prof. dr hab. Paweł Moskal

Current position: professor at Jagiellonian University, Poland
room: B-2-52
phone: (+48 12) 664 4558
USOS: go to profile 

TEAM programme funded by FNP
MAESTRO programme funded by NCN
Habilitation thesis
Hadronic interaction of eta and eta-prime mesons with protons
We present results of investigations aiming to determine the hadronic interaction of eta and eta-prime mesons with nucleons. Inferences are based on comparisons of both the differential cross sections and the close-to-threshold excitation functions for the p p --> p p eta and p p --> p p eta-prime reactions with predictions based on the assumption that the kinematically available phase space is homogeneously populated. We discuss the phenomenology of the initial and final state interaction, relevance of the hadronic and quark-gluon degrees of freedom for the reaction dynamics, and explain in detail the experimental techniques used for the measurement of the meson production in free and quasi-free collisions of nucleons.
Doctoral thesis
Eta-prime meson production in the p p -> p p eta-prime reaction near threshold
Supervisor: prof. Lucjan Jarczyk
The eta-prime meson belongs to the ground state pseudoscalar meson nonet. According
to the SU(3) classification its quark composition is similar to the structure of
the eta meson. However, due to the small pseudoscalar mixing angle (~15 degrees)
the eta-prime meson is predominantly a flavour singlet state and hence can comprise a
significant amount of gluons. A possible gluon admixture would be reflected in the
production mechanism of the eta-prime meson in the elementary proton-proton reaction,
it would modify an eta-prime-p-p coupling constant which determines the direct production
amplitude, and it would also influence the potential of the proton-eta-prime meson
interaction. These issues make the investigations of the eta-prime meson very interesting.
The total cross section for the production of the eta-prime meson in the pp-->ppeta-prime reaction
has been measured close to the kinematical threshold. The experiment has
been carried out at the cooler synchrotron COSY using the internal proton beam
and the hydrogen cluster target. The ejected charged particles were registered
using the COSY-11 detection system, which allow for an unique identification of
positively charged particles and determination of their four-momentum vectors.
Events with the creation of the eta-prime meson were identified by means of the missing
mass technique. The obtained cross sections for the eta-prime meson production are by about a factor
of fifty smaller that the cross section for the production of the eta meson at the same
center of mass excess energies. Such large difference suggests that these mesons are produced in a rather different way. Comparison of the measured cross section values with calculations based on the
effective Lagrangian approach yields an upper limit for the eta-prime-p-p coupling constant.
The analysis of the energy dependence of the total cross section for the pp-->ppeta-prime reaction suggests that either the primary production amplitude decreases very close to threshold or that the proton-eta-prime interaction is repulsive.
Diploma thesis
Response function of the trigger scintillation detector for the COSY-11 installation
Supervisor: prof. Lucjan Jarczyk
The aim of this work is to test the response of a scintillation detector to ionizing particles. This counter, consisting of sixteen detection modules, will serve as a trigger of the whole COSY-11 detection system. Thus the time resolution as well as a signal amplitude variation with respect to a hit position is of a special interest. The former because this detector will be used as a start counter for the time of flight measurement, the latter as it will provide energy loss measurements of the registered particles.
The work is divided into two parts. In the first one the main stages of a signal production by scintillation counters are considered. In the second one the first chapter presents measurements of the characteristics
of the photomultiplier, whereas the second one contains a description of the experimental set-ups as well as the method of data evaluation. The final chapter in turn presents the main characteristics of the considered detector.
- Non-maximal entanglement of photons from positron-electron annihilation demonstrated using a novel plastic PET scannerP. Moskal, D. Kumar, S. Sharma, E.Y. Beyene, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, M. Das, K. Dulski, M. Gorgol, B. Jasinska, K. Kacprzak, T. Kaplanoglu, L. Kaplon, K. Klimaszewski, T. Kozik, E. Lisowski, F. Lisowski, W. Mryka, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Parzych, E.P. del Rio, L. Raczynski, M. Radler, R.Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. L. Stepien, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, K. Valsan Eliyan, W. WislickiIn the state-of-the-art Positron Emission Tomography (PET), information about the polarization of annihilation photons is not available. Current PET systems track molecules labeled with positron-emitting radioisotopes by detecting the propagation direction of two photons from positron-electron annihilation. However, annihilation photons carry more information than just the site where they originated. Here we present a novel J-PET scanner built from plastic scintillators, in which annihilation photons interact predominantly via the Compton effect, providing information about photon polarization in addition to information on photon direction of propagation. Theoretically, photons from the decay of positronium in a vacuum are maximally entangled in polarization. However, in matter, when the positron from positronium annihilates with the electron bound to the atom, the question arises whether the photons from such annihilation are maximally entangled. In this work, we determine the distribution of the relative angle between polarization orientations of two photons from positron-electron annihilation in a porous polymer. Contrary to prior results for positron annihilation in aluminum and copper, where the strength of observed correlations is as expected for maximally entangled photons, our results show a significant deviation. We demonstrate that in porous polymer, photon polarization correlation is weaker than for maximally entangled photons but stronger than for separable photons. The data indicate that more than 40% of annihilations in Amberlite resin lead to a non-maximally entangled state. Our result indicates the degree of correlation depends on the annihilation mechanism and the molecular arrangement. We anticipate that the introduced Compton interaction-based PET system opens a promising perspective for exploring polarization correlations in PET as a novel diagnostic indicator.
- Positronium Imaging: first clinical images and perspectivesPaweł Moskal, Aleksander Bilewicz, Manish Das, Bangyan Huang, Aleksander Khreptak, Szymon Parzych, Jinyi Qi, Axel Rominger, Robert Seifert, Sushil Sharma, Kuangyu Shi, William Steinberger, Rafał Walczak, Ewa StępieńPositronium imaging was recently proposed to image the properties of positronium atoms in the patient body. Positronium properties depend on the size of intramolecular voids and oxygen concentration; therefore, they deliver information different and complementary to the anatomic, morphological, and metabolic images. Thus far, the mean ortho-positronium lifetime imaging has been at the center of research interest. The first ex vivo and in vivo positronium lifetime images of humans have been demonstrated with the dedicated J-PET scanner enabling simultaneous registration of annihilation photons and prompt gamma from beta+gamma emitters. Annihilation photons are used to reconstruct the annihilation place and time while prompt gamma is used to reconstruct the time of positronium formation. This review describes recent achievements in the translation of positronium imaging into clinics. The first measurements of positronium lifetime in humans with commercial PET scanners modernized to register triple coincidences are reported. The in vivo observations of differences in ortho-positronium lifetime between tumor and healthy tissues and between different oxygen concentrations are discussed. So far, the positronium lifetime measurements in humans were completed with clinically available 68Ga, 82Rb, and 124I radionuclides. Status and challenges in developing positronium imaging on a way to a clinically useful procedure are presented and discussed.
- Realistic total-body J-PET geometry optimization: Monte Carlo studyJ. Baran, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, M. Bała, A. Coussat, S. Parzych, N. Chug, E. Czerwiński, C. Oana Curceanu, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, D. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, E. Perez del Rio, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. Stępień, F. Tayefiardebili, K. Tayefiardebili, W. Wiślicki, P. MoskalTotal-Body PET imaging is one of the most promising newly introduced modalities in the medical diagnostics. State-of-the-art PET scanners use inorganic scintillators such as L(Y)SO or BGO, however, those technologies are very expensive, prohibitng the broad total-body PET applications. We present the comparative studies of performance characteristics of the cost-effective Total-Body PET scanners using Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) technology that is based on plastic scintillators. Here, we investigated in silico five realistic Total-Body scanner geometries, varying the number of rings, scanner radius, and distance between the neighbouring rings. Monte Carlo simulations of two NEMA phantoms (2-meter sensitivity line source and image quality) and the anthropomorphic XCAT phantom, were used to assess the performance of the tested geometries. We compared the sensitivity profiles and we performed the quantitative analysis of the reconstructed images by using the quality metrics such as contrast recovery coefficient, background variability and root mean squared error. The optimal scanner design was selected for the first Total-Body J-PET scanner configuration.
- Total Body PET/CT: Clinical Value and Future Aspects of Quantification in Static and Dynamic ImagingN. Rathod, W. Jutidamrongphan, W.A. Bosbach, Y. Chen, J. L. Penner, H. Sari, K. Zeimpekis, A. Lopez Montes, P. Moskal, E. Stepien, K. Shi, A. Rominger, and R. SeifertTotal body (TB) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) / Computed Tomography (CT) scanners have revolutionized nuclear medicine by enabling whole-body imaging in a single bed position.1 This review assesses the physical and clinical value of TB-PET/CT, with a focus on the advancements in both static and dynamic imaging, as well as the evolving quantification techniques. The significantly enhanced sensitivity of TB scanners can reduce radiation exposure and scan time, offering improved patient comfort and making it particularly useful for pediatric imaging and various other scenarios. Shorter scan times also decrease motion artifacts, leading to higher-quality images and better diagnostic accuracy. Dynamic PET imaging with TB scanners extends these advantages by capturing temporal changes in tracer uptake over time, providing real-time insights into both structural and functional assessment, and promoting the ability to monitor disease progression and treatment response. We also present CT-free attenuation correction methods that utilize the increased sensitivity of TB-PET as a potential improvement for dynamic TB-PET protocols. In static imaging, emerging quantification techniques such as dual-tracer PET using TB scanners allow imaging of two biological pathways, simultaneously, for a more comprehensive assessment of disease. In addition, positronium imaging, a novel technique utilizing positronium lifetime measurements, is introduced as a promising aspect for providing structural information alongside functional quantification. Finally, the potential of expanding clinical applications with the increased sensitivity of TB-PET/CT scanners is discussed.
- Development of correction techniques for a J-PET scannerM. Das, R. Bayerlein, S. Sharma, S. Parzych, S. Niedźwiecki, R. Badawi, E. Yitayew Beyene, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Valsan Eliyan, B. Głowa, A. Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, K. Kacprzak, T. Kaplanoglu, K. Kasperska, G. Korcyl, A. Khreptak, K. Kubat, D. Kumar, E. Lisowski, F. Lisowski, J. Mędrala-Sowa, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, M. Opalińska, P. Pandey, M. Rädler, M. Skurzok, A. Sowa-Staszczak, B. A. Spencer, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, A. Kunimmal Venadan, E. Stępień, P. MoskalObjective: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a widely used medical imaging technique that allows for non-invasive imaging of metabolic processes. However, traditional PET scanners rely on costly inorganic scintillators, which limit their accessibility ? especially in light of emerging long axial field-of-view devices. The modular J-PET scanner, an innovative alternative, uses 50-cm long plastic scintillator strips, offering a cost-effective and modular solution. In this study, we develop and assess the PET data correction techniques required for quantitative image reconstruction. Methods: We present methods for attenuation correction, random coincidence correction using the Delayed Time Window (DTW) technique, and scatter correction based on Monte Carlo simulations. Phantom studies using the NEMA IQ phantom were performed to qualitatively evaluate these corrections. Results: The results demonstrate that our implemented corrections for attenuation, randoms, and scattered coincidences successfully improve the uniformity of tracer distribution in homogenous volumes and significantly reduce undesired activity in cold regions. Despite limitations in sensitivity and axial resolution, the applied correction techniques effectively enhance image quality, providing promising results for future applications. Conclusions: These findings highlight the potential of the modular J-PET system to offer affordable PET imaging and to pave the way towards a total-body PET scanner based on plastic scintillators. Future work will focus on quantitative validation and the implementation of these corrections for human subject imaging.
- A vision to increase the availability of PET diagnostics in low- and medium-income countries by combining a low-cost modular J-PET tomograph with the 44Ti/44Sc generatorP. Moskal, E. Stępień, A. KhreptakObjective: The paper presents the prospects for increasing the availability of PET diagnostic by combining low-cost, lightweight, and easily portable modular J-PET with the 44Ti/44Sc generator. Methods: J-PET is constructed based on the low-cost axially arranged plastic scintillators that may enable construction of PET scanners 5 to 10 times less expensive compared to current PET systems which are based on crystal detectors. Development of the radionuclide 44Ti/44Sc generator with the 60 years half-lifetime would facilitates long-term onsite production of 44Sc labelled radiopharmaceuticals, eliminating the need for extensive and costly infrastructure typically associated with nuclear medicine. Presently applied 68Ge/68Ga generators with the 270 days half-lifetime require renewal every year. 44Ti/44Sc generator could in principle be purchased once for half a century. Results: The lightweight and portable J-PET scanner, combined with the 44Ti/44Sc generator, can be deployed in remote and underserved regions, thus democratising access to advanced medical imaging technologies. Conclusions: This research highlights the transformative potential of combining innovative J-PET technology with the 44Ti/44Sc generator to make advanced diagnostics more accessible and affordable worldwide, potentially benefiting millions of patients and driving further innovations in medical imaging including in low- and medium-income countries.
- Short-term response of melanoma spheroids and melanocytes to FLASH proton therapy - colorimetric and FTIR microscopy studyM. Durak-Kozica, E. Stępień, J. Swakoń, B. R. Jany, K. Kawoń, D. Wróbel, S. Kusyk, M. Grzesiak , K. Knapczyk-Stwora, A. Wróbel, J. Chwiej, and P. MoskalIntroduction: Melanoma, an aggressive and highly immunogenic cancer, arises from uncontrolled melanocyte growth. FLASH radiotherapy, a breakthrough technique, delivers ultra-high radiation doses, offering the potential for improved cancer treatment while minimizing harm to healthy tissue. Material and Methods: To study the short-term response of spheroids to FLASH radiotherapy, 3D cultures of melanocytes and melanoma were used. Spheroids were irradiated using the FLASH method with the total doses of 3, 20, and 40 Gy, and conventionally with a dose of 3 Gy. After 8 days from irradiation, the measurements were taken using an imaging cytometer, FTIR and colorimetric microscopy (C-Microscopy). Results: Studies conducted on melanocytes showed that doses of 20 and 40 Gy are toxic to them and cause cell necrosis. In contrast, for melanoma, these two doses resulted in tumor growth inhibition. IR measurements revealed spectral changes in lipids, proteins, and DNA/RNA, indicating similarities between the effects of the FLASH method and conventional radiotherapy for both spheroid models (i.e., cancerous and normal). The spheroid quantitative color analysis allowed for the differentiation between different irradiated and control groups. Conclusion: Both colorimetric and infrared microscopy can be used to analyse the response of tumors to radiation.
- Calibration of PALS System with CRM Materials for Biomedical StudiesK. Kubat, Ł. Kapłon, P. Moskal, E. StępieńObjective and method: Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) is a powerful technique in material science that allows the investigation of the properties and behavior of positrons in various materials. PALS can be used to investigate solid structures at the nanometer scale and enable the use of positronium properties as an additional diagnostic parameter. Here we present results from calibration of the PALS system with certificated reference materials (CRM). Materials: Source of 22Na covered with layer of Kapton film, and after that parafilm from both sides was used in all experiments. Certified materials of No_5602-a (polycarbonate) and No_5601-a (fused silica) were used to ascertain if parameters were correctly identified. Results: In an experiment three lifetime components were correctly identified. All of those components will always be present in the data in further experiments on biological samples. Lifetime components consist of: 196 ps for annihilations in AI an aluminium cover of the chamber, 386 ps for annihilations in thesource and in the Kapton foil, 463 ps for reactions with parafilm. Conclusions: These parameters will be further used to correctly identify positron lifetimes in biological samples. Recently, a new method for imaging of positronium properties was invented and the first in-vivo images of positronium lifetime in humans were demonstrated with the multi-photon J-PET scanner. In order to correlate the positronium properties in tissue with the medically useful parameters, and to translate positronium imaging to clinics, comprehensive research of positronium properties in biological samples is needed.
- Kaonic Atoms with the SIDDHARTA-2 Experiment at DAFNEF. Napolitano, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Spallone, K. Toho, L.G. Toscano, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aiming at measuring for the first time the X-ray transitions in kaonic deuterium, has successfully completed its 2024 physics run at the DAFNE collider of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. This work presents an overview of the scientific and technical achievements of SIDDHARTA-2 so far, including the most precise measurement of kaonic helium-4 Lalpha transitions and yields in gas, the observation of the kaonic helium-4 M-series transitions, and the measurement of high-n transitions in kaonic carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and aluminium. The results of these measurements are discussed in the context of the kaonic atoms physics program at DA?NE, including future prospects within the EXKALIBUR proposal.
- Calculational Cross-Sections of (p, x) Reactions on the 12C, 14N and 16O for 10,11C ProductionN. Sakhno, W. Mryka, O. Gorbachenko, I. Kadenko, E. Stępień, P. MoskalFor in vivo dose delivery monitoring in proton therapy the positron emission tomography can be applied because the positron emitters are being produced by the nuclear reactions of protons with atomic nuclei in a human body. The estimation of cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions in the body is, therefore, one of the important steps on the way to develop proton beam range monitoring with positron emission tomography. Here, we calculate cross-sections for all open nuclear reaction channels initiated by 150 MeV protons and featured with 10C and 11C formation in the output channels. Taking into account the composition of elements in the human body and the data from the literature, we estimated 10C and 11C cumulative production cross-sections for proton-induced reactions in the human body.
- First Stability Characterization for a CZT Detection System in an e+e- Collider EnvironmentL. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bettelli, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, A. Zappettini, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, L. de Paolis, R. del Grande, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, L. Toscano, M. Tuchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanu, A. ScordoThe SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration has developed a novel X-ray detection system based on cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT, CdZnTe), marking the first application of this technology at the DAFNE electron-positron collider at INFN-LNF. This work aims to demonstrate the stability of the detectors' performance in terms of linearity and resolution over short and long periods, thereby establishing their suitability for precise spectroscopic measurements within a collider environment. A reference calibration spectrum is presented in association with findings from assessments of linearity and resolution stability. Additionally, this study introduces a validated model of the response function of the detector. The relative deviations from the nominal values for the source transitions, obtained by fitting the entire spectrum with a background function and the previously introduced response function, are reported. Finally, a comparison of the calibration performance with and without beams circulating in the collider's rings is presented. These promising results pave the way for applying CZT detectors in kaonic atom studies and, more generally, in particle and nuclear physics spectroscopy.
- Assessing the Spatial Resolution of the Modular J-PET Scanner using the Maximum-Likelihood Expectation-Maximization (MLEM) algorithmF. Tayefi Ardebili, P. MoskalThe presented study evaluates the spatial resolution of the Modular J-PET scanner using the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NU2-2018 standard. The Modular J-PET, constructed with BC-404 plastic scintillators in an axial arrangement and coupled with analogue Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) at both ends, offers a 50 cm axial field of view and a bore diameter of 73.9 cm. The study compares results from GATE simulations with experimental data.
- SIDDHARTA-2 apparatus for kaonic atoms research on the DAFNE colliderF. Sirghi, F. Sgaramella, L. Abbene, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Spallone, K. Toho, L. Toscano, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuSIDDHARTA-2 represents a state-of-the-art experiment designed to perform dedicated measurements of kaonic atoms, which are particular exotic atom configurations composed of a negatively charged kaon and a nucleus. Investigating these atoms provides an exceptional tool to comprehend the strong interactions in the non-perturbative regime involving strangeness. The experiment is installed at the DAFNE electron-positron collider, of the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati (INFN-LNF) in Italy, aiming to perform the first-ever measurement of the 2p->1s X-ray transitions in kaonic deuterium, a crucial step towards determining the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. Based on the experience gained with the previous SIDDHARTA experiment, which performed the most precise measurement of the kaonic hydrogen 2p->1s X-ray transitions, the present apparatus has been upgraded with innovative Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs), distributed around a cryogenic gaseous target placed in a vacuum chamber at a short distance above the interaction region of the collider. We present a comprehensive description of the SIDDHARTA-2 setup including the optimization of its various components during the commissioning phase of the collider.
- A feasibility study of the measurement of kaonic lead X-rays at DAFNE for the precise determination of the charged kaon massD. Bosnar, L. Abbene, C. Amsler, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, A. Buttacavoli, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, M. Makek S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuAn HPGe detector equipped with a transistor reset preamplifier and readout with a CAEN DT5781 fast pulse digitizer was employed in the measurement of X-rays from kaonic lead at the DAFNE e+e- collider at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN. A thin scintillator in front of a lead target was used to select kaons impinging on it and to form the trigger for the HPGe detector. We present the results of the kaonic lead feasibility measurement, where we show that the resolution of the HPGe detector in regular beam conditions remains the same as that without the beam and that a satisfactory background reduction can be achieved. This measurement serves as a test bed for future dedicated kaonic X-rays measurements for the more precise determination of the charged kaon mass.
- Positron Emission Tomography Could Be Aided by EntanglementP. MoskalThe quantum entanglement of photons used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans has been shown to be surprisingly robust, opening prospects for developing quantum-enhanced PET schemes.
- Positronium image of the human brain in vivoP. Moskal, J. Baran, S. Bass, J. Choiński, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, M. Das, K. Dulski, K.V. Eliyan, K. Fronczewska, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, M. Kobylecka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, K. Kubat, D. Kumar, J. Kunikowska, J. Mączewska, W. Migdał, G. Moskal, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, P. Tanty, W. Wiślicki, L. Królicki, E. Ł. StępieńPositronium is abundantly produced within the molecular voids of a patient?s body during positron emission tomography (PET). Its properties dynamically respond to the submolecular architecture of the tissue and the partial pressure of oxygen. Current PET systems record only two annihilation photons and cannot provide information about the positronium lifetime. This study presents the in vivo images of positronium lifetime in a human, for a patient with a glioblastoma brain tumor, by using the dedicated Jagiellonian PET system enabling simultaneous detection of annihilation photons and prompt gamma emitted by a radionuclide. The prompt gamma provides information on the time of positronium formation. The photons from positronium annihilation are used to reconstruct the place and time of its decay. In the presented case study, the determined positron and positronium lifetimes in glioblastoma cells are shorter than those in salivary glands and those in healthy brain tissues, indicating that positronium imaging could be used to diagnose disease in vivo.
- Positronium lifetime validation measurements using a long-axial field-of-view positron emission tomography scannerW. M. Steinberger, L. Mercolli, J. Breuer, H. Sari, S. Parzych, S. Niedzwiecki, G. Lapkiewicz, P. Moskal, E. Stepien, A. Rominger, K. Shi, M. ContiBackground: Positron emission tomography (PET) traditionally uses coincident annihilation photons emitted from a positron interacting with an electron to localize cancer within the body. The formation of positronium (Ps), a bonded electron-positron pair, has not been utilized in clinical applications of PET due to the need to detect either the emission of a prompt gamma ray or the decay of higher-order coincident events. Assessment of the lifetime of the formed Ps, however, can potentially yield additional diagnostic information of the surrounding tissue because Ps properties vary due to void size and molecular composition. To assess the feasibility of measuring Ps lifetimes with a PET scanner, experiments were performed in a Biograph Vision Quadra (Siemens Healthineers). Quadra is a long-axial field-of-view (LA-FOV) PET scanner capable of producing list-mode data from single interaction events.
Results: Ortho-Ps (o-Ps) lifetimes were measured for quartz-glass and polycarbonate samples using a 22Na positron source. Results produced o-Ps lifetimes of 1.538 ? 0.036 ns for the quartz glass and 1.927 ? 0.042 ns for the polycarbonate. Both o-Ps lifetimes were determined using a double-exponential fit to the time-difference distribution between the emission of a prompt gamma ray and the annihilation of the correlated positron. The measured values match within a single standard deviation of previously published results. The quartz-glass samples were additional measured with 82Rb , 68 Ga and 124I to validate the lifetime using clinically available sources. A double-exponential fit was initially chosen as a similar methodology to previously published works, however, an exponentially-modified Gaussian distribution fit to each lifetime more-accurately models the data. A Bayesian method was used to estimate the variables of the fit and o-Ps lifetime results are reported using this methodology for the three clinical isotopes: 1.59 ? 0.03 ns for 82Rb , 1.58 ? 0.07 ns for 68Ga and 1.62 ? 0.01 ns for 124I . The impact of scatter and attenuation on the o-Ps lifetime was also assessed by analyzing a water-filled uniform cylinder (20 × 30 cm3 ) with an added 82Rb solution. Lifetimes were extracted for various regions of the cylinder and while there is a shape difference in the lifetime due to scatter, the extracted o-Ps lifetime of the water, 1.815 ? 0.013 ns, agrees with previously published results.
Conclusion: Overall, the methodology presented in this manuscript demonstrates the repeatability of Ps lifetime measurements with clinically available isotopes in a commercially-available LA-FOV PET scanner. This validation work lays the foundation for future in-vivo patient scans with Quadra. - The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment for high precision kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy at DAFNEF. Sgaramella, L. Abbene, C. Amsler, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuHigh precision X-ray spectroscopy of light kaonic atoms provides valuable information on kaon-nucleus interaction at threshold, allowing to investigate the strong interaction in the strangeness sector at the low-energy frontier. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the DAFNE collider of INFN-LNF is performing the challenging measurement of the kaonic deuterium 2p->1 s transition which together with the kaonic hydrogen measurement performed by SIDDHARTA, will allow to extract the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. To achieve this goal, the optimization of the setup to maximize the signal over background ratio is a crucial step. This paper presents the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment and its optimization through the first observation of kaonic neon transitions. The excellent electromagnetic background reduction factor (~10^4) paves the way not only to the measurement of kaonic deuterium, but also to a new era of selected kaonic atom measurements along the periodic table.
- Search for eta'-mesic nuclei in 12C reaction with the WASA detector at GSI-FRSR. Sekiya, K. Itahashi, Y. K. Tanaka, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, S. Dubey, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, M. Feijóo-Fontán, H. Fujioka, Y. Gao, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Gra?a González, E. Haettner, M. N. Harakeh, Y. He, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, M. Iwasaki, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kasagi, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, B. Kindler, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, E. Liu, B. Lommel, V. Metag, S. Minami, D. J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, M. Nakagawa, M. Nanova, C. Nociforo, H. J. Ong, S. Pietri, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, E. Rocco, J. L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, T. R. Saito, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, X. Tang, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, A. Yanai, J. ZhaoWe conducted an experimental search for eta'-mesic nuclei, bound systems of an eta' meson and a nucleus, in 12C(p, dp) reactions. We measured the missing mass in the (p, d) reaction to obtain the mass spectrum of the reaction product near the eta' emission threshold. Forward-emitted deuterons were momentum-analyzed in the FRS of GSI. We installed a nearly 4Pi detector WASA near the 12C target to effectively select formation and decay of the eta'-mesic nuclei. We are presently finalizing the analysis.
- A compact start time counter using plastic scintillators readout with MPPC arrays for the WASA-FRS HypHI experimentE. Liu, V. Drozd, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, Y. Gao, Y. He, A. Kasagi, M. Nakagawa, H. Ong, C. Rappold, R. Sekiya, T.R. Saito, X. Tang, Y.K. Tanaka, H. Wang, A. Yanai, P. Achenbach, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, S. Dubey, M. Feijoo-Fontán, H. Fujioka, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Gra?a González, E. Haettner, M.N. Harakeh, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, B. Kindler, R. Knoebel, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, B. Lommel, S. Minami, D.J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, A. Muneem, K. Nakazawa, C. Nociforo, S. Pietri, J. Pochodzalla, S. Purushothaman, E. Rocco, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, J. Yoshida, J. ZhaoWe have developed a compact detector for measuring beam particles using plastic scintillators readout through Multi-Pixel Photon Counters, which is employed for hypernuclear measurements in the WASA-FRS experiment at GSI. The Time-of-Flight resolution of the newly-developed detector has been investigated in relation to the overvoltage with respect to the breakdown voltage, a maximum counting rate of approximately 3*10^6/s per segment, and a maximum beam charge of Z = 6. The evaluated Time-of-Flight resolutions between the neighboring segments of the detector range from 44.6+-1.3 ps to 100.3+-3.6 ps (sigma) depending on the segment, overvoltage values, and beam intensity. It is also observed that the Time-of-Flight resolution is inversely correlated to the beam atomic charge (Z).
- The Odyssey of kaonic atoms studies at the DAFNE collider: From DEAR to SIDDHARTA-2F. Artibani, F. Clozza, M. Bazzi, C. Capoccia, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, F. Napolitano, O. Vazquez Doce, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, M. Cargnelli, J. Marton, M. Tüchler, J. Zmeskal, L. Abbene, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, D. Bosnar, I. Friščić, M. Bragadireanu, G. Borghi, M. Carminati, G. Deda, C. Fiorini, R. Del Grande, M. Iwasaki, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, H. Ohnishi, K. Toho, D. Sirghi, K. Piscicchia, C.O. CurceanuIn this paper, an overview of kaonic atoms studies from the late 90s to nowadays at the DAFNE collider at INFN-LNF is presented. Experiments on kaonic atoms are an important tool to test and optimize phenomenological models on the low-energy strong interaction. Since its construction, the DAFNE collider has represented an ideal machine to perform kaonic atoms measurements, thanks to the unique beam of kaons coming from the Phi_s produced in the collider decays. The DEAR and SIDDHARTA experiments achieved the precise evaluation of the shift and width of the 2p -> 1s transition in kaonic hydrogen due to the strong interaction, and thus provided a measurement strictly linked to isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. To fully disentangle the iso-scalar and iso-vector scattering lengths, the measurement of kaonic deuterium is necessary as well. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is now taking data at the DAFNE collider with the aim to fulfill the need of this measurement, and therefore provide important information to the various phenomenological models on low-energy strong interactions with strangeness. The SIDDHARTA-2 Collaboration is also exploring the possibility to perform future kaonic atoms experiments, developing X-ray detector systems beyond the current stateof-art. These measurements are crucial for a deeper understanding of the kaon interactions with nuclei and for solving the kaon mass ''puzzle''.
- First measurement of kaonic helium-4 M-series transitionsF. Sgaramella, D. Sirghi, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuIn this paper we present the results of a new kaonic helium-4 measurement with a 1.37 g/l gaseous target by the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the DAFNE collider. We measured, for the first time, the energies and yields of three transitions belonging to the Mseries. Moreover, we improved by a factor about three, the statistical precision of the 2p level energy shift and width induced by the strong interaction, obtaining the most precise measurement for gaseous kaonic helium, and measured the yield of the L_alpha transition at the employed density, providing a new experimental input to investigate the density dependence of kaonic atoms transitions yield.
- CdZnTe detectors tested at the DAFNE collider for future kaonic atoms measurementsA. Scordo, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, M. Bettelli, D. Bosnar, G. Borghi, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, L. De Paolis, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, Y. Sada, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, A. Zappettini, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati (LNF) aims to perform groundbreaking measurements on kaonic atoms. In parallel and beyond the ongoing kaonic deuterium, presently running on the DAFNE collider at LNF, we plan to install additional detectors to perform further kaonic atoms' studies, taking advantage of the unique low energy and low momentum spread K- beam delivered by the at-rest decay of the phi meson. CdZnTe devices are ideal for detecting transitions toward both the upper and lower levels of intermediate-mass kaonic atoms, like kaonic carbon and aluminium, which have an important impact on the strangeness sector of nuclear physics. We present the results obtained in a set of preliminary tests conducted on DAFNE, in view of measurements foreseen in 2024, with the twofold aim to tune the timing window required to reject the extremely high electromagnetic background, and to quantify the readout electronics saturation effect due to the high rate, when placed close to the Interaction Region (IR). In the first test we used commercial devices and electronics, while for the second one both were customized at the IMEM-CNR of Parma and the University of Palermo. The results confirmed the possibility of finding and matching a proper timing window where to identify the signal events and proved better performances, in terms of energy resolution, of the custom system. In both cases, strong saturation effects were confirmed, accounting for a loss of almost 90% of the events, which will be overcome by a dedicated shielding structure foreseen for the final experimental setup.
- Feasibility of the J-PET to monitor range oftherapeutic proton beamsJ. Baran, D. Borys, K. Brzeziński, J. Gajewski, M. Silarski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K.V. Eliyan, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, R. Kopeć, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, A.J. Lomax, K. McNamara, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Olko, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, M. Simbarashe, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, T. Skóra, M. Skurzok, P. Stasica, E.Ł. Stępień, K. Tayefi, F. Tayefi, D.C. Weber, C. Winterhalter, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal, A. RucińskiObjective: The aim of this work is to investigate the feasibility of the JagiellonianPositron Emission Tomography (J-PET) scanner for intra-treatment proton beamrange monitoring. Approach: The Monte Carlo simulation studies with GATE and PET imagereconstruction with CASToR were performed in order to compare six J-PET scannergeometries (three dual-heads and three cylindrical). We simulated proton irradiationof a PMMA phantom with a Single Pencil Beam (SPB) and Spread-Out BraggPeak (SOBP) of various ranges. The sensitivity and precision of each scanner werecalculated, and considering the setup?s cost-effectiveness, we indicated potentiallyoptimal geometries for the J-PET scanner prototype dedicated to the proton beamrange assessment. Main results: The investigations indicate that the double-layer cylindrical andtriple-layer double-head configurations are the most promising for clinical application.We found that the scanner sensitivity is of the order of 10?5coincidences per primaryproton, while the precision of the range assessment for both SPB and SOBP irradiationplans was found below 1 mm. Among the scanners with the same number of detectormodules, the best results are found for the triple-layer dual-head geometry. Significance: We performed simulation studies demonstrating that the feasibilityof the J-PET detector for PET-based proton beam therapy range monitoring ispossible with reasonable sensitivity and precision enabling its pre-clinical tests in theclinical proton therapy environment. Considering the sensitivity, precision and cost-effectiveness, the double-layer cylindrical and triple-layer dual-head J-PET geometryconfigurations seem promising for the future clinical application. Experimental testsare needed to confirm these findings.
- Characterization of the SIDDHARTA-2 Setup via the Kaonic Helium MeasurementF. Sgaramella, A. Clozza, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe aim of the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is to perform the first measurement ever of the width and shift induced by the strong interaction to the 2????->1???? energy transition of kaonic deuterium. This ambitious goal implies a challenging task due to the very low X-ray yield of kaonic deuterium, which is why an accurate and thorough characterization of the experimental apparatus is mandatory before starting the data-taking campaign. Helium-4 is an excellent candidate for this characterization since it exhibits a high yield in particular for the 3????->2???? transition, roughly 100 times greater than that of the kaonic deuterium. The ultimate goal of the work reported in this paper is to study the performances of the full experimental setup in view of the kaonic deuterium measurement. This is carried out by measuring the values of the shift and the width for the 3?????2???? energy transition of kaonic helium-4, induced by the strong interaction. The values obtained for these quantities, for a total integrated luminosity of ~31/pb, are epsilon_2????=2.0+-1.2(stat)+-1.5(syst)eV and Gamma_2????=1.9+-5.7(stat)+-0.7(syst)eV. The results, compared to the value of the shift measured by the SIDDHARTA experiment epsilon_2????=0+-6(stat)+-2(syst)eV, show a net enhancement of the resolution of the apparatus, providing strong evidence of the potential to perform the challenging measurement of the kaonic deuterium.
- Feasibility studies for imaging e+e- annihilation with modular multi-strip detectorsS. Sharma, L. Povolo, S. Mariazzi, G. Korcyl, K. Kacprzak, D. Kumar, S. Niedzwiecki, J. Baran, E. Beyene, R. S. Brusa, R. Caravita, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, M. Dadgar, M. Das, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, A. Gajos, N. Gupta, B. C. Hiesmayr, L. Kaplon, T. Kaplanoglu, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, T. Kozik, M. K. Kozani, W. Krzemien, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, L. Penasa, S. Parzych, E. Perez Del Rio, L. Raczynski, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. L. Stepien, P. Tanty, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, W. Wislicki, P. MoskalStudies based on imaging the annihilation of the electron (e-) and its antiparticle positron (e+) open up several interesting applications in nuclear medicine and fundamental research. The annihilation process involves both the direct conversion of ee into photons and the formation of their atomically bound state, the positronium atom (Ps), which can be used as a probe for fundamental studies. With the ability to produce large quantities of Ps, manipulate them in long-lived Ps states, and image their annihilations after a free fall or after passing through atomic interferometers, this purely leptonic antimatter system can be used to perform inertial sensing studies in view of a direct test of Einstein equivalence principle. It is envisioned that modular multistrip detectors can be exploited as potential detection units for this kind of studies. In this work, we report the results of the first feasibility study performed on a e beamline using two detection modules to evaluate their reconstruction performance and spatial resolution for imaging ee annihilations and thus their applicability for gravitational studies of Ps.
- SPLIT: Statistical Positronium Lifetime Image reconstruction via time-ThresholdingB. Huang, T. Li, G, Arino-Estrada, K. Dulski, R.Y. Shopa, P. Moskal, E. Stępień, J. QiPositron emission tomography (PET) is a widely utilized medical imaging modality that uses positron-emitting radiotracers to visualize biochemical processes in a living body. The spatiotemporal distribution of a radiotracer is estimated by detecting the coincidence photon pairs generated through positron annihilations. In human tissue, about 40% of the positrons form positroniums prior to the annihilation. The lifetime of these positroniums is influenced by the microenvironment in the tissue and could provide valuable information for better understanding of disease progression and treatment response. Currently, there are few methods available for reconstructing high-resolution lifetime images in practical applications. This paper presents an efficient statistical image reconstruction method for positronium lifetime imaging (PLI). We also analyze the random triple-coincidence events in PLI and propose a correction methodfor random events, which is essential for real applications. Both simulation andexperimental studies demonstrate that the proposed method can produce lifetime images with high numerical accuracy, low variance, and resolution comparable to that of the activity images generated by a PET scanner with currently available time-of-flight resolution.
- Discrete symmetries tested at 10^-4 precision using linear polarization of photons from positronium annihilationsP. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, J. Raj, S. D. Bass, E. Beyene, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, M. Dadgar, M. Das, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Río, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, S. Choudhary, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Ł. Stępień, P. Tanty, F. T. Ardebili, K. T. Ardebili, K. V. Eliyan, W. WiślickiDiscrete symmetries play an important role in particle physics with violation of CP connected to the matter-antimatter imbalance in the Universe. We report the most precise test of P, T and CP invariance in decays of ortho-positronium, performed with methodology involving polarization of photons from these decays. Positronium, the simplest bound state of an electron and positron, is of recent interest with discrepancies reported between measured hyperfine energy structure and theory at the level of 10^-4 signaling a need for better understanding of the positronium system at this level. We test discrete symmetries using photon polarizations determined via Compton scattering in the dedicated J-PET tomograph on an event-by-event basis and without the need to control the spin of the positronium with an external magnetic field, in contrast to previous experiments. Our result is consistent with QED expectations at the level of 0.0007 and one standard deviation.
- Estimating influence of positron range in proton-therapy-beam monitoring with PETW. Mryka, M. Das, E.Y. Beyene, P. Moskal, E. StępieńThe application of PET scanners to proton-beam-therapy monitoring is a promising solution to obtain the range of the beam and hence the positions of a Bragg peak - maximum dose deposition point. A proton beam induces nuclear reactions in the tissue, leading to the production of isotopes that emit beta+ radiation. This enables the imaging of the density distribution of beta+ isotopes produced in the body, allowing the reconstruction of the proton beam range. Moreover, PET detectors may open the possibility for in-beam monitoring, which would offer an opportunity to verify the range during irradiation. PET detectors may also allow positronium imaging, which would be the indicator of the tissue conditions. However, the image of annihilation points does not represent the range of the proton beam. There are several factors influencing the translation from annihilation points to obtain the Bragg peak position. One of them is the kinetic energy of the positron. This energy corresponds to some range of the positron within the tissue. In this manuscript we estimate positron energy and its range and discuss its influence on proton therapy monitoring.
- Cross-sections and gamma-yields in (p, x) reactions on 14N and 16O for 14,15O productionI. Kadenko, N.V. Sakhno, P. MoskalDose delivery in proton beam therapy requires significant effort for in vivo verification. PET is considered as one of the most precise methods for such verification using short--lived radionuclides. One of the newer approaches in proton therapy is based on FLASH therapy, when a 40?60-Gy absorbed dose could be delivered in millisecond time intervals. For this very promising type of therapy a very important task is to reliably identify the beam stopping position within the corresponding organ with a tumor in the patient?s body. This could be done if the beam proton energy in the body is still above the threshold of the corresponding nuclear reaction, in the outgoing channel of which will be produced positron-emitting nuclei. In this work we consider the production of oxygen radionuclides emitting positrons 14O (the half-life 70.6 s) and 1O (the half-life 122.2 s). Using the TALYS code, we calculated cross sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions on 14N and 16O, leading to the formation of 14, 15O with the application of a well--working optical model. In addition, we calculated total gamma-production and average gamma-emission energy for incident proton energy 150 MeV.
- Exploration of simultaneous dual-isotope imaging with multi-photon modular J-PET scannerErmias Yitayew Beyene, Manish Das, Martyna Durak-Kozica, Grzegorz Korcyl, Wiktor Mryka, Szymon Niedźwiecki, Szymon Parzych, Keyvan Tayefi Ardebili, Rafał Walczak, Kamil Wawrowicz, Ewa Stępień, Paweł MoskalThe modular J-PET scanner, comprising 24 compact and versatile modules, each consisting of 13 plastic strips with four SiPM detectors at the ends, represents a powerful tool for clinical applications in nuclear medical imaging. This study presents preliminary results from the exploration of simultaneous dual-isotope imaging using the modular J-PET system. Our approach involved two isotopes: 68Ge, characterized by a ringlike shape, and 22Na, exhibiting a point-like shape. The imaging was based on double-coincidence and triple-coincidence events. In the double coincidence case, both isotopes contributed comparably, whereas in the triple coincidence case 22Na dominated due to the prompt gamma being emitted with 100% of positron emissions, unlike 68Ga, where the prompt gamma was emitted in only 1.3% of cases after positron emission. In this work we present direct 2? images determined for two-signal events and images for three-signal events, with two signals from annihilation photons and one from a prompt gamma. These results showcase the preliminary findings from simultaneous dual-isotope imaging of 68Ga and 22Na isotopes using the modular J-PET scanner, which will be presented and discussed.
- Estimating the efficiency and purity for detecting annihilation and prompt photons for positronium imaging with J-PET using toy Monte Carlo simulationM. Das, W. Mryka, E.Y. Beyene, S. Parzych, S. Sharma, E. Stępień, P. MoskalThe positronium imaging technique represents a potential enhancement of the PET imaging method. Its core principle involves employing a beta+ radiation source that emits additional gamma quanta referred to as prompt gamma. Our aim is to evaluate the capability to differentiate between annihilation and prompt gamma emissions, a vital aspect of positronium imaging. For this purpose, the selected isotopes should enable high efficiency and purity in detecting both prompt gamma and annihilation gamma. The assessment of the efficiency in identifying prompt and annihilation photons for various isotopes, which are potentially superior candidates for beta++ gamma emitters, is conducted through toy Monte-Carlo simulation utilizing the cross-section formula for photon-electron scattering. In this article, we have performed calculations for efficiency and purity values across different isotopes under ideal conditions and examined how these values evolve as we incorporate the fractional energy resolution into the analysis. Ultimately, the primary goal is to determine the energy threshold that optimizes both efficiency and purity, striking a balance between accurately identifying and recording events of interest while minimizing contamination from undesired events.
- A cross-staged gantry for total-body PET and CT imagingM. Tevfik Kaplanoglu, P. MoskalTotal-body Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanning is a promising new method for rapidly acquiring comprehensive wide-volume metabolic data with a lower radiation dosage compared to discrete whole-body PET imaging. PET scanners are generally used with Computed Tomography (CT) scanners to precisely understand tumor location and composition with the help of anatomical images. However, PET/CT sequential imaging methods for simultaneous total-body imaging are impractical for claustrophobic patients due to the enclosed gantry design and require large examination rooms because of the need for an exceptionally long patient table. To address this challenge, the Jagiellonian--PET Tomography (J-PET) Total-body scanner employs an innovative approach: utilizing both PET and CT devices on the same patient table but from different axes. The motion system of the J-PET Total Body scanner requires custom linear stages to move both PET and CT gantries. In this study, a novel cross-staged linear guiding solution is proposed by combining scanners on intersecting separable stages. The proposed sliding system is a combination of different machine elements and will be produced for the J-PET Total-body PET/CT Scanner. Concept designs are shown, and the proposed system is described. The application of the system for the J-PET total-body PET/CT scanner is discussed. The proposed solution is still in the development phase. The system holds the potential to achieve combining CT and PET scanners from different axes and enables motion artifact-free imaging for total-body imaging.
- Evaluation of Modular J-PET sensitivityF. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, P. MoskalThe Modular J-PET represents the latest advancement in the Jagiellonian-PET series, utilizing extended plastic scintillator strips. This prototype's modular design enables cost-effective imaging of multi-photon annihilation and positronium, allowing for easy assembly, portability, and versatility. Additionally, its lightweight construction facilitates static bed examinations with a mobile detection system that can be positioned conveniently alongside the patient, negating the requirement for spacious clinical settings. Comprising 24 modules arranged in regular 24- sided polygons circumscribing a 73.9 cm diameter circle, each module integrates 13 scintillator strips, measuring 50 cm in length and 6mm×24mm in cross-section. Scintillation light is captured at both ends through analog Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). This research presents Sensitivity of the Modular J-PET tomograph, adhering to the NEMA_NU 2-2018 standards. Sensitivity measurement was performed with Ge line source inside the 5 sleeves aluminium phantom placed at center of the detector`s FOV and 10 cm offset from the center of detector. Analyzing the gathered data involved employing the specialized J-PET Framework software, developed within the C++ architecture. To validate the experimental findings, comparisons were made with GATE simulations, wherein the source and phantom were emulated in the same configuration as employed in the actual experiment. The system sensitivity of the Modular J-PET was assessed to be 1.03 ? 0.02 cps/kBq in the center of the detector`s FOV with the peak sensitivity of 2.1 cps/kBq. However, the simulations indicate that at the center of the detector's FOV, the Modular J-PET achieves a system sensitivity of 1.32 ? 0.03 cps/kBq, with a peak sensitivity of 2.9 cps/kBq.
- Optimization of the WLS design for positron emission mammography and Total-Body J-PET systemsA. Georgadze, S. Shivani, K. Tayefi Ardebili, P. MoskalTotal body positron emission tomography (PET) instruments are medical imaging devices that detect and visualize metabolic activity in the entire body. The PET scanner has a ring-shaped detector that surrounds the patient, which detects the gamma rays emitted by the tracer as it decays. Usually, these detectors are made up of scintillation crystals coupled to photodetectors that convert the light produced by the scintillation crystal into electrical signals. The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Mammograph (J-PEM) is the first J-PET prototype module based on a novel idea with a plastic scintillator and wavelength shifter (WLS). At the same time, it is a prototype module for the total-body J-PET system. J-PEM can be an effective system for the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in its early stage by improving sensitivity. This can be achieved using superior timing properties of plastic scintillators and combined with the WLS sheets readout. In this paper, we present an application of the Geant4 program for simulating optical photon transport in the J-PEM module. We aim to study the light transport within scintillator bars and WLS sheets to optimize gamma-ray hit position resolution. We simulated a pencil beam of 511 keV photons impinging the scintillator bar at different locations. For each condition, we calculated the value of the pulse height centroid and the spread of the photon distribution. Some free parameters of the simulation, like the reflectivity and the effective attenuation length in the sheet, were determined from a comparison to experimental data. Finally, we estimate the influence of the application of WLS layer in the total-body J-PET on the scatter fraction. To optimize the performance of the J-PEM module, we compared geometry with the number of WLS strips 50 and 83. It was found, that spatial resolution was 2.7 mm and 3.5 mm FWHM for 50 and 83 WLS strips respectively. Despite the better granularity, the 83-strip WLS geometry exhibits poorer resolution due to fewer photons being transmitted to the strip, resulting in large fluctuations of signal.
- J-PET application as a Compton camera for proton beam range verification: A preliminary studyM. K. Kozani, A. Rucinski, P. MoskalHybrid in-beam PET/Compton camera imaging currently shows a promising approach to use of the quasi-real-time range verification technique in proton therapy. This work aims to assess the capability of utilizing a configuration of the Jagiellonian-positron emission tomography (J-PET) scanner made of plastic scintillator strips, so as to serve as a Compton camera for proton beam range verification. This work reports the production yield results obtained from the GATE/Geant4 simulations, focusing on an energy spectrum (4.2?4.6) MeV of prompt gamma (PG) produced from a clinical proton beam impinging on a water phantom. To investigate the feasibility of J-PET as a Compton camera, a geometrical optimisation was performed. This optimisation was conducted by a point spread function (PSF) study of an isotropic 4.44 MeV gamma source. Realistic statistics of 4.44 MeV PGs obtained from the prior step were employed, simulating interactions with the detector. A sufficient number of detected photons was obtained for the source position reconstruction after performing a geometry optimisation for the proposed J-PET detector. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that more precise calculation of the total deposited energy of coincident events plays a key role in improving the image quality of source distribution determination. A reasonable spatial resolution of 6.5 mm FWHM along the actual proton beam direction was achieved for the first imaging tests. This preliminary study has shown notable potential in using the J-PET application for in-beam PET/Compton camera imaging at quasi-real-time proton range monitoring in future clinical use.
- Application of an ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) proton beam for the 3D cancer cell model - a proof of conceptM. Durak-Kozica, E. Stępień, J. Swakoń, P. MoskalUltra-high dose rate (FLASH) proton radiotherapy is a promising treatment method for cancer patients. In our research, we want to compare the FLASH method with a conventional radiation method to show what effect they have on the biochemical structure of the tumour (3D model ? spheroids) and the secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their cargo. The use of a modern method of creating spheroids will enable us to create conditions that are better able to mimic the tumour microenvironment.
- The SIDDHARTA-2 Veto-2 system for X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms at DAFNEM. Tüchler, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton1, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal and C. CurceanuThe Veto-2 is a fundamental component of a multiple-stage veto system for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment installed at the DAFNE collider at INFN-LNF in Italy. It was developed to improve the signal-to-background ratio for the challenging measurement of X-ray transitions to the fundamental level in kaonic deuterium. Its purpose is the suppression of hadronic background in the form of Minimum Ionizing Particles by using the topological correlation between signals in the X-ray and Veto-2 detectors. The Veto-2 system consists of a barrel of plastic scintillators read out by Silicon Photomultipliers. The system performed its first successful test run within the apparatus with a helium-4 target in 2022. The efficiency of the Veto-2 was determined and found to be 0.62 +- 0.01. The Veto-2 improved the signal-to-background ratio for the kaonic helium-4 L_alpha measurement by about 16%, which is crucial due to the low expected X-ray yield of kaonic deuterium.
- First Simultaneous K-p -> Sigma0 pi0, Lambda0 pi0 Cross Sections Measurements at 98 MeV/cK. Piscicchia, M. Skurzok, M. Cargnelli, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Scordo, A. Ramos, D. L. Sirghi, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, S. Wycech, P. Branchini, F. Ceradini, E. Czerwinski, E. De Lucia, S. Fiore, A. Kupsc, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Perez Del Rio, A. Selce, M. Silarski and C. CurceanuWe report the first simultaneous and independent measurements of the K-p -> Sigma0 pi0 and K-p -> Lambda0 pi0 cross sections around 100 MeV/c kaon momentum. The kaon beam delivered by the DAFNE collider was exploited to detect K- absorptions on Hydrogen atoms, populating the gas mixture of the KLOE drift chamber. The precision of the measurements sigma_{K-p -> Sigma0 pi0} =42.8 +-1.5(stat:)+2.4-2.0(syst:) mb and sigma_{K-p -> Lambda0 pi0}= 31.0 +- 0.5(stat:)+1.2-1.2(syst:) mb is the highest yet obtained in the low kaon momentum regime.
- Comparative studies of the sensitivities of sparse and full geometries of Total-Body PET scanners built from crystals and plastic scintillatorsM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, J. Baran, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, K. Elyan, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. L. Stępień, F. Tayefi Ardebili, K. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Vandenberghe, W. Wiślicki and P. MoskalBackground: Alongside the benefits of Total-Body imaging modalities, such as higher sensitivity, single-bed position, low dose imaging, etc., their final construction cost prevents worldwide utilization. The main aim of this study is to present a simulation-based comparison of the sensitivities of existing and currently developed tomographs to introduce a cost-efficient solution for constructing a Total-Body PET scanner based on plastic scintillators. Methods: For the case of this study, eight tomographs based on the uEXPLORER configuration with different scintillator materials (BGO, LYSO), axial field-of-view (97.4 cm and 194.8 cm), and detector configuration (full and sparse) were simulated. In addition, 8 J-PET scanners with different configurations, such as various axial field-of-view (200 cm and 250 cm), the different cross-sections of plastic scintillator, and the multiple numbers of the plastic scintillator layers (2, 3, and 4), based on J-PET technology have been simulated by GATE software. Furthermore, Biograph Vision has been simulated to compare the results with standard PET scans. Two types of simulations have been performed. The first one with a centrally located source with a diameter of 1mm and a length of 250 cm, and the second one with the same source inside a water-filled cylindrical phantom with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 183 cm. Results: With regards to sensitivity, among all the proposed scanners, the ones constructed with BGO crystals give the best performance (? 350 cps/kBq at the center). The utilization of sparse geometry or LYSO crystals significantly lowers the achievable sensitivity of such systems. The J-PET design gives a similar sensitivity to the sparse LYSO crystal-based detectors while having full detector coverage over the body. Moreover, it provides uniform sensitivity over the body with additional gain on its sides and provides the possibility for high-quality brain imaging. Conclusion: Taking into account not only the sensitivity but also the price of the Total-Body PET tomographs, which till now was one of the main obstacles in their widespread clinical availability, the J-PET tomography system based on plastic scintillators could be a cost-efficient alternative for Total-Body PET scanners.
- A new detector concept based on the prompt gamma radiation analysis for In vivo boron monitoring in BNCTM. Silarski, K. Dziedzic-Kocurek, F. Sobczuk, A. Nykiel, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, E.Ł. Stępień, M. SzczepanekThe problem of boron concentration monitoring during the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) therapy is one of the main challenges of this type of radiotherapy and is directly related to the nature of the interaction of neutrons with mater. Among the available in vivo methods of boron monitoring positron emission tomography seems to be very promising but it requires a new boron carrier with a ?+ emitter, which is not yet clinically available. An alternative solution may be the prompt gamma radiation analysis (PGRA) based on the secondary radiation emitted in the interaction of neutrons with the patient's tissues. This method requires, however, compact gamma radiation detection systems sustaining high counting rates and characterized by very good energy resolution. In this contribution, we present state-of-the-art solutions for monitoring in BNCT based on PGRA. Moreover, we describe a new concept of such a system based on position-sensitive scintillator detectors equipped with an anti-Compton shield and data analysis supported with modern artificial intelligence algorithms.
- Kaonic atoms at the DAFNE collider: a strangeness adventureC. Curceanu, L. Abbene, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, M. Bettelli, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, A. Zappettini, J. ZmeskalKaonic atoms are an extremely efficient tool to investigate the strong interaction at the low energy Frontier, since they provide direct access to the K?N interaction at threshold, eliminating the necessity for extrapolation, unlike in the case of scattering experiments. During the 1970s and 1980s, extensive studies were performed on kaonic atoms spanning across a broad spectrum of elements in the periodic table, ranging from lithium to uranium. These measurements provided inputs and constraints for the theoretical description of the antikaon-nuclei interaction potential. Nevertheless, the existing data suffer from significant experimental uncertainties, and numerous measurements have been found to be inconsistent with more recent measurements that utilize advanced detector technology. Furthermore, there remain numerous transitions of kaonic atoms that have yet to be measured. For these reasons, a new era of kaonic atoms studies is mandatory. The DA?NE electron-positron collider at the INFN Laboratory of Frascati (INFN-LNF) stands out as a unique source of low-energy kaons, having been utilized by Collaborations such as DEAR, SIDDHARTA, and AMADEUS for groundbreaking measurements of kaonic atoms and kaon-nuclei interactions. Presently, the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is installed at DA?NE, aiming to perform the first-ever measurement of the 2p ? 1s x-ray transition in kaonic deuterium, a crucial step towards determining the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. Based on the experience gained with the SIDDHARTA experiment, which performed the most precise measurement of the kaonic hydrogen 2p ? 1s x-ray transition, the SIDDHARTA-2 setup is now fully equipped for the challenging kaonic deuterium measurement. In this paper, we present a comprehensive description of the SIDDHARTA-2 setup and of the first kaonic atoms measurements performed during the commissioning phase of the DA?NE collider. We also outline a proposal for future measurements of kaonic atoms at DA?NE beyond SIDDHARTA-2, which is intended to stimulate discussions within the broad scientific community performing research, directly or indirectly, related to this field.
- Direct tests of T, CP, CPT symmetries in transitions of neutral K mesons with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, M. Berłowski, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, B. Cao, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwiński, G. D'Agostini, R. D'Amico, E. Dane, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Domenico, E. Diociaiuti, D. Domenici, A. D'Uffizi, G. Fantini, A. Gajos, S. Gamrat, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, X. Kang, A. Kupść, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, S. Miscetti, P. Moskal, A. Passeri, E. Pérez del Río, M. Schioppa, A. Selce, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, E.P. Solodov, W. Wiślicki, M. Wolke, J. BernabéuTests of the T, CPand CPTsymmetries in the neutral kaon system are performed by the direct comparison of the probabilities of a kaon transition process to its symmetry-conjugate. The exchange of inand outstates required for a genuine test involving an antiunitary transformation implied by time-reversal is implemented exploiting the entanglement of K0K0 pairs produced at a ?-factory. A data sample collected by the KLOE experiment at DAFNE corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 1.7 fb?1 is analysed to study the Dt distributions of the ??KSKL??+????e??and ??KSKL???e??3?0 processes, with Dt the difference of the kaon decay times. A comparison of the measured Dt distributions in the asymptotic region Dt>>t? Sallows to test for the first time T and CPT symmetries in kaon transitions with a precision of few percent, and to observe CP violation with this novel method.
- Potentialities of CdZnTe Quasi-Hemispherical Detectors for Hard X-ray Spectroscopy of Kaonic Atoms at the DAFNE ColliderL. Abbene, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, G. Gerardi, M. Bettelli, A. Zappettini, M. Bazzi, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, A. Scordo, C. CurceanuKaonic atom X-ray spectroscopy is a consolidated technique for investigations on the physics of strong kaon?nucleus/nucleon interaction. Several experiments have been conducted regarding the measurement of soft X-ray emission (<20 keV) from light kaonic atoms (hydrogen, deuterium, and helium). Currently, there have been new research activities within the framework of the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment and EXCALIBUR proposal focusing on performing precise and accurate measurements of hard X-rays (>20 keV) from intermediate kaonic atoms (carbon, aluminum, and sulfur). In this context, we investigated cadmium?zinc?telluride (CdZnTe or CZT) detectors, which have recently demonstrated high-resolution capabilities for hard X-ray and gamma-ray detection. A demonstrator prototype based on a new cadmium?zinc?telluride quasi-hemispherical detector and custom digital pulse processing electronics was developed. The detector covered a detection area of 1 cm2 with a single readout channel and interesting room-temperature performance with energy resolution of 4.4% (2.6 keV), 3% (3.7 keV), and 1.4% (9.3 keV) FWHM at 59.5, 122.1, and 662 keV, respectively. The results from X-ray measurements at the DAFNE collider at the INFN National Laboratories of Frascati (Italy) are also presented with particular attention to the effects and rejection of electromagnetic and hadronic background.
