Positronium image of the human brain in vivo
P. Moskal, J. Baran, S. Bass, J. Choiński, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, M. Das, K. Dulski, K.V. Eliyan, K. Fronczewska, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, M. Kobylecka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, K. Kubat, D. Kumar, J. Kunikowska, J. Mączewska, W. Migdał, G. Moskal, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, P. Tanty, W. Wiślicki, L. Królicki, E. Ł. Stępień

Positronium is abundantly produced within the molecular voids of a patient?s body during positron emission tomography (PET). Its properties dynamically respond to the submolecular architecture of the tissue and the partial pressure of oxygen. Current PET systems record only two annihilation photons and cannot provide information about the positronium lifetime. This study presents the in vivo images of positronium lifetime in a human, for a patient with a glioblastoma brain tumor, by using the dedicated Jagiellonian PET system enabling simultaneous detection of annihilation photons and prompt gamma emitted by a radionuclide. The prompt gamma provides information on the time of positronium formation. The photons from positronium annihilation are used to reconstruct the place and time of its decay. In the presented case study, the determined positron and positronium lifetimes in glioblastoma cells are shorter than those in salivary glands and those in healthy brain tissues, indicating that positronium imaging could be used to diagnose disease in vivo.
A systematic study of LYSO:Ce, LuAG:Ce and GAGG:Ce scintillating fibers properties
K. Rusiecka, R. Hetzel, J. Kasper, M. Kazemi Kozani, N. Kohlhase, M. Kołodziej R. Lalik, A. Magiera, W. Migdał, M. Rafecas, A. Stahl, V. Urbanevyvh, M. L. Wong, A. Wrońska

TOF-PET detector concept based on organic scintillators
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, M. Ciszewska, E. Czerwiński, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, J. Majewski, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński

In this contribution we present a new concept of the large acceptance detector systems based on organic scintillators which may allow for simultaneous diagnostic of large fraction of the human body. Novelty of the concept lies in employing large blocks of polymer scintillators instead of crystals as detectors of annihilation quanta, and in using predominantly the timing of signals instead of their amplitudes.
Strip-PET: a novel detector concept for the TOF-PET scanner
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, M. Ciszewska, E. Czerwiński, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, J. Majewski, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński

We briefly present a design of a new PET scanner based on
strips of polymer scintillators arranged in a barrel constituting
a large acceptance detector. The solution proposed is based on
the superior timing properties of the polymer scintillators. The
position and time of the reaction of the gamma quanta in the
detector material will be determined based on the time of arrival
of light signals to the edges of the scintillator strips.
Feasibility study of positronium imaging with Biograph Vision Quadra and Modular J-PET
S. Parzych, J. Baran, E. Yitayew Beyene, M. Conti, A. Coussat, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jędruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, L. Mercolli, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, E. Pérez Del Río, L. Raczyński, A. Rominger, H. Sari, S. Sharma, K. Shi, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W.M. Steinberger, E. Stępień, P. Tanty, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi Ardebili, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal
published in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors
Positronium Imaging is gaining interest as a new promising method that may improve the diagnostic specificity of Positron Emission Tomography. Recently, the first ex-vivo and in-vivo positronium lifetime images were demonstrated by means of the dedicated multi-photon J-PET system. The latest upgrades of the Biograph Vision Quadra (Siemens Healthineers) to the singles mode acquisition open the possibility of multi-photon imaging. In this simulation-based work, sensitivity of both systems has been assessed as a function of the energy window applied for registration of the prompt photon. The research was conducted using four radioisotopes: 124 I, 68 Ga, 44 Sc, 22 Na, which were chosen due to their medical or laboratory utilization. Simulations were performed with the GATE software. The result indicates that Biograph Vision Quadra provides about 400 times higher sensitivity with respect to the modular J-PET prototype used to demonstrate the first positronium images, assuming full energy acquisition of the prompt photon.
Performance of NEMA characteristics of Modular J-PET
F. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, J. Baran, E. Beyene, D. Borys, K. Brzezinski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jędruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Río, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Skurzok, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, W. Wislicki, E. Stępień, P. Moskal
published in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors
The Modular J-PET scanner, developed by the J-PET collaboration, is a new prototype PET scanner developed based on axially arranged plastic scintillators as a large axial field of view (50cm) affordable tomograph. In this study, the performance characteristics of the scanner were evaluated according to NEMA NU2-2018 standards using Monte Carlo simulation. In order to ensure the selection of true coincidence events, certain criteria were established. Specifically, each photon emitting from a single annihilation must deposit at least 200 keV within 4 ns of a coincidence time window. The preliminary results showed that the sensitivity profile peak was 4 cps/kBq at the center of the detector, While the scatter fraction was estimated to be 39% using the single slice rebinning algorithm. Spatial resolution was estimated around 4.5 mm in the radial and tangential direction and 18 mm in the axial direction.
Studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atoms
E. Czerwiński, C. Curceanu, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, A. Heczko, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, B. Korzeniak, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, W. Migdał, M. Mohammed, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński and P. Moskal
published in: EPJ Web Conf. 181 (2018) 01019
A positronium - a bound state of electron and positron - is an eigenstate of parity and charge conjugation operators which decays into photons. It is a unique laboratory to study discrete symmetries whose precision is limited, in principle, by the effects due to the weak interactions expected at the level of 10?14 and photon-photon interactions expected at the level of 10-9.
The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is a detector for medical imaging as well as for physics studies involving detection of electronpositron annihilation into photons. The physics case covers the areas of discrete symmetries studies and genuine multipartite entanglement. The J-PET detector has high angular and time resolution and allows for determination of spin of the positronium and the momenta and polarization vectors of annihilation quanta. In this article, we present the potential of the J-PET system for studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atoms.
MATRIX-PET: A novel PET detector concept based on large blocks of organic scintillators
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński
published in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A47-A48
Matrix-PET is a novel detector solution for the Positron Emission Tomography. It is one of the
two methods which is developed at present at the Jagiellonian University.
STRIP-PET: Concept of TOF-PET scanner based on polymer scintillator strips
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński
published in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A61-A63
The aim of the poster is to present an idea of a new PET scanner based on strips of polymer scintillators
arranged in a large acceptance detector system which may allow a simultaneous diagnostic
of a large fraction of (or even the whole) human body.
Polymer Scintillator Detectors for TOF-PET with Large Longitudinal Field of View
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński
published in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A25-A26
In this contribution we present a concept of the large acceptance detector systems based on
the organic scintillators which in the future may allow for simultaneous diagnostic of large fraction
of the human body.
Feasibility study of positronium imaging with Biograph Vision Quadra and Modular J-PET
S. Parzych, J. Baran, E. Y. Beyene, M. Conti, A. Coussat, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jedruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, L. Mercolli, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, A. Rominger, H. Sari, S. Sharma, K. Shi, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W. M. Steinberger, E. Ł. Stępień, P. Tanty, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal
2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Matrix-PET: A novel PET detector concept based on large blocks of organic scintillators
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński
PETRAD, Conference on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics 2012
STRIP-PET: Concept of TOF-PET scanner based on polymer scintillator strips.
P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński
PETRAD, Conference on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics 2012