- Developing positronium imaging technique for the liver phantom using modular J-PETManish Das, Sushil Sharma, Pawel Moskalposterpresented at 19th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2024) |2024-03-12Overview and Performance of the SIDDHARTA-2 ApparatusAleksander Khreptakposterpresented at Symposium on New Trends in Nuclear and Medical Physics |2023-10-18Improving the experimental precision of ortho-positronium decay rate in vacuum with the J-PET detectorS. Sharma, K. Dulski, P. Moskaltalkpresented at POSMOL 2023, August 3-6, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA. |2023-08-03Test for non-relativistic QED in decays of Positronium atomsS. Sharma, K. Dulski, P. Moskaltalkpresented at MESON 2023: 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics KRAKÓW, POLAND |2023-06-23State-of-the-art modular J-PET detector for the study of positronium decaysS. Sharmainvited talkpresented at Eleventh International Conference on Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology (RAD Eleven) |2023-06-20Range monitoring in proton therapy using the J-PET scannerK. Brzezinskitalkpresented at 61st Annual PTCOG Conference, Madrid, Spain |2023-06-13Modelowanie koincydencji przypadkowych w Jagiellońskim Pozytonowym Tomografie EmisyjnymS. Parzychtalkpresented at XVI Rzeszowska Konferencja Młodych Fizyków, Rzeszów, Poland |2023-06-02Feasibility studies for imaging e^+ e^- annihilations with modular multi-strip detectorsS. Sharmatalkpresented at Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XIX) |2023-05-25Photon Interactions with Vinyl Toluene for Radioactive Source based PCCTTevfik Kaplanoglutalkpresented at Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology |2023-05-12Experimental Measurement of the polarization correlation of annihilation photons with J-PET scannerD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. Moskaltalkpresented at Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology |2023-05-11A simulation study to investigate the spatial resolution of Total-Body J-PETK. Tayefi Ardebilitalkpresented at Applications of Radiation Detection Techniques in Fundamental Physics, Food Control, Medicine and Biology, LNF, Frascati, Italy |2023-05-11Performance characteristics of J-PEM modality for the breast cancer diagnosisShivanitalkpresented at Applications of Radiation Detection Techniques in Fundamental Physics, Food Control, Medicine and Biology, LNF, Frascati, Italy |2023-05-10Dalitz plot determination of positronium atom using the J-PET detector systemM. Skurzoktalkpresented at Applications of Radiation Detection Techniques in Fundamental Physics, Food Control, Medicine and Biology, LNF, Frascati, Italy |2023-05-08Testing the CPT invariance in ortho-positronium decays with with J-PETN. Chugtalkpresented at Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology |2023-05-08Challenges and scheme in performing inertial sensing measurements on the positronium beamS. Sharmatalkpresented at Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology |2023-05-08Modelling and impact of random coincidences in Total-Body J-PET scannerS. Parzychtalkpresented at Applications of Radiation Detection Techniques in Fundamental Physics, Food Control, Medicine and Biology, LNF, Frascati, Italy |2023-05-08Modelling and corrections of random & scatter coincidences in J-PETS. Parzych, J. Baran, A. Coussat, W. Krzemieńtalkpresented at Gate Scientific Meeting 2023, Kraków, Poland |2023-04-24Estimation of photon's interaction position in plastic scintillator with the WLS strips readout using artificial neural networksS. Parzychposterpresented at 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting - EMIM 2023, Salzburg, Austria |2023-03-14Pierwszy obraz pozytonium mózgu człowiekaP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at 17th Congress of the Polish Association of Medical Physics, Cracow, Poland |2022-09-30Comparative studies of the selected issues of sparse and full geometries of Total-Body PET scannersS. Parzychposterpresented at Total-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 2022 |2022-09-26Commissioning of 50 cm AFOV modular plastic J-PET scannerSz. Niedźwieckiposterpresented at Total-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 2022 |2022-09-26A simulation study to investigate the sensitivity of Total-Body J-PETK. