribution
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, N. Husken, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, BV. Martemyanov, UG. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, et al.

The Dalitz plot distribution of the eta -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) decay is determined by using a data sample of 1.2 x 10(7) eta mesons from the pd -> He-3 eta reaction at 1 GeV collected by the WASA detector at COSY.
Study of the polarization degree for the -> p p ->pp eta measurement with WASA
I. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Hodana

Understanding of the production processes of the eta meson will strongly rely on the precise determination of spin observables. So far these observables have been determined only for few excess energies and with low statistics (Winter et al. Eur. Phys. J. A18, 355 2003; Czyzykiewicz et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 122003 2007; Balestra et al. Phys. Rev. C69, 064003 2004). In the year 2010 WASA detector was used for the measurement of the p?p?pp? reaction with the polarized proton beam of COSY (Moskal and Hodana J. Phys. Conf. Ser 295, 012080 2011). The measurement was done for the excess energy of Q = 15 MeV and Q = 72 MeV. In total about 106 events corresponding to the p?p?pp? reaction have been collected.
Measurement of the np->npi0i0 Reaction in Search for the Recently Observed d*(2380) Resonance
P. Adlarson,..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free np->nppi0pi0 reaction have been performed by means of dp collisions at Td = 2.27 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region sqrt_s = (2.35 - 2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated d*(2380) resonance. Adding the d* resonance amplitude to that for the conventional processes leads to a reasonable description of the data. The observed resonance effect in the total cross section is in agreement with the predictions of Faeldt and Wilkin as well Albadajedo and Oset. The ABC effect, {it i.e.} the low-mass enhancement in the pi0pi0-invariant mass spectrum, is found to be very modest - if present at all, which might pose a problem to some of its interpretations.
Neutron-Proton Scattering in the Context of the d*(2380) Resonance
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.

New data on quasifree polarized neutron-proton scattering, in the region of the recently observed d* resonance structure, have been obtained by exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements with WASA at COSY. This paper details the determination of the beam polarization, checks of the quasifree character of the scattering process, on all obtained Ay angular distributions and on the new partial-wave analysis, which includes the new data producing a resonance pole in the 3D3-3G3 coupled partial waves at (2380+-10-i40+-5) MeV -- in accordance with the d* dibaryon resonance hypothesis. The effect of the new partial-wave solution on the description of total and differential cross section data as well as specific combinations of spin-correlation and spin-transfer observables available from COSY-ANKE measurements at Td = 2.27 GeV is discussed.
Charge Symmetry Breaking in dd->4Hepi0 with WASA-at-COSY
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.

Charge symmetry breaking (CSB) observables are a suitable experimental tool to examine effects induced by quark masses on the nuclear level. Previous high precision data from TRIUMF and IUCF are currently used to develop a consistent description of CSB within the framework of chiral perturbation theory. In this work the experimental studies on the reaction dd->4He{pi}0 have been extended towards higher excess energies in order to provide information on the contribution of p-waves in the final state. For this, an exclusive measurement has been carried out at a beam momentum of p=1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. The total cross section amounts to sigma(tot) = (118 +- 18(stat) +- 13(sys) +- 8(ext)) pb and first data on the differential cross section are consistent with s-wave pion production.
Cross section ratio and angular distributions of the reaction p + d -> (3)He + eta at 48.8 MeV and 59.8 MeV excess energy
P. Adlarson, E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.

We present new data for angular distributions and on the cross section ratio of the p+d -> (3)He + eta reaction at excess energies of Q = 48.8 MeV and Q = 59.8 MeV. The data have been obtained at the WASA-at-COSY experiment (Forschungszentrum Jülich) using a proton beam and a deuterium pellet target. While the shape of obtained angular distributions show only a slow variation with the energy, the new results indicate a distinct and unexpected total cross section fluctuation between Q = 20 MeV and Q = 60 MeV, which might indicate the variation of the production mechanism within this energy interval.
Measurement of the eta -> pi + pi - pi0 Dalitz plot distribution
P. Adlarson,..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński, et al.