- Monte Carlo simulations of the underwater detection of illicit war remnants with neutron-based sensorsM. Silarski, P. Sibczyński, O. Bezshyyko, Ł. Kapłon, V. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Nowakowski, P. Moskal, S. Sharma, F. SobczukIn recent years, the demand for accurate detection and identification of hazardous substances in an aquatic environment, especially in the Baltic Sea, has seen a significant rise, with a specific focus on unexploded ordnance (UXO) containing conventional explosives and various chemical agents, including, but not limited to, mustard gas, Clark I and II and other lethal compounds. These substances pose a significant threat to human health and the environment, and their identification is crucial for effective demining and environmental protection efforts. In this article, a novel approach for fast, remote, and non-destructive recognition of dangerous substances based on a SABAT sensor installed on an ROV is described. The performance of the proposed neutron-based sensor in an aquatic environment was verified based on a series of Monte Carlo simulations for mustard gas, Clark I and II, and TNT, as they are the most common chemical threats at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The sensor?s ability to accurately discriminate hazardous and non-hazardous materials is described in the paper in terms of the ratio of chlorine to hydrogen (Cl/H), carbon to oxygen (C/O), and nitrogen to hydrogen (N/H) activation lines integrals. The authors also discussed the future directions of work to validate SABAT (Stoichiometry Analysis By Activation Techniques) sensors in the operational environment.
- A review of the low-energy K--nucleus/nuclei interactions with light nuclei AMADEUS investigationsM. Skurzok, M. Cargnelli, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, J. Marton, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, S. Wycech, P. Branchini, E. Czerwinski, X. Kang, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, A. Selce and C. CurceanuThe AMADEUS Collaboration conducts research aimed to experimentally investigate the low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei like hydrogen, helium, and carbon, in order to provide new constraints to the antikaon-nucleon strong interaction studies in the non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics regime. K- nuclear absorption, both at-rest and in-flight, are explored using the unique low-momentum and monochromatic kaon beam from the DAFNE collider interacting with the KLOE detector components, a detector characterized by high acceptance and excellent position and momentum resolutions. This paper presents an overview of the AMADEUS results.
- Transformation of PET raw data into images for event classification using convolutional neural networksP. Konieczka, L. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, O. Fedoruk, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kopka, W. Krzemień, R.Y. Shopa, J. Baran, A. Coussat, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, D. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Río, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, M. Skurzok, E.Ł. Stępień, F. Tayefi, P. MoskalIn positron emission tomography (PET) studies, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) may be applied directly to the reconstructed distribution of radioactive tracers injected into the patient's body, as a pattern recognition tool. Nonetheless, unprocessed PET coincidence data exist in tabular format. This paper develops the transformation of tabular data into -dimensional matrices, as a preparation stage for classification based on CNNs. This method explicitly introduces a nonlinear transformation at the feature engineering stage and then uses principal component analysis to create the images. We apply the proposed methodology to the classification of simulated PET coincidence events originating from NEMA IEC and anthropomorphic XCAT phantom. Comparative studies of neural network architectures, including multilayer perceptron and convolutional networks, were conducted. The developed method increased the initial number of features from 6 to 209 and gave the best precision results (79.8) for all tested neural network architectures; it also showed the smallest decrease when changing the test data to another phantom.
- Detection of range shifts in proton beam therapy using the J-PET scanner: a patient simulation studyK. Brzeziński, J. Baran, D. Borys, J. Gajewski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K.V. Eliyan, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, R. Kopeć, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, A.J. Lomax, K. McNamara, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Olko, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, T. Skóra, M. Skurzok, P. Stasica, E.Ł. Stępień, K. Tayefi, F. Tayefi, D.C. Weber, C. Winterhalter, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal, A. RucińskiObjective. The Jagiellonian positron emission tomography (J-PET) technology, based on plastic scintillators, has been proposed as a cost effective tool for detecting range deviations during proton therapy. This study investigates the feasibility of using J-PET for range monitoring by means of a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study of 95 patients who underwent proton therapy at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB) in Krakow, Poland. Approach. Discrepancies between prescribed and delivered treatments were artificially introduced in the simulations by means of shifts in patient positioning and in the Hounsfield unit to the relative proton stopping power calibration curve. A dual-layer, cylindrical J-PET geometry was simulated in an in-room monitoring scenario and a triple-layer, dual-head geometry in an in-beam protocol. The distribution of range shifts in reconstructed PET activity was visualized in the beam's eye view. Linear prediction models were constructed from all patients in the cohort, using the mean shift in reconstructed PET activity as a predictor of the mean proton range deviation. Main results. Maps of deviations in the range of reconstructed PET distributions showed agreement with those of deviations in dose range in most patients. The linear prediction model showed a good fit, with coefficient of determination r2 = 0.84 (in-room) and 0.75 (in-beam). Residual standard error was below 1 mm: 0.33 mm (in-room) and 0.23 mm (in-beam). Significance. The precision of the proposed prediction models shows the sensitivity of the proposed J-PET scanners to shifts in proton range for a wide range of clinical treatment plans. Furthermore, it motivates the use of such models as a tool for predicting proton range deviations and opens up new prospects for investigations into the use of intra-treatment PET images for predicting clinical metrics that aid in the assessment of the quality of delivered treatment.
- The KAMEO proposal: Investigation of the E2 nuclear resonance effects in kaonic atomsL. De Paolis on behalf of M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Frišči`c, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Nied`zwiecki, O. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, S. Wycech, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe E2 nuclear resonance effect is a phenomenon that occurs whenthe energy of an atomic de-excitation state closely matches that of a nuclear excita-tion state, resulting in the attenuation of certain atomic X-ray lines in the resonantisotope target. The study of this effect in kaonic atoms can provide important insightinto the mechanisms of the strong kaon-nucleus interaction. In 1975, Goldfrey, Lum,and Wiegand at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory observed the effect in9842Mo, but theydid not have enough data to reach a conclusive result. The E2 nuclear resonanceeffect is expected to occur in four kaonic molybdenum isotopes (9442Mo,9642Mo,9842Mo,and10042Mo) with similar energy values. The KAMEO (Kaonic Atoms MeasuringNuclear Resonance Effects Observables) proposal plans to study this effect in theseisotopes at the DA?NE ? factory during the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment. KAMEOwill use four solid strip targets, each enriched with a different molybdenum isotope,and expose them to negatively charged kaons produced by ? meson decays. TheX-ray transition measurements will be performed using a high-purity germaniumdetector, and an additional solid strip target of non-resonant9242Mo isotope will beexposed and used as a reference for standard non-resonant transitions.
- The WASA-FRS project at GSI and its perspectiveT.R. Saito, P. Achenbach, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr , J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, S. Dubey, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, M. Feijoo-Fontan, H. Fujioka, Y. Gao, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Grana Gonzalez, E. Haettner, M.N. Harakeh, Y. He, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kasagi, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, B. Kindler, R. Knoebel, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, E. Liu, B. Lommel, V. Metag, S. Minami, D.J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, A. Muneem, M. Nakagawa, K. Nakazawa, C. Nociforo, H.J. Ong, S. Pietri, J. Pochodzalla, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, E. Rocco, J.L. Rodríguez-Sanchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, Y.K. Tanaka, X. Tang, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, H. Wang, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, A. Yanai, J. Yoshida, J. ZhA novel technique to study bound states of exotic hadrons in subatomic nuclei, such as hypernuclei and mesic nuclei, has been developed by employing the Fragment Separator FRS and the WASA central detector at GSI. Two experiments, S447 for studying light hypernuclei, especially hypertriton and a ????nn bound state, and S490 for searching for ????? mesic-nuclei, were recently performed. Data analyses are currently in progress, and light charged particles such as protons and ????? are clearly observed and identified in the both experiments. For S447, light nuclear fragments that can also be residual nuclei from decays of hypernuclei of interests have been analysed by the FRS, and a momentum resolution, ?????????????, of 5 × 10?4 has been achieved. Further data analyses are to be completed. The WASA-FRS project will be continued and extended with the FRS at FAIR Phase 0, and upgrading of the WASA magnet and detectors is currently in progress. Furthermore, construction of a larger detector system with the Super-FRS at FAIR Phase 1 is also under consideration.
- New opportunities for kaonic atoms measurements from CdZnTe detectorsL. Abbene, M. Bettelli, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, A. Zappettini, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, A. Scordo and C. CurceanuWe present the tests performed by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration at the DAFNE collider with a quasi-hemispherical CdZnTe detector. The very good room-temperature energy resolution and efficiency in a wide energy range show that this detector technology is ideal for studying radiative transitions in intermediate and heavy mass kaonic atoms. The CdZnTe detector was installed for the first time in an accelerator environment to perform tests on the background rejection capabilities, which were achieved by exploiting the SIDDHARTA-2 Luminosity Monitor. A spectrum with an 241Am source has been acquired, with beams circulating in the main rings, and peak resolutions of 6% at 60 keV and of 2.2% at 511 keV have been achieved. The background suppression factor, which turned out to be of the order of ~10^5?6, opens the possibility to plan for future kaonic atom measurements with CdZnTe detectors.
- Comparative studies of plastic scintillator strips with high technical attenuation length for the total-body J-PET scannerŁ. Kapłon, J. Baran, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, E. Kavya Valsan, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Rio, L. Raczyński, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Stępień, F. Tayefi Ardebili, K. Tayefi Ardebili, W. Wiślicki, P. MoskalPlastic scintillator strips are considered as one of the promising solutions for the cost-effective construction of total-body positron emission tomography, (PET) system. The purpose of the performed measurements is to compare the transparency of long plastic scintillators with dimensions 6 mm x 24 mm x 1000 mm and with all surfaces polished. Six different types of commercial, general purpose, blue-emitting plastic scintillators with low attenuation of visible light were tested, namely: polyvinyl toluene-based BC-408, EJ-200, RP-408, and polystyrene-based Epic, SP32 and UPS-923A. For determination of the best type of plastic scintillator for total-body Jagiellonian positron emission tomograph (TB-J-PET) construction, emission and transmission spectra, and technical attenuation length (TAL) of blue light-emitting by the scintillators were measured and compared. The TAL values were determined with the use of UV lamp as excitation source, and photodiode as light detector. Emission spectra of investigated scintillators have maxima in the range from 420 nm to 429 nm. The BC-408 and EJ-200 have the highest transmittance values of about 90% at the maximum emission wavelength measured through a 6 mm thick scintillator strip and the highest technical attenuation length reaching about 2000 mm, allowing assembly of long detection modules for time-of-flight (TOF) J-PET scanners. Influence of the 6 mm × 6 mm, 12 mm × 6 mm, 24 mm × 6 mm cross-sections of the 1000 mm long EJ-200 plastic scintillator on the TAL and signal intensity was measured. The highest TAL value was determined for samples with 24 mm × 6 mm cross-section.
- Search for eta-mesic nuclei: A review of experimental and theoretical advancesA. Khreptak, M. Skurzok, P. MoskalIn the mid-1980s, theoreticians predicted possible exotic states of an eta meson and a nucleus bound by the strong interaction, so-called mesic nucleus. This led to extensive experimental efforts aimed at discovering such unstable states as well as understanding the underlying interactions via eta meson production reactions. As experiments yielded new data, more and more sophisticated theoretical models were developed to understand the fundamental eta-nucleon and eta-nucleus interactions. After more than 35 years of research in this field, several signals have been identified as possible indications of hypothetical eta-mesic nuclei, but there is still no general agreement or clear confirmation of their existence. In the paper, we review the study of the eta-mesic nuclei with an emphasis on recent research activities.
- 3D melanoma spheroid model for the development of positronium biomarkerH. Karimi, P. Moskal, E.Ł. StępieńIt was recently demonstrated that newly invented positronium imaging may be used for improving cancer diagnostics by providing additional information about tissue pathology with respect to the standardized uptake value currently available in positron emission tomography (PET). Positronium imaging utilizes properties of a positronium atoms, which are built from the electron and positron produced in the body during PET examinations. We hypothesized whether positronium imaging would be sensitive to in vitro discrimination of tumour-like three-dimensional structures (spheroids) build of melanoma cell lines with different cancer activity and biological properties. The lifetime of ortho-Positronium (o-Ps) was evaluated in melanoma spheroids from two cell lines (WM266-4 and WM115) differing in the stage of malignancy. Additionally, we considered such parameters: as cell size, proliferation rate and malignancy to evaluate their relationship with o-Ps lifetime. We demonstrate the pilot results for the o-Ps lifetime measurement in extracellular matrix free spheroids. With the statistical significance of two standard deviations, we demonstrated that the higher the degree of malignancy and the rate of proliferation of neoplastic cells the shorter the lifetime of ortho-positronium. In particular we observed following indications encouraging further research: (i) WM266-4 spheroids characterized with higher proliferation rate and malignancy showed shorter o-Ps lifetime compared to WM115 spheroids characterized by lower growth rate, (ii) Both cell lines showed a decrease in the lifetime of o-Ps after spheroid generation in 8th day comparing to 4th day in culture and the mean o-Ps lifetime is longer for spheroids formed from WM115 cells than these from WM266-4 cells, regardless spheroid age. The results of these study revealed that positronium is a promising biomarker that may be applied in PET diagnostics for the assessment of the degree of cancer malignancy.
- Colloquium: Positronium physics and biomedical applicationsS.D. Bass, S. Mariazzi, P. Moskal, E. StępieńPositronium is the simplest bound state, built of an electron and a positron. Studies of positronium in vacuum and its decays in medium tell us about quantum electrodynamics (QED) and about the structure of matter and biological processes of living organisms at the nanoscale, respectively. Spectroscopic measurements constrain our understanding of QED bound state theory. Searches for rare decays and measurements of the effect of gravitation on positronium are used to look for new physics phenomena. In biological materials positronium decays are sensitive to the intermolecular and intramolecular structure and to the metabolism of living organisms ranging from single cells to human beings. This leads to new ideas of positronium imaging in medicine using the fact that during positron emission tomography (PET) as much as 40% of positron annihilation occurs through the production of positronium atoms inside the patient?s body. A new generation of the high sensitivity and multiphoton total-body PET systems opens perspectives for clinical applications of positronium as a biomarker of tissue pathology and the degree of tissue oxidation.
- Extracellular vesicles in vascular pathophysiology: beyond their molecular contentE.Ł. Stępień, M. Durak-Kozica, P. MoskalExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are released by all cells, both in physiological and pathological conditions. Their molecular charge and composition emerge as possible biomarkers, but EVs may also be considered for other clinical applications. This review discusses the role of other features of EVs, such as their lipid components or composition of glycans that form the EV corona and regulate EV biodistribution and uptake by target cells. The importance of EV electric charge has been discussed as a new insight into EV fate and destination.
- Efficiency determination of J-PET: first plastic scintillators-based PET scannerS. Sharma, J. Baran, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, A. Gajos, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, Sz. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. Ł. Stępień, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi , W. Wiślicki and P. MoskalBackground: The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph is the 3-layer prototype of the first scanner based on plastic scintillators, consisting of 192 half-metre-long strips with readouts at both ends. Compared to crystal-based detectors, plastic scintillators are several times cheaper and could be considered as a more economical alternative to crystal scintillators in future PETs. JPET is also a first multi-photon PET prototype. For the development of multi-photon detection, with photon characterized by the continuous energy spectrum, it is important to estimate the efficiency of J-PET as a function of energy deposition. The aim of this work is to determine the registration efficiency of the J-PET tomograph as a function of energy deposition by incident photons and the intrinsic efficiency of the J-PET scanner in detecting photons of different incident energies. In this study, 3-hit events are investigated, where 2-hits are caused by 511 keV photons emitted in e+e- annihilations, while the third hit is caused by one of the scattered photons. The scattered photon is used to accurately measure the scattering angle and thus the energy deposition. Two hits by a primary and a scattered photon are sufficient to calculate the scattering angle of a photon, while the third hit ensures the precise labeling of the 511 keV photons. Results: By comparing experimental and simulated energy distribution spectra, the registration efficiency of the J-PET scanner was determined in the energy deposition range of 70-270 keV, where it varies between 20 and 100%. In addition, the intrinsic efficiency of the J-PET was also determined as a function of the energy of the incident photons. Conclusion: A method for determining registration efficiency as a function of energy deposition and intrinsic efficiency as a function of incident photon energy of the J-PET scanner was demonstrated. This study is crucial for evaluating the performance of the scanner based on plastic scintillators and its applications as a standard and multi-photon PET systems. The method may be also used in the calibration of Compton-cameras developed for the ion-beam therapy monitoring and simultaneous multi-radionuclide imaging in nuclear medicine.
- Developing a Novel Positronium Biomarker for Cardiac Myxoma ImagingP. Moskal, E. Kubicz, G. Grudzień, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, B. Leszczyński, S. Niedźwiecki, E.Ł. StępieńPurpose: Cardiac myxoma (CM), the most common cardiac tumor in adults, accounts for 50?75% of benign cardiac tumors. The diagnosis of CM is often elusive, especially in young stroke survivors and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is the initial technique for the differential diagnostics of CM. Less invasive cardiac computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are not available for the majority of cardiac patients. Here, a robust imaging approach, ortho-Positronium (o-Ps) imaging, is presented to determine cardiac myxoma extracted from patients undergoing urgent cardiac surgery due to unexpected atrial masses. We aimed to assess if the o-Ps atom, produced copiously in intramolecular voids during the PET imaging, serves as a biomarker for CM diagnosing. Methods: Six perioperative CM and normal (adipose) tissue samples from patients, with primary diagnosis confirmed by the histopathology examination, were examined using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) and micro-CT. Additionally, cell cultures and confocal microscopy techniques were used to picture cell morphology and origin. Results: We observed significant shortening in the mean o-Ps lifetime in tumor with compare to normal tissues: an average value of 1.92(02) ns and 2.72(05) ns for CM and the adipose tissue, respectively. Microscopic differences between tumor samples, confirmed in histopathology examination and micro-CT, did not influenced the major positronium imaging results. Conclusions: Our findings, combined with o-Ps lifetime analysis, revealed the novel emerging positronium imaging marker (o-PS) for cardiovascular imaging. This method opens the new perspective to facilitate the quantitative in vivo assessment of intracardiac masses on a molecular (nanoscale) level.
- Measurements of high-n transitions in intermediate mass kaonic atoms by SIDDHARTA-2 at DAFNEF. Sgaramella, M. Tuchler, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, E. Widmann, C. Yoshida, C. CurceanuThe SIDDHARTA-2 experiment installed at the DAFNE collider of INFN-LNF performed, for the first time, measurements of high-n transitions in intermediate mass kaonic atoms during the data taking campaigns of 2021 and 2022. Kaonic carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and aluminium transitions, which occur in the setup materials, were measured by using the kaons stopped in the gaseous helium target cell with aluminium frames and Kaptonwalls, and are reported in this paper. These new kaonic atoms measurements add valuable input to the kaonic atoms transitions data base, which is used as a reference for theories and models of the low-energy strong interaction between antikaon and nuclei. Moreover, these results pave the way for future dedicated kaonic atoms measurements through the whole periodic table and to a new era for the antikaon-nuclei studies at low energy.
- J-PET detection modules based on plastic scintillators for performing studies with positron and positronium beamsS. Sharma, J. Baran, R.S. Brusa, R. Caravita, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, L. Kaplon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien D. Kumar, S. Mariazzi, S. Niedźwiecki, L. Panasa, S. Parzych, L. Povolo, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczynski Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E.L. Stepien, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, W. Wislicki and P. MoskalThe J-PET detector, which consists of inexpensive plastic scintillators, has demonstrated its potential in the study of fundamental physics. In recent years, a prototype with 192 plastic scintillators arranged in 3 layers has been optimized for the study of positronium decays. This allows performing precision tests of discrete symmetries (C, P, T) in the decays of positronium atoms. Moreover, thanks to the possibility of measuring the polarization direction of the photon based on Compton scattering, the predicted entanglement between the linear polarization of annihilation photons in positronium decays can also be studied. Recently, a new J-PET prototype was commissioned, based on a modular design of detection units. Each module consists of 13 plastic scintillators and can be used as a stand-alone, compact and portable detection unit. In this paper, the main features of the J-PET detector, the modular prototype and their applications for possible studies with positron and positronium beams are discussed. Preliminary results of the first test experiment performed on two detection units in the continuous positron beam recently developed at the Antimatter Laboratory (AML) of Trento are also reported.
- TOF MLEM Adaptation for the Total-Body J-PET with a Realistic Analytical System Response MatrixR.Y. Shopa, J. Baran, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, K. Brzeziński, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, E. Kavya Valsan, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, D. Kumar, Ł. Kapłon, G. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Rio, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Stepień, F. Tayefi Ardebili, K. Tayefi Ardebili, P. MoskalWe report a study of the original image reconstruction algorithm based on the time-of-flight maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (TOF MLEM), developed for the total-body (TB) Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanners. The method is applicable to generic cylindrical or modular multi-layer layouts and is extendable to multi-photon imaging. The system response matrix (SRM) is represented as a set of analytical functions, uniquely defined for each pair of plastic scintillator strips used for the detection. A realistic resolution model (RM) in detector space is derived from fitting the Monte Carlo simulated emissions and detections of annihilation photons on oblique transverse planes. Additional kernels embedded in SRM account for TOF, parallax effect and axial smearing. The algorithm was tested on datasets, simulated in GATE for the NEMA IEC and static XCAT phantoms inside a 24-module 2-layer TB J-PET. Compared to the reference TOF MLEM with none or a shift-invariant RM, an improvement was observed, as evaluated by the analysis of image quality, difference images and ground truth metrics. We also reconstructed the data with additive contributions, pre-filtered geometrically and with non-TOF scatter correction applied. Despite some deterioration, the obtained results still capitalise on the realistic RM with better edge preservation and superior ground truth metrics. The envisioned prospects of the TOF MLEM with analytical SRM include its application in multi-photon imaging and further upgrade to account for the non-collinearity, positron range and other factors.
- Investigation of novel preclinical Total Body PET designed with J-PET technology: A simulation studyM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, F. Tayefi Ardebili, J. Baran, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, R.Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, K. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Vandenberghe, W. Wiślicki, E.Ł. Stępień, P. MoskalThe growing interest in human-grade Total Body PET systems has also application in small animal research. Due to the existing limitations in human-based studies involving drug development and novel treatment monitoring, animalbased research became a necessary step for testing and protocol preparation. In this simulation-based study two unconventional, cost effective small animal Total Body PET scanners (for mouse and rat studies) have been investigated in order to inspect their feasibility for preclinical research. They were designed with the novel technology explored by the Jagiellonian PET Collaboration (J-PET). Two main PET characteristics: sensitivity and spatial resolution were mainly inspected to evaluate their performance. Moreover, the impact of the scintillator dimension and time-offlight on the latter parameter were examined in order to design the most efficient tomographs. The presented results show that for mouse TB J-PET the achievable system sensitivity is equal to 2.35% and volumetric spatial resolution to 9.46 +- 0.54 mm3, while for rat TB J-PET they are equal to 2.6% and 14.11 ? 0.80 mm3, respectively. Furthermore, it was shown that the designed tomographs are almost parallax-free systems, hence they resolve the problem of the acceptance criterion trade-off between enhancing spatial resolution and reducing sensitivity.
- Experience and new prospects of PET imaging for ion beam therapy monitoringK. Parodi, T. Yamaya, P. MoskalPioneering investigations on the usage of positron-emission-tomography (PET) for the monitoring of ion beam therapy with light (protons, helium) and heavier (stable and radioactive neon, carbon and oxygen) ions started shortly after the first realization of planar and tomographic imaging systems, which were able to visualize the annihilation of positrons resulting from irradiation induced or implanted positron emitting nuclei. And while the first clinical experience was challenged by the utilization of instrumentation directly adapted from nuclear medicine applications, new detectors optimized for this unconventional application of PET imaging are currently entering the phase of (pre)clinical testing for more reliable monitoring of treatment delivery during irradiation. Moreover, recent advances in detector technologies and beam production open several new exciting opportunities which will not only improve the performance of PET imaging under the challenging conditions of in-beam applications in ion beam therapy, but will also likely expand its field of application. In particular, the combination of PET and Compton imaging can enable the most efficient utilization of all possible radiative emissions for both stable and radioactive ion beams, while positronium lifetime imaging may enable probing new features of the underlying tumour and normal tissue environment. Thereby, PET imaging will not only provide means for volumetric reconstruction of the delivered treatment and in-vivo verification of the beam range, but can also shed new insights for biological optimization of the treatment or treatment response assessment.
- New measurements of kaonic helium-4 L-series X-rays yields in gas with the SIDDHARTINO setupD. L. Sirghi, H. Shi, C. Guaraldo, F. Sgaramella, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, J. Marton, M.. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. Yoshida, C. CurceanuThe L-series X-rays transitions of the kaonic helium-4 exotic atom were measured by SIDDHARTINO, the reduced configuration of the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, at the DANE collider of INFN-LNF, with gaseous 4He targets at densities of 1.90 g/l and 0.82 g/l, corresponding to 1.5% and 0.66%, respectively, of the liquid helium-4 density. The absolute yields for the L? transition are determined to be 0.15 ?0.03 and 0.12 ?0.03, for the two target densities. The yields for the L? and L? transitions are presented relatively to that of the L? transition. These results are compatible with the yields measured by the SIDDHARTA experiment at the densities of 1.65 g/l and 2.15 g/l and contribute to refine the cascade models describing the de-excitation of kaonic atoms as function of density. ? 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Transcriptomic data analysis of melanocytes and melanoma cell lines of LAT transporter genes for precise medicineM. Szczepanek, D. Panek, M. Przybyło, P. Moskal, E. StępieńBackground: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a two-step treatment that can be used in some types of cancers. It involves administering a compound containing boron atoms to the patient and irradiating the affected area of the body with a neutron beam. The success of the therapy depends mainly on the delivery of the boron isotope (10B) to the tumor using an appropriate boron carrier. One of the boron carriers used is boronophenylalanine (BPA). Therefore, in research on the use of boron carriers, it is also important to know the mechanisms of its uptake by cells. Aim: To study the expression of LAT family genes in two melanoma (high melanotic WM115 and low melanotic WM266-4) cell lines and melanocytes (HEMa-Lp) which are responsible for the transport the BPA into cells. Methods: To normalize data from the transcriptomic analysis, the ratio of the median method was used. This allowed the samples to be compared with each other. Comparison metrics included log-fold change (LFC) values. The heatmap of LFC values and the cluster map were created. These graphs show the similarities and differences between the samples. Results: Transcriptomic data show that in melanocytes, LFC for SLC7A5 (LAT1) and SLC3A2 (4Fhc) was higher than in melanoma cell lines, which corresponded with their melanin content. Conclusion: Our results indicate overexpression of BPA transporter genes in normal cells (melanocytes), which may suggest the highest level of these proteins in melanocytes compared to less melanotic melanoma. Therefore, for BNCT, the use of BPA as the 10B carrier will require additional qualifying tests of amino acid transporter expression for patients and specific tumors to develop a personalized BNCT.
- Feasibility study of positronium application for blood clots structural characteristicsS. Moyo, P. Moskal, E. StępieńPositron-electron annihilation in living organisms occurs in about 30% via the formation of a metastable ortho-positronium atom that annihilates into two 511 keV photons in tissues because of the pick-off and conversion processes. Positronium (Ps) annihilation lifetime and intensities can be used to determine the size and quantity of defects in a material's microstructure, such as voids or pores in the range of nanometers. This is particularly true for blood clots. Here we present pilot investigations of positronium properties in fibrin clots. The studies are complemented by the use of SEM Edax and micro-computed tomography (microCT) to evaluate the extracted thrombotic material's properties. microCT is a versatile characterization method offering in situ and in operando possibilities and is a qualitative diagnostic tool. With microCT the presence of pores, cracks, and structural errors can be verified, and hence the 3D inner structure of samples can be investigated.
- Comparison of Lugol's solution and Fe3O4 nanoparticles as contrast agents for tumor spheroid imaging using microcomputed tomographyD. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. StępieńBackground Lugol's solution is well known for its unique contrasting properties to biological samples in in microcomputed tomography imaging. On the other hand, iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs), which have much lower attenuation capabilities to X-ray radiation show decent cell penetration and accumulation properties, are increasingly being used as quantitative contrast agents in biology and medicine. In our research, they were used to stain 3D cell structures called spheroids. Aim In this study, the micro computed tomography (microCT) technique was used to visualize and compare the uptake and accumulation of two contrast agents, Lugol's solution and iron (II, III) oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) in the in vitro human spheroid tumour model. Methods The metastatic human melanoma cell line WM266-4 was cultured, first under standard 2D conditions, and after reaching 90% confluence cells was seeded in a low adhesive plate, which allows spheroid formation. On the 7th day of growth, the spheroids were transferred to the tubes and stained with IONPs or Lugol's solution and subjected to microCT imaging. Results Our research allows visualization of the regions of absorption at the level of single cells, with relatively short incubation times - 24h - for Lugol's solution. IONPs proved to be useful only in high concentrations (1 mg/ml) and long incubation times (96h). Conclusions When comparing the reconstructed visualizations of the distribution of these stating agents, it is worth noting that Lugol's solution spreads evenly throughout the spheroids, whereas IONPs (regardless of their size 5 and 30 nm) accumulate only in the outer layer of the spheroid structure.
- ProTheRaMon - a GATE simulation framework for proton therapy range monitoring using PET imagingD. Borys, J. Baran, K.W. Brzezinski, J. Gajewski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, R. Kopec, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, A. John Lomax, K. McNamara, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Olko, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Río, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, T. Skóra, M. Skurzok, P. Stasica, E. Stępień, K. Tayefi Ardebili, F. Tayefi, D. Charles Weber, C. Winterhalter, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal, A. RucinskiObjective: This paper reports on the implementation and shows examples of the use of the ProTheRaMon framework for simulating the delivery of proton therapy treatment plans and range monitoring using positron emission tomography (PET). ProTheRaMon offers complete processing of proton therapy treatment plans, patient CT geometries, and intra-treatment PET imaging, taking into account therapy and imaging coordinate systems and activity decay during the PET imaging protocol specific to a given proton therapy facility. We present the ProTheRaMon framework and illustrate its potential use case and data processing steps for a patient treated at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB) proton therapy center in Krakow, Poland. Approach: The ProTheRaMon framework is based on GATE Monte Carlo software, the CASToR reconstruction package and in-house developed Python and bash scripts. The framework consists of five separated simulation and data processing steps, that can be further optimized according to the user's needs and specific settings of a given proton therapy facility and PET scanner design. Main results: ProTheRaMon is presented using example data from a patient treated at CCB and the J-PET scanner to demonstrate the application of the framework for proton therapy range monitoring. The output of each simulation and data processing stage is described and visualized. Significance: We demonstrate that the ProTheRaMon simulation platform is a high-performance tool, capable of running on a computational cluster and suitable for multi-parameter studies, with databases consisting of large number of patients, as well as different PET scanner geometries and settings for range monitoring in a clinical environment. Due to its modular structure, the ProTheRaMon framework can be adjusted for different proton therapy centers and/or different PET detector geometries. It is available to the community via github.
- Kaonic Atoms at the DAFNE Collider with the SIDDHARTA-2 ExperimentF. Napolitano, F. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuKaonic atoms are a unique tool to explore quantum chromodynamics in the strangeness sector at low energy, with implications reaching neutron stars and dark matter. Precision X-ray spectroscopy can fully unlock the at-threshold isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, via the atomic transitions to the fundamental level. While the SIDDHARTA experiment at the INFN-LNF DAFNE collider successfully measured kaonic hydrogen, its successor SIDDHARTA-2 is starting now its data taking campaign aiming to finally fully disentangle the isoscalar and isovector scattering lengths via the measurement of kaonic deuterium. An overview of the first experimental results from a preparatory run for the SIDDAHARTA-2 experiment is presented.
- Radiovesicolomics - new approach in medical imagingE.Ł. Stępień, C. Rząca, P. MoskalThis review introduce extracellular vesicles (EVs) to a molecular imaging field. The idea of modern analyses based on the use of omics studies, using highthroughput methods to characterize the molecular content of a single biological system, vesicolomics seems to be the new approach to collect molecular data about EV content, to find novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets. The use of various imaging techniques, including those based on radionuclides as positron emission tomography (PET) or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), combining molecular data on EVs, opens up the new space for radiovesicolomics?a new approach to be used in theranostics.
- The SIDDHARTA-2 calibration method for high precision kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy measurementsF. Sgaramella, M. Miliucci, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the DAFNE collider aims to perform the first kaonic deuterium X-ray transitions to the fundamental level measurement, with a systematic error at the level of a few eV. To achieve this challenging goal the experimental apparatus is equipped with 384 Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) distributed around its cryogenic gaseous target. The SDDs developed by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration are suitable for high precision kaonic atoms spectroscopy, thanks to their high energy and time resolutions combined with their radiation hardness. The energy response of each detector must be calibrated and monitored to keep the systematic error, due to processes such as gain fluctuations, at the level of 2-3 eV. This paper presents the SIDDHARTA-2 calibration method which was optimized during the preliminary phase of the experiment in the real background conditions of the DAFNE collider, which is a fundamental tool to guarantee the high precision spectroscopic performances of the system over long periods of data taking, as that required for the kaonic deuterium measurement.
- Study of the influence of hyperglycemia on the abundance of amino acids, fatty acids, and selected lipids in extracellular vesicles using TOF-SIMSM. E. Marzec, C. Rząca, P. Moskal, E. Ł. StępieńTime-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) with the Bi3+ liquid metal ion gun was used to investigate the content of lipids and amino acids (AAs) in extracellular vesicles (EVs). We induced metabolic changes in human pancreatic beta-cells by stimulation with high glucose concentrations (35 mM) and tested the hypothesis of hyperglycemia (HG) has a detrimental effect on lipids and AAs in released EV subpopulations: ectosomes and exosomes. As a result of HG treatment, selected fatty acids (FAs) such as arachidonic, myristic and palmitic acids, changed their abundance in ectosomes and exosomes. Also, intensities of the characteristic peaks for cholesterol (m/z 95.09; 147.07; 161.11; 369.45) along with the molecular ion m/z 386.37 [C27H46O+] under HG conditions, both for ectosomes and exosomes, have changed significantly. Comparative analysis of HG EVs and normoglycemic (NG) ones showed statistically significant differences in the signal intensities of four AAs: valine (m/z 72.08 and 83.05), isoleucine (m/z 86.10), phenylalanine (m/z 120.08 and 132.05) and tyrosine (m/z 107.05 and 136.09). We confirmed that ToF-SIMS is a useful technique to study selected AAs and lipid profiles in various EV subpopulations. Our study is the first demonstration of changes in FAs and AAs in exosomes and ectosomes derived from ?-cells under the influence of HG.
- Perspectives on translation of positronium imaging into clinicsP. Moskal, E.Ł. StępieńThe image of positronium properties created in the patient?s body during PET examination tells about the inter- and intra-molecular structure of the tissue and the concentration of bio-active molecules in the tissue [2?4]. In this article, we advocate the opinion that total-body PET systems, thanks to their high imaging sensitivity and high time resolution, open up the prospect of translating positronium imaging into clinics.
- Decoherence Puzzle in Measurements of Photons Originating from Electron-Positron AnnihilationS. Sharma, D. Kumar, P. MoskalThe entanglement of photons originating from electron-positron annihilation has not been experimentally proven. owever, the independent experiments performed so far unanimously confirm that the correlation between the linear polarizations of back-to-back photons from electron?positron annihilation is consistent with the assumption that these photons are entangled in the polarization. Yet, unexpectedly, recent experiments differ as regards the correlation of polarization direction of back-to-back photons after the decoherence induced by the scattering of one of these photons on the electron in the scattering material. In one of the experiments, the correlation before and after the decoherence of the photon state is the same, and in the other experiment, the scattering of one photon leads to a significant decrease in this correlation. Here we discuss this puzzle. Decoherent states were ensured provided by forcing one of the annihilation photons to scatter earlier before measuring the polarization correlation based on Compton kinematics. The comparison is made between the experimental setups used for the different measurements, and the results obtained are briefly discussed, highlighting the parameters that are important in performing such measurements. Finally, the main features of the J-PET detector are presented, along with the schemes for performing similar studies, so that the conclusive results can be used as remarks to solve the puzzle in question. Solving the decoherence puzzle will have crucial consequences for basic studies of entanglement, as well as for the proposed application of the photon polarization in positron emission tomography. If the correlation of the polarization of back-to-back photons from the electron?positron annihilation is the same before and after the scattering of these photons, then it will not be useful for the reduction of scatter fraction in positron emission tomography diagnostics.
- Towards the first kaonic deuterium measurement with the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at DAFNEM. Miliucci, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, J. ZmeskalThe SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is going to perform the longawaited high precision X-ray measurement of kaonic deuterium, obtaining for the first time the values of the shift and the width induced by the strong interaction on the fundamental level. By combining this unprecedented result with the analogous kaonic hydrogen measurement performed by the SIDDHARTA experiment, it will be possible to extract the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, providing direct information on the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in the non-perturbative Chromodynamics (QCD) in the non-perturbative regime in the strangeness sector. This paper describes the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, presently installed at the DA?NE collider of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, and the results obtained during the kaonic helium run, preparatory for the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign planned for 2022.
- The eta- and eta'-nucleus interactions and the search for eta, eta'- mesic statesS. D. Bass, V. Metag, P. Moskal
HEP: arXiv:2111.01388The isoscalar eta and eta? mesons are special in QCD, being linked both to chiral symmetry and to non-perturbative glue associated with the axial anomaly. The properties of these mesons in medium are sensitive to how these dynamics work in the nuclear environment. In contrast to pionic and kaonic atoms which are mainly bound by the Coulomb interaction with some corrections due to the strong force (Coulomb assisted binding), the eta and eta' as neutral mesons can only be bound by the strong interaction. Is this interaction strong enough? This topic has inspired a vigorous program of experiments, conducted in close contact with theory, One has to determine the complex eta, eta'-nucleus potential. Does the real part V provide a sufficiently deep potential? Is the imaginary part W small enough to allow for narrow states that can more easily be detected experimentally, i.e. |W|<<|V|? The eta' effective mass is observed to be suppressed by ~40 MeV at nuclear matter density. Bound state searches are ongoing. This article gives an overview of the status of knowledge in this field together with an outlook to future experiments. - Large area silicon drift detectors system for high precision timed x-ray spectroscopyM. Miliucci, M. Iliescu, F. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce and J. ZmeskalThe current work presents the optimization of large area silicon drift detectors developed by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration for high precision x-ray measurements of light exotic atom transitions. Two different radiation sources were employed in the study: an x-ray tube, for investigating the energy resolution and the charge collection efficiency of the device in the range 4000 eV-13000 eV, and a beta-90Sr radioactive source for measuring the timing response, thus qualifying the charge drift parameters inside the semiconductor. The study reports the spectroscopic response optimization, together with the tuning of the electron dynamics for the given Silicon technology, by adjusting the applied electric field and the working temperature, which allow a good control of the device's performances for high precision, timed x-ray spectroscopy applications.
- Precision tests of quantum mechanics and CPT symmetry with entangled neutral kaons at KLOED. Babusci, M. Berlowski, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, A. Budano, B. Cao, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwiński, G. D'Agostini, E. Dane, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Cicco, A. Di Domenico, E. Diociaiuti, D. Domenici, A. D'Uffizi, A. Fantini, G. Fantini, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, A. Gajos, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, V. L. Ivanov, T. Johansson, X. Kang, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, E. A. Kozyrev, W. Krzemien, A. Kupsc, P. A. Lukin, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Perez del Rio, P. Santangelo, M. Schioppa, A. Selce, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, E. P. Solodov, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, W. Wiślicki, M. WolkeThe quantum interference between the decays of entangled neutral kaons is studied in the process phi -> KSKL -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-), which exhibits the characteristic Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations that prevent both kaons to decay into pi(+)pi(-) at the same time. This constitutes a very powerful tool for testing at the utmost precision the quantum coherence of the entangled kaon pair state, and to search for tiny decoherence and CPT violation effects, which may be justified in a quantum gravity framework. The analysed data sample was collected with the KLOE detector at DAFNE, the Frascati phi-factory, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of about 1.7 fb(-1), i.e. to about 1.7 x 10(9) phi -> KSKL decays produced. From the fit of the observed Delta t distribution, being Delta t the difference of the kaon decay times, the decoherence and CPT violation parameters of various phenomenological models are measured with a largely improved accuracy with respect to previous analyses. The results are consistent with no deviation from quantum mechanics and CPT symmetry, while for some parameters the precision reaches the interesting level at which - in the most optimistic scenarios - quantum gravity effects might show up. They provide the most stringent limits up to date on the considered models.
- A new kaonic helium measurement in gas by SIDDHARTINO at the DAFNE colliderD. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, F. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. CurceanuThe SIDDHARTINO experiment at the DAFNE Collider of INFN-LNF, the pilot run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment which aims to perform the measurement of kaonic deuterium transitions to the fundamental level, has successfully been concluded. The paper reports the main results of this run, including the optimization of various components of the apparatus, among which the degrader needed to maximize the fraction of kaons stopped inside the target, through measurements of kaonic helium transitions to the 2p level. The obtained shift and width values are epsilon_2p = E_exp-E_e.m = 0.2 pm 2.5(stat) pm 2(syst) eV and Gamma_2p = 8 pm 10 eV (stat), respectively. This new measuremnt of the shift, in particular, represents the most precise one for a gaseous target and is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the kaon-nuclei interaction at low energy.
- Investigation of the low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei by AMADEUSM. Skurzok, M. Bazzi, M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. de Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, J. ZmeskalThe aim of the AMADEUS collaboration is to provide new experimental constraints to the antikaon-nucleon (K-N) strong interaction in the regime of nonperturbative QCD, investigating the low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei like H, 4He, 9Be and 12C. The unique low-momentum kaon beam produced at the DAFNE collider is ideal to study K- nuclear captures, both at-rest and in-flight. The large acceptance KLOE detector, used as an active target, allows to achieve excellent position and momentum resolutions. In this work, a brief description of recent AMADEUS results is presented.
- Positronium as a biomarker of hypoxiaP. Moskal and E.Ł. StępieńIn this review article, we present arguments demonstrating that the advent of high sensitivity total-body PET systems and the invention of the method of positronium imaging, open realistic perspectives for the application of positronium as a biomarker forin-vivo assessment of the degree of hypoxia. Hypoxia is a state or condition, in which the availability of oxygen is not sufficient to support physiological processes in tissue and organs. Positronium is a meta-stable atom formed from electron and positron which is copiously produced in the intramolecular spaces in the living organisms undergoing positron emission tomography (PET). Properties of positronium, such as e.g., lifetime, depend on the size of intramolecular spaces and the concentration in them of oxygen molecules. Therefore, information on the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in the tissue may be derived from the positronium lifetime measurement. The partial pressure of oxygen differs between healthy and cancer tissues in the range from 10 to 50 mmHg. Such differences of pO2 result in the change of ortho-positronium lifetime e.g., in water by about 2?7 ps. Thus, the application of positronium as a biomarker of hypoxia requires the determination of the mean positronium lifetime with the resolution in the order of2 ps. We argue that such resolution is in principle achievable for organ-wise positronium imaging with the total-body PET systems.
- New trends in theranosticsP. Moskal, E.Ł. Stępień
- Novel biomarker and drug delivery systems for theranostics-extracellular vesiclesE.Ł. Stępień, C. Rząca, P. MoskalExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano- and micro-sized double-layered membrane entities derivedfrom most cell types and released into biological fluids. Biological properties (cell-uptake, biocompatibility), and chemical (composition, structure) or physical (size, density) characteristics make EVs a good candidate for drug delivery systems (DDS). Recent advances in the field of EVs (e.g., scaling-up production, purification) and developments of new imaging methods (total-body positron emission tomography [PET]) revealed benefits ofradio labeled EVs in diagnostic and interventional medicine as a potential DDs in theranostics.
- Unparalleled and revolutionary impact of PET imaging on research and day to day practice of medicineA. Alavi, T.J. Werner, E.Ł. Stępień, P. MoskalPositron emission tomography (PET) imaging is the most quantitative modality for assessing diseaseactivity at the molecular and cellular levels, and therefore, it allows monitoring its course and determining the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions. In this scientific communication, we describe the unparalleled and revolutionary impact of PET imaging on researchand day to day practice of medicine. We emphasize thecritical importance of the development and synthesis of novel radiotracers (starting from the enormous impactof F-Fluorodeouxyglucose (FDG) introduced by investigators at the University of Pennsylvania (PENN)) and PET instrumentation. These innovations have led to the total-body PET systems enabling dynamic and parametric molecular imaging of all organs in the body simultaneously. We also present our perspectives for future development of molecular imaging by multiphoton PET systems that will enable users to extract substantial information (owing to the evolving role of positronium imaging) about the related molecular and biological bases of various disorders, which are unachievable by the current PET imaging techniques.
- Silicon Drift Detectors' Spectroscopic Response during the SIDDHARTA-2 Kaonic Helium Run at the DAFNE ColliderM. Miliucci, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalA large-area silicon drift detectors (SDDs) system has been developed by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration for high precision light kaonic atom X-ray spectroscopy at the DAFNE collider of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The SDDs' geometry and electric field configuration, combined with their read-out electronics, make these devices suitable for performing high precision light kaonic atom spectroscopy measurements in the background of the DA phi NE collider. This work presents the spectroscopic response of the SDDs system during the first exotic atoms run of SIDDHARTA-2 with kaonic helium, a preliminary to the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign. The SIDDHARTA-2 spectroscopic system has good energy resolution and a 2 mu s timing window which rejects the asynchronous events, scaling the background by a factor of 10-5. The results obtained for the first exotic atoms run of SIDDHARTA-2 prove this system to be ready to perform the challenging kaonic deuterium measurement.
- Positronium imaging with the novel multiphoton PET scannerP. Moskal, K. Dulski, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, G. Grudzień, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, P. Małczak, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M. Pędziwiatr, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E.Ł. Stępień, M. Szczepanek, F. Tayefi, W. WiślickiIn vivo assessment of cancer and precise location of altered tissues at initial stages of molecular disorders are important diagnostic challenges. Positronium is copiously formed in the free molecular spaces in the patient?s body during positron emission tomography (PET). The positronium properties vary according to the size of inter- and intramolecular voids and the concentration of molecules in them such as, e.g., molecular oxygen, O2; therefore, positronium imaging may provide information about disease progression during the initial stages of molecular alterations. Current PET systems do not allow acquisition of positronium images. This study presents a new method that enables positronium imaging by simultaneous registration of annihilation photons and deexcitation photons from pharmaceuticals labeled with radionuclides. The first positronium imaging of a phantom built from cardiac myxoma and adipose tissue is demonstrated. It is anticipated that positronium imaging will substantially enhance the specificity of PET diagnostics.
- Optimisation of the event-based TOF filtered back-projection for online imaging in total-body J-PETR.Y. Shopa, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kopka, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, J. Raj, S. Sharma, Shivani, E.Ł. Stępień, F. Tayefi, P. MoskalWe perform a parametric study of the newly developed time-of-flight (TOF) image reconstruction algorithm, proposed for the real-time imaging in total-body Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanners. The asymmetric 3D filtering kernel is applied at each most likely position of electron-positron annihilation, estimated from the emissions of back-to-back gamma-photons. The optimisation of its parameters is studied using Monte Carlo simulations of a 1-mm spherical source, NEMA IEC and XCAT phantoms inside the ideal J-PET scan- ner. The combination of high-pass filters which included the TOF filtered back-projection (FBP), resulted in spatial resolution, 1.5 times higher in the axial direction than for the conventional 3D FBP. For real- istic 10-minute scans of NEMA IEC and XCAT, which require a trade-offbetween the noise and spatial resolution, the need for Gaussian TOF kernel components, coupled with median post-filtering, is demon- strated. The best sets of 3D filter parameters were obtained by the Nelder-Mead minimisation of the mean squared error between the resulting and reference images. The approach allows training the recon- struction algorithm for custom scans, using the IEC phantom, when the temporal resolution is below 50 ps. The image quality parameters, estimated for the best outcomes, were systematically better than for the non-TOF FBP.
- Testing CPT symmetry in ortho-positronium decays with positronium annihilation tomographyP. Moskal, A. Gajos, M. Mohammed, J. Chhokar, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, M. Gorgol, J. Goworek, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Parzych, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, S. Sharma, S. Choudhary, R. Shopa, A. Sienkiewicz, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Stepien, F. Tayefi, W. WiślickiCharged lepton system symmetry under combined charge, parity, and time-reversal transformation (CPT) remain scarcely tested. Despite stringent quantum-electrodynamic limits, discrepancies in predictions for the electron-positron bound state (positronium atom) motivate further investigation, including fundamental symmetry tests. While CPT noninvariance effects could be manifested in non-vanishing angular correlations between final-state photons and spin of annihilating positronium, measurements were previously limited by the knowledge of the latter. Here, we demonstrate tomographic reconstruction techniques applied to three-photon annihilations of ortho-positronium atoms to estimate their spin polarisation without a magnetic field or polarised positronium source. We use a plastic-scintillator-based positron-emission-tomography scanner to record ortho-positronium (o-Ps) annihilations with a single-event estimation of o-Ps spin and determine the complete spectrum of an angular correlation operator sensitive to CPT-violating effects. We find no violation at the precision level of 10^{-4}, with an over threefold improvement on the previous measurement.
- Kaonic Atoms Measurements at DAFNE: SIDDHARTA-2 and Future PerspectivesC. Curceanu,, M. Miliucci, A. Scordo, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalHigh precision light kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy is a unique tool for performing experiments equivalent to scattering at vanishing relative energies, to determine the antikaon-nucleus interaction at threshold without the need of extrapolation to zero energy. The SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration is going to perform the first measurement of kaonic deuterium transitions to the fundamental level, which is mandatory to extract the isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is presently installed on the DA Phi NE collider of INFN-LNF. The preliminary results obtained during the machine commissioning phase in preparation for the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign, together with future perspectives for extreme precision kaonic atoms studies at DA Phi NE are presented.
- Simulating NEMA characteristics of the modular total-body J-PET scanner - an economic total-body PET from plastic scintillatorsP. Moskal, P. Kowalski, R.Y. Shopa, L. Raczyński, J. Baran, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B.C. Hiesmayr, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kopka, G. Korcyl, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, Sz. Parzych, J. Raj, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, E. Stępień, F. Tayefi, W. WiślickiThe purpose of the presented research is the estimation of the performance characteristics of the economic total-body Jagiellonian-PET system (TB-J-PET) constructed from plastic scintillators. The characteristics are estimated according to the NEMANU-2-2018 standards utilizing the GATE package. The simulated detector consists of 24 modules, each built out of 32 plastic scintillator strips (each with a cross-section of 6 mm times 30 mm and length of 140 or 200 cm) arranged in two layers in regular 24-sided polygon circumscribing a circle with a diameter of 78.6 cm. For the TB-J-PET with an axial field-of-view (AFOV) of 200 cm, a spatial resolution (SRs) of 3.7mm (transversal) and 4.9mm (axial) are achieved. The noise equivalent count rate (NECR) peak of 630 kcps is expected at 30 kBq cc^-1. Activity concentration and the sensitivity at the center amount to 38 cps kBq^-1. The scatter fraction (SF) is estimated to 36.2 %. The values of SF and SR are comparable to those obtained for the state-of-the-art clinical PET scanners and the first total-body tomographs: uExplorer and PennPET.With respect to the standard PET systemswithAFOVin the range from16 to 26 cm, the TBJ-PET is characterized by an increase inNECRapproximately by a factor of 4 and by the increase of the whole-body sensitivity by a factor of 12.6 to 38. The time-of-flight resolution for the TB-J-PETis expected to be at the level ofCRT=240 ps fullwidth at half-maximum. For the TB-J-PETwith an AFOVof 140 cm, an image quality of the reconstructed images of a NEMAIEC phantom was presented with a contrast recovery coefficient and a background variability parameters. The increase of the whole-body sensitivity andNECRestimated for the TB-J-PET with respect to current commercial PETsystems makes the TB-J-PET a promising cost-effective solution for the broad clinical applications of total-body PET scanners. TB-J-PETmay constitutes an economic alternative for the crystal TB-PET scanners, since plastic scintillators are much cheaper than BGO or LYSO crystals and the axial arrangement of the strips significantly reduces the costs of readout electronics and SiPMs.
- The J-PET detector - a tool for precision studies of ortho-positronium decaysK. Dulski, S.D. Bass, J. Chhokar, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, R. Del Grande, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kopka, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, P. Małczak, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M. Pędziwiatr, L. Raczyński7, J. Raj, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Ł. Stępień, F. Tayefi, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalThe J-PET tomograph is constructed from plastic scintillator strips arranged axially in concentric cylindrical layers. It enables investigations of positronium decays by measurement of the time, position, polarization and energy deposited by photons in the scintillators, in contrast to studies conducted so far with crystal and semiconductor based detection systems where the key selection of events is based on the measurement of the photons energies. In this article we show that the J-PET tomography system constructed solely from plastic scintillator detectors is capable of exclusive measurements of the decays of ortho-positronium atoms. We present the first positronium production results and its lifetime distribution measurements. The obtained results prove the capability of the J-PET tomograph for (i) fundamental studies of positronium decays (in particular test of discrete symmetries in purely leptonic systems), (ii) positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, as well as (iii) molecular imaging diagnostics and (iv) observation of entanglement
- Low energy kaon-nuclei interaction at DAFNE: The SIDDHARTA-2 experimentM. Miliucci, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalLight kaonic atoms spectroscopy is a unique tool for the investigation of the low-energy quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the strangeness sector. The precise measurements of the X-ray emission from light kaonic atoms provide information on the kaon-nucleus interaction at the threshold without the need for an extrapolation as in the case of scattering experiments. In 2009, the SIDDHARTA Collaboration performed the most precise measurement of kaonic hydrogen (K - H) X-ray transition to the fundamental level. Nowadays, the SIDDHARTA-2 Collaboration is ready to perform the more challenging measurement of kaonic deuterium (K - d) 2p -> 1s transition. To achieve this unprecedented result, which is fundamental to extract the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, an upgraded experimental apparatus with respect to the SIDDHARTA one was realized. This paper presents an overview of the SIDDHARTA-2 setup installed on the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN and the first results obtained during the machine optimization phase, in preparation for the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign planned in 20212022.
- PANDA Phase OneG. Barucca, ..., G. Korcyl, R. Lalik, A. Malige, P. Moskal , K. Nowakowski , W. Przygoda , N. Rathod , P. Salabura , J. Smyrski , et al.The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany, provides unique possibilities for a new generation of hadron-, nuclear- and atomic physics experiments. The future antiProton ANnihilations at DArmstadt (PANDA or P(anti)P PANDA) experiment at FAIR will offer a broad physics programme, covering different aspects of the strong interaction. Understanding the latter in the non-perturbative regime remains one of the greatest challenges in contemporary physics. The antiproton-nucleon interaction studied with PANDA provides crucial tests in this area. Furthermore, the high-intensity, low-energy domain of PANDA allows for searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, e.g. through high precision symmetry tests. This paper takes into account a staged approach for the detector setup and for the delivered luminosity from the accelerator. The available detector setup at the time of the delivery of the first antiproton beams in the HESR storage ring is referred to as the Phase One setup.The physics programme that is achievable during Phase One is outlined in this paper.
- The potential of Lambda and Xi- studies with PANDA at FAIRG. Barucca, F. Davi, G. Lancioni, P. Mengucci, L. Montalto, P. P. Natali, N. Paone, D. Rinaldi, L. Scalise, W. Erni, B. Krusche, M. Steinacher, N. Walford, N. Cao, Z. Liu, C. Liu, B. Liu, X. Shen, S. Sun, J. Tao, X. A. Xiong, G. Zhao, J. Zhao, M. Albrecht, W. Alkakhi, S. Bökelmann, F. Feldbauer, M. Fink, J. Frech, V. Freudenreich, M. Fritsch, R. Hagdorn, F. H. Heinsius, T. Held, T. Holtmann, I. Keshk, H. Koch, B. Kopf, M. Kuhlmann, M. Kümmel, M. Küßner, J. Li, A. Mustafa, M. Pelizäus, A. Pitka, J. Reher, G. Reicherz, M. Richter, C. Schnier, L. Sohl, M. Steinke, T. Triffterer, C. Wenzel, U. Wiedner, H. Denizli, N. Er, R. Beck, C. Hammann, J. Hartmann, B. Ketzer, J. Müllers, M. Rossbach, B. Salisbury, C. Schmidt, U. Thoma, M. Urban, A. Bianconi, M. Bragadireanu, D. Pantea, M. Domagala, G. Filo, E. Lisowski, F. Lisowski, M. Michałek, P. Poznański, J. Płażek, K. Korcyl, A. Kozela, P. Lebiedowicz, K. Pysz, W. Schäfer, A. Szczurek, T. Fiutowski, M. Idzik, K. Swientek, P. Terlecki, G. Korcyl, R. Lalik, A. Malige, P. Moskal, K. Nowakowski, W. Przygoda, N. Rathod, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, J. Smyrski, I. Augustin, R. Böhm, I. Lehmann, L. Schmitt, V. Varentsov, M. Al-Turany, A. Belias, H. Deppe, R. Dzhygadlo, H. Flemming, A. Gerhardt, K. Götzen, A. Heinz, P. Jiang, R. Karabowicz, S. Koch, U. Kurilla, D. Lehmann, J. Lühning, U. Lynen, H. Orth, K. Peters, J. Rieger, T. Saito, G. Schepers, C. J. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, J. Schwiening, A. Täschner, M. Traxler, B. Voss, P. Wieczorek, V. Abazov, G. Alexeev, V. A. Arefiev, V. Astakhov, M. Yu. Barabanov, B. V. Batyunya, V. Kh. Dodokhov, A. Efremov, A. Fechtchenko, A. Galoyan, G. Golovanov, E. K. Koshurnikov, Y. Yu. Lobanov, A. G. Olshevskiy, A. A. Piskun, A. Samartsev, S. Shimanski, N. B. Skachkov, A. N. Skachkova, E. A. Strokovsky, V. Tokmenin, V. Uzhinsky, A. Verkheev, A. Vodopianov, N. I. Zhuravlev, D. Branford, D. Watts, M. Böhm, W. Eyrich, A. Lehmann, D. Miehling, M. Pfaffinger, N. Quin, L. Robison, K. Seth, T. Xiao, D. Bettoni, A. Ali, A. Hamdi, M. Himmelreich, M. Krebs, S. Nakhhe antiproton experiment PANDA at FAIR is designed to bring hadron physics to a new level in terms of scope, precision and accuracy. In this work, its unique capability for studies of hyperons is outlined. We discuss ground-state hyperons as diagnostic tools to study non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction, and fundamental symmetries. New simulation studies have been carried out for two benchmark hyperon-antihyperon production channels: p(anti)p -> Lambda(anti)Lambda and p(anti)p -> anti(Xi)+Xi-. The results, presented in detail in this paper, show that hyperon-antihyperon pairs from these reactions can be exclusively reconstructed with high efficiency and very low background contamination. In addition, the polarisation and spin correlations have been studied, exploiting the weak, self-analysing decay of hyperons and antihyperons. Two independent approaches to the finite efficiency have been applied and evaluated: one standard multidimensional efficiency correction approach, and one efficiency independent approach. The applicability of the latter was thoroughly evaluated for all channels, beam momenta and observables. The standard method yields good results in all cases, and shows that spin observables can be studied with high precision and accuracy already in the first phase of data taking with PANDA.