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskalposterpresented at Total-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 2022 |2022-09-26First in-vivo positronium imaging of humans with a portable J-PET scanner - on the way to total-body positronium imagingP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Total-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |2022-09-25Novel ideas in nuclear medicine imaging - Positronium imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2022), Cape Town, South Africa |2022-09-15Neural Networks inference on FPGA-based platformsG. Korcylinvited talkpresented at International Workshop on Machine Learning and Quantum Computing Applications in Medicine and Physics, Warsaw, Poland |2022-09-15Testing CP and CPT symmetries in ortho-positronium decays with J-PET detectorA. Gajostalkpresented at 8th edition of the Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, Vienna, Austria |2022-08-30Imaging of positronium decays in the human body with the modular J-PET scannerP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at 19th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-19), Helsinki, Finland (via teleconference) |2022-08-24Reconstruction of photon's interaction position within plastic scintillator based on the WLS strips readout for the Total-Body J-PETS. Parzychtalkpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland |2022-07-13Developing multi-photon total-body PET from plastic scintillatorsSz. Niedźwieckiinvited talkpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland |2022-07-13Characterization of spheroid growth based on a new dynamical modelK. Dulski, M. Szczepanekposterpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland, July 2022 |2022-07-12Characterization of the 192-strip J-PET detector for multiphoton positronium imagingK. Dulskiposterpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland, July 2022 |2022-07-12Gold nanoparticles as contrast agents for micro CT imagingD. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńposterpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Kraków, Poland, July 2022 |2022-07-12Calibration of Silicon Drift Detectors for the SIDDHARTA-2 ExperimentA. Khreptakposterpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine |2022-07-12Estimation of 511 keV gamma scatter fraction in WLS layer in Total Body JPET ; A simulation studyK. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskalposterpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland, 10 - 15 July 2022 |2022-07-12First clinical positronium imaging of patientsP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland |2022-07-10Testing CPT symmetry in ortho-positronium decays with J-PET detectorA. Gajostalkpresented at International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP 2022, Bologna, Italy |2022-07-08The development of the QETIR image reconstruction software for the Total-Body J-PET applicationM. Dadgar, F. Tayefi Ardebilitalkpresented at 4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine. July 2022. Krakow, Poland |2022-07-01Jagielloński PET - nowa metoda diagnozowania nowotworów w oparciu o obrazowanie pozytoniumP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at XII Konferencja Doktorantów UJ - Collegium Medicum, Collegium Nowodvorscianum, Cracow, Poland |2022-06-25Nanocząstki jako nowe środki kontrastowe w obrazowaniu sferoid komórkowych metodą mikro tomografii komputerowej.D. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńtalkpresented at Konferencja Doktorantów UJ Collegium Medicum, Cracow, Poland |2022-06-25Studies of discrete symmetries in positronium decays using the J-PET tomographP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at BEACH2022, The XIV International Conference on Beauty, Charm and Hyperon Hadrons, Cracow, Poland |2022-06-07Conclusion and summary of the conferenceP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Fast Timing in Medical Imaging Workshop, Valencia, Spain |2022-06-05On a way to clinical positronium imaging with the high time resolution total-body J-PET systemP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Fast Timing in Medical Imaging Workshop, Valencia, Spain |2022-06-03Spheroids for the study of nanoparticles as contrast agents for CTD. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńposterpresented at NanoTech Poland Conference, Poznań, Poland, June 2022 |2022-06-02Introduction of the DOI capable Total-Body J-PET: a simulation studyM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, F. Tayefi, S. Vandenberghe, P. Moskalposterpresented at SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022, Vancouver, Canada, June 2022 |2022-06-01Investigation of the DOI capable configuration in dealing with the parallax error in the Total-Body J-PET tomograph: A simulation studyM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, P. Moskaltalkpresented at PSMRTB, Elba, Italy, June 2022 |2022-05-31Jagiellonian PET - a new method of cancer diagnosis based on positronium imagingP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Jagiellonian University Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland (via teleconference) |2022-05-26Positronium Imaging with the multi-photon J-PET tomographP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Creatis Medical Imaging Research Center University of Lyon, University of Lyon, France |2022-05-25Recent results of J-PET on positronium imaging and tests of CPT symmetryP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at ISOLDE Facility at CERN, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |2022-05-24CPT symmetry tests based on positronium decaysP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at PSAS'2022, International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, Warsaw, Poland |2022-05-20Positronium imaging with the J-PET tomographP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Nuclear Physics Division, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland |2022-05-19Positronium Imaging with the J-PET scannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital (via teleconference) |2022-05-19Positronium Imaging - a multi-gamma imaging technique investigated with the J-PET tomographS. Parzychpresented at Young Investigators' Workshop on Multi-Gamma Imaging (online), Davis, USA |2022-04-22Three-photon positronium image reconstruction with the J-PET scannerA. Gajosposterpresented at Young Investigators' Workshop on Multi-Gamma Imaging (online), Davis, USA |2022-04-22J-PET a novel approach to multi-gamma detectorSz. Niedźwieckiposterpresented at Young Investigators' Workshop on Multi-Gamma Imaging (online), Davis, USA |2022-04-22Nowe technologie i metody obrazowania molekularnegoP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at The Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, (via teleconference), Warsaw, Poland |2022-04-21Positronium Imaging: a new molecular imaging method using multi-photon J-PET scannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland |2022-03-21Test of discrete symmetries in positronium decays using J-PET tomographP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Division of Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland |2021-12-07Positronium Imaging with the J-PET scannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland |2021-12-02Testing CPT symmetry in ortho-positronium decays with the J-PET facilityS. Niedźwieckitalkpresented at DISCRETE 2020/21, (via teleconference), Bergen, Norway |2021-11-29Positronium Imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Advanced Medical Physics for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy, Virtual Annual Retreat 2021 LMU, TUM, and HelmholtzZentrum Munich, Munich, Germany (via teleconference) |2021-11-26The first approach to the range of a proton beam determination in phantomsS. Niedźwieckitalkpresented at J-PET collaboration image reconstruction meeting in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland |2021-11-23Sensitivity to the standard metabolic imaging and positronium imaging using J-PET designS. Parzychtalkpresented at J-PET collaboration image reconstruction meeting in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland |2021-11-23Test of discrete symmetries with spin observables at J-PETK. Dulskiinvited talkpresented at High Energy Physics Seminar Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland |2021-11-05Test of discrete symmetries with spin observables at J-PETK. Dulski, A. Gajos, E. Czerwińskitalkpresented at The 24th International Spin Symposium SPIN2021, (via teleconference), Matsue, Japan |2021-10-18Positronium and quantum entanglement imaging, a new trend in positron emission tomographyP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), Yokohama, Japan (via teleconference) |2021-10-16A simulation based study to introduce small animal Total-Body PET by J-PET technologyM. Dadgar , F. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Parzych, E. Stepien and P. Moskalposterpresented at 2021 Virtual IEEE Nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference, (via teleconference), Yokohama, Japan |2021-10-16Towards dynamic total-body metabolic and positronium imagingP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at University of Delhi, Delhi, India (via teleconference) |2021-10-16Positronium Imaging with the J-PET detector for the medical purposesK .Dulskitalkpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland |2021-10-11Metabolic and Positronium Imaging sensitivity of the Total Body J-PET tomographsS. Parzychtalkpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland |2021-10-10Classification of heavy metal contaminated samples based on micro CT images using machine learning algorithmsD. Panek, B. Leszczyński, D. Wojtysiak, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńposterpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021 |2021-10-10The development of a method for determining ortho-Positronium lifetime in extracellular vesicles using Positron Annihilation Lifetime SpectroscopyJ. Nizioł, E. Kubicz, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńposterpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021 |2021-10-09Simulations of absorption in the brain of gamma quanta from positronium atomsA. Jędruszczakposterpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021 |2021-10-09First three-photon positronium image obtained with the J-PET scanner: towards multi-photon imagingA. Gajostalkpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland |2021-10-09Free radicals influence on the positronium lifetime in melanocytes and melanomas cell culturesEwelina Kubicz, Julia Nizioł, Paweł Moska, Ewa Stępieńposterpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021 |2021-10-09Perspectives for Total-Body PET in