Dalitz plot distribution of the eta-> pi+pi-pi0 decay is determined using a data sample of 1.2*10^7 eta mesons from pd->3He eta reaction at 1 GeV collected by the WASA detector at COSY.
Evidence for a New Resonance from Polarized Neutron-Proton Scattering
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.

Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized vec_n p scattering have been performed in the energy region of the narrow resonance structure d* with I(JP)=0(3+), M ~2380 MeV/c2 and Gamma 70 MeV observed recently in the double-pionic fusion channels pn->dpi0pi0 and pn->dpi+pi-. The experiment was carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process d p->np+p_spectator. That way the np analyzing power Ay was measured over a large angular range. The obtained Ay angular distributions deviate systematically from the current SAID SP07 NN partial-wave solution. Incorporating the new Ay data into the SAID analysis produces a pole in the 3D3->3G3 waves as expected from the d* resonance hypothesis.
Study of the eta meson production with polarized proton beam
M. Hodana, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Zieliński

The pp-> pp eta reaction was investigated at excess energies of 15 MeV and 72 MeV using the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and a polarized proton beam of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The aim of the studies is the determination of partial wave contributions to the production process of the eta meson in nucleon-nucleon collisions. Here we present preliminary results of the extraction of the position of the interaction region with respect to the WASA detector and preliminary results on the degree of polarization of the COSY proton beam used in the experiment.
Measurement of the pn -> pp pi(0)pi(-) reaction in search for the recently observed resonance structure in d pi(0)pi(0) and d pi(+)pi(-) systems
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasifree pn -> pp pi(0)pi(-) reaction have been performed by means of pd collisions at T-p = 1.2 GeV using the wide angle shower apparatus (WASA) detector setup at the cooler synchrotron COSY (Institut fur Kernphysik, Julich). Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region root s = (2.35-2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure. NoABCeffect, i.e., low-mass enhancement is found in the pi(0)pi(-) -invariant mass spectrum, in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics that the isovector pion pair can not be in relative s wave. At the upper end of the covered energy region t-channel processes for Roper, Delta(1600) and Delta Delta excitations provide a reasonable description of the data, but at low energies the measured cross sections are much larger than predicted by such processes. Adding a resonance amplitude for the resonance at m = 2.37 GeV with Gamma = 70 MeV and I (J(P)) = 0(3(+)) observed recently in pn -> d pi(0)pi(0) and pn -> d pi(+)pi(-) reactions leads to an agreement with the data also at low energies.
Search for a dark photon in the pi(0) -> e(+)e(-)gamma decay
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, E. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauensteinn, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, DA. Kirillov, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, UG. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, et al.

The presently world largest data sample for pi(0) -> gamma e(+)e(-) decays studies containing nearly 5 x 10(5) events was collected using the WASA detector at COSY. A search for a dark photon U produced in the pi(0) -> gamma U -> gamma e(+)e(-) decay from the pp -> pp pi(0) reaction was carried out. An upper limit on the square of the U -> gamma mixing strength parameter epsilon(2) of 5 x 10(-6) at 90% CL was obtained for the mass range 20 MeV < M-U < 100 MeV. This result together with other recent experimental limits significantly reduces the M-U vs. epsilon(2) parameter space which could explain the presently seen deviation between the Standard Model prediction and the direct measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Investigation of the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) reaction with the FZ Julich WASA-at-COSY facility
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, C. Hanhart, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Plucinski, et al.

An exclusive measurement of the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) reaction was carried out at a beam momentum of p(d) = 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. Information on the total cross section as well as differential distributions was obtained. The data are described by a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasifree model and a partial wave expansion for the three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be sigma(tot) = ( 2.89 +/- 0.01(stat) +/- 0.06(sys) +/- 0.29(norm)) mu b. The contribution of the quasifree processes ( with the beam or target neutron being a spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described by a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.
Measurement of the pn->pp pi0pi- Reaction in Search for the Recently Observed Resonance Structure in dpi0pi0 and dpi+pi-systems
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.

Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free $pn o pppi^0pi^-$ reaction have been performed by means of $pd$ collisions at $T_p$ = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region $sqrt s$ = (2.35 - 2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure. No ABC effect, {it i.e.} low-mass enhancement is found in the $pi^0pi^-$-invariant mass spectrum -- in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics that the isovector pion pair can not be in relative s-wave. At the upper end of the covered energy region $t$-channel processes for Roper, $Delta(1600)$ and $DeltaDelta$ excitations provide a reasonable description of the data, but at low energies the measured cross sections are much larger than predicted by such processes. Adding a resonance amplitude for the resonance at $m$=~2.37 GeV with $Gamma$ =~70 MeV and $I(J^P)=~0(3^+)$ observed recently in $pn o dpi^0pi^0$ and $pn o dpi^+pi^-$ reactions leads to an agreement with the data also at low energies.
Isospin decomposition of the basic double-pionic fusion in the region of the ABC effect
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.

Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of the basic double-pionic fusion reactions pn -> d pi(0)pi(0), pn -> d pi(+)pi(-) and pp -> d pi(+)pi(0) have been carried out simultaneously over the energy region of the ABC effect using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Whereas the isoscalar reaction part given by the d pi(0)pi(0) channel exhibits the ABC effect, i.e. a low-mass enhancement in the pi pi-invariant mass distribution, as well as the associated resonance structure in the total cross section, the isovector part given by the d pi(+)pi(0) channel shows a smooth behavior consistent with the conventional t-channel Delta Delta process. The d pi(+)pi(-) data are very well reproduced by combining the data for isovector and isoscalar contributions, if the kinematical consequences of the isospin violation due to different masses for charged and neutral pions are taken into account. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Investigation of the dd -> 3henpi0 reaction with the FZ Jülich WASA-at-COSY facility
P. Adlarson, ..., W. Bardan, I. Ciepał, E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, I. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok,M. Zieliński, et al.

An exclusive measurement of the dd?3Hen?0 reaction was carried out at a beam momentum of pd= 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. Information on the total cross section as well as differential distributions was obtained. The data are described by a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasifree model and a partial wave expansion for the three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be ?tot=(2.89?0.01stat?0.06sys?0.29norm) ?b. The contribution of the quasifree processes (with the beam or target neutron being a spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described by a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.
Search for a dark photon in the pi0->e+e-gamma decay
P. Adlarson, ..., M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.

The presently world largest data sample of pi0 --> gamma e+e- decays containing nearly 5E5 events was collected using the WASA detector at COSY. A search for a dark photon U produced in the pi0 --> gamma U --> gamma e+e- decay from the pp-->pppi^0 reaction was carried out. An upper limit on the square of the U-gamma mixing strength parameter epsilon^2 of 5e-6 at 90% CL was obtained for the mass range 30 MeV
Search for the eta-mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSY detector
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.

An exclusive measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3Heppi- reaction was performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich with the WASA-at-COSY detection system. The data were taken during a slow acceleration of the beam from 2.185 GeV/c to 2.400 GeV/c crossing the kinematic threshold for the eta meson production in the dd->4He-eta reaction at 2.336 GeV/c. The corresponding excess energy with respect to the 4He-eta system varied from -51.4MeV to 22MeV. The integrated luminosity in the experiment was determined using the dd->3Hen reaction. The shape of the excitation function for the dd->3Heppi- was examined. No signal of the 4He-eta bound state was observed. An upper limit for the cross-section for the bound state formation and decay in the process dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Heppi- was determined on the 90% confidence level and it varies from 20nb to 27nb for the bound state width ranging from 5MeV to 35MeV, respectively.
Abashian-Booth-Crowe resonance structure in the double pionic fusion to He-4
P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, KT. Brinkmann, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, C. Husmann, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, C. Pauly, EP. del Rio, Y. Petukhov, et al.

Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of the double pionic fusion reaction dd?4He?0?0 have been performed in the energy range 0.8?1.4 GeV covering thus the region of the Abashian-Booth-Crowe effect, which denotes a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the ?? invariant mass spectrum. The experiments were carried out with the WASA detector setup at the cooler synchrotron at Forshungszentrum Julich GmbH. Similar to the observation in the basic pn?d?0?0 reaction, the data reveal a correlation between the ABC effect and a resonancelike energy dependence in the total cross section. The maximum occurs at m=2.37 GeV + 2mN, i.e., at the same position as in the basic reaction. The observed resonance width ??160 MeV can be understood from broadening due to Fermi motion of the nucleons in initial and final nuclei together with collision damping. Differential cross sections are described equally well by the hypothesis of a pn resonance formation during the reaction process.
Study of Three-Nucleon Dynamics in the dp breakup collisions using the WASA detector
P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.
published in: Springer Proc. Phys. 238 (2020) 455
Differential cross section for the 1H(d,pp)n breakup reaction at deuteron beam energy of 340 MeV has been measured with the use of WASA detector at COSY-Juelich. The set of proton-proton coincidences registered at Forward Detector has been analysed on dense grid of kinematic variables, giving in total around 5600 data points. The cross section data are compared to theoretical predictions based on the state-of-the-art nucleon-nucleon potentials, combined with three-nucleon force, Coulomb interaction or carried out in a relativistic regime.
Polarization determination for the studies of the eta meson production
I. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Zieliński
published in: EPJ Web Conf. 81 (2014) 02013
The dynamics of ? meson production and the interaction of ? mesons with nucleons can be studied using the ?p p?pp? reaction via measurements of the analyzing power Ay. To this end, we have performed a measurement of the ?p p ?pp? reaction using the large acceptance and ? symmetric WASA-at-COSY detector, for beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c.
The eta-meson production with the polarized proton beam with WASA-at-COSY
I. Ozerianska, M. Hodana , P. Moskal
published in: Proceedings of XV Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics
In November 2010, the azimuthal symmetric WASA detector and the polarized proton beam of COSY, have been used to collect a high statistics sample of (vec)p->ppeta reactions in order to determine the analyzing power as a function of the invariant mass spectra of the two particle subsystems. Here, we show studies of the infuence of the beam and target characteristics such as location and direction on the determination of the polarization.
Studies of Systematic Uncertainties of Polarization Estimation for Experiments with the WASA Detector at COSY
M. Hodana, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska
published in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Suppl. 6 (2013) 1041-1052
In November 2010, the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and the polarized proton beam of COSY have been used to collect a high statistics sample of ?p p ? pp? reactions in order to determine the analyzing power as a function of the invariant mass spectra of the two-particle subsystems. Here, we show studies of the influence of the beam and target characteristics such as location and direction on the determination of degree of the polarization.
Study of eta Meson Production with a Polarized Proton Beam
I. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Hodana for the WASA-at-COSY Collaboration
published in: Proceedings of the second International PrimeNet Workshop (2012) 87
These are the proceedings of the second PrimeNet Workshop, held in September 26-28, 2011, at the campus of Forschungszentrum J'{u}lich, Germany. This workshop is part of the activities in the project 'Study of Strongly Interacting Matter' (acronym HadronPhysics2), which is an integrating activity of the Seventh Framework Program of EU. This HP2 project contains several activities, one of them being the network PrimeNet having the focus on Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD. This network is created to exchange information on experimental and theoretical ongoing activities on mainly eta and eta-prime physics at different European accelerator facilities and institutes.
Study of the eta meson production with the polarized proton beam
I. Ozerianska, P.Moskal, M. Hodana
Study of the eta meson production with the polarized proton beam
I. Ozerianska, P.Moskal, M. Hodana
arXiv:1204.5509 [nucl-ex] ,PrimeNet Workshop