- Silicon Drift Detectors system for high precision light kaonic atoms spectroscopyM. Miliucci, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalA large area Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) system and its readout electronics have been developed by the SIDDHARTA-2 Collaboration, aiming to perform high precision light kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy for the investigation of the ?-N strong interaction in the low-energy QCD regime. To perform these measurements, a linear energy response and a good energy resolution are mandatory requirements for the system, to be preserved along the whole DAQ (analog and digital) chain; such task is made even harder in the experimental environment of particles colliders, where the high background due to ionizing particles and radiation is present. The energy response of the SDDs system has been characterized with the beam-originating background generated during the commissioning phase of the DAFNE electron-positron collider (INFN-LNF) in early 2020. The data analysis has been optimized to describe the system's response and the background. The calibration procedure demonstrates that, despite the high and variable background of the collider, the energy response of the system is linear at the level of few eV (?E/E <10e-3), with an energy resolution of 157.8?0.3(+0.2)(-0.2)eV for the Fe Kalpha line.
- On the K- Absorptions in Light Nuclei by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, K. Piscicchia, M. Cargnelli, L. Fabbietti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, O.Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal, P. Branchini, E. Czerwinski, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. Di Cicco, E. Diociaiuti, R. Donghia, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, M. Martini, E.Perez Del Rio, A. Selce, M. Silarski, C. CurceanuThe aim of the AMADEUS collaboration is to provide experimental information on the low-energy strong interaction of antikaons with nucleons, exploiting the absorptions of low momentum K- mesons (pK ~127 MeV/c) produced at the DANE collider, in the materials composing the KLOE detector setup, used as an active target. The K- single and multi-nucleon absorptions in light nuclei (4He and 12C) are investigated by reconstructing hyperon?pion, hyperon?nucleon/nucleus pairs, emitted in the final state of the reactions. In this paper the results obtained from the study of pi-, p and t correlated production are presented.
- Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from pp->m+m- at PANDA at FAIRG. Barucca, ..., G. Korcyl, P. Moskal et al.This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, |GE| and |GM|, using the pp?m+m- reaction at PANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at PANDA, using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is pp->pi+pi-, due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distributions of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented.
- 3D TOF-PET image reconstruction using total variation regularizationL. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, P. Kopka, P. Kowalski, R. Y. Shopa, M. Bała, J. Chhokar, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, R. Del Grande, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, L. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, J. Raj, K. Rakoczy, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E.Ł. Stepień, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalIn this paper we introduce a semi-analytic algorithm for 3-dimensional image reconstruction for positron emission tomography (PET). The method consists of the back-projection of the acquired data into the most likely image voxel according to time-of-flight (TOF) information, followed by the filtering step in the image space using an iterative optimization algorithm with a total variation (TV) regularization. TV regularization in image space is more computationally efficient than usual iterative optimization methods for PET reconstruction with a full system matrix that uses TV regularization. The efficiency comes from the one-time TOF back-projection step that might also be described as a reformatting of the acquired data. An important aspect of our work concerns the evaluation of the filter operator of the linear transform mapping an original radioactive tracer distribution into the TOF back-projected image. We obtain concise, closed-form analytical formula for the filter operator. The proposed method is validated with the Monte Carlo simulations of the NEMA IEC phantom using a one-layer, 50 cm-long cylindrical device called Jagiellonian PET scanner. The results show a better image quality compared with the reference TOF maximum likelihood expectation maximization algorithm.
- Search for the eta mesic 3He in the pd->dppi0 reaction with the WASA-at-COSY facilityP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.The excitation function for the pd -> dppi0 reaction has been measured by WASA-at-COSY experiment with the aim of searching for 3He-eta mesic nuclei. The measurement in the vicinity of eta meson production was performed using a ramped proton beam. The data analysis and interpretation was carried out with the assumption that the eta-mesic Helium decays via the formation of an intermediate N*(1535) resonance. No direct signal of the eta-mesic nucleus is observed in the excitation function. We determine a new improved upper limit for the total cross section for the bound state production and decay in the pd -> (3He-eta)bound -> dppi0 process. It varies between 13 nb to 24 nb for the bound state with width in the range Gamma (5,50) MeV.
- Characterization of the SIDDHARTA-2 luminosity monitorM. Skurzok, A. Scordo, S. Niedzwiecki, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalA luminosity monitor, based on plastic scintillator detectors, has been developed for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aiming to perform high precision measurements of kaonic atoms and was installed in 2020 on the DAFNE e+e- collider at LNF (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN). The main goal of this system is to provide the~instantaneous and integrated luminosity of the DAFNE facility by measuring the rate of K+K- correlated pairs emitted by the Phi meson decay. This task requires an accurate timing of the DAQ signals, as well as timing resolution below 1ns, in order to disentangle the K+- signals from the background minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) produced during the e+e- collisions at DAFNE. In this paper the luminosity monitor concept as well as its laboratory characterization and the first results inside DAFNE are presented.
- Upper limit on the eta->pi+pi- branching fraction with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, M. Berlowski, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, A. Budano, B. Cao, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwiński, G. D'Agostini, E. Dan?, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Cicco, A. Di Domenico, D. Domenici, A. D'Uffizi, A. Fantini, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, A. Gajos, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, V. L. Ivanov, T. Johansson, X. Kang, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, E. A. Kozyrev, W. Krzemien, A. Kupsc, P. A. Lukin, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, S. Parzych, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Perez del Rio, P. Santangelo, M. Schioppa, A. Selce, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, E. P. Solodov, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, W. Wiślicki, M. WolkeBased on an integrated luminosity of 1.61 fb^{-1} e+e- collision data collected with the KLOE detector at DAFNE, the Frascati phi-factory, a search for the P- and CP-violating decay eta->pi+pi- has been performed. Radiative phi->eta gamma decay is exploited to access the eta mesons. No signal is observed in the pi+pi- invariant mass spectrum, and the upper limit on the branching fraction at 90% confidence level is determined to be B(eta->pi+pi-)<4.9x10^{-6}, which is approximately three times smaller than the previous KLOE result. From the combination of these two measurements we get B(eta->pi+pi-)<4.4x10^{-6} at 90% confidence level.
- Synchronisation and calibration of the 24-modules J-PET prototype with 300 mm axial field of viewP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Silarski, E. Czerwiński, T. Kozik, J. Chhokar, M. Bała, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, D. Kisielewska, K.Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, E. Stępień, W. Wiślicki, B. ZgardzińskaResearch conducted in the framework of the J-PET project aims to develop a cost-effective total-body positron emission tomography scanner. As a first step on the way to construct a full-scale J-PET tomograph from long strips of plastic scintillators, a 24-strip prototype was built and tested. The prototype consists of detection modules arranged axially forming a cylindrical diagnostic chamber with an inner diameter of 360 mm and an axial field-of-view of 300 mm. Promising perspectives for a low-cost construction of a total-body PET scanner are opened due to an axial arrangement of strips of plastic scintillators, which have a small light attenuation, superior timing properties, and the possibility of cost-effective increase of the axial field-of-view. The presented prototype comprises dedicated solely digital front-end electronic circuits and a triggerless data acquisition system which required development of new calibration methods including time, thresholds and gain synchronization. The system and elaborated calibration methods including first results of the 24-module J-PET prototype are presented and discussed. The achieved coincidence resolving time equals to CRT = 490 +- 9 ps. This value can be translated to the position reconstruction accuracy s(Dl) = 18 mm which is fairly position-independent Keywords: positron emission tomography, plastic scintillators, J-PET.
- Prospects and clinical perspectives of total-body PET imaging using plastic scintillatorsP. Moskal, E. Ł. StępieńTotal-body PET opens new diagnostic paradigm with prospects for personalized disease treatment, yet the high cost of the current crystal-based PET technology limits dissemination of total-body PET in hospitals and even in the research clinics. The J-PET tomography system is based on axially arranged low-cost plastic scintillator strips. It constitutes a realistic cost-effective solution of a total-body PET for broad clinical applications. High sensitivity of total-body J-PET and trigger-less data acquisition enable multi-photon imaging, opening possibilities for multi-tracer and positronium imaging, thus promising quantitative enhancement of specificity in cancer and inflammatory diseases assessment. An example of dual tracer analysis, becoming possible with total-body J-PET system, could be a concurrent application of FDA-approved 82Rb-Chloride and [18F]FDG, allowing simultaneous assessment of myocardium metabolic rate and perfusion of the cardiovascular system.
- Total branching ratio of the K- two-nucleon absorption in 12CR. Del Grande, K. Piscicchia, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. Fabbietti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, O.Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal, V. De Leo, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, E.Perez Del Rio, A. Selce, M. SilarskiThis work is a critical re-analysis of the results obtained by the AMADEUS collaboration, concerning the measurement of the K? multi-nucleon absorption reactions, on a 12C target, in the Lambdap final state (Del Grande et al 2019 Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 190). We show that a good estimate of the K- two-nucleon absorption total branching ratio can be extracted, given that the measured final state interactions and conversion reactions contain information on almost all the remaining hyperon-nucleon final state combinations. The main contribution to the total branching ratio of the K? two-nucleon absorption in Carbon is extracted from the measured ratios and is found to be (16.1+-2.9(stat.)-5.5+4.3(syst.))%, which is in agreement with recent theoretical predictions. The missing contribution, from those few channels for which a Lambdap pair could not be detected in the final state of the interaction, is also estimated combining both the measured branching ratios and the available theoretical information, and amounts to (5.5+-0.1(stat.)-0.9+1.0(syst.))%. All together the total branching ratio of the K- two-nucleon absorption in Carbon is found to be (21.6+-2.9(stat.)-5.6+4.4(syst.))%.
- Differential Cross Sections for Neutron-Proton Scattering in the Region of the d*(2380) Dibaryon ResonanceP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.Differential cross-sections have been extracted from exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized np scattering performed in the energy region of the d*(2380) dibaryon resonance covering the range of beam energies Tn=0.98?1.29 GeV (s=2.32?2.44 GeV). The experiment was carried out with the WASA-at-COSY setup having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process dp->np + p_spectator. In this way, the np differential cross-section sigma(theta) was measured over a large angular range. The obtained angular distributions complement the corresponding analyzing power Ay(theta) measurements published previously. A SAID partial-wave analysis incorporating the new data strengthens the finding of a resonance pole in the coupled D33-G33 waves
- State of the art in total body PETS. Vandenberghe, P. Moskal and J.S. KarpThe idea of a very sensitive positron emission tomography (PET) system covering a large portion of the body of a patient already dates back to the early 1990s. In the period 2000-2010, only some prototypes with long axial field of view (FOV) have been built, which never resulted in systems used for clinical research. One of the reasons was the limitations in the available detector technology, which did not yet have sufficient energy resolution, timing resolution or countrate capabilities for fully exploiting the benefits of a long axial FOV design. PET was also not yet as widespread as it is today: the growth in oncology, which has become the major application of PET, appeared only after the introduction of PET-CT (early 2000).The detector technology used in most clinical PET systems today has a combination of good energy and timing resolution with higher countrate capabilities and has now been used since more than a decade to build time-of-flight (TOF) PET systems with fully 3D acquisitions. Based on this technology, one can construct total body PET systems and the remaining challenges (data handling, fast image reconstruction, detector cooling) are mostly related to engineering. The direct benefits of long axial FOV systems are mostly related to the higher sensitivity. For single organ imaging, the gain is close to the point source sensitivity which increases linearly with the axial length until it is limited by solid angle and attenuation of the body. The gains for single organ (compared to a fully 3D PET 20-cm axial FOV) are limited to a factor 3-4. But for long objects (like body scans), it increases quadratically with scanner length and factors of 10?40 × higher sensitivity are predicted for the long axial FOV scanner. This application of PET has seen a major increase (mostly in oncology) during the last 2 decades and is now the main type of study in a PET centre. As the technology is available and the full body concept also seems to match with existing applications, the old concept of a total body PET scanner is seeing a clear revival. Several research groups are working on this concept and after showing the potential via extensive simulations; construction of these systems has started about 2 years ago. In the first phase, two PET systems with long axial FOV suitable for large animal imaging were constructed to explore the potential in more experimental settings. Recently, the first completed total body PET systems for human use, a 70-cm-long system, called PennPET Explorer, and a 2-m-long system, called uExplorer, have become reality and first clinical studies have been shown. These results illustrate the large potential of this concept with regard to low-dose imaging, faster scanning, whole-body dynamic imaging and follow-up of tracers over longer periods. This large range of possible technical improvements seems to have the potential to change the current clinical routine and to expand the number of clinical applications of molecular imaging. The J-PET prototype is a prototype system with a long axial FOV built from axially arranged plastic scintillator strips.This paper gives an overview of the recent technical developments with regard to PET scanners with a long axial FOV covering at least the majority of the body (so called total body PET systems). After explaining the benefits and challenges of total body PET systems, the different total body PET system designs proposed for large animal and clinical imaging are described in detail. The axial length is one of the major factors determining the total cost of the system, but there are also other options in detector technology, design and processing for reducing the cost these systems. The limitations and advantages of different designs for research and clinical use are discussed taking into account potential applications and the increased cost of these systems.
- Performance assessment of the 2gamma positronium imaging with the total-body PET scannersP. Moskal, D. Kisielewska, Z. Bura, C. Chhokar, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, R. Del Grande, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, A. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, P. Małczak, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M. Pędziwiatr, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Ł. Stępień, S. Vandenberghe, W. Wiślicki, B. ZgardzińskaIn living organisms the positron-electron annihilation (occurring during the PET imaging) proceeds in about 30% via creation of a metastable ortho-positronium atom. In the tissue, due to the pick-off and conversion processes, over 98% of ortho-positronia annihilate into two 511~keV photons. In this article we assess the feasibility for reconstruction of the mean ortho-positronium lifetime image based on annihilations into two photons. The main objectives of this work include: (i) estimation of the sensitivity of the total-body PET scanners for the ortho-positronium mean lifetime imaging using 2gamma annihilations, and (ii) estimation of the spatial and time resolution of the ortho-positronium image as a function of the coincidence resolving time (CRT) of the scanner. Simulations are conducted assuming that radiopharmaceutical is labelled with 44Sc isotope emitting one positron and one prompt gamma. The image is reconstructed on the basis of triple coincidence events. The ortho-positronium lifetime spectrum is determined for each voxel of the image. Calculations were performed for cases of total-body detectors build of (i) LYSO scintillators as used in the EXPLORER PET, and (ii) plastic scintillators as anticipated for the cost-effective total-body J-PET scanner. To assess the spatial and time resolution the three cases were considered assuming that CRT is equal to 140ps, 50ps and 10ps. The estimated total-body PET sensitivity for the registration and selection of image forming triple coincidences is larger by a factor of 12.2 (for LYSO PET) and by factor of 4.7 (for plastic PET) with respect to the sensitivity for the standard 2gamma imaging by LYSO PET scanners with AFOV=20cm.
- Estimating relationship between the Time Over Threshold and energy loss by photons in plastic scintillators used in the J-PET scannerS. Sharma, J. Chhokar, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, R. Del Grande, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, K. Kacprzak, L. Kaplon, H. Karimi, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, L. Raczynski, J. Raj, A. Rucinski, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. L. Stepien, W. Wislicki, B. Zgardzinska, P. MoskalTime-Over-Threshold (TOT) technique is being used widely due to its implications in developing the multi channel readouts mainly when fast signal processing is required. Using TOT technique as a measure of energy loss instead of charge integration methods significantly reduces the signals readout cost by combining the time and energy information. Therefore, this approach can potentially be used in J-PET tomograph which is build from plastic scintillators characterized by fast light signals. The drawback in adopting this technique is lying in the non-linear correlation between input energy loss and TOT of the signal. The main motivation behind this work is to develop the relationship between TOT and energy loss and validate it with the J-PET tomograph. The experiment was performed using the 22Na beta emitter source placed in the center of the J-PET tomograph. One can obtain primary photons of two different energies: 511 keV photon from the annihilation of positron (direct annihilation or through the formation of para-Positronim atom or pick-off process of ortho-Positronium atoms), and 1275 keV prompt photon. This allows to study the correlation between TOT values and energy loss for energy range up to 1000 keV. As the photon interacts dominantly via Compton scattering inside the plastic scintillator, there is no direct information of primary photon energy. However, using the J-PET geometry one can measure the scattering angle of the interacting photon. Since, 22Na source emits photons of two different energies, it is required to know unambiguously the energy of incident photons and its corresponding scattering angle for the estimation of energy deposition. In this work, the relationship between Time Over Threshold and energy loss by interacting photons inside the plastic scintillators used in J-PET scanner is established for a energy deposited range 100-1000 keV.
- Hit-time and hit-position reconstruction in strips of plastic scintillators using multi-threshold readoutsN. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Chhokar, E. Czerwinski, C. Curceanu, K. Dulski, K. Farbaniec, A. Gajos, R. Del Grande, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, K. Kacprzak, L. Kaplon, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemien, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, L. Raczynski, J. Raj, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W. Wislicki, B. Zgardzinska, P. MoskalIn this article a new method for the reconstruction of hit-position and hit-time of photons in long scintillator detectors is investigated. This research is motivated by the recent development of the positron emission tomography scanners based on plastic scintillators. The proposed method constitutes a new way of signal processing in Multi-Voltage-Technique. It is based on the determination of the degree of similarity between the registered signals and the synchronized model signals stored in a library. The library was established for a set of well defined hit-positions along the length of the scintillator. The Mahalanobis distance was used as a measure of similarity between the two compared signals. The method was validated on the experimental data measured using two-strips J-PET prototype with dimensions of 5x9x300 mm. The obtained Time-of-Flight (TOF) and spatial resolutions amount to 325 ps (FWHM) and 25 mm (FWHM), respectively. The TOF resolution was also compared to the results of an analogous study done using Linear Fitting method. The best TOF resolution was obtained with this method at four pre-defined threshold levels which was comparable to the resolution achieved from the Mahalanobis distance at two pre-defined threshold levels. Although the algorithm of Linear Fitting method is much simpler to apply than the Mahalanobis method, the application of the Mahalanobis distance requires a lower number of applied threshold levels and, hence, decreases the costs of electronics used in PET scanner.
- Three-nucleon dynamics in dp breakup collisions using the WASA detector at COSY-JülichP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.The differential cross section for the 1 H (d, pp)n breakup reaction at deuteron beam energy of 340 MeV has been measured with the use of the WASA detector at COSY-Jülich. The set of proton-proton coincidences registered at the Forward Detector has been analyzed on a dense grid of kinematic variables, giving in total around 5600 data points. The cross-section data are compared to theoretical predictions based on the state-of- the-art nucleon-nucleon potentials, combined with a three-nucleon force or the Coulomb interaction or carried out in a relativistic regime.
- Kaonic Atoms to Investigate Global Symmetry BreakingC. Curceanu, C. Guaraldo, D. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, D. Bosnar, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tuechler, G. Utica, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalKaonic atoms measure the antikaon-nucleus interaction at almost zero relative energy, allowing one to determine basic low-energy quantum chromodynamics (QCD) quantities, namely, the antikaon-nucleon ( K- N) scattering lengths. The latter are important for extracting the sigma terms which are built on the symmetry breaking part of the Hamiltonian, thereby providing a measure of chiral and SU(3) symmetries breaking. After discussing the sigma terms and their relations to the kaonic atoms, we describe the most precise measurement in the literature of kaonic hydrogen, performed at LNF-INFN by the SIDDHARTA experiment. Kaonic deuterium is still to be measured, and two experiments are planned. The first, SIDDHARTA-2 at LNF-INFN was installed on DAFNE in spring 2019 and will collect data in 2020. The second, E57 at J-PARC, will become operative in 2021
- Kaonic Atoms to Investigate Global Symmetry BreakingC. Curceanu, C. Guaraldo, D. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad , M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tuchler, G. Utica, O. Vazquez Doce, J. ZmeskalKaonic atoms measure the antikaon-nucleus interaction at almost zero relative energy, allowing one to determine basic low-energy quantum chromodynamics (QCD) quantities, namely, the antikaon-nucleon (KN) scattering lengths. The latter are important for extracting the sigma terms which are built on the symmetry breaking part of the Hamiltonian, thereby providing a measure of chiral and SU(3) symmetries breaking. After discussing the sigma terms and their relations to the kaonic atoms, we describe the most precise measurement in the literature of kaonic hydrogen, performed at LNF-INFN by the SIDDHARTA experiment. Kaonic deuterium is still to be measured, and two experiments are planned. The first, SIDDHARTA-2 at LNF-INFN was installed on DAFNE in spring 2019 and will collect data in 2020. The second, E57 at J-PARC, will become operative in 2021.
- Measurement of the branching fraction for the decay KS -> pi mu nu with the KLOE detectorD. Babusci, M. Berlowski, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, A. Budano, B. Cao, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwisnski, G. D'Agostini, E. Dane, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Cicco, A. Di Domenico, D. Domenici, A. D'Uffizi, A. Fantini, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, A. Gajos, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, V. L. Ivanov, T. Johansson, X. Kang, D. Kisielewska-Kamisnska, E. A. Kozyrev, W. Krzemien, A. Kupsc, P. A. Lukin, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, S. Parzych, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Perez del Rio, P. Santangelo, M. Schioppa, A. Selce, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, E. P. Solodov, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, W. Wislicki, M. WolkeBased on a sample of 300 million KS mesons produced in phi -> KLKS decays recorded by the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE e+e- collider we have measured the branching fraction for the decay KS -> pi mu nu. The KS mesons are identified by the interaction of KL mesons in the detector. The KS -> pi mu nu decays are selected by a boosted decision tree built with kinematic variables and by a time-of-flight measurement. Signal efficiencies are evaluated with data control samples of KL -> pi mu nu decays. A fit to the reconstructed muon mass distribution finds 7223?180 signal events. Normalising to the KS -> pi+ pi- decay events the result for the branching fraction is B(KS -> pi mu nu) = (4.56+-0.11stat+-0.17syst)×10-4.
- Development of J-PEM for Breast Cancer DetectionShivani, E. Łuczynska, S. Heinze and P. MoskalA detection system of the conventional PET tomograph is set-up to record data from e+e- annihilation into two photons, each with energy of 511 keV, and to give information about the spatial density distribution of a radiopharmaceutical in the patients body. Dedicated positron emission mammography (PEM) systems provide a potentially high sensitivity, high-resolution, low attenuation, and lower cost alternative to whole body PET. We have designed, built, and performed initial evaluation of a large field-of-view Jagiellonian Positron Emission Mammography (J-PEM) system. This 3D system is based on novel idea of applying plastic scintillators to detect annihilation photons and improving spatial resolution by utilization of wavelength shifters (WLS). In addition, this device is being developed in view of classification of malignancy based on the possibility of positronium mean lifetime imaging. Here we present the first results from the simulations as motivation for our investigation.
- Search for eta mesic 3He with the WASA-at-COSY facility in the pd-> 3He 2gamma and pd-> 3He 6gamma reactionsP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.We report on the experimental search for the bound state of an eta meson and 3He nucleus performed using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup. In order to search for the eta-mesic nucleus decay, the pd->3He2gamma and pd->3He6gamma channels have been analysed. These reactions manifest the direct decay of eta meson bound in 3He nucleus. This non-mesonic decay channel has been considered for the first time. When taking into account only statistical errors, the obtained excitation functions reveal a slight indication for a possible bound state signal corresponding to an 3He-eta nucleus width Gamma above 20 MeV and binding energy Bs between 0 and 15 MeV. However, the determined cross sections are consistent with zero in the range of the systematic uncertainty. Therefore, as final result we estimate only the upper limit for the cross section of the eta-mesic 3He nucleus formation followed by the eta meson decay which varies between 2 nb and 15 nb depending on possible bound state parameters.
- Studies of the ortho-Positronium lifetime for cancer diagnosticsZ. Bura, K. Dulski, E. Kubicz, P. Małczak, M. Pędziwiatr, M. Szczepanek, E.Ł. Stępień, P. MoskalPositron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) is a technique based on the analysis of the lifetime of positronium emitted from implanted or delivered positronium donors. This technique employs the lifetime and intensity dependence on the structure of analyzed material. Due to this specific features, PALS might be used in further research protocols and clinical studies for cancer diagnostic purposes. This article reports the progress in the study design, main objectives of the study, protocols of measurement sand data analysis and further perspective of this study. The main goal of this work was to show the effectiveness of this method and progress in its development. For this purpose, colorectal cancer was examined.
- Non-mesonic decay of the eta-mesic 3He via pd->(3He-eta)bound 3He2gamma(6gamma) reactionM. Skurzok, S. Hirenzaki, S. Kinutani, H. Konishi, P. Moskal, H. Nagahiro, O. RundelIn this article a theoretical model for the eta-mesic 3He non-mesonic decay channels is presented. We present the resultant relative momentum distribution of bound 3He-eta as well as in-medium branching ratios of eta->2gamma and eta->3pi0, which are crucial for the Monte Carlo simulations of measured processes and thus for the experimental data interpretation. As an example we also apply the model for the estimation of the detection efficiency of the WASA-at-COSY detector.
- Recent Experimental Results on the Low-energy K- Interaction with Nucleons by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, M. Bazzi, A.M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R.S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. ZmeskalRecent results obtained by the AMADEUS Collaboration on the experimental investigation of the K- low-energy interaction with light nuclei are summarised. The step 0 of AMADEUS consists in the analysis of the data collected at the DAFNE collider with the KLOE detector during the 2004/2005 data taking campaign. The low momentum K- particles (pK circ 127 MeV/c) are absorbed in the light nuclei contained in the detector setup (H, 4He, 9Be and 12C) and hyperon-pion/hyperon-nucleons, emitted in the final state, are reconstructed. From the study of Lambda pi- and Lambda p correlated production, important information on the KN strong interaction in the non-perturbative QCD regime are extracted.
- Kaonic Deuterium Measurement with SIDDHARTA-2 on DAFNEC. Curceanu, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. ZmeskalThe interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms is, in this context, a unique tool to obtain precise information on this interaction. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium, were carried out by the SIDDHARTA Collaboration at the DAFNE electron-positron collider of LNF-INFN, by combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the collider with new experimental techniques, as fast and precise Silicon-Drift X-ray detectors. The measurement of kaonic deuterium will be realized in the near future by SIDDHARTA-2, a major upgrade of SIDDHARTA.
- A Method for Time Calibration of PET Systems Using Fixed beta+ Radioactive SourceK. Dulski, M. Silarski, P. MoskalThe Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is one of the most popular imaging techniques of the human body. During the PET scans, a positron from the beta+ emitter given to the patient, directly or after forming a positronium, annihilates with an electron from the patient, with emission of photons. Registration of produced photons allows one to reconstruct the distribution of radioisotopes in the patient's body, further interpreted as the metabolic image. The imaging of metabolism can be improved by measurement of the time difference between registration of the two photons in coincidence (Time-of-Flight (TOF))[1]. In the case of the TOF-PET scanners, the time resolution of the detection system and its calibration is crucial. The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) detector is an example of the TOF-PET system, constructed at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, which is based on plastic scintillators and very fast electronics
- Spectroscopy of eta'-mesic Nuclei with WASA at GSI/FAIRY.K. Tanaka, S. Bagchi, J. Benlliure, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, C. Guo, E. Haettner, M.N. Harakeh, R.S. Hayano, S. Hirenzaki, C. Hornung, Y. Igarashi, N. Ikeno, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, D. Jido, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, R. Kanungo, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, D. Kostyleva, N. Kurz, N. Kuzminchuk, B. Lommel, Y. Ma, S.Y. Matsumoto, V. Metag, S. Minami, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, T. Nagae, H. Nagahiro, M. Nakagawa, H.J. Ong, H. Outa, S. Pietri, W.R. Plass, A. Prochazka, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, J. Ritman, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, R. Ruber, O. Rundel, T.R. Saito, C. Scheidenberger, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, H. Simon, B. Sitar, M. Skurzok, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, H. Weick, A. Yamamoto, J. ZhaoWe plan to conduct an experimental search for eta'-mesic nuclei in order to investigate in-medium properties of the eta meson. A 2.5 GeV proton beam is employed to produce eta'-mesic 11C nuclei with the 12C(p,d) eta' at 11C reaction. Simultaneous measurements of the forward ejected deuterons and decay protons from eta'-mesic nuclei will allow us to achieve high experimental sensitivity. The experiment will be performed at GSI by making full use of the fragment separator FRS and the WASA detector system. The plan of this proposed experiment is described.
- Construction of the Vacuum Chambers for J-PET Experiments with Positron AnnihilationMarek Gorgol, Bożena Jasińska, Marek Kosior, Eugeniusz Stępień, Paweł MoskalVacuum chambers are necessary for the physics experiments planned to be carried out with the use of the J-PET detector. Two chambers manufactured and used for particular runs of experiments had generally cylindrical shapes, while the radioactive source was placed in the center of each chamber. The highly porous material, used as a target in which positrons positronium atoms annihilate, was placed in the immediate vicinity of the source. Such orientation ensures the axially symmetrical response of J-PET scintillators and allows to carry out correct calibration. The variation of material used for manufacturing of the chambers (aluminum/plastic), allows to observe the detector response with various rates of absorption and scattering of annihilation quanta. Such determination is necessary for proper analysis of multi-quanta annihilation, which will be needed for planned experiments.
- Technical Design Report for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRCF. Davi, ..., P. Moskal, et al. (PANDA Collaboration)PANDA (anti-Proton ANnihiliation at DArmstadt) is planned to be one of the four main experiments at the future international accelerator complex FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) in Darmstadt, Germany. It is going to address fundamental questions of hadron physics and quantum chromodynamics using cooled antiproton beams with a high intensity and and momenta between 1.5 and 15 GeV/c. PANDA is designed to reach a maximum luminosity of 2x10^32 cm^2 s. Most of the physics programs require an excellent particle identification (PID). The PID of hadronic states at the forward endcap of the target spectrometer will be done by a fast and compact Cherenkov detector that uses the detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC) principle. It is designed to cover the polar angle range from 5° to 22° and to provide a separation power for the separation of charged pions and kaons up to 3 standard deviations (s.d.) for particle momenta up to 4 GeV/c in order to cover the important particle phase space. This document describes the technical design and the expected performance of the novel PANDA Disc DIRC detector that has not been used in any other high energy physics experiment (HEP) before. The performance has been studied with Monte-Carlo simulations and various beam tests at DESY and CERN. The final design meets all PANDA requirements and guarantees suffcient safety margins.
- Investigations on physical and biological range uncertainties in Krakow proton beam therapy centreA. Rucinski, J. Baran, G. Battistoni, A. Chrostowska, M. Durante, J. Gajewski, M. Garbacz, K. Kisielewicz, N. Krah, V. Patera, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, I. Rinaldi, B. Rozwadowska-Bogusz, E. Scifoni, A. Skrzypek, F. Tommasino, A. Schiavi, P. MoskalPhysical and biological range uncertainties limit the clinical potential of Proton Beam Therapy (PBT). In this proceedings, we report on two research projects, which we are conducting in parallel and which both tackle the problem of range uncertainties. One aims at developing software tools and the other at developing detector instrumentation. Regarding the first, we report on our development and pre-clinical application of a GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo (MC) simulation toolkit Fred. Concerning the letter, we report on our investigations of plastic scintillator based PET detectors for particle therapy delivery monitoring. We study the feasibility of Jagiellonian-PET detector technology for proton beam therapy range monitoring by means of MC simulations of the beta+ activity induced in a phantom by proton beams and present preliminary results of PET image reconstruction. Using a GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation toolkit Fred and plastic scintillator based PET detectors we aim to improve patient treatment quality with protons.
- Development of J-PEM for breast cancer detection and diagnosis using positronium imagingShivani, E. Łuczyńska, S. Heinze, P. MoskalThe purpose of the presented investigations is to design, construct and establish the characteristic performance of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Mammography(J-PEM), being designed for the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Its construction is based on a novel idea of PET tomography based on plastic scintillators and wavelength shifter (WLS) and a new concept of positronium imaging. We have prepared a simulation program based on Monte Carlo methods for optimizing the geometry and material of the J-PEM prototype. Here we present the first results from the simulations and a brief review of the state of art of breast imaging modalities and their characteristics motivating our investigation.
- Feasibility study of the positronium imaging with the J-PET tomographP. Moskal, D. Kisielewska, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E. Stępień, W. Wiślicki, B. ZgardzińskaA detection system of the conventional PET tomograph is set-up to record data from e+ e- annihilation into two photons with energy of 511 keV, and it gives information on the density distribution of a radiopharmaceutical in the body of the object. In this paper we explore the possibility of performing the three gamma photons imaging based on ortho- positronium annihilation, as well as the possibility of positronium average lifetime imaging with the J-PET tomograph constructed from plastic scintillators. For this purposes simulations of the ortho-positronium formation and its annihilation into three photons were performed taking into account distributions of photons' momenta as predicted by the theory of quantum electrodynamics and the response of the J-PET tomograph. In order to test the proposed ortho-positronium lifetime image reconstruction method, we concentrate on the decay of the ortho-positronium into three photons and applications of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with isotopes emitting a prompt gamma quantum. The proposed method of imaging is based on the determination of hit-times and hit-positions of registered photons which enables the reconstruction of the time and position of the annihilation point as well as the lifetime of the ortho-positronium on an event-by-event basis. We have simulated the production of the positronium in a cylindrical phantom composed of a set of different materials in which the ortho-positronium lifetime varied from 2 ns to ~2.9 ns, as expected for ortho-positronium created in the human body. The presented reconstruction method for total-body J-PET like detector allows to achieve a mean lifetime resolution of about 40 ps. Recent Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy measurements of cancerous and healthy uterine tissues show that this sensitivity may allow to study the morphological changes in cell structures.
- Monte Carlo N-Particle simulations of an underwater chemical threats detection system using neutron activation analysisP. Sibczyński, M. Silarski, O. Bezshyyko, V. Ivanyan, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskal, J. Raj, S. Sharma and O. TrofimiukIn this paper, we present Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) simulations of the system for underwater threat detection using neutron activation analysis developed in the SABAT project. The simulated system is based on a D-T neutron generator emitting 14 MeV neutrons without associated alpha particle detection and equipped with a LaBr3:Ce scintillation detector offering superior energy resolution and allowing for precise identification of activation gamma quanta. The performed simulations show that using the neutron activation analysis method with the designed geometry we are able to identify gamma-rays from hydrogen, carbon, sulphur and chlorine originating from mustard gas in a seawater environment. Our results show that the most efficient way of mustard gas detection is to compare the integral peak ratio for Cl and H.
- Simulation studies of annihilation-photon's polarisation via Compton scattering with the J-PET tomographN. Krawczyk, B.C. Hiesmayr, J. Chhokar, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, K. Rakoczy, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalJ-PET is the first positron-emission tomograph (PET) constructed from plastic scintillators. It was optimized for the detection of photons from electron-positron annihilation. Such photons, having an energy of 511 keV, interact with electrons in plastic scintillators predominantly via the Compton effect. Compton scattering is at most probable at an angle orthogonal to the electric field vector of the interacting photon. Thus registration of multiple photon scatterings with J-PET enables to determine the polarization of the annihilation photons. In this contribution we present estimates on the physical limitation in the accuracy of the polarization determination of 511 keV photons with the J-PET detector.
- Positronium in medicine and biologyP. Moskal, B. Jasińska, E. Ł. Stępień, S. D. BassIn positron emission tomography, as much as 40% of positron annihilation occurs through the production of positronium atoms inside the patient's body. The decay of these positronium atoms is sensitive to metabolism and could provide information about disease progression. New research is needed to take full advantage of what positronium decays reveal.
- Witnessing Entanglement In Compton Scattering Processes Via Mutually Unbiased BasesB.C. Hiesmayr, P. MoskalWe present a quantum information theoretic version of the Klein-Nishina formula. This formulation singles out the quantity, the a priori visibility, that quantifies the ability to deduce the polarisation property of single photons. The Kraus-type structure allows a straightforward generalisation to the multiphoton cases, relevant in the decay of positronium which is utilized e.g. for metabolic PETimaging (Positron- Emission- Tomograph). Predicted by theory but never experimentally proven, the two- or three-photon states should be entangled. We provide an experimentally feasible method to witness entanglement for these processes via MUBs (Mutually Unbiased Bases), exploiting Bohr?s complementarity. Last but not least we present explicit cases exemplifying the interrelation of geometry and entanglement including relations to its potentiality for teleportation schemes or Bell inequality violations or in future for detecting cancer in human beings.
- X-ray Detectors for Kaonic Atoms Research at DAFNEC. Curceanu, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad , M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci , P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann and J. ZmeskalThis article presents the kaonic atom studies performed at the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, LNF-INFN) since the opening of this field of research at the DAFNE collider in early 2000. Significant achievements have been obtained by the DAFNE Exotic Atom Research (DEAR) and Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications (SIDDHARTA) experiments on kaonic hydrogen, which have required the development of novel X-ray detectors. The 2019 installation of the new SIDDHARTA-2 experiment to measure kaonic deuterium for the first time has been made possible by further technological advances in X-ray detection
- Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIRG. Barucca, ..., P. Moskal, et al. (PANDA Collaboration)This paper summarises a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study for precision resonance energy scan measurements. Apart from the proof of principle for natural width and line shape measurements of very narrow resonances with PANDA, the achievable sensitivities are quantified for the concrete example of the charmonium-like X(3872) state discussed to be exotic, and for a larger parameter space of various assumed signal cross-sections, input widths and luminosity combinations. PANDA is the only experiment that will be able to perform precision resonance energy scans of such narrow states with quantum numbers of spin and parities that differ from J^PC = 1--
- Search for polarized antiproton productionD. Grzonka, D. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink, J. ZmeskalThe production of antiprotons is studied in view of possible polarization effects as basis for a polarized antiproton beam. If antiprotons are produced with some polarization, a quite simple procedure for the generation of a polarized antiproton beam could be worked out. The experiments are performed at the CERN PS test beam T11 where secondary particles with momenta around 3.5 GeV/c are selected. The polarization analysis is performed by measuring the asymmetry of the elastic pp-scattering in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region. The detection system includes Cherenkov and tracking detectors for the particle identification and the 3d track reconstruction. Details on the detection system and the status of the analysis are given.
- K- multi-nucleon absorption cross sections and branching ratios in Lambda p and Sigma0 p final statesR. Del Grande, K. Piscicchia, O. Vazquez Doce, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. Fabbietti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, D. L. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal, E. Czerwiński, V. De Leo, P. Fermani, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, N. Raha, A. Selce, M. SilarskiThe determination of low-energy cross sections and branching ratios of the K- multi-nucleon absorption processes in Lambda p and Sigma0 p final states performed by the AMADEUS collaboration is presented. Low momentum K- (pK- ~127 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider are impinged on a Carbon target within the KLOE detector and the two and three nucleon absorption processes are disentangled by comparing the experimental data to phenomenological calculations. The Lambda p spectra entirely interpreted in terms of K- multi-nucleon absorption processes; the possible contribution of a K-pp bound state is demonstrated to overlap with the two nucleon capture process, its absolute yield thus resulting indistinguishable.
- Etaprime and Eta Mesons with Connection to Anomalous GlueS. D. Bass, P. MoskalWe review the present understanding of etaprime and eta meson physics and these mesons as a probe of gluon dynamics in low-energy QCD. Recent highlights include the production mechanism of eta and etaprime mesons in proton-nucleon collisions from threshold to high-energy, the etaprime effective mass shift in the nuclear medium, searches for possible eta and etaprime bound states in nuclei as well as precision measurements of eta decays as a probe of light-quark masses. We discuss recent experimental data, theoretical interpretation of the different measurements and the open questions and challenges for future investigation.
- Technical Design Report for the PANDA Barrel DIRC DetectorB. Singh, ..., B. Kamys, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemien, P. Moskal, et al. (PANDA Collaboration)This documents describes the technical design and the expected performance of the Barrel DIRC detector for the PANDA experiment. The Barrel DIRC will provide hadronic charged particle identification in the polar angle range of 22 [deg] to 140 [deg] for particle momenta between 0.5 GeV/c and 3.5 GeV/c. The design is based on the successful BaBar DIRC with several key improvements. The performance and system cost were optimized in detailed detector simulations and validated with full system prototypes using particle beams at GSI and CERN. The final design meets or exceeds the PID goal of clean pi/K separation with at least 3 standard deviations over the entire phase space of charged kaons in the Barrel DIRC.
- Examination of the Production of an Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp->pppi+pi- ReactionP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pp->pppi+pi- reaction have been performed by means of pd collisions at Tp = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region Tp=1.08-1.36 GeV (sqrt(s) = 2.35 - 2.46 GeV), which includes the regions of N*(1440) and Delta(1232)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with experimental differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the measured total cross section. An isotensor DeltaN dibaryon resonance with I(JP)=2(1+) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies. Such a dibaryon was predicted by Dyson and Xuong and more recently calculated by Gal and Garcilazo.
- Feasibility studies of the polarization of photons beyond the optical wavelength regime with the J-PET detectorP. Moskal, N. Krawczyk, B. C. Hiesmayr, M. Bała, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, R. Del Grande, B. Jasinska, K. Kacprzak, L. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczynski, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, M. Silarski, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W. Wislicki, B. ZgardzinskaJ-PET is a detector optimized for registration of photons from the electron-positron annihilation via plastic scintillators where photons interact predominantly via Compton scattering. Registration of both primary and scattered photons enables to determinate the linear polarization of the primary photon on the event by event basis with a certain probability. Here we present quantitative results on the feasibility of such polarization measurements of photons from the decay of positronium with the J-PET and explore the physical limitations for the resolution of the polarization determination of 511keV photons via Compton scattering. For scattering angles of about 82 degree (where the best contrast for polarization measurement is theoretically predicted) we find that the single event resolution for the determination of the polarization is about 40 degree (predominantly due to properties of the Compton effect). However, for samples larger than ten thousand events the J-PET is capable of determining relative average polarization of these photons with the precision of about few degrees. The obtained results open new perspectives for studies of various physics phenomena such as quantum entanglement and tests of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium and extend the energy range of polarization measurements by five orders of magnitude beyond the optical wavelength regime.
- Evaluation of Single-Chip, Real-Time Tomographic Data Processing on FPGA - SoC DevicesG. Korcyl, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, B. Flak, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, D. Kisielewska, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik- Niedźwiecka, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, P. Rajda, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, P. Strzempek, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, R. Zaleski, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalA novel approach to tomographic data processing has been developed and evaluated using the Jagiellonian PET (J- PET) scanner as an example. We propose a system in which there is no need for powerful, local to the scanner processing facility, capable to reconstruct images on the fly. Instead we introduce a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) System-on-Chip (SoC) platform connected directly to data streams coming from the scanner, which can perform event building, filtering, coincidence search and Region-Of-Response (ROR) reconstruction by the programmable logic and visualization by the integrated processors. The platform significantly reduces data volume converting raw data to a list-mode representation, while generating visualization on the fly.
- A feasibility study of the time reversal violation test based on polarization of annihilation photons from the decay of ortho-Positronium with the J-PET detectorJ. Raj, A. Gajos, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, K. Rakoczy, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is a novel device being developed at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland based on organic scintillators. J-PET is an axially symmetric and high acceptance scanner that can be used as a multi-purpose detector system. It is well suited to pursue tests of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium in addition to medical imaging. J-PET enables the measurement of both momenta and the polarization vectors of annihilation photons. The latter is a unique feature of the J-PET detector which allows the study of time reversal symmetry violation operator which can be constructed solely from the annihilation photons momenta before and after the scattering in the detector.
- Commissioning of the J-PET detector in view of the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopyK. Dulski, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, K. Rakoczy, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is the first PET device built from plastic scintillators. It is a multi-purpose detector designed for medical imaging and for studies of properties of positronium atoms in porous matter and in living organisms. In this article we report on the commissioning of the J-PET detector in view of studies of positronium decays. We present results of analysis of the positron lifetime measured in the porous polymer. The obtained results prove that J-PET is capable of performing simultaneous imaging of the density distribution of annihilation points as well as positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy.
- Backward single-pion production in the pd->3Hepi0 reaction with WASA-at-COSYP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.New data on the production of single neutral pions in the pd->3Hepi0 reaction are presented. For fifteen proton beam momenta between pp=1.60GeV/c and pp=1.74GeV/c, differential cross sections are determined over a large fraction of the backward hemisphere. Since the only previous systematic measurements of single-pion production at these energies were made in collinear kinematics, the present work constitutes a significant extension of the current knowledge on this reaction. Even this far above the production threshold, significant changes are found in the behaviour of the angular distributions over small intervals in beam momentum.
- Measurement of the charge asymmetry for the KS->pi e nu decay and test of CPT symmetry with the KLOE detectorThe KLOE-2 collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.Using 1.63 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the KLOE experiment about 7 10^4 KS->pi e nu decays have been reconstructed. The measured value of the charge asymmetry for this decay is AS=(-4.9 pm 5.7_{stat} pm 2.6_{syst}) 10^(-3), which is almost twice more precise than the previous KLOE result. The combination of these two measurements gives AS=(-3.8 pm 5.0_{stat} pm 2.6_{syst}) 10^(-3) and, together with the asymmetry of the KL semileptonic decay, provides significant tests of the CPT symmetry. The obtained results are in agreement with CPT invariance.
- Feasibility study of the time reversal symmetry tests in decay of metastable positronium atoms with the J-PET detectorA. Gajos, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, K. Kacprzak, L. Kaplon, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz Niedzwiecki, M. Paalka, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, L. Raczynski, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wislicki, B. Zgardzinska, M. Zielinski, P. MoskalThis article reports on the feasibility of testing of the symmetry under reversal in time in a purely leptonic system constituted by positronium atoms using the J-PET detector. The present state of T symmetry tests is discussed with an emphasis on the scarcely explored sector of leptonic systems. Two possible strategies of searching for manifestations of T violation in non-vanishing angular correlations of final state observables in the decays of metastable triplet states of positronium available with J-PET are proposed and discussed. Results of a pilot measurement with J-PET and assessment of its performance in reconstruction of three-photon decays are shown along with an analysis of its impact on the sensitivity of the detector for the determination of T -violation sensitive observables.
- Combined limit on the production of a light gauge boson decaying into mu+ mu- and pi+pi-The KLOE-2 collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.We searched for the decay of a light vector gauge boson, also known as dark photon, in the process by means of the Initial State Radiation (ISR) method. We used 1.93 fb^-1 of data collected by the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE phi-factory. No structures have been observed over the irreducible background. A 90% CL limit on the ratio between the dark coupling constant and the fine structure constant of has been set in the dark photon mass region between 519 MeV and 973 MeV. This new limit has been combined with the published result obtained investigating the hypothesis of the dark photon decaying into hadrons in events. The combined 90% CL limit increases the sensitivity especially in the rho-omega interference region and excludes greater than . For dark photon masses greater than 600 MeV the combined limit is lower than 8 resulting more stringent than present constraints from other experiments.
- Search for C violation in the decay eta->pi0 e+e- with WASA-at-COSYP. Adlarson, ...,P. Moskal,...A. Pyszniak,..., Z. Rudy,..., M. Skurzok, et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)We report on the investigation of the rare decay eta->pi0 e+e which is of interest to study both C violation in the electromagnetic interaction and to search for contributions from physics beyond the Standard Model, since the allowed decay via a two-photon intermediate state is strongly suppressed. The experiment has been performed using the WASA-at-COSY installation, located at the COSY accelerator of the Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. In total 3×10^7 events of the reaction p+d->3He eta have been recorded at an excess energy of Q=59.8MeV. Based on this data set the C parity violating decay eta->pi0 g* -> pi0e+e- via a single-photon intermediate state has been searched for, resulting in new upper limits of Gamma(eta->pi0e+e-)/Gamma(eta->pi+pi-pi0)<3.28×10^-5 and Gamma(eta->pi0e+e-)/Gamma(eta-> all)<7.5×10^-6 (CL=90%), respectively.
- Updating spin-dependent Regge interceptsS. D. Bass, M. Skurzok, P. MoskalWe use new high statistics data from CLAS and COMPASS on the nucleon's spin structure function at low Bjorken x and low virtuality, Q^2 < 0.5 GeV^2, together with earlier measurements from the SLAC E-143, HERMES and GDH experiments to estimate the effective intercept(s) for spin dependent Regge theory. We find alpha_{a_1} = 0.31 pm 0.04 for the intercept describing the high-energy behaviour of spin dependent photoabsorption together with a new estimate for the high-energy part of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum-rule, -15 pm 2 mu b from photon-proton centre-of-mass energy greater than 2.5 GeV. Our value of alpha_{a_1} suggests QCD physics beyond a simple straight-line a_1 trajectory.
- Estimating the NEMA characteristics of the J-PET tomograph using the GATE packageP. Kowalski, W. Wiślicki, R.Y. Shopa, L. Raczyński, K. Klimaszewski, C. Curcenau, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, N. Gupta-Sharma, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, J. Raj, K. Rakoczy, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalA novel whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) system based on plastic scintillators is developed by the J-PET Collaboration. It consists of plastic scintillator strips arranged axially in the form of a cylinder, allowing the cost-effective construction of the total-body PET system. In order to determine the properties of the scanner prototype and optimize its geometry, advanced computer simulations were performed using the GATE (Geant4 application for tomographic emission) software. The spatial resolution, sensitivity, scatter fraction and noise equivalent count rate were estimated according to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association norm, as a function of the length of the tomograph, the number of detection layers, the diameter of the tomographic chamber and for various types of applied readout. For the single-layer geometry with a diameter of 85 cm, a strip length of 100 cm, a cross-section of 4 mm × 20 mm and silicon photomultipliers with an additional layer of wavelength shifter as the readout, the spatial resolution (full width at half maximum) in the centre of the scanner is equal to 3 mm (radial, tangential) and 6 mm (axial). For the analogous double-layer geometry with the same readout, diameter and scintillator length, with a strip crosssection of 7 mm × 20 mm, a noise equivalent count rate peak of 300 kcps was reached at 40 kBq cc?1 activity concentration, the scatter fraction is estimated to be about 35% and the sensitivity at the centre amounts to 14.9 cps kBq?1. Sensitivity profiles were also determined.
- Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp->pppi+pi- Reaction?P. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pp->pppi+pi- reaction have been carried out at WASA@COSY by means of pd collisions at Tp = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region Tp=1.08-1.36 GeV, which is the region of N*(1440) and Delta(1232)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor DeltaN dibaryon resonance with I(JP)=2(1+) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.
- Isotensor Dibaryon in the pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) Reaction?P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, B. Shwartz, T. Skorodko, M. Skurzok, J. Smyrski, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasifree pp -> pp pi(+)pi(-) reaction have been carried out at WASA@ COSY by means of pd collisions at T-p = 1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region T-p = 1.08-1.36 GeV, which is the region of N* (1440) and Delta(123)Delta(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor Delta N dibaryon resonance with I(J(P)) = 2(1(+)) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.
- Total and differential cross sections of eta-production in proton-deuteron fusion for excess energies between Q(eta)=13 MeV and Q(eta)=81 MeVP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erveno, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, A. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunovu, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.New data on both total and differential cross sections of the production of eta mesons in proton-deuteron fusion to He-3 eta in the excess energy region 13.6 MeV <= Q(eta) <= 80.9 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained with the WASA-at-COSY detector setup located at the Forschungszentrum Julich, using a proton beam at 15 different beam momenta between p(p) = 1.60 GeV/c and p(p) = 1.74 GeV/c. While significant structure of the total cross section is observed in the energy region 20 MeV less than or similar to Q(eta) less than or similar to 60 MeV, a previously reported sharp variation around Q(eta) approximate to 50 MeV cannot be confirmed. Angular distributions show the typical forward- peaking that was noted earlier. For the first time, it is possible to study the development of these angular distributions with rising excess energy over a wide interval. (c) 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
- First measurement of the K-n->Lambda pi- non-resonant transition amplitude below thresholdK. Piscicchia, S. Wycech, L. Fabbietti, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, I. Tucakovic, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, P. Branchini, E. Czerwinski, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. Di Cicco, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, W. Krzemien, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, E. Perez del Rio , A. SelceWe present the analysis of K- absorption processes on 4He leading to Lambda pi- final states, measured with the KLOE e+e- spectrometer at the DAFNE collider and extract, for the first time, the modulus of the non-resonant K-n->Lambda pi- direct production amplitude about 33 MeV below the KbarN threshold. This analysis also allows to disentangle the K- nuclear absorption at-rest from the in-flight capture, for K- momenta of about 120 MeV. The data are interpreted with the help of a phenomenological model, and the modulus of the non-resonant K-n->Lambda pi- amplitude for K- absorption at-rest is found to be |A_K-n->Lambda pi-| = (0.334+-0.018(stat.)+0.034 -0.058 (syst.)) fm.
- Total and differential cross sections of eta-production in proton-deuteron fusion for excess energies between Q_eta=13MeV and Q_eta=81MeVP. Adlarson, ...,E. Czerwiński, A. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Zieliński, et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)New data on both total and differential cross sections of the production of eta mesons in proton-deuteron fusion to 3He-eta in the excess energy region 13.6MeV < Q < 80.9 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained with the WASA-at-COSY detector setup located at the Forschungszentrum Julich, using a proton beam at 15 different beam momenta between p_p=1.60GeV/c and p_p=1.74GeV/c. While significant structure of the total cross section is observed in the energy region 20 MeV < Q < 60MeV, a previously reported sharp variation around Q ~ 50MeV cannot be confirmed. Angular distributions show the typical forward-peaking that was reported elsewhere. For the first time, it is possible to study the development of these angular distributions with rising excess energy over a large interval.
- Constraining the optical potential in the search for eta-mesic 4HeM. Skurzok, P. Moskal, N.G. Kelkar, S. Hirenzaki, H. Nagahiro, N. IkenoA consistent description of the dd-> 4He eta and dd-> (4He-eta)bound X cross sections was recently proposed with a broad range of real (V0) and imaginary (W0), eta-4He optical potential parameters leading to a good agreement with the d d -> 4He eta data. Here we compare the predictions of the model below the eta production threshold, with the WASA-at-COSY excitation functions for the dd -> 3He N pi reactions to put stronger constraints on (V0, W0). The allowed parameter space (with |V_0| < sim 60 MeV and |W_0| < sim 7 MeV estimated at 90% CL ) excludes most optical model predictions of eta-4He nuclei except for some loosely bound narrow states.
- Importance of d-wave contributions in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd->4Hepi0P. Adlarson, ...,E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)This letter reports the first measurement of the contribution of higher partial waves in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd->4Hepi0 using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup at an excess energy of Q=60 MeV. The determined differential cross section can be parametrized as dsigma/domega=a+bcos2theta?, where theta? is the production angle of the pion in the center-of-mass coordinate system, and the results for the parameters are a=(1.55+-0.46(stat)+0.32-0.8(syst))pb/sr and b=(13.1+-2.1(stat)+1.0-2.7(syst))pb/sr. The data are compatible with vanishing p-waves and a sizable d-wave contribution. This finding should strongly constrain the contribution of the Delta isobar to the dd->4Hepi0 reaction and is therefore crucial for a quantitative understanding of quark mass effects in nuclear production reactions.
- Importance of d-wave contributions in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd -> He-4 pi0P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, C. Hanhart, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.This letter reports a first quantitative analysis of the contribution of higher partial waves in the charge symmetry breaking reaction dd -> He-4 pi(0) using the WASA-at-COSY detector setup at an excess energy of Q = 60 MeV. The determined differential cross section can be parametrized as d sigma/d Omega = a + b cos(2) theta*, where theta* is the production angle of the pion in the center-of-mass coordinate system, and the results for the parameters are a = (1.55 +/- 0.46(stat)(-0.8)(+0.32)(syst)) pb/sr and b = (13.1 +/- 2.1(stat)(-2.7)(+1.0)(syst)) pb/sr. The data are compatible with vanishing p-waves and a sizable d-wave contribution. This finding should strongly constrain the contribution of the A isobar to the dd -> He-4 pi(0) reaction and is, therefore, crucial for a quantitative understanding of quark mass effects in nuclear production reactions. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Combination of KLOE sigma(e^+e^- e -> pi^+pi^-g(g)) measurements and determination of a_{mu)^{pi^+pi^-} in the energy range 0.10 < s < 0.95 GeV^2The KLOE-2 collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.The three precision measurements of the cross section sigma(e^+e^- e -> pi^+pi^-g(g)) using initial state radiation by the KLOE collaboration provide an important input for the prediction of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. These measurements are correlated for both statistical and systematic uncertainties and, therefore, the simultaneous use of these measurements requires covariance matrices that fully describe the correlations. We present the construction of these covariance matrices and use them to determine a combined KLOE measurement for sigma(e^+e^- e -> pi^+pi^-g(g)). We find, from this combination, a two-pion contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly in the energy range 0.10 < s < 0.95 GeV^2 of a_{mu)^{pi^+pi^-} = (489.8 pm 1.7 stat pm 4.8 sys ) 10^(-10) .
- Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States in AMADEUS experimentM. Skurzok, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, J. Marton, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, I. Tucakovic, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, E. Widmann, J. ZmeskalWe briefly report on the search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States with AMADEUS in the Sigma0 p channel and future perspectives.
- Spin dependence of eta meson production in proton-proton collisions close to thresholdP. Adlarson, ...,E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)Taking advantage of the high acceptance and axial symmetry of the WASA-at-COSY detector, and the high degree of the polarized proton beam of COSY, the reaction ~pp->pp eta has been measured close to threshold to explore the analyzing power Ay. The angular distribution of Ay is determined with the precision improved by more than one order of magnitude with respect to previous results allowing a first accurate comparison with theoretical predictions. The determined analyzing power is consistent with zero for an excess energy of Q=15 MeV signaling s wave production with no evidence for higher partial waves. At Q=72 MeV the data reveals strong interference of Ps and Pp partial waves and cancellation of (Pp) and Ss?Sd contributions. These results rule out the presently available theoretical predictions for the production mechanism of the eta meson.