PolandP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at 1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland |2021-10-09Test of discrete symmetries in positronium decays using J-PET tomographP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at AGH University of Science and Technology, Bialasowka, Cracow, Poland |2021-10-08Filtration and reconstruction of trigger-less data for the whole-body J-PET scannerA. Gajostalkpresented at Total-Body PET Conference 2021, (via teleconference), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |2021-09-24Commissioning of 50 cm AFOV modular plastic J-PET scannerSz. Niedźwieckiposterpresented at Total Body PET 2021, (via teleconference), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |2021-09-23Multipurpose J-PET detector for medical imaging and tests of discrete symmetriesSz. Niedźwieckitalkpresented at International Conference on Radiation Applications - RAP2021, (via teleconference), Niš, Serbia |2021-09-08From tests of discrete symmetries to medical imaging with J PET detectorP. Moskaltalkpresented at PANIC 2021 22 nd Particle and Nuclei International Conference, (via teleconference), Lisbon, Portugal |2021-09-08Test of the CPT symmetry in positronium annihilations at sub-permil precision using the J-PET tomography deviceA. Gajostalkpresented at 20th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, Russia |2021-08-22Towards dynamic total-body metabolic and positronium imagingP. Moskalonline lecture seriespresented at Advances in Physical Sciences Central University of Jharkhand, India |2021-08-10Test of discrete symmetries with J-PETS. Sharmatalkpresented at HADRON 2021, Mexico City, Mexico |2021-07-28The effect of sintering temperature on the electro physical properties of Silicon-polymer based composite VaristorsMeysam Dadgar, Faranak Tayefi Ardebilitalkpresented at NANOTECH / BIOTECH FRANCE 2021 AND JOINT VIRTUAL CONFERENCES |2021-06-23The effect of sintering pressure on the electro physical properties of Silicon-polyaniline?polyethylene composite VaristorsFaranak Tayefi, Meysam Dadgartalkpresented at NANOTECH / BIOTECH FRANCE 2021 AND JOINT VIRTUAL CONFERENCES |2021-06-23Startup J-PET: technologia obrazowania metabolizmu i patologii tkanek in-vivoP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Assay Group Workshop, (via teleconference), Warsaw, Poland |2021-06-11Heavy metal accumulation in fish opercula using micro-CT techniqueD. Panek, B. Leszczyński, D. Wojtysiak, E. Stępieńposterpresented at NanoTech Poland 2021, Poznań, Poland, June 2021 |2021-06-10Spheroids as 3D systems for cancer research - comparison of different laboratory approachesM. Szczepanek, H. Karimi, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńtalkpresented at Conference on Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-30Micro-Computed Tomography as a tool in the assessment of heavy metal distribution and accumulationD. Panektalkpresented at Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-29Influence of antioxidants on positronium lifetime ? studies of melanocyte and melanoma cell cultures with Positron Annihilation Lifetime SpectroscopyE. Kubicz, J. Nizioł, P. Moskal, E. Stępieńtalkpresented at Conference on Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-29On the way to the total-body J-PET scannerSz. Niedźwieckitalkpresented at Conference on Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-29Modular J-PET applications in medical and particle physicsS. Sharmatalkpresented at International conference onTechnology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP2021), (via teleconference), Whistler, Canada |2021-05-25Search for Borromean objectsP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at STRANU: Hot Topics in STRANgeness Nuclear and Atomic Physics, (via teleconference), ETC* Trento, Italy |2021-05-24Jednoczasowe obrazowanie PET całego ciała: Nowe horyzonty badawcze w PolsceP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Co nowego w medycynie nuklearnej? Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Nuklearnej, (on-line) |2021-05-21Test of the CPT symmetry in positronium annihilations at sub-permil precision using the J-PET tomography deviceA. Gajostalkpresented at 16th International Workshop on Meson Physics MESON 2021, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-20Study of discrete symmetries in positronium decay with the J-PET detectorP. Moskalinvited plenary talkpresented at 16th International Workshop on Meson Physics MESON 2021, Cracow, Poland |2021-05-20Perspektywy zastosowania tomografu J-PET w teranostyceP. Moskalinvited plenary talkpresented at Ogólnopolska Konferencja Fizyka dla Medyka, AGH, (via teleconference), Cracow, Poland |2021-04-18Towards dynamic total-body metabolic and positronium imagingP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Sano Computational Medicine Seminars,, (via teleconference), Cracow, Poland |2020-12-21Perspectives for the investigations of quantum entanglement of high energy photons with the J-PET scannerP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Workshop: Is Quantum Theory exact? Exploring Quantum Boundaries, National Laboratory of Frascati, Italy (on-line) |2020-12-10Development of cost-effective Total-body PETP. Moskalkey speaker and panelistpresented at Workshop on Total-body PET: Is it ready for clinic? University of Bern, Switzerland (on-line) |2020-12-02Jednoczesne obrazowanie PET całego ciała - nowe horyzonty badawcze w PolsceP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at Konferencja z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Fizyki Medycznej, AGH Kraków, Polska (on-line) |2020-11-12Tomograf PET na całe ciało dla fizyki i medycynyP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych im. