1. Determining positronium lifetimes in uniform samples of aluminum, copper, nickel and quartz using modular J-PET scanner and Biograph Vision Quadra scanner
    Author: Gabriela Łapkiewicz
    Supervisor: dr Szymon Niedźwiecki
    Defence year: 2024
  2. Studies of control samples and backgrounds for the measurement of direct CP violation with interferometric methods at KLOE
    Author: Szymon Gamrat
    Supervisor: dr Eryk Czerwiński
    Defence year: 2023
  3. Development of experimental conditions for measuring the ortho-positronium lifetime in extracellular vesicles obtained in vitro
    Author: Julia Nizioł
    Supervisor: prof. Ewa Stępień
    Defence year: 2023
  4. Wyznaczanie parametrów czułości i swoistości testu dla czasu życia orto-Pozytonium w tkance nowotworowej raka jelita grubego
    Author: Agnieszka Babińska
    Supervisor: prof. Ewa Stępień
    Defence year: 2023
  5. Polarization formalisms and quantum entanglement in the positronium system
    Author: Mateusz Bała
    Supervisor: dr Michał Silarski
    Defence year: 2022
  6. Study of the Total Body J-PET sensitivity with the Toy Monte-Carlo model
    Author: Szymon Parzych
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2021
  7. System akwizycji danych dla modularnego skanera PET oparty na układach FPGA
    Author: Maciej Bakalarek
    Supervisor: dr Grzegorz Korcyl
    Defence year: 2020
  8. Characterization of gamma quanta detector for the SABAT sensor
    Author: Anna Miś
    Supervisor: dr Michał Silarski
    Defence year: 2020
  9. Neural networks application in hazardous materials recognition
    Author: Diana Janik
    Supervisor: dr Michał Silarski
    Defence year: 2020
  10. Study of the ortho-positronium mean lifetime in cancerous and healthy human colon tissues
    Author: Zuzanna Bura
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2020
  11. Adaptation of image reconstruction algorithms with time-of-flight for the J-PET tomography scanner
    Author: Kamil Rakoczy
    Supervisor: dr Wojciech Krzemień
    Defence year: 2019
  12. Tomographic data processing and visualization on programmable devices
    Author: Karol Farbaniec
    Supervisor: dr Grzegorz Korcyl
    Defence year: 2019
  13. Drift Chamber Track Reconstruction for the P349 Antiproton Experiment
    Author: Dominika Alfs
    Supervisor: dr Marcin Zieliński
    Defence year: 2017
  14. Assembly and calibration of apparatus for Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
    Author: Kamil Dulski
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2016
  15. Feasibility studies of measurements of annihilation photons polarization with the J-PET detector
    Author: Nikodem Krawczyk
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2016
  16. Application of 3D computer graphics techniques usedin video games for Monte Carlo calculationsof multi-particle transport code
    Author: Sławomir Tadeja
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2016
  17. Development and implementation of Electronic Logbook for J-PET research groupusing Symfony2 framework
    Author: Mateusz Haber
    Supervisor: dr Marcin Zieliński
    Defence year: 2015
  18. Zrównoleglenie i optymalizacja algorytmów w pakiecie symulacji wykrywacza materiałów wybuchowych
    Author: Michał Smolis
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2015
  19. Studies of changes of signals shapes in plastic scintillator strips
    Author: Monika Pawlik-Niedźwiecka
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2014
  20. The impact of a patient's size on a spatial resolution of PET scanner constructed of polymer scintillators
    Author: Ewelina Kubicz
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2014
  21. Reconstruction of hit position of gamma quanta in scintillators based on sampling of signals in voltage and fraction domains
    Author: Natalia Zoń
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2014
  22. Measurement of the charge asymmetry for the KS -> pi e nu decay with the KLOE detector
    Author: Daria Kamińska
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal, dr Eryk Czerwiński
    Defence year: 2014
  23. A novel algorithm for the K->pi0pi0->gggg decay vertex reconstruction for the KLOE-2 experiment
    Author: Aleksander Gajos
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal, dr Eryk Czerwiński
    Defence year: 2013
  24. Synteza scyntylatorów polimerowych
    Author: Anna Wieczorek
    Supervisor: dr Andrzej Kochanowski
    Defence year: 2013
  25. Badanie rozdzielczości czasowej detektorów scyntylacyjnych pod kątem ich użycia w Pozytonowej Tomografii Emisyjnej.
    Author: Marta Ciszewska
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2012
  26. Studies of detection of gamma radiation with use of organic scintillator detectors in view of positron emission tomography
    Author: Szymon Niedzwiecki
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2011
  27. Measurement of the neutral kaon regeneration cross-section in beryllium at P=110 MeV/c with the KLOE detector
    Author: Izabela Balwierz
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2011
  28. Bulk polymerization of styrene and its derivatives as material for construction of scintillators
    Author: Łukasz Kapłon
    Supervisor: dr Andrzej Kochanowski
    Defence year: 2011
  29. Feasibility study of measuring CP symmetry violation via eta->4pi decay using WASA-at-COSY detector
    Author: Tomasz Bednarski
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2011
  30. Investigations of the time interval distributions between the decays of quantum entangled neutral kaons
    Author: Tomasz Twaróg
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2010
  31. Feasibility study of eta-mesic nuclei production by means of the WASA-at-COSY and COSY-TOF facilities
    Author: Magdalena Skurzok
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2010
  32. Merging and splitting of clusters in the electromagnetic calorimeter of the KLOE detector
    Author: Jarosław Zdebik
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2008
  33. Liniowy model pozytonowego tomagrafu emisyjnego
    Author: Ewelina Czaicka
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2008
  34. Analysis of the differential cross sections for the reaction pp --> ppK+K- in view of the K+K- interaction
    Author: Michał Silarski
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2008
  35. Feasibility study of the eta-prime -> pi+pi-pi0 decay using WASA-at-COSY apparatus
    Author: Marcin Zieliński
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2008
  36. Symulacje komputerowe reakcji pp->pp eta-prime w celu wyznaczenia szerokości naturalnej mezonu eta-prime z pomiarów wykonanych układem detekcyjnym COSY-11
    Author: Eryk Czerwiński
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2006
  37. Symulacja kwazi-swobodnej reakcji nn->d pi- w oddziaływaniu deuteronu z deuteronem
    Author: Izabela Drągowska
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2006
  38. Bremsstrahlung radiation in the deuteron - proton collision
    Author: Joanna Przerwa
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2004
  39. Eta and Eta-prime meson production in the quasi-free proton-neutron collisions at the COSY–-11 facility
    Author: Rafał Czyżykiewicz
    Supervisor: prof. Paweł Moskal
    Defence year: 2002
  40. Response function of the trigger scintillation detector for the COSY-11 installation
    Author: Paweł Moskal
    Supervisor: prof. Lucjan Jarczyk
    Defence year: 1993