- Spin Dependence of eta Meson Production in Proton-Proton Collisions Close to ThresholdP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, SD. Bass, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.Taking advantage of the high acceptance and axial symmetry of the WASA-at-COSY detector, and the high polarization degree of the proton beam of COSY, the reaction (p) over right arrowp -> pp eta has been measured close to threshold to explore the analyzing power A(y). The angular distribution of A(y) is determined with the precision improved by more than 1 order of magnitude with respect to previous results, allowing a first accurate comparison with theoretical predictions. The determined analyzing power is consistent with zero for an excess energy of Q = 15 MeV, signaling s-wave production with no evidence for higher partial waves. At Q = 72 MeV the data reveal strong interference of Ps and Pp partial waves and cancellation of (Pp)(2) and Ss*Sd contributions. These results rule out the presently available theoretical predictions for the production mechanism of the eta meson.
- A Method to Produce Linearly Polarized Positrons and Positronium Atoms with the J-PET DetectorM. Mohammed, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, Shivani, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalA method for creating linearly polarized positrons and ortho-positronium (o-Ps) atoms with the J-PET detector is presented. The unique geometry and properties of the J-PET tomography enable one to design a positron source such that the quantization axis for the estimation of the linear polarization of produced o-Ps can be determined on the event by event basis in a direction of the positron motion. We intend to use 22Na or other beta+ decay isotopes as a source of polarized positrons. Due to the parity violation in the beta decay, the emitted positrons are longitudinally polarized. The choice of the quantization axis is based on the known position of the positron emitter and the reconstructed position of the positronium annihilation. We show that the J-PET tomography is equipped with all needed components.
- Human Tissue Investigations Using PALS Technique - Free Radicals InfluenceB. Jasińska, B. Zgardzińska, G. Chołubek, M. Pietrow, M. Gorgol, K. Wiktor, K. Wysogląd, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jodłowska-Jędrych, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, H. Wiktor, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy was applied to the samples of the human uterine leiomyomas and the normal myometrium tissues taken from the selected place of the uterus during a surgery. The method indicated differences in values of the measured positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy parameters (lifetimes and intensities) between healthy and diseased tissue samples. The additional measurements were performed either in darkness or in presence of visible light which influenced the free radicals present in both kind of tissues and, as a result, made changes in free annihilation and o-Ps decay lifetime and intensity values.
- Preliminary Studies of J-PET Detector Spatial ResolutionM. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Alfs, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, Shivani, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R.Y. Shopa, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe J-PET detector, based on long plastic scintillator strips, was recently constructed at the Jagiellonian University. It consists of 192 modules axially arranged into three layers, read out from both sides by digital constant-threshold front-end electronics. This work presents preliminary results of measurements of the spatial resolution of the J-PET tomograph performed with 22Na source placed at selected position inside the detector chamber.
- Underwater detection of dangerous substances: status of the SABAT projectM. Silarski, P. Sibczyński, Sz. Niedźwiecki, S. Sharma, J. Raj, P. MoskalThe Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) plays an exceptional role in the modern nuclear engineering, especially in detection of hazardous substances. However, in the aquatic environment, there are still many problems to be solved for effective usage of this technique. We present the status of SABAT (Stoichiometry Analysis By Activation Techniques), one of the projects aiming at the construction of an underwater device for non-invasive threat detection based on the NAA.
- Genuine Multipartite Entanglement in the 3-Photon Decay of PositroniumB.C. Hiesmayr, P. Moskal
- Isoscalar single-pion production in the region of Roper and d*(2380) resonancesP. Adlarsona, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, W. Parol, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free pn -> pp pi(-) and pp -> pp pi(0) reactions have been performed by means of pd collisions at T-p= 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region T-p= 0.95-1.3 GeV (root s = 2.3-2.46 GeV), which includes the regions of triangle(1232), N*(1440) and d*(2380) resonance excitations. From these measurements the isoscalar single-pion production has been extracted, for which data existed so far only below T-p = 1 GeV. We observe a substantial increase of this cross section around 1 GeV, which can be related to the Roper resonance N*(1440), the strength of which shows up isolated from the triangle resonance in the isoscalar (N pi)(I=0) invariant-mass spectrum. No evidence for a decay of the dibaryon resonance d*(2380) into the isoscalar (NN pi)(I=0) channel is found. An upper limit of 180 mu b (90% CL.) corresponding to a branching ratio of 9% has been deduced. (c) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Analysis procedure of the positronium lifetime spectra for the J-PET detectorK. Dulski , B. Zgardzińska , P. Białas , C. Curceanu E. Czerwiński , A. Gajos , B. Głowacz , M. Gorgol , B. C. Hiesmayr , B. Jasińska , D. Kisielewska-Kamińska , G. Korcyl , P. Kowalski , T. Kozik , N. Krawczyk , W. Krzemień , E. Kubicz , M. Mohammed , M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki , M. Pałka , L. Raczyński , J. Raj , Z. Rudy , N. G. Sharma, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski , M. Skurzok , A. Wieczorek , W. Wiślicki , M. Zieliński , P. MoskalPositron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) has shown to be a powerful tool to study the nanostructures of porous materials. Positron Emissions Tomography (PET) are devices allowing imaging of metabolic processes e.g. in human bodies. A newly developed device, the J-PET (Jagiellonian PET), will allow PALS in addition to imaging, thus combining both analyses providing new methods for physics and medicine. In this contribution we present a computer program that is compatible with the J-PET software. We compare its performance with the standard program LT 9.0 by using PALS data from hexane measurements at different temperatures. Our program is based on an iterative procedure, and our fits prove that it performs as good as LT 9.0.
- Introduction of total variation regularization into filtered backprojection algorithmL. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, K. Klimaszewski, W. Krzemień, P. Kowalski, R. Shopa, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalIn this paper we extend the state-of-the-art filtered backprojection (FBP) method with application of the concept of Total Variation regularization. We compare the performance of the new algorithm with the most common form of regularizing in the FBP image reconstruction via apodizing functions. The methods are validated in terms of cross-correlation coefficient between reconstructed and real image of radioactive tracer distribution using standard Derenzo-type phantom. We demonstrate that the proposed approach results in higher cross-correlation values with respect to the standard FBP method.
- Time calibration of the J-PET detectorM. Skurzok, M. Silarski, D. Alfs, P. Bialas, Shivani, C. Curceanu , E. Czerwinski , K. Dulski , A. Gajos, B. G lowacz , M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik , N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz , M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, S. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, L. Raczynski , J. Raj, Z. Rudy, N. G. Sharma, S. Sharma , R. Y. Shopa , A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki , B. Zgardzinska, M. Zielinski, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) project carried out in the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University is focused on construction and tests of the first prototype of PET scanner for medical diagnostic which allows for the simultaneous 3D imaging of the whole human body using organic scintillators. The J-PET prototype consists of 192 scintillator strips forming three cylindrical layers which are optimized for the detection of photons from the electron-positron annihilation with high time- and high angular-resolutions. In this article we present time calibration and synchronization of the whole J-PET detection system by irradiating each single detection module with a 22Na source and a small detector providing common reference time for synchronization of all the modules.
- Novel scintillating material 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole for the fully digital and MRI compatible J-PET tomograph based on plastic scintillatorsA. Wieczorek, K. Dulski, Sz. Niedźwiecki, D. Alfs, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, A. Danel, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Kucharek, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, T. Uchacz, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalA novel plastic scintillator is developed for the application in the digital positron emission tomography (PET). The novelty of the concept lies in application of the 2-(4-styrylphenyl) benzoxazole as a wavelength shifter. The substance has not been used as scintillator dop- ant before. A dopant shifts the scintillation spectrum towards longer wavelengths making it more suitable for applications in scintillators of long strips geometry and light detection with digital silicon photomultipliers. These features open perspectives for the construction of the cost-effective and MRI-compatib le PET scanner with the large field of view. In this article we present the synthesis method and characterize performance of the elaborated scintillator by determining its light emission spectrum, light emission efficiency, rising and decay time of the scintillation pulses and resulting timing resolution when applied in the positron emission tomography. The optimal concentratio n of the novel wavelength shifter was established by maximizing the light output and it was found to be 0.05 ? for cuboidal scintillator with dimen- sions of 14 mm x 14 mm x 20 mm.
- Low-energy Antikaon-Nucleon/Nuclei Interaction Studies by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, I. Tucakovic, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, E. Widmann, J. ZmeskalThe AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy kaon?nuclei hadronic interaction at the DA?NE collider at LNF-INFN, which is fundamental to solve longstanding questions in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopy study with very low-momentum (100 MeV) in-flight K? captures. With AMADEUS step 1, a dedicated pure carbon target was implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest K? nuclear interaction. The results obtained in the analyses of the hyperon?pion correlated events, searching for the resonant shapes of Y states, will be described.
- Commissioning of the J-PET Detector for Studies of Decays of Positronium AtomsE. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is a detector for medical imaging of the whole human body as well as for physics studies involving detection of electron?positron annihilation into photons. J-PET has high angular and time resolution, and allows for measurement of spin of the positronium and the momenta and polarization vectors of annihilation quanta. In this article, we present the potential of the J-PET system for the background rejection in the decays of positronium atoms.
- A New PET Diagnostic Indicator Based on the Ratio of 3gamma/2gamma Positron AnnihilationB. Jasińska, P. MoskalThe idea of applying the ratio of 3g and 2g positron annihilation rate as a diagnostic indicator in the PET imaging is proposed. It is based on the fact that the 3g annihilation is related to the decay rate of triplet state of positronium atoms produced inside the human body during the PET imaging, and it reflects the size and the concentration of free volumes present in the investigated tissues. The tissues deformation related to the cancerous changes are expected to influence the local value of the 3g fraction.
- Search for the eta-mesic Helium in Proton-Deuteron ReactionO. Rundel, M. Skurzok, O. Khreptak, P. MoskalWe briefly report on the search for eta-mesic helium nuclei with WASA-at-COSY detection setup. The description of the experimental method as well as the status of the data analysis of the proton?deuteron reactions are presented.
- J-PET: A New Technology for the Whole-body PET ImagingS. Niedźwiecki, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, Ł. Kapłon, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is the first PET built from plastic scintillators. J-PET prototype consists of 192 detection modules arranged axially in three layers forming a cylindrical diagnostic chamber with the inner diameter of 85 cm and the axial field-of-view of 50 cm. An axial arrangement of long strips of plastic scintillators, their small light attenuation, superior timing properties, and relative ease of the increase of the axial field-of-view opens promising perspectives for the cost effective construction of the whole-body PET scanner, as well as construction of MR and CT compatible PET inserts. Present status of the development of the J-PET tomograph will be presented and discussed.
- The pd -> eta 3He Reaction and eta 3He Bound State? The B*B*rho SystemE. Oset, J.J. Xie, W.H. Liang, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok, C. Wilkin, M. Bayar, P. Fernandez Soler, Z.F. SunWe analyze the data on cross sections and asymmetries for the pd(dp) -> eta 3He reaction close to threshold and look for bound states of the eta 3He system. Fitting these data in terms of an eta 3He optical potential, we find a local Breit?Wigner form of the eta 3He amplitude T below threshold with a clear peak in |T|2, which corresponds to an eta 3He binding of about 0.3 MeV and a width of about 3 MeV. However, this corresponds to a pole in the complex plane above threshold. We also discuss a state found for BB*rho with J = 3.
- Three-dimensional Image Reconstruction in J-PET Using Filtered Back-projection MethodR.Y. Shopa, K. Klimaszewski, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, L. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska-Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalWe present a method and preliminary results of the image reconstruction in the Jagiellonian PET tomograph. Using GATE (Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission), interactions of the 511 keV photons with a cylindrical detector were generated. Pairs of such photons, flying back-to-back, originate from e+e? annihilations inside a 1 mm spherical source. Spatial and temporal coordinates of hits were smeared using experimental resolutions of the detector. We incorporated the algorithm of the 3D Filtered Back Projection, implemented in the STIR and TomoPy software packages, which differ in approximation methods. Consistent results for the Point Spread Functions of ? 5 ÷ 7 mm and ? 9 ÷ 20 mm were obtained, using STIR, for transverse and longitudinal directions, respectively, with no time-of-flight information included.
- Low-energy Kaon-Nuclei Interaction Studies at DAFNE: SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUSC. Curceanu, A. Amirkhani, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, A.M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Dawood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R.S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. ZmeskalThe DAFNE electron?positron collider of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN has made available a unique quality low-energy negatively charged kaons ?beam?, which is being used to study the kaon?nucleon/nuclei interactions by the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment and the AMADEUS Collaboration. The dynamics of the strong interaction processes in the non-perturbative regime is approached by lattice calculations and effective field theories (ChPT) which are still lacking experimental results in the low-energy regime, fundamental for their good understanding. The studies of kaonic atoms and of the kaonic nuclear processes performed by SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUS play in this context a key-role.
- Drift Chamber Calibration and Track Reconstruction in the P349 Antiproton Polarization ExperimentD. Alfs, B. Głowacz, P. Moskal, M. Zieliński, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, W. Oelert, M. Diermaier, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskal, M. Wolke, P. Nadel-Turonski, M. Carmignotto, T. Horn, H. Mkrtchyan, A. Asaturyan, A. Mkrtchyan, V. Tadevosyan, S. Zhamkochyan, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, W. EyrichThe goal of the P349 experiment is to test whether the antiproton production process can be itself a source of antiproton polarization. In this article, we present the motivation and details of the performed measurement. We report on the status of the analysis focusing mainly on calibration of the drift chambers and 3d track reconstruction.
- Human Tissues Investigation Using PALS TechniqueB. Jasińska, B. Zgardzińska, G. Chołubek, M. Gorgol, K. Wiktor, K. Wysogląd, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jodłowska-Jędrych, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, H. Wiktor, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalSamples of uterine leiomyomatis and normal tissues taken from patients after surgery were investigated using the Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS). Significant differences in all PALS parameters between normal and diseased tissues were observed. For all studied patients, it was found that the values of the free annihilation and ortho-positronium lifetime are larger for the tumorous tissues than for the healthy ones. For most of the patients, the intensity of the free annihilation and ortho-positronium annihilation was smaller for the tumorous than for the healthy tissues. For the first time, in this kind of studies, the 3? fraction of positron annihilation was determined to describe changes in the tissue porosity during morphologic alteration.
- Human Tissues Investigation Using PALS TechniqueB. Jasińska, B. Zgardzińska, G. Chołubek, M. Gorgol, K. Wiktor, K. Wysogląd, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jodłowska-Jędrych, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, S. Sharma, R. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, A. Wieczorek, H. Wiktor, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalSamples of uterine leiomyomatis and normal tissues taken from patients after surgery were investigated using the Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS). Significant differences in all PALS parameters between normal and diseased tissues were observed. For all studied patients, it was found that the values of the free annihilation and orthopositronium lifetime are larger for the tumorous tissues than for the healthy ones. For most of the patients, the intensity of the free annihilation and ortho-positronium annihilation was smaller for the tumorous than for the healthy tissues. For the first time, in this kind of studies, the 3gamma fraction of positron annihilation was determined to describe changes in the tissue porosity during morphologic alteration.
- Multichannel FPGA based MVT system for high precision time (20 ps RMS) and charge measurementM. Palka, P. Strzempek, G. Korcyl, T. Bednarski, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Bialas, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Glowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Jasinska, D. Kaminska, M. Kajetanowicz, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, M. Mohhamed, L. Raczynski, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, NG. Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki, M. Zielinski, B. Zgardzinska, P. MoskalIn this article it is presented an FPGA based Multi-Voltage Threshold (MVT) system which allows of sampling fast signals (1-2 ns rising and falling edge) in both voltage and time domain. It is possible to achieve a precision of time measurement of 20 ps RMS and reconstruct charge of signals, using a simple approach, with deviation from real value smaller than 10%. Utilization of the differential inputs of an FPGA chip as comparators together with an implementation of a TDC inside an FPGA allowed us to achieve a compact multi-channel system characterized by low power consumption and low production costs. This paper describes realization and functioning of the system comprising 192-channel TDC board and a four mezzanine cards which split incoming signals and discriminate them. The boards have been used to validate a newly developed Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography system based on plastic scintillators. The achieved full system time resolution of sigma (TOF) approximate to 68 ps is by factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET systems.
- Measurement of the omega->pi+pi-pi0 Dalitz plot distributionP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.Using the production reactions pd->3Heomega and pp->pp omega, the Dalitz plot distribution for the omega->pi+pi-pi0 decay is studied with the WASA detector at COSY, based on a combined data sample of (4.408+-0.042)*10^4 events. The Dalitz plot density is parametrised by a product of the P-wave phase space and a polynomial expansion in the normalised polar Dalitz plot variables Z and phi. For the first time, a deviation from pure P-wave phase space is observed with a significance of 4.1 sigma. The deviation is parametrised by a linear term 1+2 alpha Z, with alpha determined to be +0.147+-0.036, consistent with the expectations of rho-meson-type final-state interactions of the P-wave pion pairs.
- Measurement of the omega -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) Dalitz plot distribution The WASA-at-COSY CollaborationP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. RudyC, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.Using the production reactions pd -> He-3 omega and pp -> pp omega, the Dalitz plot distribution for the omega -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0)decay is studied with the WASA detector at COSY, based on a combined data sample of (4.408 +/- 0.042) x 10(4) events. The Dalitz plot density is parametrised by a product of the P-wave phase space and a polynomial expansion in the normalised polar Dalitz plot variables Z and phi. For the first time, a deviation from pure P-wave phase space is observed with a significance of 4.1 sigma. The deviation is parametrised by a linear term 1+2 alpha Z, with alpha determined to be +0.147 +/- 0.036, consistent with the expectations of rho-meson-type final-state interactions of the P-wave pion pairs. (C) 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Calculation of the time resolution of the J-PET tomograph using kernel density estimationL. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, W. Krzemień, P. Kowalski, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński and P. MoskalIn this paper we estimate the time resolution of the J-PET scanner built from plastic scintillators. We incorporate the method of signal processing using the Tikhonov regularization framework and the kernel density estimation method. We obtain simple, closed-form analytical formulae for time resolution. The proposed method is validated using signals registered by means of the single detection unit of the J-PET tomograph built from a 30?cm long plastic scintillator strip. It is shown that the experimental and theoretical results obtained for the J-PET scanner equipped with vacuum tube photomultipliers are consistent.
- Measurement of gamma quantum interaction point in plastic scintillator with WLS stripsJ. Smyrski, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, M. Kajetanowicz, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, J. Wojnarska, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe feasibility of measuring the aśxial coordinate of a gamma quantum interaction point in a plastic scintillator bar via the detection of scintillation photons escaping from the scintillator with an array of wavelength-shifting (WLS) strips is demonstrated. Using a test set-up comprising a BC-420 scintillator bar and an array of sixteen BC-482A WLS strips we achieved a spatial resolution of 5 mm (?) for annihilation photons from a 22Na isotope. The studied method can be used to improve the spatial resolution of a plastic-scintillator-based PET scanner which is being developed by the J-PET collaboration.
- Technical Design Report for the Panda Forward Spectrometer CalorimeterB. Singh, ..., P. Moskal, et al. (PANDA Collaboration)This document is devoted to the electromagnetic calorimeter of the Forward Spectrometer and describes the design considerations, the technical layout, the expected performance, and the production readiness.
- Search for eta-mesic He-4 in the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, E. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, NG. Kelkar, G. Kemmerling, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magierae, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.The search for He-4-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) processes. The deuteron beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd -> He-4 eta reaction ranging from Q = 70 MeV to Q = 30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd -> (3)Hen reaction and the quasi-free proton proton scattering via dd -> ppn(spectator)n(spectator) reactions. The excitation functions, determined independently for the measured reactions, do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd -> (4He-eta)(bound) -> (3)Hen pi(0) and dd -> (He-4-eta)(bound) -> (3)Hep pi(-) processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between the both of the considered channels. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N* (1535) momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-He-4. Assuming, as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in He-4, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for n pi(0) and p pi(-) channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N*-He-3 nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for n pi(0) and p pi(-) channels respectively. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Search for eta-mesic 4He in the dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.The search for 4He-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3Henpi0 and dd->3Hepi- processes. The deuteron beam momentum was varied continuously between 2.127 GeV/c and 2.422 GeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy for the dd-> 4He eta reaction ranging from Q = -70 MeV to Q = 30 MeV. The luminosity was determined based on the dd-> 3Hen reaction and the quasi-free proton-proton scattering via dd -> ppn_spectator n_spectator reactions. The excitation functions, determined independently for the measured reactions, do not reveal a structure which could be interpreted as a narrow mesic nucleus. Therefore, the upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay in dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Henpi0 and dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Hepi- processes were determined taking into account the isospin relation between the both of the considered channels. The results of the analysis depend on the assumptions of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the anticipated mesic-4He. Assuming, as in the previous works, that this is identical with the distribution of nucleons bound with 20 MeV in 4He, we determined that (for the mesic bound state width in the range from 5 MeV to 50 MeV) the upper limits at 90% confidence level are about 3 nb and about 6 nb for npi0 and p pi- channels, respectively. However, based on the recent theoretical findings of the N*(1535) momentum distribution in the N* -3He nucleus bound by 3.6 MeV, we find that the WASA-at-COSY detector acceptance decreases and hence the corresponding upper limits are 5 nb and 10 nb for n pi0 and p pi- channels respectively.
- Determination of the eta 3He threshold structure from the low energy pd -> eta 3He reactionJ.-J. Xie, W.-H. Liang, E. Oset, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok and C. WilkinWe analyze the data on cross sections and asymmetries for the pd(dp) -> eta 3He reaction close to threshold and look for bound states of the eta 3He system. Rather than parameterizing the scattering matrix, as is usually done, we develop a framework in which the eta 3He optical potential is the key ingredient, and its strength, together with some production parameters, are fitted to the available experimental data. The relationship of the scattering matrix to the optical potential is established using the Bethe-Salpeter equation and the eta 3He loop function incorporates the range of the interaction given by the empirical 3He density. We find a local Breit Wigner form of the eta 3He amplitude T below threshold with a clear peak in |T|^2 , which corresponds to an eta binding of about 0.3 MeV and a width of about 3 MeV. By fitting the potential we can also evaluate the eta 3He scattering length, including its sign, thus resolving the ambiguity in the former analyses.
- Determination of the spin triplet p Lambda scattering length from the final state interaction in the vec(p)p -> pK +Lambda reactionF. Hauenstein, ..., P. Moskal, et al.The vec(p)p?pK+Lambda reaction has been measured with the COSY-TOF detector at a beam momentum of 2.7GeV/c. The polarized proton beam enables the measurement of the beam analyzing power by the asymmetry of the produced kaon (AKN). This observable allows the pLambda spin triplet scattering length to be extracted for the first time model independently from the final state interaction in the reaction. The obtained value is at=(?2.55+0.72?1.39stat.+-0.6syst.+-0.3theo.)fm. This value is compatible with theoretical predictions and results from model-dependent analyses.
- Measurements of branching ratios for eta decays into charged particlesP. AdlarsoN, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, et al.The WASA-at-COSY experiment has collected 3 x 10(7) events with eta mesons produced via the reaction pd -> He-3 eta at T = 1.0 GeV. Using this data set, we evaluate the branching ratios of the decays eta -> pi(+)pi(-)gamma, eta -> e(+)e(-)gamma, eta -> pi(+)pi(-)e(+)e(-), and eta -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-). The branching ratios are normalized to the eta -> pi(+)pi(-) pi(0) decay. In addition an upper limit on a CP-violating asymmetry in eta -> pi(+)pi(-)e(+)e(-) is extracted.
- Measurement of the running of the fine structure constant below 1 GeV with the KLOE detectorKLOE-2 Collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.We have measured the running of the effective QED coupling constant alpha(s) in the time-like region 0.6J-PET: A Novel TOF -PET scanner using Organic ScintillatorsN.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki, M. Zieliński, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalPositron Emission Tomography (PET) is one of the most advanced nuclear medicine imaging techniques that have potential to identify many diseases (like cancers, heart diseases, neurological disorders and other abnormalities) in vivo in the earliest stages. However, production of PET modalities for covering the whole human body is economically unrealistic when applying the current technologies. In order to achieve a goal of more economical PET scanner with large geometrical acceptance and improved time resolution, the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography (J-PET) Collaboration is realizing a new project aiming at construction of TOF-PET detector using plastic scintillators instead of crystals. Novelty of the J-PET scanner lies in: (i) application of plastic scintillators as well as in (ii) its front-end electronics which allows signal sampling in voltage domain, (iii) a trigger-less data acquisition system, and (iv) the new time and hit-position reconstruction methods. Moreover, the proposed solution enables to increase the axial field-of-view of the tomograph by extending the length of the plastic scintillator strips without changing the number of photomultipliers and electronic channels.Feasibility studies of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors at PANDA at FAIRB. Singh, ..., P. Moskal, et al. (PANDA Collaboration)Simulation results for future measurements of electromagnetic proton form factors at PANDA (FAIR) within the PandaRoot software framework are reported. The statistical precision with which the proton form factors can be determined is estimated. The signal channel vec{p}p -> e+ e- is studied on the basis of two different but consistent procedures. The suppression of the main background channel, i.e. vec{p}p -> pi+ pi-, is studied. Furthermore, the background versus signal efficiency, statistical and systematical uncertainties on the extracted proton form factors are evaluated using two different procedures. The results are consistent with those of a previous simulation study using an older, simplified framework. However, a slightly better precision is achieved in the PandaRoot study in a large range of momentum transfer, assuming the nominal beam conditions and detector performance.Measurement of polarization observables of the associated strangeness production in proton proton interactionsF. Hauenstein, E. Borodina, H. Clement, E. Doroshkevich, R. Dzhygadlo, K. Ehrhardt, W. Eyrich, W. Gast, A. Gillitzer, D. Grzonka, S. Jowzaee, P. Klaja, L. Kober, K. Kilian, M. Krapp, M. Mertens, P. Moskal, J. Ritman, E. Roderburg, M. Roder, W. Schroeder, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, P. Wintz, P. WustnerThe Lambda polarization, the analyzing power, and the Lambda spin transfer coefficient of the reaction pp -> pK(+) Lambda were measured at beam momenta of 2.70 GeV/c and 2.95 GeV/c corresponding to excess energies of 122MeV and 204MeV. While the analyzing power and the spin transfer coefficient do not change significantly with the excess energy, the Lambda polarization varies strongly and changes its sign. As this is the first measurement of polarization observables below an excess energy of 200MeV, the change of the sign of the Lambda polarization was not observed before. The high statistics of the data (approximate to 200 k events for each momentum) enables detailed studies of the dependence of the Lambda polarization and the analyzing power on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. The results of the spin transfer coefficient are in qualitative agreement with the DISTO experiment. The Lambda polarization data of 2.95 GeV/c are only conform with the DISTO experiment, while both the 2.70 GeV/c and 2.95 GeV/c data differ strongly from all previous measurements, whether exclusive or inclusive.Search for an isospin I=3 dibaryonP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, O. Khreptak, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhnl, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, et al.Various theoretical calculations based on QCD or hadronic interactions predict that in addition to the recently observed dibaryon resonance d*(2380) with I(J(P)) = 3(0(+)) there should also exist a dibaryon resonance with mirrored quantum numbers I(J(P)) = 3(0(+)). We report here on a search for such a NN-decoupled state in data on the pp -> pp pi(+) pi(+) pi(-) pi(-) reaction. Since no clear-cut evidence has been found, we give upper limits for the production cross section of such a resonance in the mass range 2280-2500 MeV. (C) 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.A feasibility study of ortho-positronium decays measurement with the J-PET scanner based on plastic scintillatorsD. Kamińska, A. Gajos, E. Czerwiński, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, K. Dulski, B. Głowacz, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalWe present a study of the application of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) for the registration of gamma quanta from decays of ortho-positronium (o-Ps). The J-PET is the first positron emission tomography scanner based on organic scintillators in contrast to all current PET scanners based on inorganic crystals. Monte Carlo simulations show that the J-PET as an axially symmetric and high acceptance scanner can be used as a multi-purpose detector well suited to pursue research including e.g. tests of discrete symmetries in decays of ortho-positronium in addition to the medical imaging. The gamma quanta originating from o-Ps decay interact in the plastic scintillators predominantly via the Compton effect, making the direct measurement of their energy impossible. Nevertheless, it is shown in this paper that the J-PET scanner will enable studies of the o-Ps->3g decays with angular and energy resolution equal to sigma(theta) = 0.4^{circ} and sigma(E) = 4.1 keV, respectively. An order of magnitude shorter decay time of signals from plastic scintillators with respect to the inorganic crystals results not only in better timing properties crucial for the reduction of physical and instrumental background, but also suppresses significantly the pileups, thus enabling compensation of the lower efficiency of the plastic scintillators by performing measurements with higher positron source activities.Measurement of the phi -> pi(0)e(+)e(-) transition form factor with the KLOE detectorA. Anastasi, D. Babusci, G. Bencivenni, M. Berlowski, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, A. Budano, LC. Balkestahl, B. Cao, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwinski, G. D'Agostini, E. Dane, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Cicco, A. Di Domenico, R. Di Salvo, D. Domenici, A. D'Uffizi, A. Fantini, G. Felici, S. Fiore, A. Gajos, P. Gauzzi, G. Giardina, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, F. Happacher, L. Heijkenskjold, WI. Andersson, T. Johansson, D. Kaminska, W. Krzemien, A. Kupsc, S. Loffredo, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, M. Mascolo, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, M. Papenbrock, A. Passeri, V. Patera, EP. del Rio, A. Ranieri, P. Salabura, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, M. Schioppa, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, W. Wislicki, M. WolkeA measurement of the vector to pseudoscalar conversion decay phi -> pi(0)e(+)e(-) with the KLOE experiment is presented. A sample of similar to 9500 signal events was selected from a data set of 1.7 fb(-1) of e(+)e(-) collisions at root s similar to m(phi) collected at the DA Phi NE e(+)e(-) collider. These events were used to perform the first measurement of the transition form factor vertical bar F(phi pi)0(q(2))vertical bar and a new measurement of the branching ratio of the decay: BR (phi -> pi(0)e(+)e(-)) = (1.35 +/- 0.05(-0.10)(+0.05)) x 10(-5). The result improves significantly on previous measurements and is in agreement with theoretical predictions. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by SCOAP(3).Search for an Isospin I =3 DibaryonP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.Various theoretical calculations based on QCD or hadronic interactions predict that in addition to the recently observed dibaryon resonance d*(2380) with I(JP)=0(3+) there should also exist a dibaryon resonance with mirrored quantum numbers I(JP)=3(0+). We report here on a search for such a NN-decoupled state in data on the pp -> pp pi+ pi+ pi- pi- reaction.Measurement of the (n)over-right-arrowp -> d pi(0) pi(0) reaction with polarized beam in the region of the d(*)(2380) resonanceP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Caleen, I. Ciepa, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Foohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, G. Khatri, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, D. Prasuhn, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, A. Pyszniak, J. Ritman, A. Roy, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, S. Sawant, S. Schadmand, I. Schatti-Ozerianska, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, et al.We report on a high-statistics measurement of the most basic double-pionic fusion reaction over the energy region of the d (*)(2380) resonance by use of a polarized deuteron beam and observing the double fusion reaction in the quasifree scattering mode. The measurements were performed with the WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal substantial analyzing powers and confirm conclusions about the d(*) resonance obtained from unpolarized measurements. We also confirm the previous unpolarized data obtained under complementary kinematic conditions.Limit on the production of a new vector boson in e+e- -> Ug, U -> pi+pi- with the KLOE experimentKLOE-2 Collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki et al.The recent interest in a light gauge boson in the framework of an extra U(1) symmetry motivates searches in the mass range below 1 GeV. We present a search for such a particle, the dark photon, in e+e->Ug , U->pi+pi- based on 28 million e+e->pi+pi-g events collected at DAFNE by the KLOE experiment. The pi+pi- production by initial-state radiation compensates for a loss of sensitivity of previous KLOE U->e+e-, mu+mu- searches due to the small branching ratios in the rho-omega resonance region. We found no evidence for a signal and set a limit at 90% CL on the mixing strength between the photon and the dark photon, epsilon^2 , in the U mass range between 527 and 987MeV . Above 700 MeV this new limit is more stringent than previous ones.Determination of the 3gamma Fraction from Positron Annihilation in Mesoporous Materials for Symmetry Violation Experiment with J-PET ScannerB. Jasińska, M. Gorgol, M. Wiertel, R. Zaleski, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos B. Głowacz, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalVarious mesoporous materials were investigated to choose the best material for experiments requiring high yield of long-lived positronium. We found that the fraction of 3? annihilation determined using ?-ray energy spectra and positron annihilation lifetime spectra (PAL) changed from 20% to 25%. The 3? fraction and o-Ps formation probability in the polymer XAD-4 is found to be the largest. Elemental analysis performed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope EDS shows high purity of the investigated materials.Sampling FEE and Trigger-less DAQ for the J-PET ScannerG. Korcyl, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska Ł. Kapłon, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, K. Stoła, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B.K. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalIn this paper, we present a complete Data Acquisition System (DAQ) together with the readout mechanisms for the J-PET tomography scanner. In general, detector readout chain is constructed out of Front-End Electronics (FEE) measurement devices such as Time-to-Digital or Analog-to-Digital Converters (TDCs or ADCs), data collectors and storage. We have developed a system capable for maintaining continuous readout of digitized data without preliminary selection. Such operation mode results in up to 8 Gbps data stream, therefore, it is required to introduce a dedicated module for on-line event building and feature extraction. The Central Controller Module, equipped with Xilinx Zynq SoC and 16 optical transceivers, serves as such true real time computing facility. Our solution for the continuous data recording (trigger-less) is a novel approach in such detector systems and assures that most of the information is preserved on the storage for further, high-level processing. Signal discrimination applies a unique method of using LVDS buffers located in the FPGA fabric.Beam Profile Investigation of the New Collimator System for the J-PET DetectorE. Kubicz, M. Silarski, A. Wieczorek, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B. Jasińska D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Mohammed, I. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalJagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is a multi-purpose detector which will be used for search for discrete symmetries violations in the decays of positronium atoms and for investigations with positronium atoms in life-sciences and medical diagnostics. In this article, we present three methods for determination of the beam profile of collimated annihilation gamma quanta. Precise monitoring of this profile is essential for time and energy calibration of the J-PET detector and for the determination of the library of model signals used in the hit-time and hit-position reconstruction. We have shown that usage of two lead bricks with dimensions of 5 × 10 × 20 cm3 enables to form a beam of annihilation quanta with Gaussian profile characterized by 1 mm FWHM. Determination of this characteristic is essential for designing and construction the collimator system for the 24-module J-PET prototype. Simulations of the beam profile for different collimator dimensions were performed. This allowed us to choose optimal collimation system in terms of the beam profile parameters, dimensions and weight of the collimator taking into account the design of the 24-module J-PET detector.Scatter Fraction of the J-PET Tomography ScannerP. Kowalski, W. Wiślicki, L. Raczyński, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, J. Jasińska D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammad, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalA novel Positron Emission Tomography system, based on plastic scintillators, is being developed by the J-PET Collaboration. In this article, we present the simulation results of the scatter fraction, representing one of the parameters crucial for background studies defined in the NEMA-NU-2-2012 norm. We elaborate an event selection methods allowing to suppress events in which gamma quanta were scattered in the phantom or underwent the multiple scattering in the detector. The estimated scatter fraction for the single-layer J-PET scanner varies from 37% to 53% depending on the applied energy threshold.On Quasibound N*-NucleiN. G. Kelkar, D. Bedoya Fierro, P. MoskalThe possibility for the existence of unstable bound states of the S11 nucleon resonance N?(1535) and nuclei is investigated. These quasibound states are speculated to be closely related to the existence of the quasibound states of the eta mesons and nuclei. Within a simple model for the NN? interaction involving a pion and eta meson exchange, N??nucleus potentials for N??3He and N??24Mg are evaluated and found to be of a Woods?Saxon-like form which supports two to three bound states. In the case of N??3He, one state bound by only a few keV and another by 4 MeV is found. The results are however quite sensitive to the NN?? and NN?? vertex parameters. A rough estimate of the width of these states, based on the mean free path of the exchanged mesons in the nuclei, leads to very broad states with ? ? 80 and 110 MeV for N??3He and N??24Mg respectively.eta' Interactions with Nucleons and NucleiS. D. Bass, P. MoskalWe summarise recent progress in theory and experiment towards understanding of ??-meson interactions with nucleons and nuclei. Highlights include the production mechanism of ?? mesons in proton?proton collisions close to the threshold, the ?? effective mass shift in nuclei and the determination of the ??-nucleon scattering length in free space.Design of the SABAT System for Underwater Detection of Dangerous SubstancesM. Silarski, D. Hunik, M. Smolis, S. Tadeja, P. MoskalWe present status of simulations used to design a novel device for the detection of hazardous substances in the aquatic environment using neutron activation. Unlike the other considered methods based on this technique, we propose to use guides for neutron and gamma quanta which speeds up and simplifies identification. First preliminary results show that both the neutron guide and the ?-ray guide increase the performance of underwater threats detection.Application of the compress sensing theory for improvement of the TOF resolution in a novel J-PET instrumentL. Raczyński, P. Moskal, P. Kowalski, W. Wiślicki, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, M. Zieliński, N. ZońTrilateration-based reconstruction of ortho-positronium decays into three photons with the J-PET detectorA. Gajos, D. Kamińska, E. Czerwiński, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThis work reports on a new reconstruction algorithm allowing us to reconstruct the decays of ortho-positronium atoms into three photons using the places and times of photons recorded in the detector. The method is based on trilateration and allows for a simultaneous reconstruction of both location and time of the decay. Results of resolution tests of the new reconstruction in the J-PET detector based on Monte Carlo simulations are presented, which yield a spatial resolution at the level of 2 cm (FWHM) for X and Y and at the level of 1 cm (FWHM) for Z available with the present resolution of J-PET after application of a kinematic fit. Prospects of employment of this method for studying angular correlations of photons in decays of polarized ortho-positronia for the needs of tests of CP and CPT discrete symmetries are also discussed. The new reconstruction method allows for discrimination of background from random three-photon coincidences as well as for application of a novel method for determination of the linear polarization of ortho-positronium atoms, which is also introduced in this work.Time resolution of the plastic scintillator strips with matrix photomultiplier readout for J-PET tomographP. Moskal, O. Rundel, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, K. Giergiel, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, N.G. Sharma, A. Słomski, M. Silarski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, P. Witkowski, M. Zieliński, N. ZońRecent tests of a single module of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography system (J-PET) consisting of 30 cm long plastic scintillator strips have proven its applicability for the detection of annihilation quanta (0.511 MeV) with a coincidence resolving time (CRT) of 0.266 ns. The achieved resolution is almost by a factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET detectors and it can still be improved since, as it is shown in this article, the intrinsic limit of time resolution for the determination of time of the interaction of 0.511 MeV gamma quanta in plastic scintillators is much lower. As the major point of the article, a method allowing to record timestamps of several photons, at two ends of the scintillator strip, by means of matrix of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) is introduced. As a result of simulations, conducted with the number of SiPM varying from 4 to 42, it is shown that the improvement of timing resolution saturates with the growing number of photomultipliers, and that the 2×5 configuration at two ends allowing to read twenty timestamps, constitutes an optimal solution. The conducted simulations accounted for the emission time distribution, photon transport and absorption inside the scintillator, as well as quantum efficiency and transit time spread of photosensors, and were checked based on the experimental results. Application of the 2×5 matrix of SiPM allows for achieving the coincidence resolving time in positron emission tomography of 0.170 ns for 15 cm axial field-of-view (AFOV) and 0.365 ns for 100 cm AFOV. The results open perspectives for construction of a cost-effective TOFPET scanner with significantly better TOF resolution and larger AFOV with respect to the current TOF-PET modalities.Overview of the software architecture and data flow for the J-PET tomography deviceW. Krzemień, D. Alfs, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalModern TOF-PET scanner systems require high-speed computing resources for efficient data processing, monitoring and image reconstruction. In this article we present the data flow and software architecture for the novel TOF-PET scanner developed by the J-PET collaboration. We discuss the data acquisition system, reconstruction framework and some image reconstruction issues. Also, the concept of computing outside hospitals in the remote centers such as 'Swierk Computing Centre in Poland is presentedPotential of the J-PET Detector for Studies of Discrete Symmetries in Decays of Positronium Atom - a Purely Leptonic SystemP. Moskal, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwinski, C. Curceanu, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, D. Kaminska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien , N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedzwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, L. Raczynski, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki, M. ZielinskiThe Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) was constructed as a prototype of the cost-effective scanner for the simultaneous metabolic imaging of the whole human body. Being optimized for the detection of photons from the electron?positron annihilation with high timeand high angular-resolution, it constitutes a multi-purpose detector providing new opportunities for studying the decays of positronium atoms. Positronium is the lightest purely leptonic object decaying into photons. As an atom bound by a central potential, it is a parity eigenstate, and as an atom built out of an electron and an anti-electron, it is an eigenstate of the charge conjugation operator. Therefore, the positronium is a unique laboratory to study discrete symmetries whose precision is limited, in principle, by the effects due to the weak interactions expected at the level of (10????14) and photon?photon interactions expected at the level of (10????9). The J-PET detector enables to perform tests of discrete symmetries in the leptonic sector via the determination of the expectation values of the discrete-symmetries-odd operators, which may be constructed from the spin of ortho-positronium atom and the momenta and polarization vectors of photons originating from its annihilation. In this article, we present the potential of the J-PET detector to test the C, CP, T and CPT symmetries in the decays of positronium atoms.Upper limits for the production of the eta-mesic Helium in the dd ->3Henpi0 and dd -> 3Heppi- reactionsM. Skurzok, W. Krzemień, O. Rundel, P. MoskalWe performed a search for 4 He-eta bound state in dd->3He n pi0 and dd->3He p pi- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facility using a ramped beam technique. The measurement was carried out with high statistics and high acceptance. The signature of eta-mesic nuclei was searched for by the measurement of the excitation functions in the vicinity of the eta production threshold for each of the considered channels. We did not observe the narrow structure which could be interpreted as a bound state. The preliminary upper limits of the total cross sections for the bound state production and decay varies from 21 nb to 36 nb for the dd->3He n pi0 channel, and from 5 nb to 9 nb for the dd->3He p pi- channel for the bound state width ranging from 5 to 50 MeV.Precision measurement of the eta to pi+pi-pi0 Dalitz plot distribution with the KLOE detectorKLOE-2 Collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.Using 1.6 fb^-1 of e+e-to phi eta gamma data collected with the KLOE detector at DAFNE, the Dalitz plot distribution for the eta to pi+ pi- pi0 decay is studied with the world's largest sample of ~4.7 10^6 events. The Dalitz plot density is parametrized as a polynomial expansion up to cubic terms in the normalized dimensionless variables X and Y. The experiment is sensitive to all charge conjugation conserving terms of the expansion, including a gX2Y term. The statistical uncertainty of all parameters is improved by a factor two with respect to earlier measurements.Measurement of the phi->pi0e+e- transition form factor with the KLOE detectorKLOE-2 Collaboration: A. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.A measurement of the vector to pseudoscalar conversion decay phi->pi0e+e- with the KLOE experiment is presented. A sample of ~9500 signal events was selected from a data set of 1.7 fb^(-1) of e+e- collisions at sqrt(s)~m(phi) collected at the DAFNE e+e- collider. These events were used to obtain the first measurement of the transition form factor |F_{phi,pi^0}(q2)| and a new measurement of the branching ratio of the decay: BR(phi->pi0e+e-)=(1.35+/-0.05+0.05?0.10)×10^(-5). The result improves significantly on previous measurements and is in agreement with theoretical predictions.Measurement of the vec{n} p->d pi0 pi0 Reaction with Polarized Beam in the Region of the d*(2380) ResonanceP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.We report on a high-statistics measurement of the most basic double pionic fusion reaction vec{n}p -> dpi0pi0 over the energy region of the d*(2380) resonance by use of a polarized deuteron beam and observing the double fusion reaction in the quasifree scattering mode. The measurements were performed with the WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal substantial analyzing powers and confirm conclusions about the d? resonance obtained from unpolarized measurements. We also confirm the previous unpolarized data obtained under complementary kinematic conditions.High-precision measurement of the associated strangeness production in proton-proton interactionsS. Jowzaee, E. Borodina, H. Clement, E. Doroshkevich, R. Dzhygadlo, K. Ehrhardt, W. Eyrich, W. Gast, A. Gillitzer, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, P. Klaja, L. Kober, K. Kilian, M. Krapp, M. Mertens, P. Moskal, J. Ritman, E. Roderburg, M. Roder, W. Schroeder, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, P. Wintz, P. WustnerA new high-precision measurement of the reaction at a beam momentum of 2.95 GeV/c with more than 200 000 analyzed events allows a detailed analysis of differential observables and their inter-dependencies. Correlations of the angular distributions with momenta are examined. The invariant mass distributions are compared for different regions in the Dalitz plots. The cusp structure at the threshold is described with the Flatt, formalism and its variation in the Dalitz plot is analyzed.High precision measurement of the associated strangeness production in proton proton interactionsS. Jowzaee, ..., P. Moskal, ... , J. SmyrskiA new high precision measurement of the reaction pp N pK ` Lambda at a beam momentum of 2.95 GeV/c with more than 200 000 analyzed events allows a detailed analysis of differential observables and their inter-dependencies. Correlations of the angular distributions with momenta are examined. The invariant mass distributions are compared for different regions in the Dalitz plots. The cusp structure at the NSigma threshold is described with the Flatte formalism and its variation in the Dalitz plot is analyzed.J-PET: A Novel TOF-PFT Detector based on Plastic ScintillatorsP. Moskal, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Bialas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Glowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, D. Kaminska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, S. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, L. Raczynski, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, NG. Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki, B. Zgardzinska, M. ZielinskiThe purpose of the reported research is the elaboration of the method for construction of the cost-effective whole body single-bed positron emission tomography scanner enabling simultaneous PET/CT and PET/MR imaging The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is built out of 192 scintillator strips arranged axially in three layers forming a cylindrical diagnostic chamber with the diameter of 85 cm and axial field of-view of 50 cm. The novelty of the concept lies in employing long strips of plastic scintillators instead of crystals as detectors of the annihilation quanta, and in using the timing of signals instead of their amplitudes for the reconstruction of Lines-of Response. To take advantage of the superior timing properties of plastic scintillators a novel multi-voltage-threshold front-end electronics was developed allowing for sampling of signals in a voltage domain. An axial arrangement of long strips of plastic scintillators, and their small light attenuation allows us to make a TOE-PET scanner with a long axial field-of-view. The presented solution opens unique possibilities of combining PET with CT and PET with MRI for scanning the same part of a patient at the same time with both methods. The relative ease of the cost effective increase of the axial field-of-view makes the J-PET tomograph competitive with respect to the current commercial PET scanners as regards sensitivity and time resolution.Statistical Analysis of Time Resolution of the J-PET ScannerL. Raczynski, W. Wislicki, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemien, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Bialas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Glowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, D. Kaminska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, S. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, NG. Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzinska, M. Zielinski, P. MoskalThe commercial Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanners use inorganic crystal scintillators for the detection of gamma photons. The Jagiellonian-PET (J-PET) detector exhibits high time resolution due to use of fast plastic scintillators and dedicated electronics circuits. Since the time resolution of PET scanner is influenced by numerous factors, e.g. a type of photomultipliers attached to the scintillators, the optimal selection of components of the J-PET system requires detailed understanding of the method for calculation the time resolution. In this paper we show the idea of this method, based on statistical analysis of the observed signals on the photomultiplier's output. The method is tested using signals registered by means of the single detection module of the J-PET scanner built out from 30 cm long plastic scintillator strips. We investigate two main factors affecting the photon registration probability, photomultipliers quantum efficiency and photomultipliers transit time spread. We demonstrate that the quantum efficiency of photomultipliers represents the most important factor influencing overall performance of the J-PET scanner.Studies of discrete symmetries in a purely leptonic system using the Jagiellonian Positron Emission TomographP. Moskal, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Bialas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwinski, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Glowacz, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Gorgol, BC. Hiesmayr, B. Jasinska, D. Kaminska, O. Khreptak, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemien, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, S. Niedzwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, L. Raczynski, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wislicki, B. Zgardzinska, M. ZielinskiDiscrete symmetries such as parity (P), charge-conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) are of fundamental importance in physics and cosmology. Breaking of charge conjugation symmetry (C) and its combination with parity (CP) constitute necessary conditions for the existence of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the observed Universe. The presently known sources of discrete symmetries violations can account for only a tiny fraction of the excess of matter over antimatter. So far CP and T symmetries violations were observed only for systems involving quarks and they were never reported for the purely leptonic objects. In this article we describe briefly an experimental proposal for the test of discrete symmetries in the decays of positronium atom which is made exclusively of leptons. The experiments are conducted by means of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) which is constructed from strips of plastic scintillators enabling registration of photons from the positronium annihilation. J-PET tomograph together with the positronium target system enable to measure expectation values for the discrete symmetries odd operators constructed from (i)spin vector of the ortho-positronium atom, (ii) momentum vectors of photons originating from the decay of positronium, and (iii) linear polarization direction of annihilation photons. Linearly polarized positronium will be produced in the highly porous aerogel or polymer targets, exploiting longitudinally polarized positrons emitted by the sodium Na-22 isotope. Information about the polarization vector of ortho-positronium will be available on the event by event basis and will be reconstructed from the known position of the positron source and the reconstructed position of the ortho-positronium annihilation. In 2016 the first tests and calibration runs are planned, and the data collection with high statistics will commence in the year 2017.Searches for discrete symmetries violation in ortho-positronium decay using the J-PET detectorD. Kamińska, A. Gajos, E. Czerwiński, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalIn this paper, we present prospects for using the Jagiellonian positron emission tomograph (J-PET) detector to search for discrete symmetries violations in a purely leptonic system of the positronium atom. We discuss tests of CP and CPT symmetries by means of ortho-positronium decays into three photons. No zero expectation values for chosen correlations between ortho-positronium spin and momentum vectors of photons would imply the existence of physics phenomena beyond the standard model. Previous measurements resulted in violation amplitude parameters for CP and CPT symmetries consistent with zero, with an uncertainty of about 10?3. The J-PET detector allows to determine those values with better precision, thanks to the unique time and angular resolution combined with a high geometrical acceptance. Achieving the aforementioned is possible because of the application of polymer scintillators instead of crystals as detectors of annihilation quanta.Studies of unicellular microorganisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopyE. Kubicz, B. Jasińska, B. Zgardzińska, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rajfur, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalResults of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) and microscopic studies on simple microorganisms, brewing yeasts, are presented. Lifetime of ortho-positronium (o-Ps) were found to change from 2.4 to 2.9 ns (longer-lived component) for lyophilized and aqueous yeasts, respectively. Also hygroscopicity of yeasts in time was examined, allowing to check how water ? the main component of the cell ? affects PALS parameters, thus lifetime of o-Ps were found to change from 1.2 to 1.4 ns (shorter-lived component) for the dried yeasts. The time suffi cient to hydrate the cells was found below 10 hours. In the presence of liquid water, an indication of reorganization of yeast in the molecular scale was observed. Microscopic images of the lyophilized, dried, and wet yeasts with best possible resolution were obtained using inverted microscopy (IM) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) methods. As a result, visible changes to the surface of the cell me mbrane were observed in ESEM images.K- absorption on two nucleons and ppK- bound state search in the E0p final stateO. Vazquez Doce, L. Fabbietti, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, J. Marton, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, I. Tucakovic, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal, A. Anastasi, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwinski, W. Krzemien, G. Mandaglio, M. Martini, P. Moskal, V. Patera, E. Perez del Rio, M. SilarskiWe report the measurement of K- absorption processes in the Sigma_0p final state and the first exclusive measurement of the two nucleon absorption (2NA) with the KLOE detector. The 2NA process without further interactions is found to be 12% of the sum of all other contributing processes, including absorption on three and more nucleons or 2NA followed by final state interactions with the residual nucleons. We also determine the possible contribution of the ppK- bound state to the ?0p final state. A yield of ppK-/K_stop is found to be (0.044+/-0.009stat+0.004+/-0.005syst)?10?2 but its statistical significance based on an F-test is only 1sigma.Limit on the production of a low-mass vector boson in e+e- ->U, U->e+e- with the KLOE experimentA. Anastasi, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.The existence of a new force beyond the Standard Model is compelling because it could explain several striking astrophysical observations which fail standard interpretations. We searched for the light vector mediator of this dark force, the U boson, with the KLOE detector at the DAFNE e+e? collider. Using an integrated luminosity of 1.54 fb^-1, we studied the process e+e->U, with U->e+e-, using radiative-return to search for a resonant peak in the dielectron invariant-mass distribution. We did not find evidence for a signal, and set a 90\%~CL upper limit on the mixing strength between the Standard Model photon and the dark photon, ?^2, at 10^-6--10^-4 in the 5--520~MeV/c2 mass range.Reconstruction of hit time and hit position of annihilation quanta in the J-PET detector usi ng the Mahalanobis distanceN. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, B. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalThe J-PET detector being developed at Jagiellonian University, is a Positron Emission Tomograph composed of the long strips of polymer scintillators. At the same time it is a detector system which will be used for studies of the decays of positronium atoms. The shape of photomultiplier signals depends on the hit-time and hit-position of the gamma quantum. In order to take advantage of this fact a dedicated sampling front-end electronics which enables to sample signals in voltage domain with the time precision of about 20 ps and novel reconstruction method based on the comparison of examined signal with the model signals stored in the library has been developed. As a measure of the similarity we use the Mahalanobis distance. The achievable position and time-resolution depends on number and values of the threshold levels at which the signal is sampled. A reconstruction method, as well as preliminary results are presented and discussed.PALS investigations of free volumes thermal expansion of J-PET plastic scintillator synthesized in polystyrene matrixA. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, B. Jasińska, M. Gorgol, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, P. MoskalThe polystyrene dopped with 2,5-diphenyloxazole as a primary fluor and 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole as a wavelength shifter, prepared as a plastic scintillator was investigated using positronium probe in wide range of temperatures from 123 to 423 K. Three structural transitions at 260 K, 283 K and 370 K were found in the material. In the o-Ps intensity dependence on temperature, the significant hysteresis is observed. Heated to 370 K, the material exhibits the o-Ps intensity variations in time.Processing optimization with parallel computing for the J-PET scannerW. Krzemień, M. Bała, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, K. Stola, A. Strzelecki, D. Trybek, Anna Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, B. K. Zgardzińska, P. MoskalThe Jagiellonian-PET (J-PET) collaboration is developing a prototype TOF-PET detector based on long polymer scintillators. This novel approach exploits the excellent time properties of the plastic scintillators, which permit very precise time measurements. The very fast, FPGA-based front-end electronics and the data acquisition system, as well as, low- and high-level reconstruction algorithms were specially developed to be used with the J-PET scanner. The TOF-PET data processing and reconstruction are time and resource demanding operations, especially in case of a large acceptance detector, which works in triggerless data acquisition mode. In this article, we discuss the parallel computing methods applied to optimize the data processing for the J-PET detector. We begin with general concepts of parallel computing and then we discuss several applications of those techniques in the J-PET data processing.Project of the underwater system for chemical threat detectionM. Silarski, D. Hunik, P. Moskal, M. Smolis, S. TadejaIn this article we describe a novel method for the detection of explosives and other hazardous substances in the marine environment using neutron activation. Unlike the other considered methods based on this technique we propose to use guides forneutron and gamma quanta which speeds up and simplifies identification. Moreover, it may provide a determination of the density distribution of a dangerous substance. First preliminary results of Monte Carlo simulations dedicated for design of a device exploiting this method are also presented.Multiple Scattering and Accidental Coincidences in the J-PET Detector Simulated Using GATE PackageP. Kowalski, P. Moskal, W. Wislicki, L. Raczynski, T. Bednarski, P. Bialas, J. Bulka, E. Czerwinski, A. Gajos, A. Gruntowski, D. Kaminska, L. Kaplon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, E. Kubicz, S. Niedzwiecki, M. Palka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, NG. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Slomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, I. Wochlik, M. Zielinski, N. ZonNovel positron emission tomography system, based on plastic scintillators, is developed by the J-PET collaboration. In order to optimize geometrical configuration of built device, advanced computer simulations are performed. Detailed study is presented of background given by accidental coincidences and multiple scattering of gamma quanta.Measurement of the np -> np pi(0)pi(0) reaction in search for the recently observed d* (2380) resonanceP. Adlarsona, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, B. Hoistad, N. Husken, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Podkopal, D. Prasuhn, A. Pricking, D. Pszczel, K. Pysz, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free np --> np pi(0)pi(0) reaction have been performed by means of dp collisions at T-d = 2.27 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region root s = (2.35-2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated d* (2380) resonance. Adding the d* resonance amplitude to that for the conventional processes leads to a reasonable description of the data. The observed resonance effect in the total cross section is in agreement with the predictions of Faldt and Wilkin as well with those of Albadajedo and Oset. The ABC effect, i.e. the low-mass enhancement in the pi(0)pi(0)-invariant mass spectrum, is found to be very modest - if present at all, which might pose a problem to some of its interpretations. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.A pilot study of the novel J-PET plastic scintillator with 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole as a wavelength shifterA. Wieczorek, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Danel, A. Gajos, A. Gruntowski, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Molenda, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, T. Uchacz, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońFor the first time a molecule of 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole containing benzoxazole and stilbene groups is applied as a scintillator dopant acting as a wavelength shifter. In this article a light yield of the plastic scintillator, prepared from styrene doped with 2 wt% of 2,5-diphenylbenzoxazole and 0.03 wt% of 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole, is determined to be as large as 60% ? 2% of the anthracene light output. There is a potential to improve this value in the future by the optimization of the additives concentrations.Compressive sensing of signals generated in plastic scintillators in a novel J-PET instrumentL. Raczyński, P. Moskal, P. Kowalski, W. Wiślicki, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, M. Zieliński, N. ZońThe J-PET scanner, which allows for single bed imaging of the whole human body, is currently under development at the Jagiellonian University. The discussed detector offers improvement of the Time of Flight (TOF) resolution due to the use of fast plastic scintillators and dedicated electronics allowing for sampling in the voltage domain of signals with durations of few nanoseconds. In this paper we show that recovery of the whole signal, based on only a few samples, is possible. In order to do that, we incorporate the training signals into the Tikhonov regularization framework and we perform the Principal Component Analysis decomposition, which is well known for its compaction properties. The method yields a simple closed form analytical solution that does not require iterative processing. Moreover, from the Bayes theory the properties of regularized solution, especially its covariance matrix, may be easily derived. This is the key to introduce and prove the formula for calculations of the signal recovery error. In this paper we show that an average recovery error is approximately inversely proportional to the number of acquired samples.Search for eta-mesic Nuclei with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. SkurzokWe search for an evidence of ?-mesic He with the WASA detector. Two dedicated experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich. The experimental method is based on the measurement of the excitation functions for the two reaction channels: dd ?3He p?? and dd ?3He n?0, where the outgoing N?? pairs originate from the conversion of the ? meson on a nucleon inside the He nucleus. In this contribution, the experimental method is shortly described and the current status of the analysis is presented.Analysis framework for the J-PET scannerW. Krzemień, A. Gajos, A. Gruntowski, K. Stola, D. Trybek, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, D. Kamińska, L. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońJ-PET analysis framework is a flexible, lightweight, ROOT-based software package which provides the tools to develop reconstruction and calibration procedures for PET tomography. In this article we present the implementation of the full data-processing chain in the J-PET framework which is used for the data analysis of the J-PET tomography scanner. The Framework incorporates automated handling of PET setup parameters' database as well as high level tools for building data reconstruction procedures. Each of these components is briefly discussed.Hit time and hit position reconstruction in the J-PET detector based on a library of averaged model signalsP. Moskal, N.G.Sharma, M.Silarski, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, J. Bułka, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, L. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, I. Wochlik, M. Zieliński, N. Zońn this article we present a novel method of hit time and hit position reconstruction in long scintillator detectors. We take advantage of the fact that for this kind of detectors amplitude and shape of registered signals depends strongly on the position where particle hit the detector. The reconstruction is based on determination of the degree of similarity between measured and averaged signals stored in a library for a set of well-defined positions along the scintillator. Preliminary results of validation of the introduced method with experimental data obtained by means of the double strip prototype of the J-PET detector are presented.GPU accelerated image reconstruction in a two-strip J-PET tomographP. Białas, J. Kowal, A. Strzelecki, T. Bednarski, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońWe present a fast GPU implementation of the image reconstruction routine, for a novel two strip PET detector that relies solely on the time of flight measurements.Luminosity determination for the deutron-deutron reactions using free and quasi-free reactions with WASA-at-COSY detectorM. Skurzok, P. Moskal, W. KrzemieńTwo methods of the luminosity determination for the experiment performed by WASA col- laboration to search for 4He-eta bound state are presented. During the measurement the tech- nique of continous change of the beam momentum in one accelerator cycle (called ramped beam) was applied. This imposes the requirement to determine not only the total integrated luminosity, but also its variation as a function of the beam momentum.Determination of the COSY Proton Beam Polarization Using the WASA DetectorI. Schätti-Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. ZielińskiThe dynamics of ?-meson production and the interaction of ? mesons with nucleons can be studied using the pp ? pp? reaction via measurements of the analyzing power Ay. To this end, we have performed a measurement of the pp ? pp? reaction using the WASA-at-COSY detector, which provides large acceptance and is ?-symmetric. The experiment was carried out for the beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c. In this article, we present a method and results for the determination of the degree of the beam polarization.Measurement of the Strong Interaction Induced Shift and Width of the 1s State of Kaonic Deuterium at J-PARCJ. Zmeskal, C. Curceanu, M. Sato, R.S. Hayano, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, et al.The antikaon?nucleon (KN) interaction close to threshold provides crucial information on the interplay between spontaneous and explicit chiral symmetry breaking in low-energy QCD. In this context, the importance of kaonic deuterium X-ray spectroscopy has been well recognized, but no experimental results have yet been obtained due to the difficulty of the measurement. We propose to measure the shift and width of the kaonic deuterium 1s state with an accuracy of 60 eV and 140 eV, respectively, at J-PARC. These results, together with the kaonic hydrogen data (KpX at KEK, DEAR and SIDDHARTA at DA?NE), will then permit the determination of values of both the isospin I = 0 and I = 1 antikaon?nucleon scattering lengths and will provide the most stringent constraints on the antikaon?nucleon interaction, promising a breakthrough. Refined Monte Carlo studies were performed, including the investigation of background suppression factors for the described setup. These studies have demonstrated the feasibility of determining the shift and width of the kaonic deuterium atom 1s state with the desired accuracy of 60 eV and 140 eV.Search for polarization effects in the antiproton production processD. Grzonka, K. Kilian, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, W. Oelert, M. Diermaier, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskal, B. Glowacz, P. Moskal, M. Zielinski, M. Wolke, P. Nadel-Turonski, M. Carmignotto, T. Horn, H. Mkrtchyan, A. Asaturyan, A. Mkrtchyan, V. Tadevosyan, S. Zhamkochyan, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, W. Eyrich, F. Hauenstein, A. ZinkFor the production of a polarized antiproton beam various methods have been suggested including the possibility that antiprotons may be produced polarized which will be checked experimentally. The polarization of antiprotons produced under typical conditions for antiproton beam preparation will be measured at the CERN/PS. If the production process creates some polarization a polarized antiproton beam could be prepared by a rather simple modification of the antiproton beam facility. The detection setup and the expected experimental conditions are described.Search for dark Higgsstrahlung in e+ e- -> mu+ mu- and missing energy events with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, ..., E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.We searched for evidence of a Higgsstrahlung process in a secluded sector, leading to a final state with a dark photon U and a dark Higgs boson h', with the KLOE detector at DAFNE. We investigated the case of h' lighter than U, with U decaying into a muon pair and h' producing a missing energy signature. We found no evidence of the process and set upper limits to its parameters in the range 2m_muKaon Physics with the KLOE DetectorC. Bloise, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, A. Di Domenico, A. Passeri, W. WiślickiIn this paper, we discuss the recent finalized analyses by the KLOE experiment at DA?NE: the CPT and Lorentz invariance test with entangled K0K0 pairs, and the precision measurement of the branching fraction of the decay K+ ? ?+???+(?). We also present the status of an ongoing analysis aiming to precisely measure the K? mass.ABC Effect and Resonance Structure in the Double-Pionic Fusion to 3HeP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.Exclusive and kinematically complete measurements of the double pionic fusion to 3He have been performed in the energy region of the so-called ABC effect, which denotes a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the pi pi-invariant mass spectrum. The experiments were carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY. Similar to the observations in the basic pn->dpi0pi0 reaction and in the dd->4Hepi0pi0 reaction, the data reveal a correlation between the ABC effect and a resonance-like energy dependence in the total cross section. Differential cross sections are well described by the hypothesis of d* resonance formation during the reaction process in addition to the conventional t-channel Delta Delta mechanism. The deduced d* resonance width can be understood from collision broadening due to Fermi motion of the nucleons in initial and final nuclei.A novel method for the line-of-response and time-of-flight reconstruction in TOF-PET detectors based on a library of synchronized model signalsP. Moskal, N. Zoń, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, M. ZielińskiA novel method of hit time and hit position reconstruction in scintillator detectors is described. The method is based on comparison of detector signals with results stored in a library of synchronized model signals registered for a set of well-defined positions of scintillation points. The hit position is reconstructed as the one corresponding to the signal from the library which is most similar to the measurement signal. The time of the interaction is determined as a relative time between the measured signal and the most similar one in the library. A degree of similarity of measured and model signals is defined as the distance between points representing the measurement- and model-signal in the multi-dimensional measurement space. Novelty of the method lies also in the proposed way of synchronization of model signals enabling direct determination of the difference between time-of-flights (TOF) of annihilation quanta from the annihilation point to the detectors. The introduced method was validated using experimental data obtained by means of the double strip prototype of the J-PET detector and 22Na sodium isotope as a source of annihilation gamma quanta.The detector was built out from plastic scintillator strips with dimensions of 5 mm x 19 mm x 300 mm, optically connected at both sides to photomultipliers,from which signals were sampled by means of the Serial Data Analyzer.Using the introduced method, the spatial and TOF resolution of about 1.3 cm (?) and 125 ps (?) were established, respectively.Test of a single module of the J-PET scanner based on plastic scintillatorsP. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, T. Bednarski, E. Czerwinski, L. Kaplon, E. Kubicz, I. Moskal, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, NG. Sharma, M. Silarski, M. Zielinski, N. Zon, P. Bialas, A. Gajos, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemien, M. Molenda, M. Palka, L. Raczynski, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, A. Slomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. WislickiA Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography scanner based on plastic scintillators is being developed at the Jagiellonian University by the J-PET collaboration. The main challenge of the conducted research lies in the elaboration of a method allowing application of plastic scintillators for the detection of low energy gamma quanta. In this paper we report on tests of a single detection module built out from the BC-420 plastic scintillator strip (with dimensions of 5 x 19 x 300 mm(3)) read out at two ends by Hamamatsu R5320 photomultipliers. The measurements were performed using collimated beam of annihilation quanta from the Ge-68 isotope and applying the Serial Data Analyzer (Lecroy SDA6000A) which enabled sampling of signals with 50 ps intervals. The time resolution of the prototype module was established to be better than 80 ps (sigma) for a single level discrimination. The spatial resolution of the determination of the hit position along the strip was determined to be about 0.93 cm (sigma) for the annihilation quanta. The fractional energy resolution for the energy E deposited by the annihilation quanta via the Compton scattering amounts to sigma(E)/E approximate to 0.044/root E(MeV) and corresponds to the (sigma(E)/E of 7.5% at the Compton edge. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Measurement of the eta -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) Dalitz plot distributionP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, A. Erven, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, N. Husken, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, BV. Martemyanov, UG. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, et al.The Dalitz plot distribution of the eta -> pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) decay is determined by using a data sample of 1.2 x 10(7) eta mesons from the pd -> He-3 eta reaction at 1 GeV collected by the WASA detector at COSY.Study of the polarization degree for the -> p p ->pp eta measurement with WASAI. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. HodanaUnderstanding of the production processes of the eta meson will strongly rely on the precise determination of spin observables. So far these observables have been determined only for few excess energies and with low statistics (Winter et al. Eur. Phys. J. A18, 355 2003; Czyzykiewicz et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 122003 2007; Balestra et al. Phys. Rev. C69, 064003 2004). In the year 2010 WASA detector was used for the measurement of the p?p?pp? reaction with the polarized proton beam of COSY (Moskal and Hodana J. Phys. Conf. Ser 295, 012080 2011). The measurement was done for the excess energy of Q = 15 MeV and Q = 72 MeV. In total about 106 events corresponding to the p?p?pp? reaction have been collected.Study of Dalitz decay phi -> eta e+e- with KLOE detectorD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, et al.We have studied the vector to pseudoscalar conversion decay phi -> eta e+e-, with eta -> pi0pi0pi0, with the KLOE detector at DAPHNE. The data set of 1.7 fb-1 of e+e- collisions at sqrt(s)~Mphi contains a clear conversion decay signal of ~31,000 events from which we measured a value of BR(phi -> eta e+e-)=(1.075+-0.007+-0.038)x10-4. The same sample is used to determine the transition form factor by a fit to the e+e- invariant mass spectrum, obtaining b(phi eta) =(1.17 +- 0.10 + 0.07) GeV-2, that improves by a factor of five the precision of the previous measurement and is in good agreement with VMD expectations.Measurement of the absolute branching ratio of the K+->pi+pi-pi+(gamma) decay with the KLOE detectorKLOE-2 Collaboration: D. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, D. Kamińska, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki et al.The absolute branching ratio of the K+->pi+pi-pi+(gamma)decay, inclusive of final-state radiation, has been measured using ?17 million tagged K + mesons collected with the KLOE detector at DAFNE, the Frascati phi-factory. The result is: BR(K+->pi+pi-pi+(gamma))= 0.05565 +- 0.00031stat +- 0.00025syst a factor ~5 more precise with respect to the previous result. This work completes the program of precision measurements of the dominant kaon branching ratios at KLOE.Measurement of the np->npi0i0 Reaction in Search for the Recently Observed d*(2380) ResonanceP. Adlarson,..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free np->nppi0pi0 reaction have been performed by means of dp collisions at Td = 2.27 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region sqrt_s = (2.35 - 2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated d*(2380) resonance. Adding the d* resonance amplitude to that for the conventional processes leads to a reasonable description of the data. The observed resonance effect in the total cross section is in agreement with the predictions of Faeldt and Wilkin as well Albadajedo and Oset. The ABC effect, {it i.e.} the low-mass enhancement in the pi0pi0-invariant mass spectrum, is found to be very modest - if present at all, which might pose a problem to some of its interpretations.Experimental access to Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the PANDA experiment at FAIRB.P. Singh,..., W. Krzemień, S. Jowzaee, B. Kamys, P. Moskal, A. Wrońska, P. Salabura, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy,We address the possibility of accessing nucleon-to-pion (?N) Transition Distribution Amplitudes (TDAs) from p?p?e+e??0 reaction with the future ={P}ANDA detector at the FAIR facility. At high center of mass energy and high invariant mass of the lepton pair q2, the amplitude of the signal channel p?p?e+e??0 admits a QCD factorized description in terms of ?N TDAs and nucleon Distribution Amplitudes (DAs) in the forward and backward kinematic regimes. Assuming the validity of this factorized description, we perform feasibility studies for measuring p?p?e+e??0 with the ={P}ANDA detector. Detailed simulations on signal reconstruction efficiency as well as on rejection of the most severe background channel, {it i.e.} p?p??+???0 were performed for the center of mass energy squared s=5 GeV2 and s=10 GeV2, in the kinematic regions 3.0