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego PAN, Wrocław |2020-11-05Positronium in physics, biology, and medicineP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at XLVI Extraordinary Congress of Polish Physicists 100 Years of Polish Physical Society |2020-10-16Decay rate of o-Ps atoms in the framework of J-PET detectorS. Sharmatalkpresented at Workshop: Investigating the Universe with exotic atomic and nuclear matter, September 29-30, 2020, INFN Frascati, Italy |2020-09-29Enhancement of the lesion detectability by Total-Body J-PET with mini-bar plastic scintillatorsMeysam Dadgartalkpresented at Workshop: Investigating the Universe with exotic atomic and nuclear matter, (via teleconference), Frascati, Italy |2020-09-29Testing the CPT symmetry in ortho-positronium annihilations with J-PETA. Gajostalkpresented at Workshop: Investigating the Universe with exotic atomic and nuclear matter, September 29-30, 2020, INFN Frascati, Italy |2020-09-29Positronium Imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian University Hospital, 28 August 2020, Munich, Germany (via teleconference) |2020-08-28Positronium Imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at University of Pennsylvania, 25 February 2020, Philadelphia, USA |2020-02-25Positronium Imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at University of California, Davis, 19 February 2020, Davis, USA |2020-02-19Positronium Imaging with the J-PET ScannerP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at Stanford University, 13 February 2020, Stanford, USA |2020-02-13Od radioaktywnego cukru do medycyny nuklearnejSz. Niedźwieckiinvited talkpresented at Akademia Fizyki, Cracow, Poland |2020-02-12Recent trends in nuclear and medical physicsS. Sharmainvited seminarpresented at January 23, 2020, Department of Physics, Maitreyi college, University of Delhi, India |2020-01-23Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph: From tests on fundamental symmetries to the applications in medical imagingS. Sharmainvited seminarpresented at January 15, 2020, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), Mumbai, India |2020-01-15Novel J-PET Technology? Perspectives for dynamical imaging of metabolism and tissue pathologyP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at XXIV Symposium of the Experimental Cardiology Section of the Polish Society of Cardiology, Tomaszowice, Poland |2019-11-29J-PETs plastic revolution and positronium in medicineP. Moskalinvited talkpresented at International Symposium on Nuclear Applications Convetion Centre Gonzalo Jimenez, Bogota, Colombia |2019-11-08Jagielloński PET, modularny i przenośny skaner nowej generacjiSz. Niedźwieckiinvited talkpresented at Dzień Fizyki Medycznej, Poland, Krakow |2019-11-07Positronium in physics and medicineP. Moskalinvited seminarpresented at University Antonio Narino, 7 November 2019, Bogota, Colombia |2019-11-07GATE simulations for the J-PET scannerJ. Barantalkpresented at NSS/MIC - 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, UK |2019-10-31CASToR for image reconstruction with J-PET: diagnostic and proton therapy applicationsJ. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Garbacz, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, P. Moskal, A. Rucińskitalkpresented at NSS/MIC - 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, UK |2019-10-30Studies of J-PET detector to monitor range uncertainty in proton therapyA. Ruciński, J. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, P. Moskalposterpresented at NSS/MIC - 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, UK |2019-10-30Positronium ImagingP. Moskaltalkpresented at NSS/MIC-2019: 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 29 October 2019, Manchester, UK |2019-10-29Precision test of discrete symmetries in the decays of positronium atoms using the J-PET detectorS. Sharmaposterpresented at Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (PSI2019), October 20-25, 2019, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland |2019-10-22Status and advancement in the studies of positronium decays with the J-PETS. Sharmainvited talkpresented at International Conference on New Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, October 14-17, 2019, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India |2019-10-14Efficiency determination of J-PET detector based on the photon's scatteringS. Sharma