Development and implementation of Electronic Logbook for J-PET research groupusing Symfony2 framework
Supervisor: dr Marcin ZieliĆski

Defence year: 2015
The main aim of this thesis was to develop and implement an interactive ElectronicLogbook for Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography research group. Using the modernand innovative Symfony2 framework, Bootstrap, jQuery and Angular.js technologies we havecreated a fully working client-server web application based on the Model-View-Controllerarchitecture. The data storage was organized using two database engines: MySQL, andPostgreSQL, served in back-end by the Doctrine package. Application was designed in theResponsive Web Design (RWD) approach, making it possible to use it on the any portabledevices (e.g. like tablets and smartphones).Application was prepared according to the functional requirements provided by the J-PET group. The main functionality of the application is a multifunctional and intuitiveactivity logging system, which allows to register and further monitor the situation of theexperimental work. Secondly the application allows to associate the laboratory work infor-mation with the experimental parameters available from external database. Furthermore,we have implemented the error and warning handling system, allowing to monitor and reportall the custom situations encountered during the laboratory work. Application was supple-mented with the Shift Management module, allowing to organize weekly laboratory work ofthe research group.