0.5 in the proton-antiproton center of mass frame. Results of the simulation show that the particle identification capabilities of the ={P}ANDA detector will allow to achieve a background rejection factor at the level of 108 (2?107) at low (high) q2 while keeping the signal reconstruction efficiency at around 40% and that a clean lepton signal can be reconstructed with the expected statistics corresponding to 2 fb?1 of integrated luminosity. The future measurement of the signal channel cross section with ={P}ANDA will provide a new test of perturbative QCD description of a novel class of hard exclusive reactions and will open the possibility of experimentally accessing ?N TDAs. Neutron-Proton Scattering in the Context of the d*(2380) ResonanceP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.New data on quasifree polarized neutron-proton scattering, in the region of the recently observed d* resonance structure, have been obtained by exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements with WASA at COSY. This paper details the determination of the beam polarization, checks of the quasifree character of the scattering process, on all obtained Ay angular distributions and on the new partial-wave analysis, which includes the new data producing a resonance pole in the 3D3-3G3 coupled partial waves at (2380+-10-i40+-5) MeV -- in accordance with the d* dibaryon resonance hypothesis. The effect of the new partial-wave solution on the description of total and differential cross section data as well as specific combinations of spin-correlation and spin-transfer observables available from COSY-ANKE measurements at Td = 2.27 GeV is discussed.Determination of the eta '-Proton Scattering Length in Free SpaceE. Czerwinski, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, SD. Bass, D. Grzonka, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, M. ZielinskiTaking advantage of both the high mass resolution of the COSY-11 detector and the high energy resolution of the low-emittance proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY, we determine the excitation function for the pp --> pp eta' reaction close to threshold. Combining these data with previous results, we extract the scattering length for the eta'-proton potential in free space to be Re(alpha(p eta)') = 0 +/- 0.43 fm and Im(alpha(p eta)') = 0.37(-0.16)(+0.40) fm.Test of a single module of the J-PET scanner based on plastic scintillatorsP. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, T. Bednarski, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, E. Kubicz, I. Moskal, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, M. Zieliński, N. Zoń, P. Białas, A. Gajos, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, M. Pałka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. WiślickiTime of Flight Positron Emission Tomography scanner based on plastic scintillators is being developed at the Jagiellonian University by the J-PET collaboration. The main challenge of the conducted research lies in the elaboration of a method allowing application of plastic scintillators for the detection of low energy gamma quanta. In this article we report on tests of a single detection module built out from BC-420 plastic scintillator strip (with dimensions of 5x19x300mm^3) read out at two ends by Hamamatsu R5320 photomultipliers. The measurements were performed using collimated beam of annihilation quanta from the 68Ge isotope and applying the Serial Data Analyzer (Lecroy SDA6000A) which enabled sampling of signals with 50ps intervals. The time resolution of the prototype module was established to be better than 80ps (sigma) for a single level discrimination. The spatial resolution of the determination of the hit position along the strip was determined to be about 0.93cm (sigma) for the annihilation quanta. The fractional energy resolution for the energy E deposited by the annihilation quanta via the Compton scattering amounts to sigma(E)/E = 0.044/sqrt(E[MeV]) and corresponds to the sigma(E)/E of 7.5% at the Compton edge.Novel method for hit-position reconstruction using voltage signals in plastic scintillators and its application to Positron Emission TomographyL. Raczyński, P. Moskal, P. Kowalski, W. Wiślicki, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, M. Zieliński, N. ZońCurrently inorganic scintillator detectors are used in all commercial Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomograph (TOF-PET) devices. The J-PET collaboration investigates a possibility of construction of a PET scanner from plastic scintillators which would allow for single bed imaging of the whole human body. This paper describes a novel method of hit-position reconstruction based on sampled signals and an example of an application of the method for a single module with a 30 cm long plastic strip, read out on both ends by Hamamatsu R4998 photomultipliers. The sampling scheme to generate a vector with samples of a PET event waveform with respect to four user-defined amplitudes is introduced. The experimental setup provides irradiation of a chosen position in the plastic scintillator strip with an annihilation gamma quanta of energy 511 keV. The statistical test for a multivariate normal (MVN) distribution of measured vectors at a given position is developed, and it is shown that signals sampled at four thresholds in a voltage domain are approximately normally distributed variables. With the presented method of a vector analysis made out of waveform samples acquired with four thresholds, we obtain a spatial resolution of about 1 cm and a timing resolution of about 80 ps (sigma).Charge Symmetry Breaking in dd->4Hepi0 with WASA-at-COSYP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.Charge symmetry breaking (CSB) observables are a suitable experimental tool to examine effects induced by quark masses on the nuclear level. Previous high precision data from TRIUMF and IUCF are currently used to develop a consistent description of CSB within the framework of chiral perturbation theory. In this work the experimental studies on the reaction dd->4He{pi}0 have been extended towards higher excess energies in order to provide information on the contribution of p-waves in the final state. For this, an exclusive measurement has been carried out at a beam momentum of p=1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. The total cross section amounts to sigma(tot) = (118 +- 18(stat) +- 13(sys) +- 8(ext)) pb and first data on the differential cross section are consistent with s-wave pion production.Cross section ratio and angular distributions of the reaction p + d -> (3)He + eta at 48.8 MeV and 59.8 MeV excess energyP. Adlarson, E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zielinski, et al.We present new data for angular distributions and on the cross section ratio of the p+d -> (3)He + eta reaction at excess energies of Q = 48.8 MeV and Q = 59.8 MeV. The data have been obtained at the WASA-at-COSY experiment (Forschungszentrum Jülich) using a proton beam and a deuterium pellet target. While the shape of obtained angular distributions show only a slow variation with the energy, the new results indicate a distinct and unexpected total cross section fluctuation between Q = 20 MeV and Q = 60 MeV, which might indicate the variation of the production mechanism within this energy interval.Measurement of the eta -> pi + pi - pi0 Dalitz plot distributionP. Adlarson,..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński, et al.Dalitz plot distribution of the eta-> pi+pi-pi0 decay is determined using a data sample of 1.2*10^7 eta mesons from pd->3He eta reaction at 1 GeV collected by the WASA detector at COSY.Evidence for a New Resonance from Polarized Neutron-Proton ScatteringP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized vec_n p scattering have been performed in the energy region of the narrow resonance structure d* with I(JP)=0(3+), M ~2380 MeV/c2 and Gamma 70 MeV observed recently in the double-pionic fusion channels pn->dpi0pi0 and pn->dpi+pi-. The experiment was carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process d p->np+p_spectator. That way the np analyzing power Ay was measured over a large angular range. The obtained Ay angular distributions deviate systematically from the current SAID SP07 NN partial-wave solution. Incorporating the new Ay data into the SAID analysis produces a pole in the 3D3->3G3 waves as expected from the d* resonance hypothesis.Search for light vector boson production in e+e- -> mi+mi- gamma interactions with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, D. Kamińska, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik, et al.We have searched for a light vector boson U, the possible carrier of a dark force, with the KLOE detector at the DAFNE e+e- collider, motivated by the astrophysical evidence for the presence of dark matter in the universe. Using e+e- collisions collected for an integrated luminosity of 239.3~pb?1, we look for a dimuon mass peak in the reaction e+e- -> mu+mu-gamma, corresponding to the decay U->mu+mu-. We find no evidence for a U vector boson signal. We set a 90% CL upper limit for the mixing parameter squared between the photon and the U boson of 1.6×10^5 to 8.6×10^7 for the mass region 520Determination of the eta prime - proton scattering length in free spaceE. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, S. D. Bass, D. Grzonka, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, M. ZielińskiTaking advantage of both the high mass resolution of the COSY--11 detector and the high energy resolution of the low-emittance proton-beam of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY we determine the excitation function for the pp --> pp eta' reaction close-to-threshold. Combining these data with previous results we extract the scattering length for the eta'-proton potential in free space to be Re (a p eta') = 0 +/- 0.43 fm and Im a_(p eta') = 0.37^{+0.40}_{-0.16} fm.Computing support for advanced medical data analysis and imagingW. Wiślicki, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, M. Zieliński, N. ZońWe discuss computing issues for data analysis and image reconstruction of PET-TOF medical scanner or other medical scanning devices producing large volumes of data. Service architecture based on the grid and cloud concepts for distributed processing is proposed and critically discussed.A novel method based solely on FPGA units enabling measurement of time and charge of analog signals in Positron Emission TomographyM. Pałka, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońThis article presents a novel technique for precise measurement of time and charge based solely on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and few satellite discrete electronic components used in Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Described approach simplifies electronic circuits, reduces the power consumption, lowers costs, merges front-end electronics with digital electronics and also makes more compact final design. Furthermore, it allows to measure time when analog signals cross a reference voltage at different threshold levels with a very high precision of ? 10ps (rms) and thus enables sampling of signals in a voltage domain.A novel method for calibration and monitoring of time synchronization of TOF-PET scanners by means of cosmic raysM. Silarski, E. Czerwiński, T. Bednarski, P. Moskal, P. Białas, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońAll of the present methods for calibration and monitoring of TOF-PET scanner detectors utilize radioactive isotopes such as e.g. 22Na or 68Ge, which are placed or rotate inside the scanner. In this article we describe a novel method based on the cosmic rays application to the PET calibration and monitoring methods. The concept allows to overcome many of the drawbacks of the present methods and it is well suited for newly developed TOF-PET scanners with a large longitudinal field of view. The method enables also monitoring of the quality of the scintillator materials and in general allows for the continuous quality assurance of the PET detector performance.3D PET image reconstruction based on the maximum likelihood estimation method (MLEM) algorithmA. Słomski, Z. Rudy, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońA positron emission tomography (PET) scan does not measure an image directly. Instead, a PET scan measures a sinogram at the boundary of the field-of-view that consists of measurements of the sums of all the counts along the lines connecting the two detectors. Because there is a multitude of detectors built in a typical PET structure, there are many possible detector pairs that pertain to the measurement. The problem is how to turn this measurement into an image (this is called imaging). Significant improvement in PET image quality was achieved with the introduction of iterative reconstruction techniques. This was realized approximately 20 years ago (with the advent of new powerful computing processors). However, three-dimensional imaging still remains a challenge. The purpose of the image reconstruction algorithm is to process this imperfect count data for a large number (many millions) of lines of response and millions of detected photons to produce an image showing the distribution of the labeled molecules in space.Trigger-less and reconfigurable data acquisition system for positron emission tomographyG. Korcyl, P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońThis article is focused on data acquisition system (DAQ) designed especially to be used in positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon emission computed tomography. The system allows for continuous registration of analog signals during measurement. It has been designed to optimize registration and processing of the information carried by signals from the detector system in PET scanner. The processing does not require any rejection of data with a trigger system. The proposed system possesses also an ability to implement various data analysis algorithms that can be performed in real time during data collection.Determination of the map of efficiency of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) detector with the GATE packageP. Kowalski, L. Raczyński, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Giergiel, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, K. Szymański, W. Wiślicki, P. Witkowski, M. Zieliński, N. ZońA novel PET detector consisting of strips of polymer scintillators is being developed by the J-PET Collaboration. The map of efficiency and the map of geometrical acceptance of the 2-strip J-PET scanner are presented. Map of efficiency was determined using the Monte Carlo simulation software GATE based on GEANT4. Both maps were compared using method based on the chi2 test.Few-body aspects of the near threshold pseudoscalar meson productionP. MoskalDuring last decade large samples of data have been collected on the production of the ground-state pseudoscalar mesons in collisions of proton or deuteron beam with hydrogen or deuterium target. These measurements have been performed in the vicinity of the kinematical threshold for meson production where only a few partial waves in both initial and final state are expected to contribute to the production process. This simplifies significantly the interpretation of the data, yet still appears to be challenging due to the three or four particle final state systems with a complex hadronic potential. We review experiments and phenomenology of the near threshold production of the ground-state mesons in the few-body final states as for example: nucleus-meson and nucleon-nucleon-meson, and report on the status of the search of the mesic-nuclei (a meson-nucleus bound states). Experimental advantages of measurements close to the kinematical threshold are discussed, and general features of the production mechanism of the eta and eta prime mesons in the nucleon-nucleon collisions are presented emphasising results of measurements of spin and izospin dependence of the production cross sections.Plastic scintillators for positron emission tomography obtained by the bulk polymerization methodŁ. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, A. Wieczorek, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońThis paper describes three methods regarding the production of plastic scintillators. One method appears to be suitable for the manufacturing of plastic scintillators, revealing properties which fulfill the requirements of novel positron emission tomography scanners based on plastic scintillators. The key parameters of the manufacturing process are determined and discussed.J-PET analysis framework for the prototype TOF-PET detectorW. Krzemień, M. Silarski, K. Stola, D. Trybek, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońNovel TOF-PET scanner solutions demand, apart from the state of the art detectors, software for fast processing of the gathered data, monitoring of the whole scanner and reconstruction of the PET image. In this article we present an analysis framework for the novel STRIP-PET scanner developed by the J-PET collaboration in the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University. This software is based on the ROOT package used in many particle physics experiments.Database and data structure for the novel TOF-PET detector developed for J-PET projectE. Czerwiński, M. Zieliński, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W.Wiślicki, N. ZońThe complexity of the hardware and the amount of data collected during the PET imaging process require application of modern methods of efficient data organization and processing. In this article we will discuss the data structures and the flow of collected data from the novel TOF-PET medical scanner which is being developed at the Jagiellonian University. The developed data format reflects: registration process of the gamma quanta emitted from positron-electron annihilation, Front-End Electronic (FEE) structure and required input information for the image reconstruction. In addition, the system database fulfills possible demands of the evolving J-PET project.Calibration of photomultipliers gain used in the J-PET detectorT. Bednarski, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, P. Białas, K. Giergiel, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, K. Szymański, W. Wiślicki, P. Witkowski, M. Zieliński, N. ZońPhotomultipliers are commonly used in commercial PET scanner as devices which convert light produced in scintillator by gamma quanta from positron-electron annihilation into electrical signal. For proper analysis of obtained electrical signal, a photomultiplier gain curve must be known, since gain can be significantly different even between photomultipliers of the same model. In this article we describe single photoelectron method used for photomultipliers calibration applied for J-PET scanner, a novel PET detector being developed at the Jagiellonian University. Description of calibration method, an example of calibration curve and gain of few R4998 Hamamatsu photomultipliers are presented.Study of the eta meson production with polarized proton beamM. Hodana, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. ZielińskiThe pp-> pp eta reaction was investigated at excess energies of 15 MeV and 72 MeV using the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and a polarized proton beam of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The aim of the studies is the determination of partial wave contributions to the production process of the eta meson in nucleon-nucleon collisions. Here we present preliminary results of the extraction of the position of the interaction region with respect to the WASA detector and preliminary results on the degree of polarization of the COSY proton beam used in the experiment.Search for the manifestation of the mesic-nuclei on the dd-->3HeNpi excitation function measured with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. SkurzokWe search for an evidence of eta-mesic 4He with the WASA-at-COSY detector. Two dedicated experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich. The experimental method is based on the measurement of the excitation functions for the two reaction channels: dd-->3Heppi- and dd-->3Henpi0, where the outgoing N-pi pairs originate from the conversion of the eta meson on a nucleon inside the He nucleus. In this contribution, the experimental method is shortly described and preliminary excitation functions from the 2010 data are presented.Study of the N N eta' production with COSY-11E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. SilarskiWe describe a new high precision measurement of the production cross-section for the eta' meson in proton-proton collisions for five beam momenta at low access energy region Q conducted at the COSY-11 detection system together with an updated results of all other previous measurements of cross-section for (pp-->pp eta') at COSY-11.Search for eta-Mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemien, P. Moskal, M. SkurzokAn exclusive measurement of the excitation functions for the dd ->3He p ?- and dd -> 3He n ?0 -> 3He n gamma gamma reactions was performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich with the WASA-at-COSY detection system. The data were collected in two dedicated experiments in 2008 and in 2010. The experimental method and the current status of the analysis are presented.COSY Proposal/Beam Request: Search for the eta -mesic 3He with WASA at COSYP. Moskal, W. Krzemien, M. SkurzokWe propose to conduct a search for the 3He-eta bound state by the energy scan at the final states ppNpi, 3He6gamma and 3He2gamma measuring excitation functions of its production cross section in proton-deuteron reactions for processes corresponding to two anticipated mechanisms: (i) absorption of the eta meson by one of the nucleons, which subsequently decays into N-pi pair e.g.: pd-> (3He-eta)bound ->ppppi- , and (ii) decay of the eta-meson while it is still orbiting around a nucleus e.g.: pd-> (3He-eta)bound -> 3He6gamma reactions. This sproposal has been accepted in PAC Session No. 42 II/2013 and experiment (Exp. No. 186.3) was carried out in May 2014.List-mode reconstruction in 2D strip PETP. Białas, J. Kowal, A. Strzelecki, T. Bednarski, E. Czerwiński, K. Giergiel, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, K. Szymański, W. Wiślicki, P. Witkowski, M. Zieliński, N. ZońUsing a theory of list-mode maximum likelihood expectation-maximization (MLEM) algorithm, in this contribution, we present a derivation of the system response kernel for a novel positron emission tomography (PET) detector based on plastic scintillators.Search for the eta-mesic He-4 with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemien, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski, M. SkurzokWe conduct a search for the He-eta bound state with the WASA-at-COSY facility measuring the excitation functions for the reaction channels: dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) and dd -> (3)Hen pi(0), where the outgoing N-pi pairs originate from the conversion of the eta meson on a nucleon inside the He nucleus. Two dedicated experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Julich with the WASA detector. The analysis of the 2008 data shows no signal of the He-4 - eta bound state. An upper limit for the cross-section for the bound state formation and decay in the process dd -> (He-4 - eta)(bound) -> (3)Hep pi(-), was determined at the 90 % confidence level. In November 2010 a new data set was collected.Test of CPT and Lorentz symmetry in entangled neutral kaons with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, D. Kamińska, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik et al.Neutral kaon pairs produced in phi decays in anti-symmetric entangled state can be exploited to search for violation of CPT symmetry and Lorentz invariance. We present an analysis of the CP-violating process phi->K_S K_L->pi+pi-pi+pi- based on 1.7 fb-1 of data collected by the KLOE experiment at the Frascati phi-factory DAFNE. The data are used to perform a measurement of the CPT-violating parameters Delta_amu for neutral kaons in the contest of the Standard Model Extension framework. The parameters measured in the reference frame of the fixed stars are: Delta_ao = (-6.0 +- 7.7_{stat} +- 3.1_{syst}) x 10^{-18} GeV Delta_ax = ( 0.9 +- 1.5_{stat} +- 0.6_{syst}) x 10^{-18} GeV Delta_ay = (-2.0 +- 1.5_{stat} +- 0.5_{syst}) x 10^{-18} GeV Delta_az = ( 3.1 +- 1.7_{stat} +- 0.5_{syst}) x 10^{-18} GeV These are presently the most precise measurements in the quark sector of the Standard Model Extension.Simulations of gamma quanta scattering in a single module of the J-PET detectorK. Szymański, P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Giergiel, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, P. Witkowski, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońThis article describes simulations of scattering of annihilation gamma quanta in a strip of plastic scintillator. Such strips constitute basic detection modules in a newly proposed Positron Emission Tomography which utilizes plastic scintillators instead of inorganic crystals. An algorithm simulating chain of Compton scatterings was elaborated and series of simulations have been conducted for the scintillator strip with the cross section of 5 mm x 19 mm. Obtained results indicate that secondary interactions occur only in the case of about 8% of events and out of them only 25% take place in the distance larger than 0.5 cm from the primary interaction. It was also established that light signals produced at primary and secondary interactions overlap with the delay which distribution is characterized by FWHM of about 40 ps.Measurement of the pn -> pp pi(0)pi(-) reaction in search for the recently observed resonance structure in d pi(0)pi(0) and d pi(+)pi(-) systemsP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasifree pn -> pp pi(0)pi(-) reaction have been performed by means of pd collisions at T-p = 1.2 GeV using the wide angle shower apparatus (WASA) detector setup at the cooler synchrotron COSY (Institut fur Kernphysik, Julich). Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region root s = (2.35-2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure. NoABCeffect, i.e., low-mass enhancement is found in the pi(0)pi(-) -invariant mass spectrum, in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics that the isovector pion pair can not be in relative s wave. At the upper end of the covered energy region t-channel processes for Roper, Delta(1600) and Delta Delta excitations provide a reasonable description of the data, but at low energies the measured cross sections are much larger than predicted by such processes. Adding a resonance amplitude for the resonance at m = 2.37 GeV with Gamma = 70 MeV and I (J(P)) = 0(3(+)) observed recently in pn -> d pi(0)pi(0) and pn -> d pi(+)pi(-) reactions leads to an agreement with the data also at low energies.Application of WLS strips for position determination in Strip PET tomograph based on plastic scintillatorsJ. Smyrski, P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zieliński, N. ZońA method of determination of a gamma quantum absorption point in a plastic scintillator block using a matrix of wavelength-shifting (WLS) strips is proposed. Application of this method for improvement of position resolution in newly proposed PET detectors based on plastic scintillators is presented. The method enables to reduce parallax errors in reconstruction of images which occurs in the presently used Positron Emission Tomography scanners.Search for a dark photon in the pi(0) -> e(+)e(-)gamma decayP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, A. Bondar, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, E. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauensteinn, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, DA. Kirillov, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, UG. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, et al.The presently world largest data sample for pi(0) -> gamma e(+)e(-) decays studies containing nearly 5 x 10(5) events was collected using the WASA detector at COSY. A search for a dark photon U produced in the pi(0) -> gamma U -> gamma e(+)e(-) decay from the pp -> pp pi(0) reaction was carried out. An upper limit on the square of the U -> gamma mixing strength parameter epsilon(2) of 5 x 10(-6) at 90% CL was obtained for the mass range 20 MeV < M-U < 100 MeV. This result together with other recent experimental limits significantly reduces the M-U vs. epsilon(2) parameter space which could explain the presently seen deviation between the Standard Model prediction and the direct measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Combined analysis of the K+K- interaction using near threshold pp-> ppK+K- dataM. Silarski, P. MoskalThe K+K? final state interaction was investigated based on both the K+K? invariant mass distributions measured at excess energies of Q=10 and 28 MeV and the near threshold excitation function for the pp?ppK+K? reaction. The K+K? final state enhancement factor was parametrized using the effective range expansion. The effective range of the K+K? interaction was estimated to be Re(bK+K?)=?0.1?0.4stat?0.3sys fm and Im(bK+K?)=1.2?0.2stat?0.0sys+0.1stat+0.2sys fm, and the determined real and imaginary parts of the K+K? scattering length amount to |Re(aK+K?)|=8.0?4.0stat+6.0stat fm and Im(aK+K?)=0.0?5.0stat+20.0stat fm.Investigation of the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) reaction with the FZ Julich WASA-at-COSY facilityP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, I. Ciepal, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, C. Hanhart, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, DA. Kirillov, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, NM. Piskunov, P. Plucinski, et al.An exclusive measurement of the dd -> (3)Hen pi(0) reaction was carried out at a beam momentum of p(d) = 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. Information on the total cross section as well as differential distributions was obtained. The data are described by a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasifree model and a partial wave expansion for the three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be sigma(tot) = ( 2.89 +/- 0.01(stat) +/- 0.06(sys) +/- 0.29(norm)) mu b. The contribution of the quasifree processes ( with the beam or target neutron being a spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described by a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.Measurement of the pn->pp pi0pi- Reaction in Search for the Recently Observed Resonance Structure in dpi0pi0 and dpi+pi-systemsP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.Exclusive measurements of the quasi-free $pn o pppi^0pi^-$ reaction have been performed by means of $pd$ collisions at $T_p$ = 1.2 GeV using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Total and differential cross sections have been obtained covering the energy region $sqrt s$ = (2.35 - 2.46) GeV, which includes the region of the ABC effect and its associated resonance structure. No ABC effect, {it i.e.} low-mass enhancement is found in the $pi^0pi^-$-invariant mass spectrum -- in agreement with the constraint from Bose statistics that the isovector pion pair can not be in relative s-wave. At the upper end of the covered energy region $t$-channel processes for Roper, $Delta(1600)$ and $DeltaDelta$ excitations provide a reasonable description of the data, but at low energies the measured cross sections are much larger than predicted by such processes. Adding a resonance amplitude for the resonance at $m$=~2.37 GeV with $Gamma$ =~70 MeV and $I(J^P)=~0(3^+)$ observed recently in $pn o dpi^0pi^0$ and $pn o dpi^+pi^-$ reactions leads to an agreement with the data also at low energies.A new limit on the CP violating decay KS -> 3pi0 with the KLOE experimentD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik et al.We have carried out a new direct search for the CP violating decay KS -> 3pi0 with 1.7 fb^-1 of e+e- collisions collected by the KLOE detector at the phi-factory DAFNE. We have searched for this decay in a sample of about 5.9 x 10^8 KS KL events tagging the KS by means of the KL interaction in the calorimeter and requiring six prompt photons. With respect to our previous search, the analysis has been improved by increasing of a factor four the tagged sample and by a more effective background rejection of fake KS tags and spurious clusters. We find no candidates in data and simulated background samples, while we expect 0.12 standard model events. Normalizing to the number of KS -> 2pi0 events in the same sample, we set the upper limit on BR(KS -> 3pi0 < 2.6 x 10^-8 at 90% C.L., five times lower than the previous limit. We also set the upper limit on the eta_000 parameter, |eta_000 | < 0.0088 at 90% C.L., improving by a factor two the latest direct measurement.Isospin decomposition of the basic double-pionic fusion in the region of the ABC effectP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of the basic double-pionic fusion reactions pn -> d pi(0)pi(0), pn -> d pi(+)pi(-) and pp -> d pi(+)pi(0) have been carried out simultaneously over the energy region of the ABC effect using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Whereas the isoscalar reaction part given by the d pi(0)pi(0) channel exhibits the ABC effect, i.e. a low-mass enhancement in the pi pi-invariant mass distribution, as well as the associated resonance structure in the total cross section, the isovector part given by the d pi(+)pi(0) channel shows a smooth behavior consistent with the conventional t-channel Delta Delta process. The d pi(+)pi(-) data are very well reproduced by combining the data for isovector and isoscalar contributions, if the kinematical consequences of the isospin violation due to different masses for charged and neutral pions are taken into account. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Investigation of the dd -> 3henpi0 reaction with the FZ Jülich WASA-at-COSY facilityP. Adlarson, ..., W. Bardan, I. Ciepał, E. Czerwiński, M. Hodana, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, I. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok,M. Zieliński, et al.An exclusive measurement of the dd?3Hen?0 reaction was carried out at a beam momentum of pd= 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. Information on the total cross section as well as differential distributions was obtained. The data are described by a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasifree model and a partial wave expansion for the three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be ?tot=(2.89?0.01stat?0.06sys?0.29norm) ?b. The contribution of the quasifree processes (with the beam or target neutron being a spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described by a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.Search for a dark photon in the pi0->e+e-gamma decayP. Adlarson, ..., M. Hodana, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al.The presently world largest data sample of pi0 --> gamma e+e- decays containing nearly 5E5 events was collected using the WASA detector at COSY. A search for a dark photon U produced in the pi0 --> gamma U --> gamma e+e- decay from the pp-->pppi^0 reaction was carried out. An upper limit on the square of the U-gamma mixing strength parameter epsilon^2 of 5e-6 at 90% CL was obtained for the mass range 30 MeVTOF-PET detector concept based on organic scintillatorsP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, M. Ciszewska, E. Czerwiński, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, J. Majewski, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. ZielińskiIn this contribution we present a new concept of the large acceptance detector systems based on organic scintillators which may allow for simultaneous diagnostic of large fraction of the human body. Novelty of the concept lies in employing large blocks of polymer scintillators instead of crystals as detectors of annihilation quanta, and in using predominantly the timing of signals instead of their amplitudes.Strip-PET: a novel detector concept for the TOF-PET scannerP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, M. Ciszewska, E. Czerwiński, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, J. Majewski, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. ZielińskiWe briefly present a design of a new PET scanner based on strips of polymer scintillators arranged in a barrel constituting a large acceptance detector. The solution proposed is based on the superior timing properties of the polymer scintillators. The position and time of the reaction of the gamma quanta in the detector material will be determined based on the time of arrival of light signals to the edges of the scintillator strips.Measurement of eta meson production in gamma-gamma interactions and Gamma(eta-->gamma gamma) with the KLOE detectorD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik et al.We present a measurement of {eta} meson production in photon-photon interactions produced by electron-positron beams colliding with sqrt{s}=1 GeV. The measurement is done with the KLOE detector at the phi-factory DA{Phi}NE with an integrated luminosity of 0.24 fb^{-1}. The e^+e^- --> e^+e^-{eta} cross section is measured without detecting the outgoing electron and positron, selecting the decays {eta}-->{pi}^+{pi}^-{pi}^0 and {eta}-->{pi}^0{pi}^0{pi}^0. The most relevant background is due to e^+e^- --> {eta}{gamma} when the monochromatic photon escapes detection. The cross section for this process is measured as {sigma}(e^+e^- -->{eta}{gamma}) = (856 pm 8_{stat} pm 16_{syst}) pb. The combined result for the e^+e^- -->e^+e^-{eta} cross section is {sigma}(e^+e^- -->e^+e^-{eta}) = (32.72 pm 1.27_{stat} pm 0.70_{syst}) pb. From this we derive the partial width {Gamma}({eta}-->{gamma}{gamma}) = (520 pm 20_{stat} pm 13_{syst}) eV. This is in agreement with the world average and is the most precise measurement to date.Search for the eta-mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSY detectorP. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, A. Goswami, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, M. Krapp, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, EP. del Rio, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, et al.An exclusive measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3Heppi- reaction was performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich with the WASA-at-COSY detection system. The data were taken during a slow acceleration of the beam from 2.185 GeV/c to 2.400 GeV/c crossing the kinematic threshold for the eta meson production in the dd->4He-eta reaction at 2.336 GeV/c. The corresponding excess energy with respect to the 4He-eta system varied from -51.4MeV to 22MeV. The integrated luminosity in the experiment was determined using the dd->3Hen reaction. The shape of the excitation function for the dd->3Heppi- was examined. No signal of the 4He-eta bound state was observed. An upper limit for the cross-section for the bound state formation and decay in the process dd->(4He-eta)bound->3Heppi- was determined on the 90% confidence level and it varies from 20nb to 27nb for the bound state width ranging from 5MeV to 35MeV, respectively.Limit on the production of a light vector gauge boson in phi meson decays with the KLOE detectorD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik, et alWe present a new limit on the production of a light dark-force mediator with the KLOE detector at DAPHNE. This boson, called U, has been searched for in the decay phi -->eta U, with the hypothesis U-->e+e-, analyzing the decay eta-->pi0pi0pi0 in a data sample of 1.7 fb-1 integrated luminosity. This search is combined with a previous result obtained using the decay eta-->pi+pi-pi0, increasing substantially the sensitivity. No structures are observed in the e+e- invariant mass distribution over the background. Combining the two eta decay modes, we set an upper limit at 90% C.L. on the ratio between the U boson coupling constant and the fine structure constant of alpha'/alpha <= 1.5x10^-5 for 30Precision measurement of sigma(e+e-->pi+pi-gamma)/sigma(e+e-->mu+mu-gamma) and determination of the pi+pi- contribution to the muon anomaly with the KLOE detectorD. Babusci, ..., P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, I. Balwierz-Pytko, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik et al.We have measured the ratio $sigma(e^+e^- ightarrowpi^+pi^-gamma)/sigma(e^+e^- ightarrow mu^+mu^-gamma)$, with the KLOE detector at DA$Phi$NE for a total integrated luminosity of $sim$ 240 pb$^{-1}$. From this ratio we obtain the cross section $sigma(e^+e^- ightarrowpi^+pi^-)$. From the cross section we determine the pion form factor $|F_pi|^2$ and the two-pion contribution to the muon anomaly $a_mu$ for $0.592Measurement of Gamma(eta->pi^+pi^-gamma)/Gamma(eta->pi^+pi^-pi^0) with the KLOE DetectorD. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz-Pytko, E. Czerwiński, M. Silarski, P. Moskal, J. Zdebik, et al.Abashian-Booth-Crowe resonance structure in the double pionic fusion to He-4P. Adlarson, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, KT. Brinkmann, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, K. Demmich, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, F. Hauenstein, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, C. Husmann, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, FA. Khan, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, D. Lersch, L. Li, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, I. Ozerianska, C. Pauly, EP. del Rio, Y. Petukhov, et al.Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of the double pionic fusion reaction dd?4He?0?0 have been performed in the energy range 0.8?1.4 GeV covering thus the region of the Abashian-Booth-Crowe effect, which denotes a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the ?? invariant mass spectrum. The experiments were carried out with the WASA detector setup at the cooler synchrotron at Forshungszentrum Julich GmbH. Similar to the observation in the basic pn?d?0?0 reaction, the data reveal a correlation between the ABC effect and a resonancelike energy dependence in the total cross section. The maximum occurs at m=2.37 GeV + 2mN, i.e., at the same position as in the basic reaction. The observed resonance width ??160 MeV can be understood from broadening due to Fermi motion of the nucleons in initial and final nuclei together with collision damping. Differential cross sections are described equally well by the hypothesis of a pn resonance formation during the reaction process.Measurement of gamma(eta->pi+pi-gamma)/gamma(eta->pi+pi-pi0) with KLOE experimentD. Babusci, ..., P. Moskal, ..., E. Czerwiński, ..., J. Balwierz, ..., M. Silarski, ..., J. Zdebik et al.We report the measurement of the ratio $Gamma(eta o pi^+pi^-gamma)/Gamma(eta o pi^+pi^-pi^0)$ analyzing a large sample of $phi o eta gamma$ decays recorded with the KLOE experiment at the DA$Phi$NE $e^+ e^-$ collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 558 pb$^{-1}$. The $eta o pi^+pi^-gamma$ process is supposed to proceed both via a resonant contribution, mediated by the $ ho$ meson, and a non resonant direct term, connected to the box anomaly. The presence of the direct term affects the partial width value. Our result $R_{eta}=Gamma(eta o pi^+ pi^- gamma)/Gamma(eta o pi^+ pi^- pi^0)= 0.1838pm 0.0005_{stat} pm 0.0030_{syst}$ is in agreement with a recent CLEO measurement, which differs by more 3 $sigma$ from the average of previous results.Technical Design Report for the PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube TrackerW. Erni, ..., S. Jowzaee, M. Kajetanowicz, B. Kamys, S. Kistryn, G. Korcyl, K. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, A. Magiera, P. Moskal, M. Palka, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, J. Smyrski, A. Wrońska et al.This document describes the technical layout and the expected performance of the Straw Tube Tracker (STT), the main tracking detector of the PANDA target spectrometer. The STT encloses a Micro-Vertex-Detector (MVD) for the inner tracking and is followed in beam direction by a set of GEM-stations. The tasks of the STT are the measurement of the particle momentum from the reconstructed trajectory and the measurement of the specific energy-loss for a particle identification. Dedicated simulations with full analysis studies of certain proton-antiproton reactions, identified as being benchmark tests for the whole Panda scientific program, have been performed to test the STT layout and performance. The results are presented, and the time lines to construct the STT are described.Exclusive measurement of the eta->pi+ pi- gamma decayP. Adlarson, C. Adolph, W. Augustyniak, W. Bardan, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, KT. Brinkmann, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, C. Hanhart, L. Heijkenskjold, J. Heimlich, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, M. Jacewicz, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, O. Khakimova, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, F. Kren, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, S. Leupold, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, B. Marianski, P. Marciniewski, UG. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, A. Passfeld, C. Pauly, et al.An exclusive measurement of the decay eta --> pi+ pi- gamma has been performed at the WASA facility at COSY. The eta mesons were produced in the fusion reaction pd --> 3He X at a proton beam momentum of 1.7 GeV/c. Efficiency corrected differential distributions have been extracted based on 13340pm140 events after background subtraction. The measured pion angular distribution is consistent with a relative p-wave of the two-pion system, whereas the measured photon energy spectrum was found at variance with the simplest gauge invariant matrix element of eta --> pi+ pi- gamma. A parameterization of the data can be achieved by the additional inclusion of the empirical pion vector form factor multiplied by a first-order polynomial in the squared invariant mass of the pi+ pi- system.On the possibility to measure the (pi0 to gamma gamma) decay width and the (gamma* gamma to pi0) transition form factor with the KLOE-2 experimentD. Babusci, ..., and KLOE-2 Collaboration: F. Archilli, ..., I. Balwierz, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et al.A possibility of KLOE-2 experiment to measure the width Gamma(pi0 to gamma gamma) and the (pi0 gamma gamma*) form factor F(Q^2) at low invariant masses of the virtual photon in the space-like region is considered. This measurement is an important test of the strong interaction dynamics at low energies. The feasibility is estimated on the basis of a Monte-Carlo simulation. The expected accuracy for Gamma(pi0 to gamma gamma) is at a per cent level, which is better than the current experimental world average and theory. The form factor will be measured for the first time at Q^2 less or equal 0.1 GeV^2 in the space-like region. The impact of these measurements on the accuracy of the pion-exchange contribution to the hadronic light-by-light scattering part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon is also discussed.Revealing Bells nonlocality for unstable systems in high energy physicsB. C. Hiesmayr, A. Di Domenico, C. Curceanu, A. Gabriel, M. Huber, J-A Larsson, P. MoskalEntanglement and its consequences?in particular the violation of Bell inequalities, which defies our concepts of realism and locality?have been proven to play key roles in Nature by many experiments for various quantum systems. Entanglement can also be found in systems not consisting of ordinary matter and light, i.e. in massive meson?antimeson systems. Bell inequalities have been discussed for these systems, but up to date no direct experimental test to conclusively exclude local realism was found. This mainly stems from the fact that one only has access to a restricted class of observables and that these systems are also decaying. In this Letter we put forward a Bell inequality for unstable systems which can be tested at accelerator facilities with current technology. Herewith, the long awaited proof that such systems at different energy scales can reveal the sophisticated dynamical nonlocal feature of Nature in a direct experiment gets feasible. Moreover, the role of entanglement and CP violation, an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, is explored, a special feature offered only by these meson?antimeson systems.Search for the He-eta bound states with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, P. Moskal, W. KrzemieńThe existence of eta-mesic nuclei in which the eta meson is bound in a nucleus by means of the strong interaction was postulated already in 1986, albeit not yet confirmed it by experiment. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important as it might allow for a better understanding of the eta meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search for eta-mesic helium (4He-eta) is carried out with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA detector, installed at the cooler synchrotron COSY of the Research Center Juelich. The search is conducted via the measurement of the excitation function for selected decay channels of the 4He-eta system. In the experiment, performed in November 2010, two reactions dd -> (4He-eta)bs -> 3He p pi- and dd -> (4He-eta)bs -> 3He n pi0 were measured with a beam momentum ramped from 2.127GeV/c to 2.422GeV/c. The report includes the description of the experimental method and status of the measurement.Search for a vector gauge boson in phi meson decays with the KLOE detectorF. Ambrosino, ..., I. Balwierz, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et al.The existence of a light dark force mediator has been tested with the KLOE detector at DAFNE. This particle, called U, is searched for using the decay chain phi->eta U, eta->pi+pi-pi0, U->e+e-. No evidence is found in 1.5 fb-1 of data. The resulting exclusion plot covers the mass range 5pi0 pi0 Production in proton-proton collisions at Tp=1.4 GeVP. Adlarson, C. Adolph, W. Augustyniak, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, KT. Brinkmann, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, E. Doroshkevich, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, K. Grigoryev, CO. Gullstrom, L. Heijkenskjold, J. Heimlich, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, M. Jacewicz, M. Janusz, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, O. Khakimova, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, F. Kren, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, B. Marianski, P. Marciniewski, M. Mikirtychiants, HP. Morsch, P. Moskal, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, A. Passfeld, C. Pauly, EP. del Rio, Y. Petukhov, N. Piskunov, et al.The reaction pp->pppi0pi0 has been investigated at a beam energy of 1.4 GeV using the WASA-at-COSY facility. The total cross section is found to be (324 +- 21_systematic +- 58_normalization) mub. In order to to study the production mechanism, differential kinematical distributions have been evaluated. The differential distributions indicate that both initial state protons are excited into intermediate Delta(1232) resonances, each decaying into a proton and a single pion, thereby producing the pion pair in the final state. No significant contribution of the Roper resonance N*(1440) via its decay into a proton and two pions is foundSearch for eta-mesic Helium with the WASA-at-COSY detectorW. Krzemien, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski, M. SkurzokA search for the He-4 - eta bound state via exclusive measurement of the excitation function for the dd -> He-3 p pi(-) reaction, was performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Julich with the WASA-at-COSY detection system. The data were taken during a slow acceleration of the beam from 2.185 GeV/c to 2.400 GeV/c crossing the kinematic threshold for the eta production in the dd -> He-4 eta reaction at 2.336 GeV/c. The corresponding excess energy in the He-4 - eta system varied from -51.4 MeV to 22 MeV. The shape of the excitation function for the dd -> (3)Hep pi(-) was examined. No signal of the He-4 - eta bound state was observed in the excitation function.Studies of the eta meson with WASA at COSY and KLOE-2 at DAFNEP. MoskalOne of the basic motivations of the KLOE-2 and WASA-at-COSY experiments is the test of fundamental symmetries and the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model in the hadronic and leptonic decays of ground-state mesons and in particular in decays of the eta meson. At COSY these mesons are produced in collisions of proton or deuteron beam with hydrogen or deuterium pellet target, and at DAFNE eta mesons originate from radiative decays of fi meson or from the fusion of virtual gamma quanta exchanged between colliding electrons and positrons. This contribution includes brief description of experimental techniques used by KLOE-2 and WASA-at-COSY as well as some of physics aspects motivating investigations of production and decays of ? mesons.Novel detector systems for the Positron Emission TomographyP. Moskal, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. ZielińskiIn this contribution we describe a novel solution for the construction of Positron Emission Tomograph. We present the device allowing for determination of the impact position as well as time and depth of interaction of the annihilation gamma quanta. The device is comprised of scintillation chamber consisting of organic scintillators surrounding the body of the patient. We discuss two possible solutions: (i) the tomograph built out of scintillator strips, and (ii) the tomograph built out of the scintillator plates. The application of the fast scintillators will enable to take advantage of the difference between time of the registration of the annihilation quanta. The invented method will permit to use a thick layers of detector material with the possibility of measuring the depth of the gamma quantum interaction (DOI) and the determination of their time of fl ight (TOF), and will allow for increasing the size of the diagnostic chamber without a signifi cant increase of costs. The method is a subject of two patent applications [1, 2] which are based on the techniques used in the particle physics experiments [3, 4].Observation of the rare eta->e+e-e+e- decay with the KLOE experimentF. Ambrosino, ..., I. Balwierz, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et al.We report the first observation of the rare eta->e+e-e+e- decay based on 1.7 fb^{-1} collected by the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE phi-factory. The selection of the e+e-e+e- final state is fully inclusive of radiation. We have identified 362 +- 29 events resulting in a branching ratio of (2.4 +- 0.2_stat+bckg +- 0.1_syst) x 10^{-5}.Reaction pp->pp pi pi pi as a background for hadronic decay of the eta-prime mesonM. Zieliński, P. Moskal, A. KupśćIsospin violating hadronic decays of the eta and eta' mesons into 3pi mesons are driven by a term in the QCD Lagrangian proportional to the mass difference of the d and u quarks. The source giving large yield of the mesons for such decay studies are pp interactions close to the respective kinematical thresholds. The most important physics background for eta,eta' opipipi is coming from direct three pion production reactions. In case of the eta meson the background for the decays is relatively low (approx 10%). The purpose of this article is to provide an estimate of the direct pion production background for the eta' o 3pi decays. Using the inclusive data from COSY-11 experiment we have extracted differential cross section for the pp->pp-multipion production reactions with the invariant mass of the pions equal to the eta' meson mass and estimated an upper limit for the signal to background ratio for studies of the eta' opi^+pi^-pi^0 decay.gamma gamma physics with the KLOE experimentF. Archilli, ..., P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, J. Zdebik, J. Balwierz, M. Silarski et al.The processes $e^+e^- o e^+e^-X$, with $X$ being either the $eta$ meson or $pi^0pi^0$, are studied at DA$Phi$NE, with $e^+e^-$ beams colliding at $sqrt{s}simeq1$ GeV, below the $phi$ resonance peak. The data sample is from an integrated luminosity of 240 pb$^{-1}$, collected by the KLOE experiment without tagging of the outgoing $e^+e^-$. Preliminary results are presented on the observation of the $gammagamma oeta$ process, with both $eta opi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $eta opi^0pi^0pi^0$ channels, and the evidence for $gammagamma opi^0pi^0$ production at low $pi^0pi^0$ invariant mass.Abashian-Booth-Crowe effect in basic double fusion: A new resonance?P. Adlarson, C. Adolph, W. Augustyniak, V. Baru, M. Bashkanov, T. Bednarski, FS. Bergmann, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, KT. Brinkmann, M. Buscher, H. Calen, H. Clement, D. Coderre, E. Czerwinski, E. Doroshkevich, C. Ekstrom, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, K. Fohl, K. Fransson, F. Goldenbaum, P. Goslawski, K. Grigoryev, V. Grishina, CO. Gullstrom, J. Hampe, C. Hanhart, L. Heijkenskjold, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoistad, M. Jacewicz, M. Janusz, A. Jany, BR. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, O. Khakimova, A. Khoukaz, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, F. Kren, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, S. Kullander, A. Kupsc, K. Lalwani, B. Lorentz, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, B. Marianski, M. Mikirtychiants, P. Moskal, HP. Morsch, BK. Nandi, S. Niedzwiecki, H. Ohm, et al.We report on an exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurement of the basic double-pionic fusion reaction pn->dpi0pi0 over the full energy region of the ABC effect, a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the pipi-invariant mass spectrum. The measurements, which cover also the transition region to the conventional t-channel DeltaDelta process, were performed with the upgraded WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal the Abashian-Booth-Crowe effect to be uniquely correlated with a Lorentzian energy dependence in the integral cross section. The observables are consistent with a narrow resonance with m=2.37??GeV, Gamma aprox 70 MeV and I(JP)=0(3+) in both pn and DeltaDelta systems. Necessary further tests of the resonance interpretation are discussed.Prospects for KLOE-2P. Moskal for the collaboration KLOE-2The basic motivation of the KLOE-2 experiment is the test of fundamental symmetries and Quantum Mechanics coherence of the neutral kaon system, and the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model in the hadronic and leptonic decays of ground-state mesons. Perspectives for experimentation by means of the KLOE-2 apparatus equipped with the inner tracker, new scintillation calorimeters, and the gamma-gamma taggers at the DA$Phi$NE electron-positron collider upgraded in luminosity and energy are presented.SEARCH FOR THE eta-MESIC NUCLEI BY MEANS OF COSY-11, WASA-AT-COSY AND COSY-TOF DETECTOR SYSTEMSP. Moskal, J. SmyrskiWe review status and perspectives of the search for the light eta-mesic nuclei using COSY-11, WASA-at-COSY and COSY-TOF detector systems.Search for the eta-mesic nuclei by means of COSY-11, WASA-at-COSY and COSY-TOF detector systemsP. Moskal, J. SmyrskiWe review status and perspectives of the search for the light eta-mesic nuclei using COSY-11, WASA-at-COSY and COSY-TOF detector systems.Determination of the total width of the eta-prime mesonE. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, D. Grzonka, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperTaking advantage of both the low-emittance proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY and the high momentum precision of the COSY-11 detector system, the mass distribution of the eta-prime meson was measured with a resolution of 0.33??MeV/c2 (FWHM), improving the experimental mass resolution by almost an order of magnitude with respect to previous results. Based on the sample of more than 2300 reconstructed pp->pp eta-prime events, the total width of the eta-prime meson was determined to be Gamma(eta-prime) = 0.226+-0.017(stat)+-0.014(syst)??MeV/c2.Proton-proton correlation function for the pp->pp+ eta and pp->pp+pions reactionsP. Klaja, P. MoskalFor the very first time, the correlation femtoscopy method is applied to a kinematically complete measurement of meson production in the collisions of hadrons. The shape of the two-proton correlation function derived for the pp -> ppeta reaction differs from that for the pp -> pp(pions) and both do not show a peak structure opposite to results determined for inclusive measurements of heavy ion collisions.Proposal for taking data with the KLOE-2 detector at the DAFNE collider upgraded in energyD. Babusci, ..., P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, I. Balwierz, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik, et al.This document reviews the physics program of the KLOE-2 detector at DA$Phi$NE upgraded in energy and provides a simple solution to run the collider above the $phi$-peak (up to 2, possibly 2.5 GeV). It is shown how a precise measurement of the multihadronic cross section in the energy region up to 2 (possibly 2.5) GeV would have a major impact on the tests of the Standard Model through a precise determination of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the effective fine-structure constant at the $M_Z$ scale. With a luminosity of about $10^{32}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, DA$Phi$NE upgraded in energy can perform a scan in the region from 1 to 2.5 GeV in one year by collecting an integrated luminosity of 20 pb$^{-1}$ (corresponding to a few days of data taking) for single point, assuming an energy step of 25 MeV. A few years of data taking in this region would provide important tests of QCD and effective theories by $gammagamma$ physics with open thresholds for pseudo-scalar (like the $eta'$), scalar ($f_0,f'_0$, etc...) and axial-vector ($a_1$, etc...) mesons; vector-mesons spectroscopy and baryon form factors; tests of CVC and searches for exotics. In the final part of the document a technical solution for the energy upgrade of DA$Phi$NE is proposed.Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAFNEG. Amelino-Camelia, ..., E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et al.Investigation at a $phi$--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta$^prime$ mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We also report on the $e^+ e^-$ physics in the continuum with the measurements of (multi)hadronic cross sections and the study of gamma gamma processes.Two-proton correlation function for the pp -> pp + eta and pp to pp + pions reactionsP. Klaja, P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, A. Deloff, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperFor the very first time, the correlation femtoscopy method is applied to a kinematically complete measurement of meson production in the collisions of hadrons. A two-proton correlation function was derived from the data for the pp -> ppX reaction, measured near the threshold of eta meson production. A technique developed for the purpose of this analysis permitted the correlation function to be established separately for the production of the pp + eta and of the pp + pions systems. The shape of the two-proton correlation function for pp-eta differs from that for pp(pions) and both do not show a peak structure, opposite to the results determined for inclusive measurements of heavy ion collisions.Two-proton correlation function for the pp -> pp plus eta and pp -> pp plus pions reactionsP. Klaja, P. Moskal, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, A. Deloff, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik, M. Zielinski, W. ZipperFor the very first time, the correlation femtoscopy method is applied to a kinematically complete measurement of meson production in the collisions of hadrons. A two-proton correlation function was derived from the data for the pp -> ppX reaction, measured near the threshold of eta meson production. A technique developed for the purpose of this analysis permitted the correlation function to be established separately for the production of the pp + eta and of the pp + pions systems. The shape of the two-proton correlation function for pp eta differs from that for pp(pions) and both do not show a peak structure, opposite to the results determined for inclusive measurements of heavy ion collisions.Upper limit of the total cross section for the pn->pn eta-prime reactionJ. Klaja, P. Moskal, S. D. Bass, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperThe upper limit of the total cross section for the pn->pneta-prime reaction has been determined near the kinematical threshold in the excess energy range from 0 to 24 MeV. The measurement was performed using the COSY-11 detector setup, a deuteron cluster target, and the proton beam of COSY with a momentum of 3.35 GeV/c. The energy dependence of the upper limit of the cross section was extracted exploiting the Fermi momenta of nucleons inside the deuteron. Comparison of the determined upper limit of the ratio R(eta-prime)=sigma(pn->pneta-prime)/sigma(pp->ppeta-prime) with the corresponding ratio for eta-meson production does not favor the dominance of the N*(1535) resonance in the production process of the eta-prime meson and suggests nonidentical production mechanisms for eta and eta-prime mesons.Measurement of the invariant mass distributions fot he pp->pp eta-prime reaction at excess energy of Q = 16.4 MeVP. Klaja, P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, A. Deloff, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, K. Nakayama, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperThe proton?proton and proton? invariant mass distributions have been determined for the reaction at an excess energy of . The measurement was carried out using the COSY-11 detector setup and the proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY. The shapes of the determined invariant mass distributions are similar to those of the reaction and reveal an enhancement for large relative proton?proton momenta. This result, together with the fact that the proton?? interaction is much stronger that the proton? interaction, excludes the hypothesis that the observed enhancement is caused by the interaction between the proton and the meson.Upper limit of the total cross section for the pn -> pn eta' reactionJ. Klaja, P. Moskal, SD. Bass, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, M. Zielinski, W. ZipperThe upper limit of the total cross section for the pn -> pn eta' reaction has been determined near the kinematical threshold in the excess energy range from 0 to 24 MeV. The measurement was performed using the COSY-11 detector setup, a deuteron cluster target, and the proton beam of COSY with a momentum of 3.35 GeV/c. The energy dependence of the upper limit of the cross section was extracted exploiting the Fermi momenta of nucleons inside the deuteron. Comparison of the determined upper limit of the ratio R-eta' = sigma(pn -> pn eta')/sigma(pp -> pp eta') with the corresponding ratio for eta-meson production does not favor the dominance of the N*(1535) resonance in the production process of the eta' meson and suggests nonidentical production mechanisms for eta and eta' mesons.Technical Design Report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experimentF. Archilli, ..., E. Czerwiński, J. Balwierz, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik, et al.The technical design report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment is presentedMeasurement of the invariant mass distributions for the pp -> pp eta ' reaction at excess energy of Q=16.4 MeVP. Klaja, P. Moskal, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, A. Deloff, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, K. Nakayama, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik, M. Zielinski, W. ZipperThe proton-proton and proton-eta' invariant mass distributions have been determined for the pp -> pp eta' reaction at an excess energy of Q = 16.4 MeV. The measurement was carried Out using the COSY-11 detector setup and the proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY. The shapes of the determined invariant mass distributions are similar to those of the pp -> pp eta reaction and reveal an enhancement for large relative proton-proton momenta. This result, together with the fact that the proton-eta interaction is Much stronger that the proton-eta' interaction, excludes the hypothesis that the observed enhancement is caused by the interaction between the proton and the meson. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Invariant-mass distributions for the pp -> pp eta reaction at Q=10 MeVP. Moskal, R. Czyzykiewicz, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, MJ. Zielinski, W. ZipperProton-proton and proton-eta invariant-mass distributions and the total cross-section for the pp -> pp eta reaction have been determined near the threshold at an excess energy of Q = 10 MeV. The experiment has been conducted using the COSY-11 detector setup and the cooler synchrotron COSY. The determined invariant-mass spectra reveal significant enhancements in the region of low proton-proton relative momenta, similarly as observed previously at higher excess energies of Q = 15.5 MeV and Q = 40 MeV.Studies of properties of the eta' meson at the COSY-11 facilityE. Czerwiński, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, P. MoskalWe shortly discuss results on the isospin dependence of the eta-prime production cross section in nucleon-nucleon collisions, results of comparative analysis of the invariant mass distributions for the pp->pp eta-prime and pp->pp eta reactions, and we present the value of the total width of the eta-prime meson as derived directly from the mass distribution measured with the mass resolution of 0.3~MeV/c^2.Invariant mass distributions for the pp->pp eta reaction at Q = 10 MeVP. Moskal, R. Czyżykiewicz, E. Czerwiński, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperProton-proton and proton-eta invariant-mass distributions and the total cross-section for the pp -> pp h reaction have been determined near the threshold at an excess energy of Q = 10 MeV. The experiment has been conducted using the COSY-11 detector setup and the cooler synchrotron COSY. The determined invariant-mass spectra reveal significant enhancements in the region of low proton-proton relative momenta, similarly as observed previously at higher excess energies of Q = 15.5 MeV and Q = 40 MeV.Generalized Dalitz plot analysis of the near-threshold pp -> ppK(+)K(-) reaction in view of the K+K- final state interactionM. Silarski, P. Moskal, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, M. Zielinski, W. Zipper, J. ZdebikThe excitation function for the pp -> ppK(+)K(-) reaction revealed a significant enhancement close to threshold that may plausibly be assigned to the influence of the pK(-) and K+K- final-state interactions. In an improved reanalysis of COSY-11 data for the pp -> ppK(+)K(-) reaction at excess energies of Q = 10 and 28 MeV, including the proton-K- interaction, the enhancement is confirmed. Invariant mass distributions for the two- and three-particle subsystems allow us to test at low excess energies the ansatz and parameters for the description of the interaction in the ppK(+)K(-) system as derived from the COSY-ANKE data. Finally, based for the first time on the low-energy K+K- invariant mass distributions and the generalized Dalitz plot analysis, we estimate the scattering length for the K+K- interaction to be vertical bar Re(a(K+K-))vertical bar = 0.5(-0.5)(+4.0) fm and Im(a(K+K-)) = 3.0 +/- 3.0 fm.Generalized Dalitz plot analysis of the near-threshold pp->ppK+K- reaction in view of the K+K- final state interactionM. Silarski, P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, M. Zieliński, W. Zipper, J. ZdebikThe excitation function for the pp->ppK+K- reaction revealed a significant enhancement close to threshold which may plausibly be assigned to the influence of the pK- and K+K- final state interactions. In an improved reanalysis of COSY-11 data for the pp-> ppK+K- reaction at excess energies of Q = 10 MeV and 28 MeV including the proton-K- interaction the enhancement is confirmed. Invariant mass distributions for the two- and three-particle subsystems allow to test at low excess energies the ansatz and parameters for the description of the interaction in the ppK+K- system as derived from the COSY-ANKE data. Finally, based for the first time on the low energy K+K- invariant mass distributions and the generalized Dalitz plot analysis, we estimate the scattering length for the K+K- interaction to be |Re(a_K+K-)| = 0.5 + 4.0 -0.5 fm and Im(a_K+K-) = 3.0 +- 3.0 fm.Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer MagnetsW. Erni, ..., P. Moskal et al.abstract
HEP: arXiv:0907.0169This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process.Measurement of the eta->3pi0 Dalitz plot distribution with the WASA detector at COSYWASA-at-COSY Collaboration: C. Adolph, ..., E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, M. Hodana, M. Janusz, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Zieliński, et al.In the first production run of the WASA experiment at COSY, the eta decay into three neutral pions was measured in proton?proton interactions at a proton beam kinetic energy of 1.4 GeV. The Dalitz plot of the three pions was studied using fully reconstructed events, and the quadratic slope parameter ? was determined to be . The result is consistent with previous measurements and further corroborates the importance of pion?pion final state interactions.Near-threshold production of the eta meson via the quasi-free pn->pneta reactionP. Moskal, R. Czyżykiewicz, H.-H. Adam, S. D. Bass, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, M. Zieliński, W. Zipper, J. ZdebikTotal cross sections for the quasifree pn->pn? reaction in the range from the kinematical threshold up to 20 MeV excess energy have been determined. At threshold they exceed corresponding cross sections for the pp?pp? reaction by a factor of about 3 in contrast to the factor of 6 established for higher excess energies. To large extent, the observed decrease of the ratio sigma(pn->pn?)/sigma(pp->pp?) toward threshold may be assigned to the different energy dependence of the proton-proton and proton-neutron final-state interactions. The experiment was conducted using a proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY and a cluster jet deuteron target. The proton-neutron reactions were tagged by the spectator proton whose momentum was measured for each event. Protons and neutron outgoing from the pn?pn? reaction have been registered by means of the COSY-11 facility, an apparatus dedicated for threshold meson production.Search for the eta-mesic helium at COSYP. MoskalWe review status and perspectives of the search of the eta-mesic helium at the cooler synchrotron COSY.Isospin dependence of the eta-prime meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisionsJ. Przerwa, P. Moskal, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Krzemień, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Ritman, B. Rejdych, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperA comparison of the close-to-threshold total cross section for the eta prime production in pp -> pp eta prime and pn -> pn eta prime reactions constitutes a tool to investigate the eta prime meson structure and the reaction mechanism in the channels of isospin I=0 and I=1 and may provide insight into the flavour-singlet (perhaps also into gluonium) content of the eta prime meson. In this contribution we present preliminary results of measurement of the quasi-free production of the eta prime meson in the proton-neutron collisions conducted using the COSY-11 facility.ISOSPIN DEPENDENCE OF THE eta ' MESON PRODUCTION IN NUCLEON-NUCLEON COLLISIONSJ. Przerwa, P. Moskal, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Krzemien, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Ritman, B. Rejdych, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, MJ. Zielinski, W. ZipperA comparison of the close-to-threshold total cross section for the eta' production in pp -> pp eta' and pn -> pn eta' reactions constitutes a tool to investigate the eta' meson structure and the reaction mechanism in the channels of isospin I = 0 and I = 1 and may provide insight into the flavour-singlet (perhaps also into gluonium) content of the eta' meson. In this contribution we present preliminary results of measurement of the quasifree production of the eta' meson in the proton-neutron collisions conducted using the COSY-11 facility.SEARCH FOR THE He-3-eta BOUND STATE AT COSY-11W. Krzemien, J. Smyrski, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, J. Zdebik, MJ. Zielinski, W. ZipperWe have measured excitation function for dp -> ppp pi(-) reaction near the. production threshold. We observe an enhancement of the counting rate above the threshold which can originate from the production of the. meson in the reaction dp -> He-3 eta and its subsequent absorption on neutron in the 3He nucleus leading to creation of the p pi(-) pair.Search for the 3He-eta bound state at COSY-11W. Krzemien, J. Smyrski, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, A. Taeschner, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, J. Zdebik, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperWe have measured excitation function for dp -> ppp_pi- reaction near the eta production threshold. We observe an enhancement of the counting rate above the threshold which can originate from the production of the eta meson in the reaction dp -> 3He eta and its subsequent absorption on neutron in the 3He nucleus leading to creation of the p_pi- pair.Near-threshold production of the eta meson via the quasifree pn -> pn eta reactionP. Moskal, R. Czyzykiewicz, HH. Adam, SD. Bass, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, M. Zielinski, W. Zipper, J. ZdebikTotal cross sections for the quasifree pn -> pn eta reaction in the range from the kinematical threshold up to 20 MeV excess energy have been determined. At threshold they exceed corresponding cross sections for the pn -> pn eta reaction by a factor of about 3 in contrast to the factor of 6 established for higher excess energies. To large extent, the observed decrease of the ratio s(pn -> pn eta)/s=sigma(pn -> pn eta) toward threshold may be assigned to the different energy dependence of the proton-proton and proton-neutron final-state interactions. The experiment was conducted using a proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY and a cluster jet deuteron target. The proton- neutron reactions were tagged by the spectator proton whose momentum was measured for each event. Protons and neutron outgoing from the pn -> pn eta reaction have been registered by means of the COSY-11 facility, an apparatus dedicated for threshold meson production.Study of the hadronic production of kaon pairs below the threshold for the phi mesonP. Moskal, M. Silarski, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewic, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, MJ. Zielinski, W. Zipper, J. ZdebikThe near threshold production of K(+)K(-) pairs in proton-proton collisions has been investigated at the cooler synchrotron COSY below and above the threshold for the phi meson using the COSY-11 and ANKE facilities., respectively. The excitation function determined for the pp -> ppK(+)K(-) reaction revealed a statistically significant enhancement close to the threshold which may plausibly be assigned to the influence of the K(-)p interaction. In addition, observed consistently by both groups, a strong enhancement at low values of the ratio of the K(-)p to K(+)p invariant mass distributions shows that the proton interacts much stronger with K(-) than with K(+). In this report we focus on the measurements performed by the COSY-11 collaboration. We explain the experimental method used and present main results of completed analyses as well as a new qualitative elaboration of the ppK(+)K(-) events population on the Goldhaber plot. We conclude with the observation that event densities increase at the region where the influence from the K(+)K(-) interaction is expected.Near threshold production of the pseudoscalar mesons at the COSY-11 facilityP. Moskal, R. Czyzykiewicz, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, X. Kilian, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Winter, P. Wustner, M. Zielinski, W. ZipperWe summarise measurements of the COSY-11 collaboration concerning the excitation functions of the near threshold pseudoscalar meson production in the proton-proton interaction. The results are discussed in the context of the meson-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon interactions. We conclude that the eta-proton interaction is significantly stronger than the eta'-proton interaction. Similarly, we found that the hyperon Lambda interacts with the nucleon considerably stronger than the hyperon Sigma, and that the interaction of K--proton is much stronger than this of the K+-proton.Study of the He-3-eta system in d-p collisionsJ. Smyrski, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, A. Siemaszko, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperWe have measured excitation functions for the dp -> He-3 X, (X = pi(0),eta) channels near the eta production threshold. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target. The excitation function for the reaction dp -> He-3 pi(0) does not show any structure which could originate from the decay of He-3 - eta bound state. We measured also the threshold excitation curve for the dp -> He-3 X process, however, contrary to the SATURNE results, we observe no cusp near the eta threshold.Measurement of the dp -> He-3 eta reaction near thresholdJ. Smyrski, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, T. Mersmann, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperTotal and differential cross sections for the dp -> He-3 eta reaction have been measured near threshold for He-3 center-of-mass momenta in the range from 17.1 MeV/c to 87.5 MeV/c. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target detecting the He-3 ejectiles with the COSY-11 facility. The forward-backward asymmetries of the differential cross sections deviate clearly from zero for center-of-mass momenta above 50 MeV/c indicating the presence of higher partial waves in the final state. Below 50 MeV/c center-of-mass momenta a fit of the final state enhancement factor to the data of the total cross sections results in the He-3-eta scattering length of vertical bar a vertical bar = 4.3 +/- 0.5fm. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Mechanism of near-threshold production of the eta mesonR. Czyzykiewicz, P. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Hodana, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperMeasurements of the analyzing power for the pp -> pp eta reaction have been performed at excess energies of Q=10 and 36 MeV. The determined analyzing power is essentially consistent with zero, implying dominance of the s wave at both excess energies. The angular dependence of the analyzing power, combined with the isospin dependence of the total cross section for the eta meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions, reveal that the excitation of the nucleon to the S-11(1535) resonance is predominantly due to the exchange of the pi meson between the colliding nucleons.Eta and eta-prime mesons production at COSY-11P. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, B. Rejdych, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperThe low emittance and small momentum spread of the proton and deuteron beams of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY combined with the high mass resolution of the COSY-11 detection system permit to study the creation of mesons in the nucleon-nucleon interaction down to the fraction of MeV with respect to the kinematical threshold. At such small excess energies, the ejectiles possess low relative momenta and are predominantly produced with the relative angular momentum equal to zero. Taking advantage of these conditions we have performed investigations aiming to determine the mechanism of the production of eta and eta' mesons in the collision of hadrons as well as the hadronic interaction of these mesons with nucleons and nuclei. In this proceedings we address the ongoing studies of the spin and isospin dependence for the production of the eta and eta' mesons in free and quasi-free nucleon-nucleon collisions. New results on the spin observables for the vec(p)p --> pp eta reaction, combined with the previously determined total cross section isospin dependence, reveal a statistically significant indication that the excitation of the nucleon to the S11(1535) resonance, the process which intermediates the production of the eta meson in the nucleon-nucleon interactions, is predominantly due to the exchange of the pi meson between the colliding nucleons.General thoughts to the Kaon pair production in the threshold regionW. Oelert, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperSimple--minded thoughts about the cross sections for the reactions pp-->ppK+K- and pp-->ppK0K0 are presented, which certainly do not account for the complex coupled channel problem but rather provide some ideas into the mutual reaction dynamics.Study of the production mechanism of the eta meson by means of analysing power measurementsR. Czyżykiewicz, P. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, H. Rohdjess, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperInformation about the production mechanism of the eta meson in proton-proton collisions can be inferred by confronting the experimental studies on the analysing power for the p(pol)p --> pp eta reaction with the theoretical predictions of this observable. Results show that the predictions of pure pseudoscalar- or vector meson exchange model are insufficient to describe the analysing powers.Near threshold eta meson production in dp collisionsC. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Smyrski, P. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperPreliminary results of recent measurements of the near threshold eta meson production in the dp-->dp eta reaction are presented. The experiment was performed at the COSY-Juelich accelerator with the use of the COSY-11 detection system. Data were taken for three values of deuteron beam momenta corresponding to excess energies of 3.2, 6.1 and 9.2 MeV. The energy dependence of the total cross section confirms a strong effect of the final state interaction.General thoughts to the kaon pair production in the threshold regionW. Oelert, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperSimple-minded thoughts about the cross sections for the reactions pp -> ppK(+)K(-) and pp. ppK(0)K(0) are presented, which certainly do not account for the complex coupled channel problem but rather provide some ideas into the mutual reaction dynamics.Study of the production mechanism of the eta meson by means of analysing power measurementsR. Czyzykiewicz, P. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, H. Rohdjess, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperInformation about the production mechanism of the eta meson in proton-proton collisions can be inferred by confronting the experimental studies on the analysing power for the (p) over right arrowp -> pp eta reaction with the theoretical predictions of this observable. The determined analysing powers for Q=10 MeV and Q=36 MeV are consistent with zero. Results show that the predictions of pure pseudoscalar meson exchange model fairly describe the experimental data, while the predictions of pure vector meson exchange dominance model disagree with the data at the level of 4.3 sigma.Near threshold eta meson production in dp collisionsC. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Smyrski, P. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperPreliminary results of recent measurements of the near threshold. meson production in the dp -> dp eta reaction are presented. The experiment was performed at the COSY-Juelich accelerator with the use of the COSY-11 detection system. Data were taken for three values of deuteron beam momenta corresponding to excess energies of 3.2, 6.1 and 9.2 MeV. The energy dependence of the total cross section con. rms a strong e. ect of the. nal state interaction.Study of the low energy interaction of hadrons at COSY-11P. Moskal, R. Czyżykiewicz, E. Czerwiński, D. Grzonka, A. Budzanowski, D. Gil, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperWe summarize the studies of the low energy hadronic interaction of the KK and pK system performed by the COSY-11 collaboration. We discuss also the question of the existence of the ??3He bound state in the context of the experiments conducted by means of the COSY-11 facilityMeasurement of the dp -> He-3 eta reaction near thresholdJ. Smyrski, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, T. Mersmann, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperTotal and differential cross sections for the dp --> 3He eta reaction have been measured near threshold for 3He center-of-mass momenta in the range from 17.1 MeV/c to 87.5 MeV/c. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target detecting the 3He ejectiles with the COSY-11 facility. The forward-backward asymmetries of the differential cross sections deviate clearly from zero for center-of-mass momenta above 50 MeV/c indicating the presence of higher partial waves in the final state. Below 50 MeV/c center-of-mass momenta a fit of the final state enhancement factor to the data of the total cross sections results in the 3He eta scattering length of a = |2.9 +/- 0.6| + i (3.2 +/- 0.4) fm.Direct measurement of the total width of the eta prime mesonE. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, D. Grzonka, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyżykiewiczy, D. Gil, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, M. Zieliński, W. ZipperUsing stochastically cooled proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY and the COSY-11 apparatus we have measured the mass distribution of the eta prime meson producing it via the pp->ppeta' reaction. The preliminary analysis shows that the achieved experimental mass resolution amounts to about 0.3 MeV (FWHM). Such precision with about 2300 events gathered at five excess energies should permit for the extraction of the width of the eta' meson with an accuracy of about 10 keV. In this article we describe the method of the mea-surement and present preliminary results.Hadronic He-3 eta production near thresholdH.-H. Adam, I. Geck, A. Khoukaz, T. Lister, R. Santo, S. Steltenkamp, A. Täschner, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Smyrski, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, W. Oelert, T. Sefzick, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, A. Budzanowski, T. Rożek, M. Siemaszko, W. ZipperMeasurements of ? meson production in proton-deuteron collisions have been performed using the COSY-11 facility at COSY (Jülich). Results on total and differential cross sections for the pd?3He? reaction are presented at five excess energies between Q=5.0 and Q=40.6 MeV. The angular distributions show a transition from an almost isotropic emission close to threshold to a highly anisotropic distribution at higher excess energies. The total cross sections reveal a strong ?-3He final state interaction, corresponding to a scattering length of |?(a)|=(4.2?0.5) fm and ?(a)=(0.4?1.9) fmStudy of the He-3 eta system in d p collisionsJ. Smyrski, H.-H. Adam, A.Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperWe have measured excitation functions for the d+p->3He+X, (X=pi0, eta) channels near the eta production threshold. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target. The excitation function for the reaction d+p->3He+pi0 does not show any structure which could originate from the decay of 3He-eta bound state. We measured also the threshold excitation curve for the d+p->3He+X process, however, contrary to the SATURNE results, we observe no cusp near the eta threshold.Mechanism of the close-to-threshold production of the eta mesonR. Czyzykiewicz, P. Moskal, H. -H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Hodana, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. ZipperMeasurements of the analysing power for the p(pol)p --> ppeta reaction have been performed in the close-to-threshold energy region at beam momenta of p_{beam}=2.010 and 2.085 GeV/c, corresponding to excess energies of Q=10 and 36 MeV, respectively. The determined analysing power is essentially consistent with zero implying that the eta meson is produced predominantly in the s-wave at both excess energies. The angular dependence of the analysing power, combined with the hitherto determined isospin dependence of the total cross section for the eta meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions, reveal a statistically significant indication that the excitation of the nucleon to the S_{11}(1535) resonance, the process which intermediates the production of the eta meson, is predominantly due to the exchange of the pi meson between the colliding nucleons.Hadronic He-3 eta production near thresholdHH. Adam, I. Geck, A. Khoukaz, T. Lister, R. Santo, S. Steltenkamp, A. Taschner, E. Czerwimski, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Smyrski, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, W. Oelert, T. Sefzick, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. WustnerMeasurements of eta meson production in proton-deuteron collisions have been performed using the COSY-11 facility at COSY (Julich). Results on total and differential cross sections for the pd -> He-3 eta reaction are presented at five excess energies between Q=5.0 and Q=40.6 MeV. The angular distributions show a transition from an almost isotropic emission close to threshold to a highly anisotropic distribution at higher excess energies. The total cross sections reveal a strong eta-He-3 final state interaction, corresponding to a scattering length of vertical bar(a)vertical bar=(4.2 +/- 0.5) fm and (a)=(0.4 +/- 1.9) fm.Threshold hyperon production in proton-proton collisions at COSY-11T. Rozek, D. Grzonka, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Kowina, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe Sigma(+) hyperon production was measured at the COSY-11 spectrometer via the pp -> nK(+)Sigma(+) reaction at excess energies of Q = 13 MeV and Q = 60 MeV. These measurements continue systematic hyperon production studies via the pp -> pK(+)Lambda/Sigma(0) reactions where a strong decrease of the cross section ratio close-to-threshold was observed. In order to verify models developed for the description of the Lambda and Sigma(0) production we have performed the measurement on the Sigma(+) hyperon and found unexpectedly that the total cross section is by more than one order of magnitude larger than predicted by all anticipated models. After the reconstruction of the kaon and neutron four momenta, the Sigma(+) is identified via the missing mass technique. Details of the method and the measurement will be given and discussed in view of theoretical models. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Study of the He-3-eta system in d-p collisions at COSY-11J. Smyrski, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, A. Heczko, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperWe present preliminary results from dp -> He-3 X, (X = pi(0),eta) measurements near the eta production threshold. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target. The He-3 ejectiles were registered with the COSY-11 detection setup. The ongoing data analysis should deliver high precision data for the dp -> He-3 eta total and differential cross sections for the excess energies in the range from threshold up to 9 MeV. The preliminary excitation function for the reaction dp -> 3 He pi(0) does not show any structure which Could originate from the decay of He-3 - eta bound state. We present also a threshold excitation curve for the dp - He-3 X channel. Contrary to corresponding results from SATURNE we see no cusp in the vicinity of the eta threshold.The analyzing power for the (p)over-right-arrowp -> pp eta reaction at Q=10 MeVR. Czyzykiewicz, P. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, H. Rohdjess, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe analyzing power A(y) for the (p) over right arrowp -> pp eta reaction has been determined at the beam momentum p(beam) = 2010 MeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy Q = 10 MeV. In the paper the method of the data analysis is briefly presented.The Analysing power for the polarized-p p ---> p p eta reaction at Q=10MeVR. Czyzykiewicz, P. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, B. Lorentz, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, H. Rohdjess, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, K. Ulbrich, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe analyzing power A_y for the p(pol)p --> pp eta reaction has been determined at the beam momentum p_{beam}=2010 MeV/c, corresponding to the excess energy Q=10 MeV. In the paper the method of the data analysis is briefly presented.Study of the He-3 - eta system in d-p collisions at COSY-11J. Smyrski, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, A. Heczko, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperWe present preliminary results from dp --> 3He X (X=pi0,eta) measurements near the eta production threshold. The data were taken during a slow ramping of the COSY internal deuteron beam scattered on a proton target. The 3He ejectiles were registered with the COSY-11 detection setup. The ongoing data analysis should deliver high precision data for the dp --> 3He eta total and differential cross sections for the excess energies in the range from threshold up to 9 MeV. The preliminary excitation function for the reaction dp --> 3He pi0 does not show any structure which could originate from the decay of 3He-eta bound state. We present also a threshold excitation curve for the dp --> 3He X channel. Contrary to corresponding results from SATURNE we see no cusp in the vicinity of the eta threshold.Correlation femtoscopy for studying eta meson production mechanismP. Klaja, P. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, J. Majewski, W. Migdal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe high statistics data from the pp -> ppeta reaction measurement, delivered by the COSY-11 collaboration, are now being evaluated using the correlation femtoscopy technique. This method is based on the relative momentum correlations of two emitted protons and may permit determination of the size of the reaction volume. For the very first time, we apply an intensity interferometry technique to study the mechanism of the meson production via the nucleon-nucleon interaction close to the kinematical threshold. We invented a method to determine correlation function for the ppeta system free from the physical multi-pion production background. We show the comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions and appraise the accuracy achieved for the determination of the size of the emission source.Kaon pair production close to thresholdP. Winter, M. Wolke, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Slemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe total cross section of the reaction pp -> ppK(+)K(-) has been measured at excess energies Q = 10 MeV and 28 MeV with the magnetic spectrometer COSY-11. The new data show a significant enhancement of the total cross section compared to pure phase space expectations or calculations within a one boson exchange model. In addition, we present invariant mass spectra of two particle subsystems. While the K+K- system is rather constant for different invariant masses, there is an enhancement in the pK(-) system towards lower masses which could at least be partially connected to the influence of the Lambda (1405) resonance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Threshold hyperon production in proton-proton collisions at COSY-11T. Rozek, D. Grzonka, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Kowina, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperSigma+ hyperon production was measured at the COSY-11 spectrometer via the p p --> n K+ Sigma+ reaction at excess energies of Q = 13 MeV and Q = 60 MeV. These measurements continue systematic hyperon production studies via the p p --> p K+ Lambda/Sigma0 reactions where a strong decrease of the cross section ratio close-to-threshold was observed. In order to verify models developed for the description of the Lambda and Sigma0 production we have performed the measurement on the Sigma+ hyperon and found unexpectedly that the total cross section is by more than one order of magnitude larger than predicted by all anticipated models. After the reconstruction of the kaon and neutron four momenta, the Sigma+ is identified via the missing mass technique. Details of the method and the measurement will be given and discussed in view of theoretical models.Kaon pair production close to thresholdP. Winter, M. Wolke, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Wustner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe total cross section of the reaction pp->ppK+K- has been measured at excess energies Q=10 MeV and 28 MeV with the magnetic spectrometer COSY-11. The new data show a significant enhancement of the total cross section compared to pure phase space expectations or calculations within a one boson exchange model. In addition, we present invariant mass spectra of two particle subsystems. While the K+K- system is rather constant for different invariant masses, there is an enhancement in the pK- system towards lower masses which could at least be partially connected to the influence of the Lambda(1405) resonance.A method to disentangle single- and multi-meson production in missing mass spectra from quasi-free pn ---> pn X reactionsP. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, P. Klaja, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, J. Wessels, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, Z. Zhang, W. ZipperThe separation of contributions from multi- and single-meson production in the missing mass spectrum of the quasi-free pn --> pnX reaction constitutes a~challenging task when the reaction is studied close to threshold. This is especially true if the resolution of the mass determination is comparable with the excess energy and if the investigated signal appears close to the kinematical limit. In this article we outline a method which permits the extraction of the signal originating from the creation of a single meson without the necessity of conducting model-dependent simulations. For the pd --> pnXp(spectator) reactions, the method allows one to combine events corresponding to multi-meson production at various excess energies with respect to the pn --> pn meson process, and hence leads to an increase of the statistics needed for the determination of the shape of the multi-meson background. As an example of the application of the method, we demonstrate that the evaluation of the data from the pd --> pnXp(sp) process according to the described technique enables one to extract a signal of the pn --> pn eta reaction whose shape is consistent with expectations, supporting the correctness and usefulness of the method introduced.Hadronic interaction of the 77 meson with two nucleonsP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, J. Majewski, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe COSY-11 collaboration has conducted experiments aiming at the determination of the excitation function and phase-space population of the pp -> pp eta reaction close to the kinematical threshold. The precise data obtained with the stochastically cooled proton beam of the cooler synchrotron COSY and the high resolution zero-degree magnetic spectrometer allowed for the observation of the significant deviations - in the shape of the excitation function and two-particle invariant masses - from the predictions based on the assumption that the reaction phase space is homogenously populated. Comparison of the shape of the excitation function for the pp -> pp eta and pp -> pp eta' reaction allows to distinquish in the model independent way an influence originating from the protonproton and proton-eta interaction. For the comparison the full data set from experiments performed at COSY and other laboratories is used.Search for Bremsstrahlung radiation in quasi-free np -> np gamma reactionsJ. Przerwa, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, N. Lang, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperDue to the high sensitivity of the NN -> NN gamma reaction to the nucleon-nucleon potential, Bremsstrahlung radiation is used as a tool to investigate details of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Such investigations can be performed at the cooler synchrotron COSY in the Research Centre Julich, by dint of the COSY-11 detection system. The results of the identification of Bremsstrahlung radiation emitted via the dp -> dp gamma reaction in data taken with a proton target and a deuteron beam are presented and discussed.Threshold hyperon production at COSY-11T. Rozek, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, W. Oelert, T. Sefzick, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, M. Siemaszko, W. Zipper, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Smyrski, HH. Adam, A. Khoukaz, R. Santo, A. Taschner, A. BudzanowskiThe Lambda, Sigma(0) and Sigma(+) hyperon production in NN collisions is studied at the COSY - 11 installation in order to investigate the production mechanism as well as to extract information about the Y-N interaction.Production of eta mesons in proton-proton collisions close to thresholdR. Czyzykiewicz, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Kowina, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperA brief experimental overview on the close-to-threshold eta meson production in proton-proton interactions is presented and the available observables in measurements with unpolarized and polarized beam and target are discussed.New results on the pd -> He-3 eta production near thresholdHH. Adam, A. Khoukaz, N. Lang, T. Lister, R. Santo, S. Steltenkamp, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Smyrski, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, W. Oelert, T. Sefzick, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, A. Budzanowski, T. Rozek, M. Siemaszko, W. ZipperMeasurements on the eta meson production in proton-deuteron collisions have been performed using the COSY-11 facility at COSY (Julich). Here we present preliminary results on total and differential cross sections for the pd -> He-3 eta reaction at five excess energies between Q = 5.1 and Q = 40.6 MeV. The obtained angular distributions for the emitted eta mesons in the center of mass system expose a transition from an almost isotropic emission to a highly anisotropic distribution. The extracted total cross sections support a strong eta-He-3 final state interaction and will be compared with model predictions.Drift chamber with a c-shaped frameJ. Smyrski, Ch. Kolf, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, A. Heczko, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, A. Misiak, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, C. Quentmeier, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperWe present the construction of a planar drift chamber with wires stretched between two arms of a c-shaped aluminium frame. The special shape of the frame allows to extendthe momentum acceptance of the COSY-11 detection system towards lower momenta without suppressing the high momentum particles. The proposed design allows for construction of tracking detectors covering small angles with respect to the beam, which can be installed and removed without dismounting the beam-pipe. For a three-dimensional track reconstruction a computer code was developed using a simple algorithm of hit preselection.New results on pd -> He-3 eta production from threshold up to Q=40 MeVHH. Adam, A. Khoukaz, N. Lang, T. Lister, R. Santo, S. Steltenkamp, R. Czyzykiewicz, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Smyrski, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, W. Oelert, T. Sefzick, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, A. Budzanowski, T. Rozek, M. Siemaszko, W. ZipperMeasurements on the eta meson production in proton-deuteron collisions have been performed using the COSY-11 facility at COSY (Julich). Here we present preliminary results on total and differential cross sections for the pd -> He-3 eta reaction at five excess energies between Q = 5.1 and Q = 40.6 MeV. The obtained angular distributions for the emitted eta mesons in the center of mass system expose a transition from an almost isotropic emission to a highly anisotropic distribution. The extracted total cross sections support a strong eta-He-3 final state interaction and will be compared with model predictions.Isospin dependence of the eta' meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisionsJ. Przerwa, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, J. Wessels, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperAccording to the quark model, the masses of eta and eta' mesons should be almost equal. However, the empirical values of these masses differ by more than a factor of two. Similarly, though they have almost the same quark-antiquark content, the total cross section for the creation of these mesons close to the kinematical thresholds in the pp -> ppX reaction differs significantly. Using the COSY-11 detection setup we intend to determine whether this difference will also be so significant in the case of the production of these mesons in the proton-neutron scattering. Additionally, the comparison of the pp -> pp eta' and pn -> pn eta' total cross sections will allow to learn about the production of the eta' meson in the channels of isospin 1 = 0 and 1 = 1 and to investigate aspects of the gluonium component of the eta' meson.Energy dependence of the Lambda / Sigma0 production cross-section ratio in p-p interactions.P. Kowina, ..., P. Moskal et al.The production of the Lambda and Sigma0 hyperons has been measured via the pp->pK+Lambda / Sigma0 reaction at the internal COSY-11 facility in the excess energy range between 14 and 60 MeV. The transition of the Lambda/Sigma0 cross section ratio from about 28 at Q<=13 MeV to the high energy level of about 2.5 is covered by the data showing a strong decrease of the ratio between 10 and 20 MeV excess energy. Effects from the final state interactions in the p-Sigma0 channel seem to be much smaller compared to the p-Lambda one. Estimates of the effective range parameters are given for the N-Lambda and the N-Sigma systems.Energy dependence of the Lambda/Sigma(0) production cross-section ratio in p-p interactionsP. Kowina, M. Wolke, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, C. Quentmeier, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe production of the Lambda- and Sigma(0)-hyperous has been measured via the pp --> pK(+)Lambda/Sigma(0) reaction at the internal COSY-11 facility in the excess energy range between 14 and 60 MeV. The transition of the Lambda/Sigma(o) cross-section ratio from about 28 at Q less than or equal to 13 MeV to the high-energy level of about 2.5 is covered by the data showing a strong decrease of the ratio between 10 and 20 MeV excess energy. Effects from the final-state interactions in the p-Sigma(o) channel seem to be much smaller than in the p-A channel. Estimates of the effective range parameters are given for the NLambda and the NSigma systems.Total and differential cross-sections for the pp -> pp eta ' reaction near thresholdA. Khoukaz, I. Geck, C. Quentmeier, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe eta'-meson production in the reaction pp --> ppeta' has been studied at excess energies of Q = 26.5, 32.5 and 46.6 MeV using the internal beam facility COSY-11 at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The total cross-sections as well as one angular distribution for the highest Q-value are presented. The excitation function of the near-threshold data can be described by a pure s-wave phase space distribution with the inclusion of the proton-proton final-state interaction and Coulomb effects. The obtained angular distribution of the eta'-mesons is also consistent with pure s-wave production.Total and differential cross-sections for the pp -> pp eta prime reaction near thresholdA. Khoukaz, ..., A. Budzanowski, R. Czyżykiewicz, P. Moskal et al.The eta-prime meson production in the reaction pp-->pp eta-prime has been studied at excess energies of Q = 26.5, 32.5 and 46.6 MeV using the internal beam facility COSY-11 at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The total cross sections as well as one angular distribution for the highest Q-value are presented. The excitation function of the near threshold data can be described by a pure s-wave phase space distribution with the inclusion of the proton-proton final state interaction and Coulomb effects. The obtained angular distribution of the eta-prime mesons is also consistent with pure s-wave production.Experimental study of pp eta dynamics in the pp -> pp eta reactionP. Moskal, ..., H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski et al.A high statistics measurement of the pp --> ppeta reaction at an excess energy of Q = 15.5 MeV has been performed at the internal beam facility COSY-11. The stochastically cooled proton beam and the used detection system allowed to determine the momenta of the outgoing protons with a precision of 4 MeV/c (sigma) in the center-of-mass frame. The determination of the four-momentum vectors of both outgoing protons allowed to derive the complete kinematical information of the ppeta-system. An unexpectedly large enhancement of the occupation density in the kinematical regions of low proton-eta relative momenta is observed. A description taking the proton-proton and the eta-proton interaction into account and assuming an on-shell incoherent pairwise interaction among the produced particles fails to explain this strong effect. Its understanding will require a rigorous three-body approach to the ppeta system and the precise determination of contributions from higher partial waves. We also present an invariant mass spectrum of the proton-proton system determined at Q = 4.5 MeV. Interestingly, the enhancement at large relative momenta between protons is visible also at such a small excess energy. In contrast to all other determined angular distributions, the orientation of the emission plane with respect to the beam direction is extracted to be anisotropic.Production of eta and eta ' mesons via the quasi-free proton-neutron interactionP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperA comparison of the close-to-threshold total cross sections for the eta' meson production in both the pp --> ppeta' and pn --> pneta' reactions should provide insight into the flavour-singlet (perhaps also into gluonium) content of the eta' meson and the relevance of quark-gluon or hadronic degrees of freedom in the creation process. The excitation function for the reaction pp --> ppeta' has been already established. At present, experimental investigations of the quasi-free pn --> pnX reactions are carried out at the COSY-11 facility using a beam of stochastically cooled protons and the deuteron cluster target. A method of measurement and preliminary results from the test experiments of the pn --> pneta reaction are presented in this report.Energy dependence of the Lambda/Sigma(0) production cross section ratio in p-p interactions.P. Kowina, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperMeasurements of the near threshold Lambda and Sigma(0) production via the pp --> pK(+)Lambda/Sigma(0) reaction at COSY-11 have shown that the Lambda/Sigma(0) cross section ratio exceeds the value at high excess energies (Q greater than or equal to 300 MeV) by an order of magnitude. For a better understanding additional data have been taken between 13 MeV and 60 MeV excess energy. Within the first 20 MeV excess energy a strong decrease of the cross section ratio is observed, with a less steep decrease in the higher excess energy range. A description of the data with a parametrisation including p - Y final state interactions suggests a much smaller p - Sigma(0) FSI compared to the p - Lambda system.Analysis of the eta meson production mechanism via the (p)over-barp -> pp eta reactionR. Czyzykiewicz, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, P. Wustner, W. ZipperPolarisation observables constitute a powerful tool for establishing the production mechanism of the eta meson and for infering the presence of higher partial waves in the final system. Measurements of the proton analysing power for the (p) over right arrowp --> ppeta reaction have been performed by the COSY-11 group at three different excess energies: Q = 10, 37 and 40 MeV. Data at Q = 40 MeV indicate that the eta meson is probably produced in partial waves higher than s wave.Associated strangeness production at thresholdP. Kowina, M. Wolke, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe associated strangeness dissociation at threshold has been studied at the COSY-11 facility measuring the hyperon and the K (+) K(-) meson pair production. Measurements of the near-threshold Lambda and Sigma(o) production via the pp --> pK(+) Lambda/Sigma(0) reaction (S. Sewerinet al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 682 (1999)) at COSY-11 have shown that the Lambda/Sigma(o) cross-section ratio exceeds the value at high excess energies (Q greater than or equal to 300 MeV (A. Baldiniet al., Total Cross-Sections for Reactions of High-Energy Particles, Landolt-Bornstein, New Series, Vol. I/12 (Springer, Berlin, 1988))) by an order of magnitude. For a better understanding additional data have been taken between 13 MeV and 60 MeV excess energy. The near-threshold production of the charged kaon-antikaon pair is related to the discussion about the nature of the scalar states in the 1 GeV/c(2) mass range, i.e. the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) (O. Krehl, R. Rapp, J. Speth, Phys. Lett. B 390, 23 (1997)). The interpretation as a K (K) over bar molecule is strongly dependent on the K-(K) over bar interaction which can be studied via the production channel. A first total cross-section value on the reaction pp --> pp K(+) K(-) at an excess energy of 17 MeV (C. Quentmeieret al., Phys. Lett. B 515, 276 (2001)), i.e. below the phi production threshold, was measured.First close-to-threshold measurement of the analysing power A(y) in the reaction (p)over-right-arrowp -> pp etaP. Winter, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, A. Taschner, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperAt the internal facility COSY-11 a first measurement of the reaction (p) over right arrowp --> ppeta near the production threshold has been performed. Results for the analysing power will be presented and a comparison with one-meson exchange models will be discussed.Eta physics at thresholdP. Moskal, ..., A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, K. Kilian et al.The production of eta and eta-prime mesons in elementary nucleon-nucleon collisions has been investigated at the synchrotrons CELSIUS, COSY and SATURNE. The magnitude and energy dependence of the total cross section as well as the occupation distribution of the phase space serve as observables for investigating the mechanisms underlying the production processes and the interaction of mesons with nucleons. The precise data on the eta and eta-prime creation via the pp --> pp eta(eta-prime) reactions allowed to settle the general features of the eta and eta-prime meson production and revealed the sensitivity of the mentioned observables to the nucleon-nucleon-meson final state interaction. The particular production properties, like for example the determination of the dominating exchange processes which lead to the excitation of the S_11 nucleon isobar in the case of eta creation, must be established by confrontation with other observables. The present status of this investigation with an emphasis on the results of the COSY-11 collaboration is briefly presented. The available data are interpreted in view of the production mechanism and the meson-nucleon interaction.Upper limit for the cross-section of the overlapping scalar resonances f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) produced in proton-proton collisions in the range of the reaction thresholdP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, C. Kolf, P. Kowina, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, C. Quentmeier, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. Zipperabstract
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 29:9 PII S0954-3899(03)64403-8 p. 2235-2245 (2003)Utilizing a missing mass technique we investigate the pp --> ppX reaction scanning beam energies in the range permitting to create a mass close to that of the f(0) (980) and a(0) (980) scalar resonances, but still below the K+ K- threshold where they decay dominantly into pi pi and pi eta mesons, respectively. Prior to the data analysis we introduce a notion of the close to threshold total cross-section for broad resonances. We estimated for the overlapping mesons a(0) and f(0) the total cross-section to be smaller than 430 nb at excess energy of Q = 5 MeV. The experiment has been performed at the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) using the COSY-11 facility.Upper limit for the cross-section of the overlapping scalar resonances f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) produced in proton proton collisions in the range of the reaction thresholdP. Moskal, ..., H. H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian et al.Utilizing a missing mass technique we investigate the pp ? ppX reaction scanning beam energies in the range permitting to create a mass close to that of the f0(980) and a0(980) scalar resonances, but still below the K+K? threshold where they decay dominantly into ?? and ?? mesons, respectively. Prior to the data analysis we introduce a notion of the close to threshold total cross-section for broad resonances. We estimated for the overlapping mesons a0 and f0 the total cross-section to be smaller than 430 nb at excess energy of Q = 5 MeV. The experiment has been performed at the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) using the COSY-11 facility.Hadronic interaction of eta and eta ' mesons with nucleonsP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, T. Lister, W. Oelert, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperDue to their short life-time, flavour-neutral mesons cannot be utilized as free secondary beams or targets, and therefore a study of their interaction with nucleons is not possible via direct scattering experiments. It is, however, accessible via its influence on the energy dependence - and on the phase space distributions of the cross sections for reactions in which these mesons are produced. In case of the pp --> ppeta reaction the experimentally determined distributions of the differential cross sections close to the production threshold cannot be described by taking into account the S-wave proton-proton and proton-eta interaction only. Here we show that the angular distributions determined at the COSY-11 facility reveal some evidence for P-wave admixture in the proton-proton subsystem already at an excess energy as low as Q = 15.5 MeV. We also present that one can estimate the relative strength of the eta-nucleon and eta'-nucleon interactions by comparison of the eta and eta' production yield.Strangeness production in proton-proton collisions close to thresholdM. Wolke, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, P. Wustner, W. ZipperExclusive data on the reactions pp --> ppK(+)K(-) and pp --> pK(+Lambda)/Sigma(0) have been taken at the cooler synchrotron COSY close to threshold. At equal excess energies, an enhancement of the Lambda/Sigma(0) ratio by one order of magnitude has been observed compared to data at higher excess energies. New results obtained at the COSY-11 facility explore the transition region between this low-energy Sigma(0) suppression and excess energies of 60 MeV. A first total cross section for elementary antikaon production below the phi threshold has been determined, two orders of magnitude smaller compared to kaon production at the same excess energy.Study of the eta proton interaction via the reaction p p -> p p etaP. Moskal, ..., H.H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, T. Gotz, D. Grzonka, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, et al.A measurement of the pp --> p p eta reaction at the excess energy of Q = 15.5 +- 0.4 MeV has been carried out at the internal beam facility COSY-11 with an integrated luminosity of 811 nb^-1 The number of ~24000 identified events permits a precise determination of total (2.32 +- 0.05 +- 0.35 mu b) and differential cross sections. Preliminary investigations show that the angular distribution of the eta meson in the center-of-mass system is isotropic. A qualitative analysis of the Dalitz-plot distribution is presented.Analysing power A y in the reaction (p)over-right-arrowp -> pp eta close to thresholdP. Winter, HH. Adam, F. Bauer, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, T. Gotz, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, C. Kolf, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, T. Rozek, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperMeasurements of the eta meson production with a polarised proton beam in the reaction (p) over barp --> ppeta have been carried out at an excess energy of Q = 40 MeV. The dependence of the analysing power A,. on the polar angle theta(q)(*) of the 17 meson in the q center of mass system (CMS) has been studied. The data indicate the possibility of an influence of p- and d-waves to the close to threshold 17 production. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Experimental results on strangeness production in proton-proton collisions at COSYP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, C. Kolf, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe production of K+ and K- mesons in elementary proton-proton collisions has been investigated at the Cooler synchrotron COSY in Julich. A high quality proton beam with low emittance and small momentum spread permitted study of the creation of these mesons very close to the kinematical threshold. The energy dependence of the total cross section is investigated using internal beam facilities providing a high accuracy particle momentum determination as well as an external non-magnetic detection setup with a large geometrical acceptance. The determination of the four-momentum vectors for all ejectiles of each registered event gives the complete kinematical information allowing study of the interaction of the outgoing particles. Results on the performed studies of the pp --> ppK(+)K(-), pp --> pLambdaK(+) and pp --> pSigma(0)K(+) reactions will be presented and their relevance to the interpretation of heavy ion collisions will be discussed.Recent results from the COSY-11 experiment on near-threshold meson production in pp and pd collisionsJ. Smyrski, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, C. Kolf, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe near-threshold production of K+K- pairs, as well as of eta mesons, has been measured in proton-proton collisions using the COSY-11 facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The obtained cross section for the pp --> ppK(+)K(-) reaction at an excess energy of Q = 17 MeV represents the first measurement on the K+K- production below the Phi meson production threshold. The possible influence of a resonant production via intermediate scalar states f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) is discussed. The total cross sections for eta meson production in the pp --> ppeta reaction were determined for eight different excess energies in the range from Q = 0.5 MeV to Q = 5.4 MeV. Inclusion of the eta-proton interaction is essential for the description of the energy dependence of the total cross section. The effect of eta-proton interaction is also seen in the Dalitz plot from a high statistics measurement at Q = 15.4 MeV. The ongoing studies at the COSY-11 facility of eta meson production in the (p) over barp --> ppeta, pd --> (3)Heeta and dp --> pdeta are also presented.On the close to threshold meson production in neutron-neutron collisionsP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, T. Gotz, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczy, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, C. Kolf, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, S. Steltenkamp, A. Strzalkowski, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperA method of measuring the close to threshold meson production in neutron-neutron collisions is described where the momenta of the colliding neutrons can be determined with the accuracy obtainable for the proton-proton reaction. The technique is based on the double quasi-free nn --> nnX(0) reaction, where deuterons are used as a source of neutrons. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Near threshold K+ K- meson-pair production in proton proton collisionsC. Quentmeier, ..., H.-H. Adam, J. T. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, P. Moskal, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski et al.The near threshold total cross section and angular distributions of K+K? pair production via the reaction pp?ppK+K? have been studied at an excess energy of Q = 17?MeV using the COSY-11 facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The obtained cross section as well as an upper limit at an excess energy of Q = 3?MeV represent the first measurements on the K+K? production in the region of small excess energies where production via the channel pp?pp??ppK+K? is energetically forbidden.Near threshold K+K- meson-pair production in proton-proton collisionsC. Quentmeier, HH. Adam, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe near threshold total cross section and angular distributions of K+K- pair production via the reaction pp --> ppK(+)K(-) have been studied at an excess energy of Q = 17 MeV using the COSY-11 facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The obtained cross section as well as an upper limit at an excess energy of Q = 3 MeV represent the first measurements on the K+K- production in the region of small excess energies where production via the channel pp --> pp Phi --> ppK(+)K(-) is energetically forbidden. The possible influence of a resonant production via intermediate scalar states f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) is discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Monitoring of the accelerator beam distributions for internal target facilitiesP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperWe describe a direct method for monitoring the geometrical dimensions of a synchrotron beam at the target position for internal target installations. The method allows for the observation of the proton beam size as well as the position of the beam relative to the target. As a first demonstration of the technique, we present results obtained by means of the COSY-11 detection system installed at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The influence of the stochastic cooling on the COSY proton beam dimensions is also investigated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Near threshold K+K- meson-pair production in proton-proton collisionsA. Khoukaz, C. Quentmeier, HH. Adam, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperThe near threshold total cross section and angular distributions of K+K- pair production via the reaction pp --> ppK(+)K(-) have been studied at an excess energy of Q = 17 MeV using the COSY-I I facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY The obtained cross section as well as an upper limit at an excess energy of Q = 3 MeV represent the first measurements on the K+K- production in the region of small excess energies where production via the channel pp --> ppPhi --> ppK(+)K(-) is energetically forbidden.Proton proton collisions at production thresholdsP. Moskal, ..., H. H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, L. Jarczyk, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian et al.Recent results obtained by the COSY-11 collaboration concerning the production of eta and eta' mesons in the pp --> pp Meson reaction are presented. A comparison of the production amplitude for the pi(0), eta and eta' mesons at the same phase space volume allows to conclude that the proton-eta' interaction is in the order of, or smaller than, the proton-pi(0) one. A total cross section determined in a preliminary analysis of the data of elementary kaon and antikaon production via the pp-->ppK(+)K(-) reaction measured at excess energy of Q = 17 MeV is reported.S - wave eta-prime proton FSI: Phenomenological analysis of near threshold production of pi0, eta, and eta-prime mesons in proton proton collisionsP. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, J.T. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, J. Budzinski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski et al.We describe a novel technique for comparing total cross sections for the reactions pp --> pp pi(0), pp --> pp eta, and pp --> pp eta' close to threshold. The initial and final state proton-proton interactions are factored out of the total cross section, and the dependence of this reduced cross section on the volume of phase space is discussed. Different models of the proton-proton interaction are compared. We argue that the scattering length of the S-wave eta'-proton interaction is of the order of 0.1 fm.Energy dependence of the near threshold total cross-section for the p p -> p p eta-prime reactionP. Moskal, H.-H. Adam, J.T. Balewski, V. Baru, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Koehler, P. Kowina, A. Kudryavtsev, N. Lang, J. Smyrski, A. Strzałkowski et al.Total cross sections for the pp --> pp eta' reaction have been measured in the excess energy range from Q = 1.53 MeV to Q = 23.64 MeV. The experiment has been performed at the internal installation COSY-11 using a stochastically cooled proton beam of the COoler SYnchrotron COSY and a hydrogen cluster target. The determined energy dependence of the total cross section weakens the hypothesis of the S-wave repulsive interaction between the eta' meson and the proton. New data agree well with predictions based on the phase-space distribution modified by the proton-proton final-state-interaction (FSI) only.Near threshold eta meson production in proton proton collisionsJ. Smyrski, ..., A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, D. Grzonka, P. Kowina, P. Moskal et al.The production of eta mesons has been measured in the proton-proton interaction close to the reaction threshold using the COSY-11 internal facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. Total cross sections were determined for eight different excess energies in the range from 0.5 MeV to 5.4 MeV. The energy dependence of the total cross section is well described by the available phase-space volume weighted by FSI factors for the proton-proton and proton-eta pairs.Near-threshold eta meson production in proton-proton collisionsJ. Smyrski, P. Wustner, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, M. Kohler, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, A. Strzalkowski, M. WolkeThe production of eta masons has been measured in the proton-proton interaction close to the reaction threshold using the COSY-11 internal facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. Total cross sections were determined for eight different excess energies (epsilon) in the range from epsilon = 0.5 MeV to epsilon = 5.4 MeV. The energy dependence of the total cross section is well described by the available phase-space volume weighted by FSI factors for the proton-proton and proton-eta pairs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Near threshold hyperon-production at COSY-11 in the reactions pp -> pK(+) Lambda and pp -> pK(+)Sigma(0)S. Sewerin, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. Eyrich, M. Fritsch, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, F. Stinzing, C. WilkinAt the internal COSY-11 facility the reactions pp --> pK(+)Lambda and pp --> pK(+)Sigma(0) have been measured at excess energies up to 13 MeV. The total cross sections for the Lambda-production have been determined to be a factor of approximate to 28 higher than for the Sigma(0)-production at equivalent excess energies. This observation is in contrast to a cross section ratio of 2-3, obtained at higher excess energies between 300 MeV and 1500 MeV. It is discussed that a strong Sigma(0)p FSI might cause the low cross section for the Sigma(0)-production near threshold due to a Sigma N --> Lambda N conversion.Near threshold production of eta, eta ' and charged kaon pairs in proton-proton collisionsA. Khoukaz, HH. Adam, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, K. Kilian, N. Lang, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, D. WyrwaThe near threshold production of eta- and eta'-mesons in proton-proton collisions has been measured at excess energies up to 6.3 MeV and 25.0 MeV using the COSY-11 facility. In this region of excess energy the eta' cross sections are much lower compared to pi(0) and eta production. This observation rather excludes a resonant production of the eta'-meson in the threshold region, whereas such a mechanism dominates the eta production close to threshold. Furthermore, close to threshold data on the elementary K+K- production in the proton-proton interaction have been taken at excess energies up to 56.1 MeV.Proton-proton collisions at production thresholdsP. Moskal, HH. Adam, A. Budzanowski, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, P. Kowina, N. Lang, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, W. ZipperRecent results obtained by the COSY-11 collaboration concerning the production of eta and eta ' mesons in the pp --> ppMeson reaction are presented. A comparison of the production amplitude for the pi (0), eta and eta ' mesons at the same phase space volume allows to conclude that the protonl-eta ' interaction is in the order of, or smaller than, the proton-pi (0) one. A total cross section determined in a preliminary analysis of the data of elementary kaon and antikaon production via the pp --> pp K K+ (-) reaction measured at excess of energy of Q = 17 MeV is reported.Heavy meson production at COSY-11P. Moskal, HH. Adam, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Kowina, M. Kohler, T. Lister, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. WustnerThe COSY-11 collaboration has measured the total cross section for the pp --> pp eta' and pp --> pp eta reactions in the excess energy range from Q = 1.5 MeV to Q = 23.6 MeV and from Q = 0.5 MeV to Q = 5.4 MeV, respectively. Measurements have been performed with the total luminosity of 73 nb(-1) for the pp --> pp eta reaction and 1360 nb(-1) for the pp --> pp eta' one. Recent results are presented and discussed.Hyperon and charged kaon pair production close to thresholdM. Wolke, HH. Adam, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, P. Kowina, T. Lister, P. Moskal, N. Lang, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, P. Wustner, W. ZipperClose-to-threshold data on the elementary kaon and antikaon production channels in the proton-proton interaction have been taken using the COSY-11 installation at the cooler synchrotron COSY Julich. The experimental technique applied at the internal COSY-11 facility - designed for meson production studies at small excess energies - is outlined. The threshold excitation functions for the kaon-hyperon production via the reactions pp --> pK(+)Lambda and pp --> pK(+)Sigma(0) are presented. The magnitude of the production amplitudes is compared at equal excess energies and physical implications of the observed Sigma(0) suppression in the threshold region are discussed. In addition, within a Dalitz plot analysis the spin-averaged S-wave scattering parameters could be extracted for the Lambda-p channel. With the possibility of detecting all find state particles the elementary antikaon production in the reaction pp --> ppK(+)K(-) has been investigated. Results on the exclusive total cross section fix the scale of the strangeness dissociation into two kaons.Comparison of Lambda and Sigma 0 Production near Threshold in Proton-Proton CollisionsS. Sewerin, ..., A. Budzanowski, W. Eyrich, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, L. Jarczyk, K. Kilian, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski et al.Threshold measurements of the associated strangeness production reactions pp->pK1L and pp-> pK1S0 are presented. The most remarkable feature of the data is that at the same excess energy the total cross section for the S0 production appears to be about a factor of 2816 29 smaller than for the L particle. It is concluded that strong S0p final state interactions, and in particular the SN ! Lp conversion reaction, are the likely cause of the depletion in the S signal. This hypothesis is in line with other experimental evidence in the literature.On production of eta-prime mesons in p p collisions close to thresholdV. Baru, ..., J. Haidenbauer, J. Speth, P. Moskal et al.The near threshold behaviour of the reaction cross section for pp ->pp´ 0 , recently measured in experiments at COSY and SATURNE, is analyzed. The interaction in the pp as well as in the ´ 0 p ?nal states is taken into account. The suppression of the total cross section for this process at excess energies Q < 3 MeV observed in these experiments is interpreted as an evidence for a strong repulsive eta prime p interaction.Threshold K, eta, and eta' mesons production in p p interactionP. Moskal, et al.Low-energy Lambda - p scattering parameters from the p p -> p K+ Lambda reactionJ. T. Balewski, ..., P. Moskal et al.Constraints on the spin-averaged $Lambda p$ scattering length and effective range have been obtained from measurements of the $pp o pK^+Lambda$ reaction close to the production threshold by comparing model phase-space Dalitz plot occupations with experimental ones. The data fix well the position of the virtual bound state in the $Lambda p$ system. Combining this with information from elastic $Lambda p$ scattering measurements at slightly higher energies, together with the fact that the hyperdeuteron is not bound, leads to a new determination of the low energy $Lambda p$ scattering parameters.Low-energy Lambda-p scattering parameters from the pp -> pK(+)Lambda reactionJT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, M. Hofmann, L. Jarczyk, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, T. Lister, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, IA. Pellmann, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, S. Sewerin, J. Smyrski, A. Strzalkowski, C. Thomas, C. Wilkin, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, D. WyrwaConstraints on the spin-averaged Lambda p scattering length and effective range have been obtained from measurements of the pp --> pK(+)Lambda reaction close to the production threshold by comparing model phase-space Dalitz plot occupations with experimental ones. The data fix well the position of the virtual bound state in the Lambda p system. Combining this with information from elastic Lambda p scattering measurements at slightly higher energies, together with the fact that the hyperdeuteron is not bound, leads to a new determination of the low energy Lambda p scattering parameters.Eta-prime production in proton proton scattering close to threshold.P. Moskal, J. T. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer et al.The pp-->ppeta-prime reaction has been measured at the cooler synchrotron COSY at Jülich using the internal beam and the COSY-11 facility. The total cross sections at the four different excess energies Q = 1.5,1.7,2.9, and 4.1 MeV have been evaluated to be sigma = 2.5+-0.5,2.9+-1.1,12.7+-3.2, and 25.2+-3.6nb, respectively. In this region of excess energy the eta-prime cross sections are much lower compared to those of the pi0 and eta production.eta ' production in proton-proton scattering close to thresholdP. Moskal, JT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, A. Kozela, T. Lister, UG. Meissner, N. Nikolaev, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzalkowski, C. Thomas, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, D. WyrwaThe pp --> pp eta'(958) reaction has been measured at the cooler synchrotron COSY at Julich using the internal beam and the COSY-11 facility. The total cross sections at the four different excess energies Q = 1.5, 1.7, 2.9, and 4.1 MeV have been evaluated to be sigma = 2.5 +/- 0.5, 2.9 +/- 1.1, 12.7 +/- 3.2, and 25.2 +/- 3.6 nb, respectively. In this region of excess energy the eta'(958) cross sections are much lower compared to those of the pi(0) and eta production.Total cross-section of the reaction p p -> p K+ Lambda close to threshold.J.T Balewski, A Budzanowski, H Dombrowski, W Eyrich, D Grzonka, P. Moskal, C Quentmeier et al.The energy dependence of the total cross section for the pp o pK^+Lambda reaction was measured in the threshold region covering the excess energy range up to 7MeV. Existing model calculations describe the slope of the measured cross sections well, but are too low by a factor of two to three in rate. The data were used for a precise determination of the beam momentum of the COSY-synchrotron.Total cross section of the reaction pp -> pK(+)Lambda close to thresholdJT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, W. Eyrich, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, J. Hauffe, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, A. Kozela, A. Lister, A. Metzger, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, F. Stinzing, A. Strzalkowski, C. Thomas, S. Wirth, M. Wolke, R. Woodward, P. Wustner, D. WyrwaThe energy dependence of the total cross section for the pp --> pK(+) Lambda reaction was measured in the threshold region covering the excess energy range up to 7 MeV. Existing model calculations describe the slope of the measured cross sections well, but are too low by a factor of two to three in rate. The data were used for a precise determination of the beam momentum of the COSY-synchrotron. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.Threshold measurements at the internal experimental facility COSY-11J. Balewski, S. Brauksiepe, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, A. Hardt, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, A. Kozela, T. Lister, R. Maier, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, D. Prasuhn, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. WustnerThe experimental setup and detection technique of the COSY-11 installation, an internal experimental facility at the cooler synchrotron and storage ring COSY Julich, are described. The detection system has been designed for meson production studies with full geometrical acceptance close to threshold. Preliminary results of first measurements are presented, emphasis is put on strangeness production in the reactions pp-->ppK(+)K(-) and pp-->pK(+)Lambda.Lambda-Hyperon production via the pp->pK(+)Lambda reaction 2 MeV above thresholdJT. Balewski, A. Budzanowski, H. Dombrowski, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, J. Haidenbauer, C. Hanhart, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, A. Kozela, T. Lister, R. Maier, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, D. Prasuhn, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, P. WustnerThe pp --> pK(+)Lambda reaction was measured at COSY with a proton beam momentum of 2.345 GeV/c, i.e. with an excess energy of 2 MeV above threshold. The total cross section was determined to be 8.2 +/- 1.8 nb. The present data point close to the production threshold indicates, that existing phenomenological parametrizations of the total kaon production cross section are insufficient.Lambda - hyperon production via the pp->pK+ lambda reaction 2 MeV above thresholdJ. T. Balewski, ..., P. Moskal, et al.The pp -> pK+A reaction was measured at COSY with a proton beam momentum of 2.345 GeVlc, i.e. with an excess energy of 2 MeV above threshold. The total cross section was determined to be 8.2 i 1.8 nb. The present data point close to the production threshold indicates, that existing phenomenological parametrizations of the total kaon production cross section are insufficient.Meson production in p+p interaction at thresholdJT. Balewski, R. Bilger, A. Budzanowski, H. Clement, KH. Diart, H. Dombrowski, K. Fohl, C. Goodman, D. Grzonka, H. Gutschmidt, K. Heitlinger, L. Jarczyk, M. Jochmann, M. Karnadi, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, M. Kohler, A. Kozela, T. Lister, P. Moskal, R. Nellen, W. Oelert, C. Quentmeier, R. Santo, D. Schapler, G. Schepers, U. Seddik, T. Sefzick, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzalkowski, M. Wolke, GJ. Wagner, KH. Watzlawik, P. Wustner, K. ZwollFirst results of the COSY-11 collaboration are presented in this paper. The motivation for the investigation of meson production is discussed. The description of the COSY-11 experimental apparatus, including the method of particle identification and luminosity monitoring will be shown. Preliminary results of first test measurements for the production of (pi(+) pi(-)), eta,eta', and (K+K-) mesons in the p+p interaction will be given. Furthermore,the results of a test for the pp --> pK(+)Lambda reaction is presented.COSY-11, an internal experimental facility for threshold measurementsS. Brauksiepe, ..., D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski, M. Sokolowski, A. Strzałkowski et al.The COSY-11 installation is an internal experiment at the cooler synchrotron and storage ring COSY Jülich. It has been designed for full geometrical acceptance close to threshold for meson production studies, especially in the 1 GeV/c2 mass range. The experimental setup makes use of a regular C-type COSY dipole magnet, following a cluster target, to separate reaction products from the beam and to analyze their momenta, thus allowing the observation of charged reaction products at small angles with beam energies close to threshold. Resonances will be identified by missing mass reconstructions from measured four-momenta of two outgoing protons in the predominantly studied pp ? ppX reaction. In addition, charged mesons either produced directly or from decays of X will be detected. The different components of the experimental facility are presented.A Three layer circular scintillator hodoscopeM. Dahmen, ..., P. Moskal, et al.he rotationally symmetric kinematics of hadronic reactions around the beam direction call for a detector system with an appropriate symmetry. A hodoscope has been invented which optimally meets such conditions. A combination of both contrarotating and straight scintillator elements form a three layer circular hodoscope. The overlap of individual counters defines pixels with a structure reminiscent of a sunflower pattern. Thus, a rather large, granulated and flat detector arrangement has been achieved economically. Such hodoscopes are in operation for measurements at LEAR/CERN and CELSIUS/Uppsala. A third enlarged version is presently being tested and will be used in the Time Of Flight spectrometer (TOF) at COSY/Jülich. The performance of individual detector elements and of the complete system was investigated with various particle beams and cosmic rays. Comparisons with Monte Carlo calculations confirm the operation of the detector.- New Opportunities in Kaonic Atoms Spectroscopy With Novel CZT DetectorF. Artibani, L. Abbene, M. Bettelli, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, A. Zappettini, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, F. Sgaramella, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, M. Silarski, A. Spallone, K. Toho, L. Toscano, M. Tuchler, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanu, A. Scordopublished in: Frascati Physics Series 76 (2024) 96Kaonic atoms spectroscopy provides important observables for low-energy strong interactions in strange systems studies. In this paper, an overview of the SIDDHARTA-2 activities in kaonic atoms field is presented. Particular attention is given to the development of the new cadmium-zinc-telluride detection systems to measure intermediate-mass kaonic atoms. The characteristics of the detector, the results of the two first test measurements in DAFNE, and some of the physics goals are presented.
- Kaonic atoms studies with SIDDHARTA-2 at DAFNEK. Toho, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, F. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, L. Toscano, M. Tuchler, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: Frascati Physics Series 76 (2024) 110The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment advances the study of kaonic atoms, focusing on kaonic deuterium and other kaonic atoms, such as neon, to explore low-energy Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Utilizing Silicon Drift Detectors and sophisticated veto systems, the experiment conducts high-precision X-ray spectroscopy to measure strong interaction-induced shifts and broadenings of atomic energy levels. This enables investigations of both electromagnetic and non-perturbative QCD effects, with high-n transitions facilitating precision tests of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and lower-level transitions providing insights into antikaon-nuclei strong interaction. Preliminary observation
- A new measurement of the kaonic helium L-lineswith SIDDHARTA-2 at DAFNEF. Clozza, L. Abbene, F. Artibani, M. Bazzi, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: Frascati Physics Series 76 (2024) 103The ultimate goal of the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the LNF-INFN is to perform the first ever measurement, via X-ray spectroscopy, of the width and shift induced by the strong interaction to the 2p -> 1s energy transition of kaonic deuterium. Such a measurement has not been performed yet due to its high difficulty level; in fact, this transition exhibits an extremely low X-ray yield. For this reason, before starting the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign, an accurate and thorough characterisation of the experimental apparatus is of primary importance to gauge its performance. To finalize such a task the best candidate is Helium-4, since the 3d ->2p transition of kaonic helium-4 exhibits a much higher yield of X-rays. This work reports the results of the characterisation of the SIDDHARTA-2 apparatus in preparation for the kaonic deuterium measurement. This is done by measuring the shift and width for the 3d ? 2p transition of kaonic helium-4. The measured values are epsilon_2p = 2.0 pm 1.2(stat) pm 1.5(syst) eV and Gamma_2p = 1.9 pm 5.7(stat) pm 0.7(syst) eV. The result shows a net enhancement of the performance of the apparatus when compared to the previous measurement done by the SIDDHARTA experiment epsilon_2p = 0 pm 6(stat) pm 2(syst) eV, thus providing strong evidence of the potential to perform the kaonic deuterium measurement.
- Classification of Signal Events for CPT Symmetry Studies with J-PET Using Machine Learning TechniquesN. Chug, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 7-A2The deviations from combined Charge, Parity, and Time (CPT) symmetry could indicate the presence of new physics beyond the current theoretical framework. The positronium (Ps), the lightest bound state of an electron?positron pair, offers a unique probe for such investigations because it is an eigenstate of charge conjugation (C) and parity (P). This work explores the potential of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography (J-PET) detector for sensitive tests of CPT symmetry in the three-photon decay of ortho-Ps (o-Ps) atom. The CPT symmetry invariance in o-Ps decays has been previously tested using the J-PET detector, measuring the CPT-violating angular correlation between the o-Ps spin and its annihilation photon momenta, achieving a precision of . However, a range of five orders of magnitude is still unexplored to test its exactness. A Monte Carlo simulation study is presented to distinguish between the o-Ps signal and background events using Multivariate Data Analysis (TMVA). We discuss the impact of improving the sample purity in enhancing the sensitivity of the CPT symmetry test.
- CP Symmetry Study Using Momentum and Polarization of Photons from the Ortho-Positronium AnnihilationK.V. Eliyan, M. Skurzok, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 7-A3The Jagiellonian-Positron Emission Tomography (J-PET) is distinguished by its ability to determine the polarization plane of photons emitted during the positronium annihilation. According to the Standard Model prediction, photon?photon interactions in its final state due to vacuum polarization can mimic CP symmetry violation at a magnitude of approximately 10^-9, which is significantly larger than the predicted value of the order of 10^-14 for weak interactions. Currently, with the help of the J-PET detector, experimental limits on CP symmetry violation in o-Ps decay are set at a precision value of the order of 10^-4. The J-PET detector measures the polarization direction of annihilation photons without a magnetic field and can investigate discrete symmetry by examining non-zero expectation values of symmetry-odd operators, constructed from the momentum and polarization-related vectors of gamma quanta coming from the o-Ps annihilation. This work focuses on studying the CP symmetry in o-Ps decay and the initial operator plot derived from data collected over 250 days using the J-PET detector. The primary objective of this experiment is to enhance statistical significance in fundamental symmetry studies and refine the precision of CP symmetry tests. The study utilizes the CP symmetry-odd operator (epsilon_i dot k_j), where epsilon_i and k_j represent the reconstructed polarization-related and momentum vectors of the photons emitted from o-Ps decay.
- Mirror Matter in Ortho-positronium Decay Searches Using the J-PET DetectorJ. Mędrala-Sowa, E. Perez del Rio, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 7-A8Positronium (Ps), governed by Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), provides a rich domain for exploring fundamental physics. Monte Carlo simulations of its decay provide insights into various aspects of particle physics. The development of J-PET, an innovative tomography system at the Jagiellonian University using high-resolution scintillator detectors, facilitates interdisciplinary studies encompassing fundamental physics tests, medical research, and quantum entanglement measurements but also enhances our capacity to investigate positronium decays in pursuit of potential dark matter (DM) candidates, a lingering enigma within the current Standard Model (SM) framework. In our research, we employ the J-PET detector to study ortho-positronium (o-Ps) decays as a part of our ongoing quest for the discovery of DM. Our primary goal is to explore mirror matter, which seeks to restore parity invariance and is proposed as a candidate for the Universe?s DM. Our study aims to push the boundaries of precision measurement in the decay width of o-Ps to three gamma quanta, contributing to our understanding of the elusive nature of dark matter. The article presents the preliminary lifetime distribution of o-Ps as a search for mirror matter obtained from data collected during a portion of a long-term measurement conducted with the J-PET detector in 2020. The long-term aim of the study is to achieve 10^-6 lifetime sensitivity.
- Advancements in the Studies of Multi-photon Decays of Ortho-Positronium with J-PETP. Tanty, E. Perez del Rio, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 7-A10Based on plastic scintillators, Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) is a multi-discipilinary PET scanner having a wide range of applications. With the potential of J-PET to register multiphotons, we aim at exploring the rare and forbidden decay channels of the Positronium triplet state, the ortho-Positronium (o-Ps). The o-Ps decaying into a higher number of photons than the predominant mode (o-Ps ) is six orders of magnitude smaller than expected from the Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) calculations. In this article, we intend to present the status of the preliminary studies of the multi-photon decays of ortho-Positronium. We will explain toy Monte Carlo simulations involving 4- and 5-gamma decays of the o-Ps, together with a preliminary estimation of a J-PET-like detector efficiencies for these channels.
- Performance evaluation of the modular J-PET detector in conventional PET imagingM. Das , R. Bayerlein , S. Parzych, S. Sharma, R. D. Badawi , E. Y. Beyene, E. Czerwiński, , A. Hubalewska-Dydejczyk , T. Kaplanoglu, G. Korcyl, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Opalińska, M. Rädler, M. Skurzok, B. A Spencer, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, P. Moskal, E.Ł. Stepienpublished in: 2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference (RTSD)
- PANTHEON: Towards high-precision tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle in Nuclear Reaction as a Testbed of Theories Beyond the Standard ModelC. Curceanu, F. Napolitano, M. Bazzi, I. Bolognino, N. Bortolotti, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, M. Iliescu, S. Manti, A. Marciano, P. Moskal, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, D. L. Sirghi, F. C. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. W. Thomaspublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 1-A6The PANTHEON project aims to test the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) in Nuclear Reactions by searching for nuclear transitions prohibited by PEP in processes respecting the Messiah-Greenberg super-selection rule. The project aims to use the proton beam from the 3.5 MV Singletron accelerator of the Bellotti facility located at the Gran Sasso underground Laboratory, to perform a measurement based on a test setup able to disentangle protons coming from PEP prohibited processes. The goal is to prepare a dedicated setup for future measurements to improve by orders of magnitude the limit on PEP violation established in previous studies and challenge theories beyond the Standard Model at a precision level presently unattained.
- Kaonic helium-4 L-series yield measurement at 2.25 g/l density by SIDDHARTA-2 at DAFNEF. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, F. Napolitano, A. Scordo, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, M. Miliucci, F. Artibani, F. Clozza, M. Cargnelli, J. Marton, M. Tüchler, J. Zmeskal, L. Abbene, A. Buttacavoli, F. Principato, D. Bosnar, I. Friščić, M. Bragadireanu, G. Borghi, M. Carminati, G. Deda, C. Fiorini, R. Del Grande, M. Iwasaki, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, H. Ohnishi, K. Toho, C. Yoshida, D. Sirghi, K. Piscicchiapublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 1-A8This article presents the results of the kaonic helium-4 measurement conducted by the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, aiming to provide crucial insights into the low-energy strong interaction in the strangeness sector. High-precision X-ray spectroscopy is used to examine the interaction between negatively charged kaons and nuclei in atomic systems. The SIDDHARTA-2setup was optimized through the kaonic helium-4 measurement in preparation for the challenging kaonic deuterium measurement. The kaonic helium-4 measurement at a new density of 2.25 g/l is reported, providing the absolute and relative yields for the L-series transitions, which are essential data for understanding kaonic atom cascade processes.
- Towards studies of rare decays of positronium with J-PETP. Tanty, E. Perez del Rio, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 1-A9The positronium system, a bound state of an electron and a positron, is suitable for testing the predictions of quantum electrodynamics (QED) as well as symmetry invariance. The Ps triple state, the ortho-Positronium (o-Ps), which mainly decays to three photons, is further studied to search for decays into 4gamma and 5gamma, the former C-violating decay and the latter never observed. The J-PET is a multi-purpose detector optimized for the detection of photons from positron?electron annihilation and can be used in a broad scope of interdisciplinary investigation. The large acceptance and high angular resolution of the J-PET detector will push the present limits in these forbidden and rare decays. The aim is to reach a sensitivity below O(10^?6) while reducing the uncertainties, thus increasing the sensitivity.
- J-PET detector approach for testing CP symmetry in the ortho-positronium annihilationK.V. Eliyan, M. Skurzok, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 17 (2024) 1-A1Positronium is a suitable leptonic system to test Charge-Parity (CP) discrete symmetry involving the correlations of photons momenta originating from ortho-positronium (o-Ps) annihilation. The photon?photon interaction in the final state due to the vacuum polarization may mimic CP symmetry violation of the order of 10^?9, while weak interaction effects lead to a violation of the order of 10^?14 according to the Standard Model prediction. So far, the experimental limits on CP symmetry violation in the o-Ps decay are set at the level of 10^?4. One of the unique features of the J-PET detector is its ability to measure the polarization direction of the annihilation photons without the magnetic field. The J-PET detector can be used to explore discrete symmetry by looking for probable non-zero expectation values of the symmetry-odd operators, constructed from spin of ortho-Positronium and momentum, and polarization vectors of gamma quanta resulting from o-Ps annihilation. In this work, the J-PET detector experimental and analysis method to improve the sensitivity level at least by one order for CP discrete symmetry studies in the o-Ps decay via symmetry odd operator (e_i k_j), where e_i and k_j are reconstructed polarization and momentum vectors of photons from the o-Ps decays, respectively, will be presented.
- The measurement of the E2 nuclear resonance effects in kaonic atoms at DA?NE: The KAMEO proposalL. De Paolis, L. Abbene, M. Bazzi, M. Bettelli, G. Borghi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, J. Obertova, O. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, F. Principato, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, S. Wycech, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, A. Zappettini, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web of Conferences 291 (2024) 05003KAMEO (Kaonic Atoms Measuring Nuclear Resonance Effects Ob-servables) is a proposal for an experiment aiming to perform the first consistent measurement of the E2 nuclear resonance effects in kaonic molybdenum A=94,96,98,100 isotopes. The E2 nuclear resonance mixes atomic states, due to the electrical quadrupole excitation of nuclear rotational states. It occurs in atoms having the energy of a nuclear excitation state closely matching an atomic de-excitation state energy, and affects the rates of X-ray atomic transitions matching the energy of the resonance. The measurement E2 nuclear resonance effect in KMO isotopes allows the study of the strong kaon-nucleus interaction in a rotational excited nuclear state. Moreover, the effect enables the K- to access an inner atomic level not easily reachable by the kaon normal cascade, due to the nuclear absorption. The KAMEO proposed apparatus consists of 4 enriched Mo A=94,96,98,100 isotope strips, exposed to the kaons produced by the DA?NE collider, for kaonic atoms formation, with a high-purity germanium detector, cooled with liquid nitrogen, used to measure the X-ray atomic transitions. The DA?NE collider is located at the National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF-INFN), in Italy. It is already suited for kaonic atoms measurement by the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration.
- Kaonic atoms with SIDDHARTA-2 at the DAFNE colliderF. Sirghi, L. Abbene, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, A. Buttacavoli, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, L. De Paolis, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, F. Sgaramella, S. Niedźwiecki, O. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, S. Wycech, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web of Conferences 291 (2024) 01008. The most important information still missing in the field of the low-energy antikaon-nucleon interactions studies is the experimental determination of the hadronic energy shift and width of kaonic deuterium. This measurement will be performed by the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, installed at the DA?NE collider and presently in data taking campaign. The precise measurement of the shift and width of the 1s level with respect to the purely electromagnetic calculated values, generated by the presence of the strong interaction, through the measurement of the X-ray transitions to this level, in kaonic hydrogen, was performed by the SIDDHARTA collaboration, the kaonic deuterium is underway by SIDDHARTA-2. These measurement will allow the first precise experimental extraction of the isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, fundamental quantities for understanding low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector. The experimental challenge of the kaonic deuterium measurement is the very small X-rays yield, the even larger width (compared to kaonic hydrogen), and the difficulty to perform X-rays spectroscopy with weak signals in the high radiation environment of DA?NE. It was, therefore, crucial to develop a new apparatus involving large-area X-rays detector system, to optimize the signal and to control and by improve the signal-to-background ratio by gaining in solid angle, increasing the timing capability, and as well implementing additional charge particle tracking veto systems.
- Test for non-relativistic QED in decays of positronium atomsS. Sharma, K. Dulski, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web of Conferences 291 (2024) 03012Positronium (Ps) is a bound state of electron and positron governed by electromagnetic interactions. Precise measurement of its decay rate is an important observational parameter to test theoretical predictions derived from Non-Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics (NRQED). In this work, we present a new method for measuring the decay rate of Ps atoms, which has the potential to improve the precision and thus the description of the behavior of particles in bound states and to provide insight into the non-relativistic regime of QED.
- Measuring the correlation between polarization of two photons originating from e+e ? annihilations for PET imaging using J-PETD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. Moskal on behalf of J-PET collaborationpublished in: DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 67 (2023)
- Experimental observation of polarization correlation of entangled photons from positronium atom using J-PET detectorD. Kumar*, S. Sharma and P. Moskalpublished in: PoS (EPS-HEP2023)Quantum entanglement is one of the fundamental correlations between particles that has not yet been confirmed with high-energy photons. Quantum electrodynamics (QED) predicts that annihilation photons produced by the decay of the singlet state of positronium (Ps) atoms are entangled in their polarization. Since these photons have an energy of 511 keV, there is no polarizer to measure the polarization of these photons. However, the direction of the scattering photons when interacting with an electron via the Compton process depends strongly on the polarization of the photon. Therefore, Compton scattering can be used as a polarization analyser. The polarization direction of the photon can be defined as the cross product of the momentum vector of the incident and scattered photon. By measuring the polarization of annihilation photons originating from Ps decays, their polarization correlation can be determined. Measuring this correlation will for the first time, will answer the open question of studying quantum entanglement in high-energy photons. Moreover, it also have potential applications in PET imaging, where the quality of image reconstruction directly depends on the selection of pure annihilation photons, which can be separated based on the strength of the polarization correlation. In this paper, we report on the method for determining the polarization correlation of annihilation photons using the J-PET detector.
- Feasibility study of positronium imaging with Biograph Vision Quadra and Modular J-PETS. Parzych, J. Baran, E. Yitayew Beyene, M. Conti, A. Coussat, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jędruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, L. Mercolli, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, E. Pérez Del Río, L. Raczyński, A. Rominger, H. Sari, S. Sharma, K. Shi, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W.M. Steinberger, E. Stępień, P. Tanty, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi Ardebili, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskalpublished in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor DetectorsPositronium Imaging is gaining interest as a new promising method that may improve the diagnostic specificity of Positron Emission Tomography. Recently, the first ex-vivo and in-vivo positronium lifetime images were demonstrated by means of the dedicated multi-photon J-PET system. The latest upgrades of the Biograph Vision Quadra (Siemens Healthineers) to the singles mode acquisition open the possibility of multi-photon imaging. In this simulation-based work, sensitivity of both systems has been assessed as a function of the energy window applied for registration of the prompt photon. The research was conducted using four radioisotopes: 124 I, 68 Ga, 44 Sc, 22 Na, which were chosen due to their medical or laboratory utilization. Simulations were performed with the GATE software. The result indicates that Biograph Vision Quadra provides about 400 times higher sensitivity with respect to the modular J-PET prototype used to demonstrate the first positronium images, assuming full energy acquisition of the prompt photon.
- Performance of NEMA characteristics of Modular J-PETF. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, J. Baran, E. Beyene, D. Borys, K. Brzezinski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Eliyan, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jędruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Parzych, E. Pérez del Río, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, M. Skurzok, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, W. Wislicki, E. Stępień, P. Moskalpublished in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor DetectorsThe Modular J-PET scanner, developed by the J-PET collaboration, is a new prototype PET scanner developed based on axially arranged plastic scintillators as a large axial field of view (50cm) affordable tomograph. In this study, the performance characteristics of the scanner were evaluated according to NEMA NU2-2018 standards using Monte Carlo simulation. In order to ensure the selection of true coincidence events, certain criteria were established. Specifically, each photon emitting from a single annihilation must deposit at least 200 keV within 4 ns of a coincidence time window. The preliminary results showed that the sensitivity profile peak was 4 cps/kBq at the center of the detector, While the scatter fraction was estimated to be 39% using the single slice rebinning algorithm. Spatial resolution was estimated around 4.5 mm in the radial and tangential direction and 18 mm in the axial direction.
- Normalization and scatter corrections for the J-PET scannerA. Coussat, W. Krzemień, J. Baran, S. Parzych, L. Raczyński, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, B. Hiesmayr, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Jędruszczak, K. Kacprzak, A. Gajos, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, T. Kozik, G. Łapkiewicz, G. Korcyl, S. Moyo, D. Kumar, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Sharma, E. Pérez Del Río, S. Shivani, R. Shopa, P. Tanty, M. Skurzok, K. Tayefi, F. Tayefi, E. Stępień, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskalpublished in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor DetectorsThe Jagiellonian PET scanner is a cost-effective large axial FOV Positron Emission Tomography technology that enables multi-photon imaging and is currently under development at the Jagiellonian University. The current 50 cm prototype, named Modular J-PET, is being investigated for various applications. It is well known that PET data can be affected by several effects during acquisition, such as scattered gamma photons or variations in detection efficiency. Consequently, achieving the reconstruction of images of satisfactory quality requires a set of corrections to be applied to each line-of-response. This summary discusses the implementation and performance of scatter and normalization corrections for the Modular J-PET, and their extension prior to the assembly of a total-body Jagiellonian PET scanner. Normalization correction is achieved using component-based normalization, a method particularly suitable for large scanners with a high number of lines-of-response. Scatter correction is achieved using an extension of the single scatter simulation technique that incorporates time-of-flight information. Reconstruction of reference phantoms based on Monte Carlo simulations highlight improvements in image quality. The application of normalization reduces the non-uniformity in the reconstructed image by a factor of 10 in the axial direction and 2 in the radial direction.
- Positronium Lifetime Measurements using 82Rb in a Long-Axial FOV PET/CT ScannerW.M. Steinberger, H. Sari, L. Mercolli, S. Parzych, S. Niedźwiecki, G. Łapkiewicz, P. Moskal, E. Stępień, A. Rominger, K. Shi, M. Contipublished in: 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor DetectorsThis work details results from two positronium (Ps) lifetime measurements performed in a long-axial FOV PET/CT scanner using 82 Rb. Ps lifetime measurements are of interest for PET because they can yield additional diagnostic information. The first measurement placed drops of a 82 Rb solution in between aluminum disks, quartz disks, and into a gelatin mixture. The extracted ortho-Ps (o-Ps) lifetime for the quartz sample was measured to be 1.53+/-0.04 ns, which agrees well with the previously published value of 1.56+/-0.08 ns. The lifetime of the aluminum is also compared with previous results, however, the lifetime exhibits a longer o-Ps lifetime due to positrons leaking into the surrounding plastic holder. The second measurement performed assessed the uniformity of the extracted lifetimes across a uniform cylinder (20?×30 cm3 ) filled with water and an activity of approximately 73.3 MBq. The resulting histo-image was sliced into 1.25 cm thick cross sections, which resulted in lifetime distributions containing on average 1.98×10 5 +/-1.06×10 4 counts. These lifetime distributions were integral normalized and compared to an averaged lifetime across the uniform cylinder. Overall average deviation in the lifetime measured across the cylinder was determined to be -0.015+/-1.53%.
- Study of light hypernuclei in Europe: the hypertriton and nnLambda puzzlesC. Rappold, P. Achenbach, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, S. Dubey, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, M. Feijoo-Fontan, H. Fujioka, Y. Gao, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Grana Gonzalez, E. Haettner, M.N. Harakeh, Y. He, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kasagi, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, B. Kindler, R. Knoebel, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, E. Liu, B. Lommel, V. Metag, S. Minami, D.J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, A. Muneem, M. Nakagawa, K. Nakazawa, C. Nociforo, H.J. Ong, S. Pietri, J. Pochodzalla, S. Purushothaman, E. Rocco, J.L. Rodríguez-Sanchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, T.R. Saito, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, Y.K. Tanaka, X. Tang, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, H. Wang, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, A. Yanai, J. Yoshida, J. Zhaopublished in: EPJ Web of Conferences 290 (2023) 09007The current understanding of light hypernuclei, which are sub-atomic nuclei with strangeness, is being challenged and studied in detail by several European research groups and collaborations. In recent years, studies of hypernuclei using high-energy heavy ion beams have reported unexpected results on the three-body hypernuclear state 3?H, named the hypertriton. For some time, reports of a shorter lifetime and larger binding energy than what was previously accepted have created a puzzling situation for its theoretical description; this is known as the hypertriton puzzle. With the inclusion of the most recent experimental measurements, the current status of the hypertriton puzzle is evolving. Additionally, the possible neutral bound state of a ? hyperon with two neutrons, nn?, has raised questions about our understanding of the formation of light hypernuclei either in bound or resonance states. These results have initiated several ongoing experimental programs all over the world to study these three-body hypernuclear states precisely. We are studying these light hypernuclear states by employing heavy ion beams at 2AGeV on a fixed carbon target with the WASA detector system and the Fragment Separator (FRS) at GSI. The WASA-FRS experimental campaign was performed during the first quarter of 2022, and this paper presents a short overview of the campaign and how it seeks to tackle the hypertriton and nn? puzzles. Data analysis is ongoing, and several preliminary results will be reported.
- SIDDHARTA-2 veto system design and performance for kaonic atoms studies at DAFNEF. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 290 (2023) 06005Light kaonic atoms spectroscopy provides a unique approach to study the low-energy strong interaction in the strangeness sector. Precise measurements of X-ray emission from light kaonic atoms provide valuable information on kaon-nucleus interaction at threshold without the need for extrapolation as required in scattering experiments. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the DA?NE collider of INFN-LNF is now poised to perform the challenging measurements of the K?- d 2p -> 1s transition to extract the isospin-dependent antikaonnucleon scattering lengths. To achieve this goal, the background reduction is a crucial factor. This paper provides an overview of the SIDDHARTA-2 Veto-1 system, which uses scintillators outside the vacuum chamber to detect charged particles produced by K? absorption by the nucleus. The arrival time of these particles is correlated with the position where the kaonic atom has been created inside the setup, allowing for the rejection of kaons stopped outside the target cell, which is a critical component for reducing the background and improve the accuracy of the measurement.
- Investigating the E2 Nuclear Resonance Effects in Kaonic Atoms: The KAMEO ProposalL. De Paolis, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friscic, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, O. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, S. Wycech, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web of Conferences 290 (2023) 06003The E2 nuclear resonance effect in kaonic atoms occurs when the energy of atomic de-excitation closely matches the energy of nuclear excitation, leading to the attenuation of some X-ray lines in the resonant isotope target. This phenomenon provides crucial information on the strong interaction between kaons and nuclei. The only nuclear E2 resonance effect observed so far was in the K? ?9842Mo isotope, measured by G. L. Goldfrey, G-K. Lum, and C. E. Wiegand at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 1975. However, the 25 hours of data taking were not sufficient to yield conclusive results. In four kaonic Molybdenum isotopes (9442Mo, 9642Mo, 9842and Mo, and 10042Mo), the nuclear E2 resonance effect is expected to occur at the same transition with similar energy values. To investigate this, the KAMEO (Kaonic Atoms Measuring Nuclear Resonance Effects Observables) experiment plans to conduct research on kaonic Molybdenum isotopes at the DA?NE e+e? collider during the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment. The experimental strategy involves exposing four solid strip targets, each enriched with one Molybdenum isotope, to negatively charged kaons and using a germanium detector to measure X-ray transitions. In addition, a non-resonant 9242Mo isotope solid strip target will be used as a reference for standard non-resonant transitions.
- Towards the first kaonic deuterium measurement with the SIDDHARTA-2 experimentC. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, P. Levi Sandri, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. C. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskalpublished in: PoS CORFU2022 (2023) 039The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is presently installed at the interaction point of the DA??NE electron-positron collider of the National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF-INFN), in Italy, ready to perform the first measurement of the 2p?1s2p?1s x-ray transition in kaonic deuterium. This measurement, together with that of the kaonic hydrogen 2p?1s2p?1s x-ray transition, performed by the SIDDHARTA experiment in 2009, will allow the determination of antikaon-nucleon isospin-dependent scattering lengths. This paper presents a description of the SIDDHARTA-2 setup, which is getting ready for the kaonic deuterium measurement.
- Studies of three-and four-body hypernuclei with heavy-ion beams, nuclear emulsions and machine learningT.R. Saito, P. Achenbach, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, S. Dubey, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, M. Feijoo-Fontan, Y. Gao, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Grana Gonzalez, E. Haettner, M. N. Harakeh, Y. He, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, K. Itahashi, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kasagi, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, R. Knoebel, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, E. Liu, S. Minami, D.J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, A. Muneem, M. Nakagawa, K. Nakazawa, C. Nociforo, H. J. Ong, S. Pietri, J. Pochodzalla, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, E. Rocco, J.L. Rodriguez-Sanchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, N. Saito, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, S. Sugimoto, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, M. Taki, Y.K. Tanaka, X. Tang, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, H. Wang, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, A. Yanai, J. Yoshida, M. Yoshimoto, J. Zhaopublished in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 (2023) 012148Interests on few-body hypernuclei have been increased by recent results of experiments employing relativistic heavy ion beams. Some of the experiments have revealed that the lifetime of the lightest hypernucleus, hypertriton, is significantly shorter than 263 ps which is expected by considering the hypertriton to be a weakly-bound system. The STAR collaboration has also measured the hypertriton binding energy, and the deduced value is contradicting to its formerly known small binding energy. These measurements have indicated that the fundamental physics quantities of the hypertriton such as its lifetime and binding energy have not been understood, therefore, they have to be measured very precisely. Furthermore, an unprecedented ?nn bound state observed by the HypHI collaboration has to be studied in order to draw a conclusion whether or not such a bound state exists. These three-body hypernuclear states are studied by the heavy-ion beam data in the WASA-FRS experiment and by analysing J-PARC E07 nuclear emulsion data with machine learning.
- Investigating the E2 nuclear resonance effect in kaonic atomsL. De Paolis, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, A. Khreptak, P. Levi Sandri, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi. F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, S. Wycech, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal and C. Curceanupublished in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2446 (2023) 012038The nuclear E2 resonance effect occurs when an atomic de-excitation energy is closely matched by a nuclear excitation energy. It produces an attenuation of some of the atomic X-ray lines in the resonant isotope target. Investigating the nuclear E2 resonance effect in kaonic atoms, important information about kaon-nucleus strong interaction can be provided. The only ${K}^{-}{-}_{42}^{98}mathrm{Mo}$ nuclear resonance effect was measured by G. L. Goldfrey, G- K. Lum and C. E. Wiegand at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, in 1975. The nuclear E2 resonance effect was observed in 25 hours of data taking, not enough to provide a conclusive result. In four kaonic Molybdenum isotopes (${}_{42}^{94}mathrm{Mo}$, ${}_{42}^{96}mathrm{Mo}$, ${}_{42}^{98}mathrm{Mo}$ and ${}_{42}^{100}mathrm{Mo}$), the nuclear E2 resonance effect is expected at the same transition, with similar energy values. The KAMEO (Kaonic Atoms Measuring nuclear resonance Effects Observables) experiment plans to study the E2 nuclear resonance effect in kaonic Molybdenum isotopes at the DA?NE e+e? collider, during the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment. The experimental strategy consists of exposing four solid strip targets, each enriched with one Molybdenum isotope, to negatively charged kaons, using a germanium detector for X-ray transition measurements. A further exposure of a non-resonant ${}_{42}^{92}mathrm{Mo}$ isotope solid strip target will be used as reference for standard non-resonant transitions.
- Studies of low-energy K- - nucleus/nuclei interactions with light nuclei by AMADEUSM. Skurzok, M. Bazzi, M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal and C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 279 (2023) 11019The AMADEUS Collaboration aims to provide unique experimental constraints to the antikaon-nucleon strong interaction in the regime of nonperturbative QCD. The K- nuclear captures, both at-rest and in-flight, are studied using the monochromatic low-momentum kaon beam (pK about 120 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider, interacting with the KLOE detector materials. The studies are performed by reconstructing the hyperon-pion and hyperonnucleon final states. In this work a brief description of AMADEUS results for Lambda pi0 and Lambda p final states is presented.
- WASA-FRS Experiments in FAIR Phase-0 at GSIY.K. Tanaka, P. Achenbach, H. Alibrahim Alfaki, F. Amjad, M. Armstrong, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, Z. Brencic, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, S. Dubey, H. Ekawa, S. Escrig, M. Feijoo-Fontán, H. Fujioka, Y. Gao, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, A. Gra?a González, E. Haettner, M.N. Harakeh, Y. He, H. Heggen, C. Hornung, N. Hubbard, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kasagi, M. Kavatsyuk, E. Kazantseva, A. Khreptak, B. Kindler, R. Knoebel, H. Kollmus, D. Kostyleva, S. Kraft-Bermuth, N. Kurz, E. Liu, B. Lommel, V. Metag, S. Minami, D.J. Morrissey, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, A. Muneem, M. Nakagawa, K. Nakazawa, C. Nociforo, H.J. Ong, S. Pietri, J. Pochodzalla, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, E. Rocco, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, P. Roy, R. Ruber, T.R. Saito, S. Schadmand, C. Scheidenberger, P. Schwarz, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, M. Skurzok, B. Streicher, K. Suzuki, B. Szczepanczyk, X. Tang, N. Tortorelli, M. Vencelj, H. Wang, T. Weber, H. Weick, M. Will, K. Wimmer, A. Yamamoto, A. Yanai, J. Yoshida, J. Zhaopublished in: Acta. Phys. Polon. B Proc. Supp. 16 (2023) 4-A27We have developed a new and unique experimental setup integrating the central part of the Wide Angle Shower Apparatus (WASA) into the Fragment Separator (FRS) at GSI. This combination opens up possibilities of new experiments with high-resolution spectroscopy at forward and measurements of light decay particles with nearly full solid-angle acceptance in coincidence. The first series of the WASA-FRS experiments have been successfully carried out in 2022. The developed experimental setup and two physics experiments performed in 2022 including the status of the preliminary data analysis are introduced.
- Kaonic atoms measurements with SIDDHARTA-2F. Sgaramella, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, K. Dulski, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Ohnishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M .Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal, C. Curceanupublished in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2446 (2023) 012023The SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration is aiming to perform the challenging measurement of kaonic deuterium X-ray transitions to the ground state. This will allow to extract the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, providing input to the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in the non-perturbative regime with strangeness. This work describes the SIDDHARTA-2 experimental apparatus and presents the results obtained during the commissioning phase realized with kaonic helium measurements. In particular, the first observation of the kaonic helium transitions to the 3s level (M-lines), reported in this work, represents a new source of information to study the kaonic helium cascade process and demonstrates the potential of the SIDDHARTA-2 apparatus, in the view of the ambitious kaonic deuterium measurement.
- Perspective of CP Violation Search by Modular J-PET Detector in the Ortho-Positronium DecayK.V. Eliyan, M. Skurzok, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 15 (2022) 4-A10The positronium atom, a bound state of electron and positron, is a suitable leptonic test site for Charge-Parity (CP) discrete symmetry research. According to the Standard Model, the photon?photon interaction in the final state due to the vacuum polarization may mimic CP violation of the order of 10^-9, while weak interaction effects lead to a violation of the order of 10^-14. So far, the experimental limits on CP symmetry violation in the decay of o-Ps are set at the level of 10^-3. The J-PET detector can be used to explore discrete symmetries by looking for probable non-zero expectation values of the symmetry-odd operators, constructed from spin of ortho-Positronium (o-Ps) and momentum, and polarization vectors of gamma quanta resulting from o-Ps annihilation. The upgraded version of the J-PET detector, with an additional fourth layer of detection modules increases signal acceptance, which allows to triple the efficiency of quanta detection for CP discrete symmetry studies.
- Estimation of 511 keV Gamma Scatter Fraction in WLS Layer in Total-Body J-PET; A Simulation StudyK. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 15 (2022) 4-A7Positron emission tomography (PET) is essential in medical diagnostics and monitoring therapy. The J-PET Collaboration at Jagiellonian University is developing a new generation of Total-Body PET scanners based on plastic scintillators. One of the Total-Body J-PET designs comprises seven rings, each consisting of 24 modules. A single module is built of 2 layers, each comprises of 16 axially arranged plastic scintillator strips of 330 mm length, read out by silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays from both ends, and an additional layer of 50 wavelength shifter (WLS) bars, placed perpendicular to plastic layers. This study estimates the scatter fraction of the Total-Body J-PET manufactured from plastic scintillator strips according to the NEMA NU 2-2018 standards by using the GATE software. The scatter phantom was simulated as a solid cylinder with a length of 700 mm and an outside diameter equal to 203 mm. At the same time, at a radial distance of 45 mm, we have a hole with a diameter of 6.4 mm where a linear source with total activity of 1 MBq is placed. For data processing, sinograms were generated, and the Single Slice Rebinning (SSRB) algorithm was used for the scatter fraction calculation. As a result, we estimate that addition of the WLS layer is increasing the scatter fraction by 0.67%.
- The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment: preparation for the first kaonic deuterium measurementL. De Paolis, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, A. Khreptak, P. Levi Sandri, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi. F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal and C. Curceanupublished in: PoS ICHEP2022 (2022) 1003The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aims to perform the first measurement of the kaonic deuterium 2p -> 1s x-ray transitions. The apparatus is presently installed at the interaction region of the DAFNE electron-positron collider at the National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF-INFN), in Italy. Kaonic deuterium and kaonic hydrogen 2p -> 1s x-ray transitions measurements, the latter one already performed by the SIDDHARTA collaboration, allow the determination of antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. A description of the SIDDHARTA-2 apparatus in preparation for the kaonic deuterium measurement is provided in this paper.
- Trigger rejection factor in the first kaonic helium run with the complete SIDDHARTA-2 setupL. De Paolis, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi. F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, C. Yoshida, J. Zmeskal and C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 270 (2022) 00028The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aims to perform the first measurement of the kaonic deuterium 2p -> 1s x-ray transition energy. Such measurement, together with the measurement of kaonic hydrogen 2p -> 1s x-ray energy transition performed by the SIDDHARTA experiment in 2011, allows the determination of kaon proton and kaon neutron scattering lengths and represents a fundamental input for the low energies QCD in the strangeness sector theory. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is presently installed at the DAFNE electronpositron collider at the National Laboratories of Frascati, in Italy. In May 2022, the kaonic 4He x-ray transitions measurement was performed by the complete SIDDHARTA-2 setup, by using a gaseous target. The result of this measurement is presented in this paper, with a specific focus on the background rejection performed by the kaon trigger system.
- Developing a phantom for the positronium imaging evaluationG. Łapkiewicz, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 15 (2022) 4-A4In this contribution, a concept for a new phantom for positronium imaging with PET scanners is described. The proposed phantom is based on the NEMA IEC phantom in which six high-activity spheres are filled with solutions characterized by a different mean ortho-positronium lifetime. A method for controlling ortho-positronium lifetime is discussed along with preliminary results. The XAD4 suspended in various fractions of water was tested as a potential model of a sample with a controlled mean lifetime of ortho-positronium. The mean lifetime of ortho-positronium for six samples was estimated by means of the Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS). Obtained spectra were fitted with the PALS Avalanche analysis program and components corresponding to the ortho-positronium annihilation in the XAD4 pores were established. As a result, the correlations between the lifetime and production intensity of ortho-positronium and the concentration of XAD4 in water were determined.
- Studies of the Linearity and Stability of Silicon Drift Detectors for Kaonic Atoms X-ray SpectroscopyA. Khreptak, C. Amsler, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskal, C. Yoshida, C. Curceanupublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 15 (2022) 4-A1The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at the DAFNE collider aims to perform precision measurements of kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy for the investigation of the antikaon?nucleon strong interaction. To achieve this goal, novel large-area Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) have been developed. These devices have special geometry, field configuration, and readout electronics that ensure excellent performance in terms of linearity and stability. The paper presents preliminary results for the linearity determination and stability monitoring of the SDDs system during the measurement of kaonic deuterium carried out in the summer of 2022.
- Potential of modular J-PET for applications in the field of particle and medical physicsS. Sharma, K. Kacprzak, K. Dulski, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskalpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2374 (2022) 012040Modular J-PET is the new prototype of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph. The portability feature due to its modular design makes it a unique tomograph with a larger axial field of view of 50 cm. The complete ring is composed of 24 modules that can be configured as a diagnostic chamber with a diameter of approximately 76 cm or as a detection setup consisting of several modules for experimental studies where multiple photons are generated in a single event. The J-PET collaboration explicitly studies the decays of the positronium atom (Ps), which is a bound state of electron and positron that self-annihilate into multiple photons. The modular J-PET provides a significant phase space covrage for the registration of photons originating from the decays of Ps atoms. In this paper, we discuss the properties of the modular J-PET and its potential applications in medical and particle physics.
- Positronium and Quantum Entanglement Imaging: A New Trend in Positron Emission TomographyP. Moskalpublished in: 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2022 | DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875524We report on the progress in the development of positronium imaging and quantum entanglement imaging achieved thus far by the J-PET collaboration. Positronium (a bound state of electron and positron) is copiously produced in the human body during positron emission tomography. Its properties depend on the size of the intra-molecular voids and concentration in them of molecules as e.g. molecular oxygen. Therefore, positronium may serve as a biomarker of tissue pathology and hypoxia. Recently, the positronium imaging method was developed and the first positronium images of phantoms comprised of tumor cardiac myxoma and healthy adipose tissues were created by means of the J-PET tomograph. A significant difference in mean positronium lifetime in cardiac myxoma and adipose tissues opens promising perspectives for the application of positronium as a cancer diagnostic indicator. It is also important to note that photons originating from the decay of positronium are quantum entangled in polarisation. Thus, it can be hypothesized that by measuring the degree of entanglement of photons from positronium annihilation, additional information can be obtained about the molecular environment in which the positronium is formed. J-PET is the first PET system enabling the determination of linear polarisation of annihilation photons. The measurements performed with the J-PET detector confirm that the distribution of relative angle between the polarization of 511 keV back-toback photons is consistent with the assumption that these photons are quantum entangled. These results open up prospects for the study of quantum entanglement of photons from positronium annihilation in living organisms.
- Quantum Sensing for Biomedical ApplicationsK. Shimazoe, H. Tomita, D. Watts, P. Moskal, A. Kagawa, P.G. Thirolf, D. Budker, C.S. Levinpublished in: 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2022 | DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875702Quantum technology, such as the quantum computers, has attracted significant attention in recent years. In nuclear medicine, powerful and highly sensitive molecular imaging modalities such as PET (Positron Emission Tomography), SPECT (Single Photon Emission CT) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) provide accurate morphological and functional information. Exploiting certain aspects of quantum mechanics may bring further improvements in sensitivity, spatial resolution and enable novel capabilities in the field of biomedical imaging and sensing. In this workshop, the possibilities of biomedical applications inspired by quantum technology were discussed. The following exciting topics were covered: quantum entanglement in PET, dynamic nuclear polarization toward more sensitive MRI, quantum sensors based on the 229mTh nuclear clock, plans of an advanced high-energy gamma-ray source at CERN, laser-assisted radiation detection, solid-state quantum sensors such as those based on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, quantum sensing using cascade multi photons, and a laser-based radioactive isotope analysis.
- Status and perspectives for low energy kaon-nucleon interaction studies at DAFNE: from SIDDHARTA to SIDDHARTA-2F. Sirghi, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskalpublished in: PoS PANIC2021 (2022) 200The study of the antikaon nucleon system at very low energies plays a key role for the understanding of the strong interaction between hadrons in the strangeness sector. The information provided by the low energy kaon- nucleon interaction is accessible through the study of kaonic atoms. The lightest atomic systems, namely the kaonic hydrogen and the kaonic deuterium, provide the isospin dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths by measuring the X-rays emitted during their de-excitation to the 1s level. Until now, the most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement and an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium were carried out at the DA?NE collider by the SIDDHARTA collaboration, combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the collider with new experimental techniques, as fast and very precise X-ray detectors, like the Silicon Drift Detectors. Today, the most important experimental information missing in the field of the lowenergy antikaon-nucleon interactions is the experimental determination of the hadronic energy shift and width of kaonic deuterium, and will be measured by the new SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, which is installed in DA?NE and is ready to start the data taking campaign.
- Introduction of the DOI capable Total-Body J-PET, a simulation studyMeysam Dadgar, Szymon Parzych, Faranak Tayefi Ardebili, Paweł Moskal and Stefaan Vandenberghepublished in: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2022, 63 (supplement 2) 3316;
- Introduction of the DOI capable Total-Body J-PET, a simulation studyM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, F. Tayefi, P. Moskal, S. Vandenberghepublished in: Journal of Nuclear Medicine June 2022, 63 (supplement 2) 3316Positron Emission Tomography PET plays a fundamental role in medical diagnosis and oncological research. Due to exceptional performance of PET scanners and continuous advancement, their clinical availability is spreading [1]. The development of Total-Body PET technology is one of the most recent trends in the medical imaging field. Having large axial field of view (AFOV), they provide greater detection area and therefore an increased sensitivity [2]. Nevertheless, alongside many advantages over traditional PET tomographs they are more susceptible to the parallax error, which causes degradation of axial resolution. This is caused by the contribution of most oblique lines of response (LORs) in the acquired data. To overcome this problem the application of a cut ? angular acceptance criterion ? over such LORs has been recommended. Nonetheless, it causes a significant loss of scanner?s sensitivity [3].Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) collaboration from Krakow, Poland is currently developing novel PET tomographs based on the organic, plastic scintillators [4, 1]. Such unique design allows not only for the introduction of cost efficient Total-Body system, but also is able to solve challenges connected with such tomographs. The main aim of this study is to present a novel solution to overcoming the aforementioned problem of degradation in axial resolution in Total-Body scanners by introducing DOI capable detectors based on the J-PET technology.
- High precision Kaonic Deuterium measurement at the DAFNE collider: theSIDDHARTA-2 experiment and the SIDDHARTINO runM. Miliucci, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi , M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. T ?uchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskalpublished in: Suplemento de la Revista Mexicana de Fisica 30308081 (2022) 1The kaonic deuterium 2p?1s transition X-ray measurement, a fundamental information needed for a deeper understanding of the QuantumChromoDynamics (QCD) in the strangeness sector, is still missing. The SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration is now ready to achieve this unprece-dented result thanks to the dedicated experimental apparatus that will allow to obtain the values of the kaonic deuterium K-transitions witha precision comparable to the most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to-date performed by SIDDHARTA in 2009. Both the kaonichydrogen and kaonic deuterium X-ray spectroscopy measurements of the de-excitation towards the fundamental level are a direct probe onKN interaction at threshold, as opposed to the scattering experiments which need an extrapolation to zero energy. Combining these resultsthrough the Deser-Truemann like formula, the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths can be obtained in a model-independentway. The SIDDHARTA-2 setup is presently installed at the DAFNE (Double Annular Phi Factory for Nice Experiments) collider of IstitutoNazionale di Fisica Nucleare- Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and it is ready to perform the challenging kaonic deuterium measurement. Thispaper provides an overview on the SIDDHARTA-2 experimental apparatus and a preliminary result of the kaonic helium run, preparatory forthe SIDDHARTA-2 data taking campaign, is also presented.
- Main Features of the SIDDHARTA-2 Apparatus for Kaonic Deuterium X-Ray MeasurementsM. Tüchler, F. Sirghi, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, G. Deda, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. King, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedzwiecki, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 262 (2022) 01016The low-energy, non-perturbative regime of QCD can be studied directly by X-ray spectroscopy of light kaonic atoms. The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment, located at the DAFNE collider, aims to measure the 2p -> 1s transition in kaonic deuterium for the first time to extract the antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. This measurement is impeded, inter alia, by the low K?d X-ray yield. Hence, several updates have been implemented on the apparatus to increase the signal-to-background ratio, which are discussed in detail in this paper: a lightweight gas target cell, novel Silicon Drift Detectors for the X-ray detection with excellent performance, and a veto system for active background suppression. The experiment has undergone a first preparatory run during DAFNE?s commissioning phase in 2021, concluding with a successful kaonic helium measurement.
- Low energy kaon-nuclei interaction studies at DAFNEK. Piscicchia, M. Cargnelli, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Scordo, D. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal, P. Branchini, E. Czerwinski, V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, A. Di Cicco, E. Diociaiuti, P. Fermani, S. Fiore, M. Martini, E. Perez Del Rio, A. Selce, M. Silarski, C. Curceanupublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 262 (2022) 01006The aim of the AMADEUS experiment is to investigate the lowenergy antikaon interaction with nucleons and nuclei, exploiting the unique lowmomentum beam of kaons produced by the DAFNE collider at LNF-INFN, to constrain hadronic nuclear physics models in the strangeness -1 sector. As a first step the data collected in 2004/2005 by the KLOE collaboration, consisting in a complex of K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, was analyzed, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopic study with very low momentum (about 100 MeV) in-flight K- captures. A dedicated pure Carbon target was also implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic reference sample of pure at-rest K- nuclear interaction. The first measurement of the non-resonant transition amplitude at MeV below the threshold is presented, in relation with the Lambda(1405) properties studies.
- From tests of discrete symmetries to medical imaging with J-PET detectorP. Moskal, J. Baran, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, J. Gajewski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, B.C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, K. Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, H. Karimi, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, D. Kumar, S. Niedźwiecki, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, A. Ruciński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R.Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, E.Ł. Stępień, M. Szczepanek, F. Tayefi, W. Wiślickipublished in: PoS PANIC2021 (2022) 033We present results on CPT symmetry tests in decays of positronium performed with the precision at the level of 10?4, and positronium images determined with the prototype of the J-PET tomograph. The first full-scale prototype apparatus consists of 192 plastic scintillator strips readout from both ends with vacuum tube photomultipliers. Signals produced by photomultipliers are probed in the amplitude domain and are digitized by FPGA-based readout boards in triggerless mode. In this contribution we report on the first two- and three-photon positronium images and tests of CPT symmetry in positronium decays.
- Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAFNE collider: the SIDDHARTA-2 experimentCatalina Curceanu, Marco Miliucci, Massimiliano Bazzi, Damir Bosnar, Mario Bragadireanu, Marco Carminati, Michael Cargnelli, Alberto Clozza, Griseld Deda, Luca De Paolis, Raffaele Del Grande, Carlo Fiorini, Carlo Guaraldo, Mihail Iliescu, Masahiko Iwasaki, Pietro King, Paolo Levi Sandri, Johann Marton, Paweł Moskal, Fabrizio Napolitano, Szymon Niedźwiecki, Kristian Piscicchia, Alessandro Scordo, Francesco Sgaramella, Hexi Shi, Michał Silarski, Diana Sirghi, Florin Sirghi, Magdalena Skurzok, Antonio Spallone, Marlene Tüchler, Oton Vazquez Doce, Johann Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 258 (2022) 07006The X-ray spectroscopy measurements of light kaonic atoms? deexcitation towards the fundamental level provide unique information on the low-energy Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) in the strangeness sector, being a direct probe of the kaon/nucleon interaction at threshold, unobtainable through the scattering experiments. In this framework, the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration is going to perform the first kaonic deuterium 2p -> 1s transition measurement at the DAFNE collider of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. Combining this measurement with the kaonic hydrogen one performed by SIDDHARTA in 2009 it will be possible to obtain, in a model-independent way, the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The paper introduces the SIDDHARTA-2 setup, an upgraded version with respect to the one used for the kaonic hydrogen measurement, dedicated to the ambitious kaonic deuterium measurement, together with the preliminary results obtained during the kaonic helium run, preparatory for the SIDDHARTA-2 data taking campaign.
- Positronium life-time as a new approach for cardiac masses imagingE. Stępień E. Kubicz, G. Grudzień, K. Dulski, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskalpublished in: European Heart Journal, Vol. 42, Supp.1, (2021) 3279
- Probing low-energy QCD with kaonic atoms at DAFNEM. Tuchler, J. Zmeskal, A. Amirkhani, C. Amsler, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. A. Bragadireanu, P. Buhler, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce and E. Widmannpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012182X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms provides a versatile tool to study the strong interaction at low energies via a direct observation of its influence on the ground state of kaonic hydrogen atoms. The SIDDHARTA experiment provided precise results on the energy shift and width of the kaonic hydrogen 1s state induced by the strong interaction. To enable the extraction of the antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths a0 and a1, SIDDHARTA-2 aims to determine the energy shift and width in kaonic deuterium with precisions of 30 eV and 75 eV, respectively. This measurement is aggravated by the low kaonic deuterium X-ray yield and a high background environment and will only be possible by implementing a severe upgrade on the SIDDHARTA apparatus.
- Search for eta'-mesic nuclei using (p, d) reaction with FRS/Super-FRS at GSI/FAIRY. K. Tanaka, S. Bagchi, J. Benlliure, T. Dickel, V. Drozd, H. Ekawa, H. Fujioka, H. Geissel, F. Goldenbaum, C. Guo, E. Haettner, M. N. Harakeh, R.S. Hayano, S. Hirenzaki, C. Hornung, Y. Igarashi, N. Ikeno, K. Itahashi, M. Iwasaki, D. Jido, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, R. Kanungo, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, D. Kostyleva, N. Kurz, N. Kuzminchuk, B. Lommel, Y. Ma, S. Y. Matsumoto, V. Metag, S. Minami, P. Moskal, I. Mukha, T. Nagae, H. Nagahiro, M. Nakagawa, H. J. Ong, H. Outa, S. Pietri, W. R. Plass, A. Prochazka, S. Purushothaman, C. Rappold, J. Ritman, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, R. Ruber, O. Rundel, T. R. Saito, C. Scheidenberger, R. Sekiya, V. Serdyuk, H. Simon, B. Sitar, M. Skurzok, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, H. Weick, A. Yamamoto and J. Zhaopublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012181We plan a semi-exclusive measurement of the 12 C (p, dp) reaction to search for eta'-mesic nuclei, aiming at investigating in-medium properties of the eta'-meson. We employ a 2.5 GeV proton beam impinging on a carbon target to produce eta'-mesic 11 C nuclei via the 12 C (p, d) eta' 11 C reaction. Using coincidence measurements of the forward going deuterons, important for missing-mass spectroscopy, and decay protons emitted from the eta'-mesic nuclei. for event selection will provide a high experimental sensitivity to observe eta'-mesic nuclei. We will perform the measurements by combining the WASA detector system with the fragment separator FRS at GSI and also with the Super-FRS at FAIR in the future. The plan of the experiments and the present status are reported.
- Studies of K--nuclei interactions at low-energies by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, M. Bazzi, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci , P. Moskal, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech , J. Zmeskalpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012081The AMADEUS collaboration is providing unique experimental information on the low-energy strong interaction between K- and nucleons exploiting the low momentum K- (pK ~ 127 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider and using the KLOE detector as active target. The absorption of the K- in light nuclei (H, 4He, 9Be and 12C) are investigated and hyperon-pion/hyperon-nucleons, emitted in the final state, are reconstructed. In the present work the results obtained from the study of Lambda pi-, Lambda p and Lambda t correlated production will be presented.
- Analysis of the pd->pdpi0 Reaction Measured with WASA-at-COSY Facility in Order to Search for eta-mesic HeliumA. Khreptak, M. Skurzok, O. Rundel, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 13 (2020) 835-840In this report, we briefly present the preliminary results of the search for 3He-eta bound system in pd->p d pi0 reaction.
- Recent AMADEUS Studies of Low-Energy K--Nucleus/Nuclei InteractionsM. Skurzok, M. Bazzi, M. A. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. Laura Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: Springer Proc. Phys. 250 (2020) 403-407We briefly report the recent results obtained by the AMADEUS collaboration on experimental studies of the K- low-energy interactions with light nuclei and outline the future perspectives.
- Low-energy Kaon Nucleon/Nuclei Studies at DAFNE: the SIDDHARTA-2 ExperimentM. Miliucci, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, J. Zmeskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Suppl. 14 (2021) 49The experimental studies of light kaonic atoms offer the unique opportunity to investigate the kaon-nucleus interaction at threshold, performing experiments equivalent to scattering at vanishing relative energies without the need of an extrapolation. In this framework, the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment is going to perform the first measurement of kaonic deuterium 2p->1s transition, which is fundamental to extract the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The setup was installed on the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN in spring 2019 and is presently in optimization phase. The SIDDHARTA-2 data taking campaign for the kaonic deuterium is planned in 2020-2021.
- Studies of kaonic atoms at the DAFNE collider: from SIDDHARTA to SIDDHARTA-2D. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Carminati, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, D.Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tüchler, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1526 (2020) 012023The DA?NE electron-positron collider of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN is a worldwide unique low-energy kaon source and for this reason is suitable for low-energy kaon physics like kaonic atoms and kaon-nucleons/nuclei interaction studies. Kaonic atoms are atomic systems where an electron is replaced by a negatively charged kaon, containing the strange quark, which interacts in the lowest orbits with the nucleus also by the strong interaction. As a result, their study offers the unique opportunity to perform experiments equivalent to scattering at vanishing relative energy. This allows to study the strong interaction between the antikaon and the nucleon or the nucleus at threshold, without the need of ad hoc extrapolation to zero energy, as in scattering experiments. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium, were carried out by the SIDDHARTA collaboration at the DA?NE electron-positron collider of LNF-INFN, by combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the collider with new experimental techniques, as fast and precise Silicon-Drift X-ray Detectors. The measurement of kaonic deuterium will be realized in the near future by SIDDHARTA-2, a major upgrade of SIDDHARTA.
- Studies of low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, M. Bazzi, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D .L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech and J. Zmeskalpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1526 (2020) 012024The AMADEUS collaboration aims to provide precise experimental information on the K- strong interaction with nucleons in the low-energy regime. The step 0 of AMADEUS consists of the re-analysis of the data collected with the KLOE detector at the DA?NE collider during the 2004/2005 data taking campaign. The absorptions of low-momentum K?s in the nuclei contained in the detector and the beam pipe setup (H,4He,9Be and12C) are investigated. Information on the K- single and multi-nucleon interactions are extracted from the study of the Lambda-pi- and p correlated production in the final state.
- Positronium ImagingP. Moskalpublished in: 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2019 | DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059856During the positron emission tomography about 40% of positrons annihilations occur through the creation of positronium which may be trapped within and between molecules. Positronium decays in the patient body are sensitive to the nanostructure and metabolism of the tissues. This phenomenon is not used in the present PET diagnostics, yet it is in principle possible to use environment modified properties of positronium as diagnostic biomarkers for cancer therapy. First in-vitro studies show differences of positronium mean lifetime and production probability in the healthy and cancerous tissues, indicating that they may be used as indicators for in-vivo cancer classification. Here we present a method of positronium lifetime imaging in which the lifetime and position of positronium atoms is determined on an event-by-event basis. The method requires application of beta+ decaying isotope emitting prompt gamma (e.g. 44 Sc). We discuss the possibility of determining the time and position of positronium annihilation from the back-to-back photons originating from the interaction of positronium with the surrounding atoms and bio-active molecules. The prompt gamma is used for the determination of the time of the formation of positronium. We estimate that with the total-body PET scanners the sensitivity of the positronium lifetime imaging, which requires coincident registration of the back-to-back annihilation photons and the prompt gamma is comparable to the sensitivities for the metabolic imaging with standard PET scanners.
- Study of Three-Nucleon Dynamics in the dp breakup collisions using the WASA detectorP. Adlarson, ..., E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, I. Schätti-Ozerianska, M. Skurzok, M.J. Zieliński, et al.published in: Springer Proc. Phys. 238 (2020) 455Differential cross section for the 1H(d,pp)n breakup reaction at deuteron beam energy of 340 MeV has been measured with the use of WASA detector at COSY-Juelich. The set of proton-proton coincidences registered at Forward Detector has been analysed on dense grid of kinematic variables, giving in total around 5600 data points. The cross section data are compared to theoretical predictions based on the state-of-the-art nucleon-nucleon potentials, combined with three-nucleon force, Coulomb interaction or carried out in a relativistic regime.
- Low-Energy K- Nucleon/Multi-nucleon Interaction Studies by AMADEUSM. Skurzok, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: Springer Proc.Phys. 238 (2020) 937-941The AMADEUS collaboration aims to provide new experimental constraints to the K- N strong interaction in the regime of non-perturbative QCD, exploiting low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei (e.g. H, 4 He, 9 Be and 12 C). The low-momentum kaons ( p K -- 127 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider are ideal to explore both stopped and in-flight K- nuclear captures. The KLOE detector is used as an active target, allowing to achieve excellent acceptance and resolutions for the data. In this work the results obtained from the study of Lambda pi- and Lambda p correlated production in the final state are presented.
- Kaonic Deuterium Precision Measurement at DAFNE: The SIDDHARTA-2 ExperimentM. Miliucci, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Dawood Butt, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, P. Moskal, S. Nied ? wiecki, z S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann and J. Zmeskalpublished in: Springer Proc. Phys. 238 (2020) 965Light kaonic atoms spectroscopy offers the unique opportunity to perform experiments equivalent to scattering at vanishing relative energies. This allows the determination of the antikaon-nucleus interaction at threshold, without the need of extrapolation to zero energy, as in the case of scattering experiments. In this framework, the SIDDHARTA-2 collaboration aims to perform the first measurement of kaonic deuterium transition to the fundamental level, which is mandatory to extract the isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The experiment will be carried out at the DA?NE collider of LNF-INFN in 2019-2020.
- Search for the exotic nuclear matter with WASA-at-COSYP. Moskalpublished in: DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 63 (2018) 27-28
- Studies of J-PET detector to monitor range uncertainty in proton therapyJ. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, P. Moskal, A. Ruciński on behalf of the J-PET Collaborationpublished in: 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2019 | DOI: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059793A problem of range uncertainty is currently one the most challenging in proton radiotherapy. To tackle that issue, the new, affordable, modular, lightweight, portable and reconfigurable technology of plastic scintillator based positron emission tomography was investigated. Monte Carlo simulation study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of the J-PET technology for proton beam range monitoring. Various configurations (single-layer, multi-layer, full ring, dual-head) were considered. 3D PET images were reconstructed using open-source CASToR software and the expected detector signal, as a function of detector acceptance and efficiency, was estimated. A relationship between the dose and activity profiles was investigated. Experimental validation of the presented results is currently under the preparation.
- Low-energy K- Hadronic Interactions with Light Nuclei by AMADEUSM. Skurzok, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: JPS Conf. Proc. 26 (2019) 023011The AMADEUS collaboration aims to provide new experimental constraints to the K- N strong inter- action in the regime of non-perturbative QCD, exploiting low-energy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclei (e.g. H, 4He, 9Be and 12C). The low-momentum kaons (pK ~127 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider are ideal to explore both stopped and in-flight K- nuclear captures. The KLOE detector is used as an active target, allowing to achieve excellent acceptance and resolutions for the data. In this work the results obtained from the study of Lambda pi- and Lambda p correlated production in the final state are presented.
- Probing Strong Interaction with SIDDHARTA-2J. Zmeskal, A. Scordo, A. Amirkhani, C. Amsler, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, M. Tuechler, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmannpublished in: JPS Conf. Proc. 26 (2019) 023012The antikaon-nucleon interaction close to threshold provides crucial information on the interplay between spontaneous and explicit chiral symmetry breaking in low-energy QCD involving strangeness. The unique feature of DAFNE, namely the production of low-energy kaons, has led to a series of successfully conducted experiments with light kaonic atoms like SIDDHARTA, where the most precise value for the antikaon-proton scattering length was determined. Kaonic deuterium X-ray spectroscopy is still missing and with SIDDHARTA-2 the ground state 1s-level shift and width should be measured with a precision of 30 eV and 75 eV, respectively.
- Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAFNE ColliderD. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, J. Martona, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: PoS Confinement 2018 (2019) 215The DAFNE electron-positron collider of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN is a worldwide unique low-energy kaon source, which is being used to produce and to study kaonic atoms by the SIDDHARTA collaboration. The X-ray measurements of kaonic atoms play an important role for understanding the low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector. Significant achievements have been obtained by the SIDDHARTA experiment, among which: the most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement of the 1s level shift and width induced by the presence of the strong interaction; an upper limit of the X-ray yield for kaonic deuterium K-series; the accurate measurement of the 2p level shift and width of kaonic helium-4 and kaonic helium-3; yields of various light kaonic atoms transitions. Using the experience gained with SIDDHARTA experiment, the first kaonic deuterium measurement is in preparation in the framework of the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment with the goal to determine the antikaon-nucleon isospin dependent scattering lengths, which is possible only by combining the K-p and the upcoming K-d results. An overview of the experimental results of SIDDHARTA and an outlook to SIDDHARTA-2 experiments are given in this paper.
- Towards total-body modular PET for positronium and quantum entanglement imagingP. Moskalpublished in: 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2018 | DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824622The purpose of the reported research is (i) the elaboration of the new imaging method based on the in-vivo measurement of properties of positronium produced inside patient during positron emission tomography, and determination of correlations between properties of positronium inside the cancer tissues and histopathological characteristics of cancers, as well as (ii) exploration of possibilities of the determination of the linear polarization of annihilation photons and development of novel prognostic indicators for cancer diagnostics based on the quantum information from (multipartite) entanglement of photons originating from the positronium decay.During PET diagnosis positronium may be trapped inside free volumes between and within molecules of the examined patient. Currently, in the PET technique, the phenomenon of positronium production is neither recorded nor used for imaging. Yet in about 40% cases, the electron-positron annihilation proceeds in the tissue via creation of positronium. The properties of positronium (such as e.g. mean lifetime or ratio of decay rates into two and three photons) depend on the size of the free volumes between atoms and there are indications that they are correlated with the stage of the development of metabolic disorders of the human tissues. Therefore, an image of properties of positronium formed inside the human body may deliver new information complementary to SUV index and useful for the diagnosis.Moreover, recent theoretical studies have proven that the entanglement in the three-photon state from the decay of ortho-positronium survives surprisingly also for mixed scenarios expected in human tissues. Hence, detecting entanglement of photons originating from positronium may enable the extraction of quantum properties of the surrounding tissue environment.We discuss (i) results of the feasibility studies of the positronium mean-lifetime image reconstruction with the total-body PET scanner from plastic scintillators, as well as (ii) results of pilot studies of the mean lifetime of positronium in the healthy and tumorous tissues operated from the patients. Performed experiments show that properties of positronium atoms in uterine tissues operated from human patients reveals meaningful differences between healthy and tumorous tissues. We also discuss results of the feasibility studies of the polarization of annihilation photons with the J-PET tomograph in which annihilation photons interact predominantly via Compton scattering. Registration of both primary and scattered photons enables to determinate the linear polarization of the primary photon on the event by event basis and hence enables to witness the entanglement of annihilation photons in polarization based on Mutually Unbiased Bases. The performed simulations indicate that in the future with the total-body PET and improved time resolution it shall be feasible to reconstruct images of positronium properties in-vivo during the routine PET diagnosis.
- Plastic scintillator based PET detector technique for proton therapy range monitoring: A Monte Carlo studyA. Rucinski, J. Baran, M. Garbacz, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, P. Moskalpublished in: 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), IEEE Xplore 2018 | DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824654Currently a positron emission tomography (PET) based on novel, cutting-edge technology is developed by the Jagiellonian-PET (J-PET) collaboration. In this contribution, the principle of plastic scintillator based detector system, J-PET and the investigation of its feasibility for proton beam therapy range monitoring will be presented. Results of Monte Carlo simulation studies aiming at the characterization of secondary radiation induced by a proton beam in a PMMA phantom and detected by the J-PET scanner will be shown. Accounting for detector acceptance and PET-gamma detection efficiency in the plastics the diagnostic J-PET scanner can acquire 1.7×10?5 PET gammas per primary proton. The J-PET detector configurations and signal acquisition during and after the therapy is discussed.
- Kaonic Atoms Measurement at DAFNE: SIDDHARTA and SIDDHARTA-2L. De Paolis, D. Sirghi, A. Amirkhani, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Dawood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, H. Shi, M. Silarski, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann and J. Zmeskalpublished in: Springer Proc. Phys. 225 (2019) 191-195Light kaonic atoms studies provide the unique opportunity to perform experiments equivalent to scattering at threshold, being their atomic binding energies in the keV range. High precision atomic X-rays spectroscopy ensures that the energy shift and broadening of the lowest-lying states of the kaonic atoms, induced by the strong interaction between the kaon and nucleus, can be detected. Kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium are the lightest atomic systems and their study deliver the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The SIDDHARTA collaboration was able to perform the most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium. The measurement of the kaonic deuterium will be realized in the near future by a major upgrade of SIDDHARTA: SIDDHARTA-2. In this paper an overview of the main results obtained by SIDDHARTA together with the future plans are presented.
- Low energy antikaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia, M. Bazzi, G. Belloti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. D. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 2130 (2019) 020021The AMADEUS experiment at the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN deals with the investigation of the at-rest, or low-momentum, K-interactions in light nuclear targets, with the aim to constrain the low energy QCD models in the strangeness sector. The 0 step of the experiment consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K-absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopic study with very low momentum (about 100 MeV) in-flight K- captures. With AMADEUS step 1 a dedicated pure Carbon target was implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest K- nuclear interaction. The first measurement of the non-resonant transition amplitude |A K- n->Lambda pi- | at sqrt(s)=33 MeV below the K?N threshold is presented, in relation with the Lambda(1405) properties studies. The analysis procedure adopted in the search for K-multi-nucleon absorption cross sections and Branching Ratios will be also described.
- Plastic-scintillator based PET detector for proton beam therapy range monitoring: preliminary studyA. Rucinski, J. Baran, M. Garbacz, M. Pawlik-Niedzwiecka, P. Moskalpublished in: Radiotherapy and Oncology 133 (2019) S246-S247The new ADAM?s tool demonstrates suitable performances to test, in realistic patient-like conditions, tracking systems based on soft tissue detection.
- Low Energy Antikaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia, M. Bazzi, G. Belloti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. D. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 199 (2019) 01014The AMADEUS experiment at the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN deals with the investigation of the at-rest, or low-momentum, K- interactions in light nuclear targets, with the aim to constrain the low energy QCD models in the strangeness sector. The 0 step of the experiment consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopic study with very low momentum (about 100 MeV) in-flight K- captures. With AMADEUS step 1 a dedicated pure Carbon target was implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest K- nuclear interaction. The first measurement of the non-resonant transition amplitude at below the K?N threshold is presented, in relation with the Lambda(1405) properties studies. The analysis procedure adopted in the serarch for K- multi-nucleon absorption cross sections and Branching Ratios will be also described.
- Lambdap correlated production from low energy K- 12C interactions by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, M. Bazzi, G. Belloti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. D. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Ramos, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 199 (2019) 03010The main steps for the analysis of the Lambdap correlated production in low-energy K- captures on Carbon nuclei, performed by the AMADEUS collaboration, are presented. The goal is to perform the first comprehensive study of the K- absorption on two, three and four nucleons, exploiting the lowmomentum K-s (pK ~ 127 MeV/c) produced at the DAFNE collider, and to measure the low-energy cross sections and branching ratios of the K- multinucleon absorption processes in both the Lambdap and Sigma0p channels. An integrated luminosity of 1.74 fb-1 collected during the KLOE 2004/2005 data campaign is analysed by reconstructing the Lambdap final state.
- Spectroscopy of kaonic atoms at DAFNE and J-PARCJ. Marton, A. Amirkhan, A. Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Dawood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedźwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 199 (2019) 03004The interaction of antikaons (K-) with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents a very active research field in hadron physics. A unique and rather direct experimental access to the antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths is provided by precision X-ray spectroscopy of transitions in low-lying states in the lightest kaonic atoms (i.e. kaonic hydrogen and deuterium). In the SIDDHARTA experiment at the electron-positron collider DAFNE of LNFINFN we measured the most precise values of the strong interaction observables in conic hydrogen. The strong interaction on the 1s ground state of the electromagnetically bound K-p atom causes an energy shift and broadening of the 1s state. SIDDHARTA will extend the spectroscopy to kaonic deuterium to get access to the antikaon-neutron interaction and thus the isospin dependent scattering lengths. At J-PARC a kaon beam is used in a complementary experiment with a different setup for spectroscopy of kaonic deuterium atoms. The talk will give an overview of the of the upcoming experiments SIDDHARTA and the complementary experiment at J-PARC.Furthermore, the implications of the experiments for the theory of low-energy strong interaction with strangeness will be discussed.
- Drift chamber calibration and particle identification in the P-349 experimentD. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 199 (2019) 05017The goal of the P-349 experiment is to test whether 3.5 GeV/c antiprotons produced in high-energy proton-proton collisions are polarized in view of the preparation of a polarized antiproton beam. In this article, we present the details of the ongoing analysis focused on the drift chambers calibration and particle identification with DIRC.
- Polarization analysis of antiprotons produced in pA collisionsD. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 199 (2019) 05013A quite simple procedure for the generation of a polarized antiproton beam could be worked out if antiprotons are produced with some polarization. In order to investigate this possibility measurements of the polarization of produced antiprotons have been started at a CERN/PS test beam. The polarization will be determined from the asymmetry of the elastic antiproton scattering at a liquid hydrogen target in the CNI region for which the analyzing power is well known. The data are under analysis and an additional measurement is done in 2018. Details on the experiment and the ongoing data analysis will be given.
- A charged particle veto detector for kaonic deuterium measurements at DAFNEM. Tüchler, J. Zmeskal, A. Amirkhani, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, A.M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Dawood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R.S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P.Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmannpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1138 no.1 (2018) 012012The antikaon-nucleon interaction close to threshold provides crucial information on the interplay between spontaneous and explicit chiral symmetry breaking in low-energy QCD. In this context, the importance of kaonic deuterium x-ray spectroscopy has been well recognized, but no experimental results have yet been obtained due to the difficulty of the measurement. To measure the shift and width of the kaonic deuterium 1s state with an accuracy of 30 eV and 75 eV, respectively, an apparatus is under construction at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. A detailed Monte Carlo simulation has shown that an increase of the signal to background ratio by a factor of ten will be required compared to the successfully performed kaonic hydrogen measurement (SIDDHARTA). Three pillars are essential for the newly developed experimental apparatus: a large area x-ray detector system (consisting of Silicon Drift Detectors), a lightweight cryogenic target system and a veto system, consisting of an outer veto detector (Veto-1) for active shielding and an inner veto detector (Veto-2) for charged particle suppression. For both veto systems, an excellent time resolution is required to distinguish kaons stopping in gas from direct kaon stops in the entrance window or side wall of the target. First test measurements on the Veto-2 system were performed. An average time resolution of (54 +- 2) ps and detection efficiencies of ~ 99 % were achieved.
- The kaonic atoms research program at DAFNE: overview and perspectivesC. Curceanu, A. Amirkhani, A Baniahmad, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, A.M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Dawood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P.Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Niedzwiecki, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1138 no. 1 (2018) 012011The interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms is, in this context, a unique tool to obtain precise information on this interaction. The energy shift and broadening of the lowest-lying states of such atoms, induced by the kaon-nucleus strong interaction, can be determined with high precision from atomic X-ray spectroscopy. This experimental method provides unique information to understand the low energy kaon-nucleus interaction at threshold. The lightest atomic systems, kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium, deliver the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium, were carried out by the SIDDHARTA collaboration at the DAFNE electron-positron collider of LNF-INFN, by combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the collider with new experimental techniques, as fast and precise X-ray detectors: Silicon Drift Detectors. The measurement of kaonic deuterium will be realized in the near future by SIDDHARTA-2, a major upgrade of SIDDHARTA. In this paper an overview of the main results obtained by SIDDHARTA together with the future plans, are given.
- A New Silicon Drift Detector System for Kaonic Atom MeasurementsC. Trippl, ..., R. Del Grande, ..., P. Moskal, ...published in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1138 no.1 (2018) 012013The kaonic deuterium measurement at J-PARC and DAFNE will provide a piece of information still missing to the antikaon-nucleon interaction close to threshold, providing valuable information to answer one of the most fundamental problems in hadron physics today - to the yet unsolved puzzle of how the hadron mass is generated. For this a new X-ray detector system has been developed to measure the shift and width of the 2p -> 1s transition of kaonic deuterium with a precision of 60 eV and 140 eV, respectively.
- Low Energy Antikaon-Nucleon/Nuclei Interaction Studies by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, J. Marton, P. Moskal, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, I. Tucakovic, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 11 (2018) 609-616The AMADEUS experiment at the DAFNE collider of LNF-INFN deals with the investigation of the at-rest, or low-momentum, K- interactions in light nuclear targets, with the aim to constrain the low energy QCD models in the strangeness sector. The 0 step of the experiment consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopic study with very low momentum (about 100 MeV) in-flight K- captures. With AMADEUS step 1 a dedicated pure Carbon target was implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest K- nuclear interaction. The first measurement of the non-resonant transition amplitude |AK-n->Lambda pi-| at ?s = 33 MeV below the KN threshold is presented, in relation with the Lambda(1405) properties studies.
- The kaonic atoms research program at DAFNE: from SIDDHARTA to SIDDHARTA-2A. Scordo, A. Amirkhani, M. Bazzi, G. Bellotti, C. Berucci, D. Bosnar, A.M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, A. Daewood Butt, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R.S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, H. Tatsuno, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 181 (2018) 01004The interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms, in which one electron is replaced by a negatively charged kaon, is a unique tool to provide precise information on this interaction; the energy shift and the broadening of the low-lying states of such atoms, induced by the kaon-nucleus hadronic interaction, can be determined with high precision from the atomic X-ray spectroscopy, and this experimental method provides unique information to understand the low energy kaon-nucleus interaction at the production threshold. The lightest atomic systems, like the kaonic hydrogen and the kaonic deuterium deliver, in a model-independent way, the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to-date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium, were carried out in 2009 by the SIDDHARTA collaboration at the DA?NE electron-positron collider of LNF-INFN, combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the collider with new experimental techniques, as fast and very precise X-ray detectors, like the Silicon Drift Detectors. The SIDDHARTA results triggered new theoretical work, which achieved major progress in the understanding of the low-energy strong interaction with strangeness reflected by the antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths calculated with the antikaon-proton amplitudes constrained by the SIDDHARTA data. The most important open question is the experimental determination of the hadronic energy shift and width of kaonic deuterium; presently, a major upgrade of the setup, SIDDHARTA-2, is being realized to reach this goal. In this paper, the results obtained in 2009 and the proposed SIDDHARTA-2 upgrades are presented.
- Studies of low-energy K- nuclear interactions by AMADEUSR. Del Grande, M. Bazzi, G. Belloti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. D. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. S. Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone,O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 182 (2018) 02035The goal of the AMADEUS experiment is to shed light on unsolved fundamental issues in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector through the study of lowenergy K- hadronic interactions with light nuclear targets. The main open questions are the controversial nature of the Delta(1405) state, which is investigated in hyperon-pion correlation studies, and the possible existence of exotic antikaon multi-nucleon clusters, whose search in K- induced reactions is intimately related to the studies of the K- multi-nucleon absorption processes in hyperon-nucleon/nucleus channels. The DAFNE collider at the INFN-LNF provides unique monochromatic low-momentum kaons from the ? meson decay almost at-rest, suitable for the AMADEUS studies. The KLOE detector is exploited as an active target, in order to obtain excellent acceptance and resolution data for K- nuclear capture on H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, both at-rest and in-flight.
- Low energy interaction studies of negative kaons in light nuclear targets by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia, M. Bazzi, G. Belotti, A. M. Bragadireanu, D. Bosnar, A. D. Butt, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. De Paolis, L. Fabbietti, C. Fiorini, F. Ghio, C. Guaraldo, R. S Hayano, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, P. Levi Sandri, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, S. Okada, D. Pietreanu, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 181 (2018) 01005The AMADEUS collaboration is performing experimental investigations in the sector of the low energy strangeness hadron physics by taking advantage of the DAFNE collider, which provides a unique source of monochromatic low-momentum kaons and exploiting the KLOE detector as an active target. The K- single and multi-nuclear absorption on H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, both at-rest and in-flight, are studied with the aim to determine the nature of the controversial Lambda(1405), the non-resonant hyperon pion formation amplitude below the K?N threshold, the yield and cross sections of K- multi-nucleon absorptions intimately connected to the antikaon multi-nucleon clusters properties and the K- scattering cross sections on light nuclear targets. These studies have a strong impact on the non-perturbative strangeness QCD with implications ranging from nuclear physics to the equation of state of neutron stars.
- Studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atomsE. Czerwiński, C. Curceanu, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, M. Gorgol, A. Heczko, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kisielewska, G. Korcyl, B. Korzeniak, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, W. Migdał, M. Mohammed, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, J. Raj, Z. Rudy, S. Sharma, S. Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Silarski, M. Skurzok, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński and P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 181 (2018) 01019A positronium - a bound state of electron and positron - is an eigenstate of parity and charge conjugation operators which decays into photons. It is a unique laboratory to study discrete symmetries whose precision is limited, in principle, by the effects due to the weak interactions expected at the level of 10?14 and photon-photon interactions expected at the level of 10-9. The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is a detector for medical imaging as well as for physics studies involving detection of electronpositron annihilation into photons. The physics case covers the areas of discrete symmetries studies and genuine multipartite entanglement. The J-PET detector has high angular and time resolution and allows for determination of spin of the positronium and the momenta and polarization vectors of annihilation quanta. In this article, we present the potential of the J-PET system for studies of discrete symmetries in decays of positronium atoms.
- Luminosity determination for the proton-deuteron reaction using pd -> 3He eta channel with WASA-at-COSY detectorM. Skurzok, O. Rundel, A. Khreptak, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 181 (2018) 01014In this report one of the methods used for the luminosity determination for the experiment performed by WASA Collaboration to search for 3He-eta mesic nuclei is presented. The method is based on the analysis of pd -> 3He eta process.
- Low-energy antikaon-nuclei interactions studies by AMADEUS: from QCD with strangeness to neutron starsK. Piscicchia,..., R. Del Grande, ..., P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 166 (2018) 00020The AMADEUS collaboration aims to provide unique quality results from K- hadronic interactions in light nuclear targets, in order to solve fundamental open questions in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector, like the controversial nature of the Lambda(1405) state, the yield of hyperon formation below threshold, the yield and shape of multi-nucleon K- absorption, processes which are intimately connected to the possible existence of exotic antikaon multi-nucleon clusters and to the role of strangeness in neutron stars. AMADEUS takes advantage of the DAFNE collider, which provides a unique source of monochromatic low-momentum kaons and exploits the KLOE detector as an active target, in order to obtain excellent acceptance and resolution data for K- nuclear capture on H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, both at-rest and in-flight.
- Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States with AMADEUSM. Skurzok, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu, R. Del Grande, L. Fabbietti, C. Guaraldo, J. Marton, P. Moskal, K. Piscicchia, A. Scordo, M. Silarski, D. L. Sirghi, I. Tucakovic, O. Vazquez Doce, S. Wycech, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 165 (2017) 01046We briefly report on the search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States with AMADEUS in the Sigma0p channel following K- absorption on 12C and outline future perspectives for this work.
- Studies of the diecrete symmetries in NatureP. Moskalpublished in: DAE Symp.Nucl.Phys. 62 (2017) 7We exist, so there must also be some sort of asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Otherwise, the whole matter and antimatter would long ago have turned into photons, ie light, as a result of mutual annihilation of particles and antiparticles. The explanation of this asymmetry, essentially identical with the explanation of the existence of matter in general, is one of the most interesting cognitive challenges of modern physics and cosmology.
- Recent Results from WASA-at-COSYH. Clement, P. Moskal, M. Skurzokpublished in: JPS Conf. Proc. 13 (2017) 010009The detector system WASA-at-COSY has been operated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in the years from 2006 till 2015. In this article we report on recent results of the analyses of the meson production reactions in nucleon?nucleon, nucleon?deuteron, and deuteron?deuteron collisions with spin-polarized and unpolarized beams emphasizing the evidences for the existence of the dibaryon state in the proton-neutron system and the perspectives for the search of the eta-mesic helium.
- J-PET: A novel TOF-PET detector based on plastic scintillatorsPaweł Moskal, Dominika Alfs, Tomasz Bednarski, Piotr Białas, Catalina Curceanu, Eryk Czerwiński, Kamil Dulski, Aleksander Gajos, Bartosz Głowacz, Marek Gorgol, Beatrix Hiesmayr, Bożena Jasińska, Daria Kamińska, Grzegorz Korcyl, Paweł Kowalski, Tomasz Kozik, Wojciech Krzemień, Ewelina Kubicz, Muhsin Mohammed, Monika Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, Szymon Niedźwiecki, Marek Pałka, Lech Raczyźski, Zbigniew Rudy, Oleksandr Rundel, Neha Gupta Sharma, Michał Silarski, Jerzy Smyrski, Adam Strzelecki, Anna Wieczorek, Wojciech Wiślicki, Bożena Zgardzińska, Marcin Zielińskipublished in: IEEE Xplore: Nucl. Sci. Symp., Med. Imag. Conf. and Room-Temp. Semiconductor Detector Workshop, DOI:10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069617
- Statistical Analysis of Time Resolution of the J-PET ScannerL. Raczyński, W. Wiślicki, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, B. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N. Gupta Sharma, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, P. Moskalpublished in: IEEE Xplore: Nucl. Sci. Symp., Med. Imag. Conf. and Room-Temp. Semiconductor Detector Workshop, DOI:10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069407
- Low-energy Antikaon-Nucleon Absorption Studies by AMADEUSK. Piscicchia,..., R. Del Grande, ..., P. Moskal, ..., M. Silarski, ..., M. Skurzok, ...published in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10 (2017) 1125The AMADEUS experiment investigates the low-energy kaon?nuclei hadronic interaction at the DA?NE collider at LNF-INFN. In particular, the study of hyperon resonances formation, following K--induced reactions in light nuclear targets, will be presented. The 0 step of the experiment consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopic study with very low momentum (about 100 MeV) in-flight K- captures. With AMADEUS step 1, a dedicated pure carbon target was implemented in the central region of the KLOE detector, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest K nuclear interaction. The results obtained in the analyses of the hyperon?pion correlated events, searching for the resonant shapes of Y* states, will be described.
- Probing Strong Interaction with Kaonic Atoms from DAFNE to J-PARCJ. Zmeskal, ...,P. Moskal, et al.published in: JPS Conf. Proc. 17 (2017) 071001The study of the antikaon nucleon system at very low energies plays a key role to study strong interaction with strangeness, touching one of the fundamental problems in hadron physic today???the still unsolved question of how hadron masses are generated. Exotic atoms offer a unique possibility to determine s-wave kaon-nucleon scattering lengths at vanishing energy. At the DAFNE electron positron collider of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in the SIDDHARTA experiment kaonic atoms were formed with Z = 1 (K-p) and Z = 2 (K-He), which were measured with up to now unrivalled precision. This experiment is taking advantage of the low-energy charged kaons from phi-mesons decaying nearly at rest. Finally, using the experience gained with SIDDHARTA, a proposal to measure kaonic deuterium for the first time was submitted to J-PARC with the goal to determine the isospin dependent scattering lengths, which is only possible by combining the K-p and the upcoming K-d results.
- Investigating the low-energy K- interactions in nuclear matter with AMADEUSR. Del Grande, ...., P. Moskal, et al. (AMADEUS Collaboration)published in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 841 (2017) no.1, 012023The AMADEUS collaboration studies low-energy K- interactions with light nuclei in order to clarify some aspects related to the behaviour of hadrons containing strangeness in nuclear medium. One of the main topics is the quest about the possible formation of Kaonic Nuclear Clusters (KNC), which depends on the strength of the anti-kaons interaction with nucleons. In kaonic absorption experiments, the search for KNC is strictly connected with the measurement of the yields of the so-called multi-nucleon absorption processes. In this paper, the study of Sigma0p correlated production from K? absorption in 12C, using the KLOE 2004-2005 data set, is reported. The yield of the two nucleon absorption (2NA), when the produced Sigma0 and p particles are free from any final state interaction process, was measured for the first time. The contribution of a ppK- bound state was also tested. The best fit is obtained for a ppK? state with a binding energy of 45 MeV and a width of 30 MeV, but the statistical significance is at the level of 1? only.
- Antikaon Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei - AMADEUS At DafneJ. Marton, ..., P. Moskal, ..., M. Skurzokpublished in: PoS INPC2016 (2017) 290The aim of AMADEUS is to provide unprecedented experimental information on K- absorption in light nuclear targets, to face major open problems in hadron nuclear physics in the strangeness sector, namely the nature of the L(1405), strongly related to the possible existence of kaonic nuclear clusters, kaons and hyperon scattering cross sections on nucleons and nuclei. These issues are fundamental for a better understanding of the non-perturbative QCD in the strangeness sector. AMADEUS step 0 deals with the analysis of the 2004-2005 KLOE collected data. The interactions of the negative kaons produced by the DAFNE collider (a unique source of monochromatic low-momentum kaons) with the materials of the KLOE detector, used as active targets, provide samples of K- absorptions on H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, both at-rest and in-flight. A second step deals with the data from the implementation in the central region of the KLOE detector of a pure graphite target, providing a high statistic sample of K- 12C nuclear captures at rest. For the future a new setup, with various dedicated gaseous and solid targets, is under preparation.
- Experimental results on multi-nucleonic K- absorptions in light nucleiO. Vazques Doce, ..., E. Czerwinski, ..., W. Krzemien, ..., P. Moskal, ..., M. Silarski, et al. (AMADEUS Collaboration)published in: EPJ Web Conf. 137 (2017) 09010
- K- multi-nucleon absorption processes in hadronic interaction studiesR. Del Grande, ..., E. Czerwinski, ..., W. Krzemien, ..., P. Moskal, ..., M. Silarski, et al. (AMADEUS Collaboration)published in: PoS BORMIO2016 (2016) 010The AMADEUS collaboration aims to afford unprecedented informations on the K- low-energy interactions with light nuclei, thanks to the unique monochromatic low-momentum kaons pro- vided by the DAFNE collider and the excellent acceptance and resolution of the KLOE detector, used as an active target. We will report on the measurement of the yield of the K ? two nucleon absorption process, obtained by studying Sigma0 p pairs produced in the final state of the K-12C ab- sorptions. Further, the possible contribution of a ppK- bound state was investigated. The best fit corresponding to a gives space to a yield of ppK-/K- stop = (0.044 ? 0.009 stat +0.004 ?0.005 syst) ×10 binding energy and a width of 45 and 30 MeV/c 2 , respectively. A statistical analysis of this result shows although that its significance is only at the level of 1sigma.
- Determination of the analysing power for the vec{p} p ->pp eta reaction using WASA-at-COSY detector systemP. Adlarson, ...,E. Czerwiński, O. Khreptak, W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, M. Zieliński et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)published in: PoS BORMIO2016 (2016) 016We report on the measurement of the analyzing power for the ~ pp -> pp eta reaction with beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c performed with the WASA-at-COSY detector at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The eta meson from the pp -> pp eta reaction was identified by the tech- niques of missing mass and invariant mass. The angular distribution of the determined analyzing power strongly disagrees with theoretical predictions. A comparison of the obtained A y angular distribution with a series of associated Legendre polynomials revealed negligible contribution of the Sd partial wave at Q = 15 MeV. However, at Q = 72 MeV, a significant interference of the Ps and Pp partial waves was observed.
- Studies of discrete symmetries in a purely leptonic system using the Jagiellonian Positron Emission TomographP. Moskal, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, O. Khreptak, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzemień, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, and M. Zielińskipublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 07015Discrete symmetries such as parity (P), charge-conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) are of fundamental importance in physics and cosmology. Breaking of charge conjugation symmetry (C) and its combination with parity (CP) constitute necessary conditions for the existence of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the observed Universe. The presently known sources of discrete symmetries violations can account for only a tiny fraction of the excess of matter over antimatter. So far CP and T symmetries violations were observed only for systems involving quarks and they were never reported for the purely leptonic objects. In this article we describe briefly an experimental proposal for the test of discrete symmetries in the decays of positronium atom which is made exclusively of leptons. The experiments are conducted by means of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) which is constructed from strips of plastic scintillators enabling registration of photons from the positronium annihilation. J-PET tomograph together with the positronium target system enable to measure expectation values for the discrete symmetries odd operators constructed from (i) spin vector of the ortho-positronium atom, (ii) momentum vectors of photons originating from the decay of positronium, and (iii) linear polarization direction of annihilation photons. Linearly polarized positronium will be produced in the highly porous aerogel or polymer targets, exploiting longitudinally polarized positrons emitted by the sodium 22Na isotope. Information about the polarization vector of orthopositronium will be available on the event by event basis and will be reconstructed from the known position of the positron source and the reconstructed position of the orthopositronium annihilation. In 2016 the first tests and calibration runs are planned, and the data collection with high statistics will commence in the year 2017.
- Status of the analysis for the search of polarization in the antiproton production processD. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink, and J. Zmeskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 07002The P-349 experiment aims to test whether for antiprotons the production process itself can be a source of polarization in view of the preparation of a polarized antiproton beam. In this article we present the details of performed measurements and report on the status of the ongoing analysis.
- J-PET detector system for studies of the electron-positron annihilationsM. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, O. Khreptak, A. Gajos, A. Wieczorek, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, B. Głowacz, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Gorgol, B. C. Hiesmayr, B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, W. Krzmień, N. Krawczyk, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, Sz. Niedźwiecki, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, B. Zgardzińska, M. Zieliński, and P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 07020Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) has been recently constructed at the Jagiellonian University as a prototype of a cost-effective scanner for the metabolic imaging of the whole human body. J-PET detector is optimized for the measurement of momentum and polarization of photons from the electron-positron annihilations. It is built out of strips of plastic scintillators, forming three cylindrical layers. As detector of gamma quanta it will be used for studies of discrete symmetries and multiparticle entanglement of photons originating from the decays of ortho-positronium atoms.
- Searching for eta-mesic Helium with WASA-at-COSY facilityO. Rundel, O. Khreptak, M. Skurzok, W. Krzemien and P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 02008The search for the 4He-eta and 3He-eta bound states was performed with the WASA-at-COSY facility using a ramped beam technique in 2008, 2010 and 2014, respectively. The 2008 and 2010 data analyses has already been completed and resulted in the upper limits for the total cross sections for the eta-mesic 4He production in dd -> 3Henpi0 and dd -> 3Heppi- processes. No narrow structure which could be interpreted as a bound state was observed. The experiment carried out in 2014 collected the largest data sample for 3He-eta in the world. The data analysis is in progress. This article presents results of the 2010 data analysis and preliminary results of the 2014 data analysis.
- Production and interaction of the eta meson with nucleons and nucleiW. Krzemień, O. Khreptak, P. Moskal, I. Ozyrianska-Schaetti, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok and M. Zielińskipublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 03004We report on the status of the search for eta-mesic nuclei and the studies of the interaction of the eta meson with nucleons. Recently we have completed the analysis of the new WASA-at-COSY data on the production of the eta meson with polarized proton beam. New results on the analyzing power for the p?p -> pp? reaction with more than an order of magnitude improved precision shed a new light on the production mechanism of the eta meson in nucleon-nucleon collisions. Also, the latest results of the search for eta-mesic nuclei are discussed.
- Investigation of the low-energy kaons hadronic interactions in light nuclei by AMADEUSA. Scordo, ..., P. Moskal, et all.published in: EPJ Web Conf. 130 (2016) 01016The AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy kaon-nuclei hadronic interaction at the DAFNE collider at LNF-INFN. This study is fundamental to solve longstanding questions concerning interactions of strange quarks in the non-perturbative QCD. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of the 2004/2005 KLOE data, exploiting K? absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C, leading to the first invariant mass spectroscopy study with very low momentum (100 MeV/c) in-flight K? captures. In this paper, we present an overview of the analysis strategy, with particular emphasis on the results obtained in the analyses of the events with correlated Sigma0 and p.
- Recent Results from WASA-at-COSYH. Clement, P. Moskal, M. Skurzokpublished in: JPS Conf. Proc. 13 (2017) 010009The detector system WASA-at-COSY has been operated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in the years from 2006 till 2015. In this article we report on recent results of the analyses of the meson production reactions in nucleon?nucleon, nucleon?deuteron, and deuteron?deuteron collisions with spin-polarized and unpolarized beams emphasizing the evidences for the existence of the dibaryon state in the proton-neutron system and the perspectives for the search of the eta-mesic helium.
- A novel TOF-PET detector based on plastic scintillatorsW. Krzemien, D. Alfs, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, K. Dulski, A. Gajos, B. Głowacz, M. Gorgol, ´ B. Jasińska, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, E. Kubicz, M. Mohammed, ´ Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, O. Rundel, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, K. Stola, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, W. Wiślicki, B. K. Zgradzińska, M. Zieliński, P. Moskalpublished in: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2015) IEEEThe Jagiellonian-PET (J-PET) collaboration is developing a novel TOF-PET tomography scanner based mainly on the timing of signals instead of their amplitudes for the reconstruction of Lines-of-Response, therefore a very precise time resolution is one of the main challenges of the project. The novelty of the concept lies in employing long strips of plastic scintillators instead of crystals as detectors of the annihilation quanta. The diagnostic chamber consists of plastic scintillator strips readout by pairs of photomultipliers arranged axially around a cylindrical surface. To take advantage of the superior timing properties of plastic scintillators, the signals are sampled in the voltage domain with an accuracy of 20 ps by novel ultrafast electronics, and the data are collected by the FPGA-based trigger-less data acquisition system. The hit-position and hittime are reconstructed by the dedicated reconstruction methods based on the compressing sensing theory and a library of synchronized model signals. The solutions are subject of sixteen patent applications. So far, a time-of-flight resolution of 125 ps (?) was achieved for a double-strip prototype with 30 cm fieldof-view (FOV). It is by more than a factor of two better than the TOF resolution achievable in current TOF-PET modalities and at the same time, the FOV of 30 cm long prototype is significantly larger with respect to typical commercial PET devices. The axial geometry gives unique possibilities of combining J-PET with Computed Tomography or with Magnetic Resonance Imaging, allowing to perform the simultaneous scan of the patient with both methods.
- Status and Perspectives of the Search for Eta-Mesic NucleiP. Moskal, M. Skurzok, W. Krzemieńpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 1753 (2016) 030012In this report the search for eta-mesic nuclei is reviewed. The brief description ofeta-nucleus bound states for light nuclei like 4He and 3He.
- Search for the eta-mesic Helium bound state with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemien, O. Rundel, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 117 (2016) 02005We performed a search for 4He-eta bound state with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA-at-COSY facility using a ramped beam technique. The signature of eta-mesic nuclei is searched for in dd -> 3Henpi0 and dd -> 3Heppi- reactions by the measurement of the excitation functions in the vicinity of the {eta} production threshold. This paper presents the experimental method and the preliminary results of the data analysis for dd -> 3Henpi0 process.
- Search for the 4He-eta bound state in dd->(4He-eta)_{bound}->3He n pi0 and dd->(4He-eta)_{bound}->3He p pi- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok , W. Krzemień, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 81 (2014) 02020In November 2010, the search for the 4He-{eta} bound state was per formed with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA-at-COSY facility using a ramped beam technique. The signature of eta - mesic nuclei is searched for in the measured excitation functions for the two reaction channels: dd ->3He n pi0 and dd ->3He p pi- near the eta production threshold. This report includes the description of the experimental method and the status of the data analysis.
- Close to threshold eta' meson production in proton-proton collisions at COSY-11E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarskipublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 81 (2014) 02007Intensive quest for the eta and eta' bound states is currently ongoing at both theoretical and experimental levels e.g. at COSY, ELSA, GSI, JINR, JPARC, LPI, and MAMI. These studies were already supported by data provided by the COSY-11 collaboration including determination of the total width of the eta' meson. In addition, the first rough estimation of the eta'-N interaction from the excitation function of the cross section for the pp-->pp eta' reaction was also performed. Recent precise measurement in this field from the COSY-11 experiment allows to summarize results on the eta' meson production cross section in proton-proton collisions at COSY-11.
- Polarization determination for the studies of the eta meson productionI. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Zielińskipublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 81 (2014) 02013The dynamics of ? meson production and the interaction of ? mesons with nucleons can be studied using the ?p p?pp? reaction via measurements of the analyzing power Ay. To this end, we have performed a measurement of the ?p p ?pp? reaction using the large acceptance and ? symmetric WASA-at-COSY detector, for beam momenta of 2026 MeV/c and 2188 MeV/c.
- The eta-meson production with the polarized proton beam with WASA-at-COSYI. Ozerianska, M. Hodana , P. Moskalpublished in: Proceedings of XV Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin PhysicsIn November 2010, the azimuthal symmetric WASA detector and the polarized proton beam of COSY, have been used to collect a high statistics sample of (vec)p->ppeta reactions in order to determine the analyzing power as a function of the invariant mass spectra of the two particle subsystems. Here, we show studies of the infuence of the beam and target characteristics such as location and direction on the determination of the polarization.
- Search for a dark photon with the WASA detector at COSYPawel Moskal for WASA at COSY Collaborationpublished in: 49th Rencontres de Moriond QCD and High Energy InteractionsWe present recent results on the search for the U boson based on the data collected by means of the WASA detector and the Cooler Synchrotron COSY.
- Search for the eta-mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemien, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski and M. Skurzokpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 66 (2014) 09009We conduct a search for the He ? ? bound state with the WASA-at-COSY facility measuring the excitation functions for the reaction channels: dd ? 3Hep?? and dd ? 3Hen?0, where the outgoing N ? ? pairs originate from the conversion of the ? meson on a nucleon inside the He nucleus. Two dedicated experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich with the WASA detector. The analysis of the 2008 data shows no signal of the 4He ? ? bound state. An upper limit for the cross-section for the bound state formation and decay in the process dd ? (4He ? ?)bound ? 3Hep??, was determined at the 90 % confidence level. In November 2010 a new data set was collected.
- Search for the eta-mesic helium by means of WASA detector at COSYP. Moskal, W. Krzemień, M. Skurzokpublished in: PoS Hadron2013 (2014) 163The eta-mesic nuclei in which the eta meson is bound with nucleus via strong interaction was postulated about 25 years ago, however till now no experiment confirmed empirically its existence. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important for better understanding of the eta meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search for eta-mesic helium is carried out with high statistic and high acceptance with the WASA-at-COSY detection setup and the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The search is conducted via the measurement of the excitation function for the chosen decay channels of the 4He-eta system. Until now two reactions dd -> (4He-eta)bound ->3Heppi- and dd -> (4He-eta)bound ->3Henpi0 have been measured with the beam momentum varied continuously around the eta meson production threshold. This contribution includes description of recently published results of the WASA-at-COSY experiment as well as brief presentation of preliminary results from the analysis of new data sample with 20 times larger statistics.
- System Response Kernel Calculation for List-mode Reconstruction in Strip PET DetectorP. Białas, J. Kowal, A. Strzelecki, T. Bednarski, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, P. Kowalski, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, L. Raczyński, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. Gupta-Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, W. Wiślicki, M. Zielińskipublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Suppl. 6 (2013) 1027-1036Reconstruction of the image in Positron Emission Tomographs (PET) requires the knowledge of the system response kernel which describes the contribution of each pixel (voxel) to each tube of response (TOR). This is especially important in list-mode reconstruction systems, where an efficient analytical approximation of such function is required. In this contribution, we present a derivation of the system response kernel for a novel 2D strip PET.
- Studies of Systematic Uncertainties of Polarization Estimation for Experiments with the WASA Detector at COSYM. Hodana, P. Moskal, I. Ozerianskapublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Suppl. 6 (2013) 1041-1052In November 2010, the azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and the polarized proton beam of COSY have been used to collect a high statistics sample of ?p p ? pp? reactions in order to determine the analyzing power as a function of the invariant mass spectra of the two-particle subsystems. Here, we show studies of the influence of the beam and target characteristics such as location and direction on the determination of degree of the polarization.
- Application of Compressive Sensing Theory for the Reconstruction of Signals in Plastic ScintillatorsL. Raczyński, P. Kowalski, T. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, M. Molenda, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Pałka, M. Pawlik, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N.G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, W. Wiślicki, M. Zielińskipublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Suppl. 6 (2013) 1121-1127Compressive Sensing theory says that it is possible to reconstruct a measured signal if an enough sparse representation of this signal exists in comparison to the number of random measurements. This theory was applied to reconstruct signals from measurements of plastic scintillators. Sparse representation of obtained signals was found using SVD transform.
- Search for eta-mesic helium via deuteron-deuteron reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, P. Moskal, W. Krzemieńpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. B Suppl. 6 (2013) 1107-1110The eta-mesic nuclei in which the eta meson is bound with nucleus via strong interaction was postulated already in 1986, however till now no experiment confirmed empirically its existence. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important for better understanding of the eta meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search for eta-mesic helium is carried out with high statistic and high acceptance with the WASA-at-COSY detection setup in the Forschungszentrum Julich. The search is conducted via the measurement of the excitation function for the chosen decay channels of the 4He-eta system. Untill now two reactions dd->(4He-eta)bs->3He p pi- and dd->(4He-eta)bs->3He n pi0 have been measured with the beam momentum ramped around the eta production threshold. This report includes the description of experimental method and status of the analysis.
- Search for eta-mesic helium via the dd->(4He-eta)_bs -> 3He n pi 0 reaction with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemień, P. Moskalpublished in: MesonNet 2013 International Workshop - Mini-proceedingsThe existence of eta-mesic nuclei in which the $eta$ meson is bound in a nucleus by means of the strong interaction was postulated already in 1986 but it has not been yet confirmed experimentally. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important as it might allow for a better understanding of the eta meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search for eta-mesic helium (4He-eta) is carried out with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA detector, installed at the cooler synchrotron COSY of the Research Center Juelich. The search is conducted via the measurement of the excitation function for selected decay channels of the 4He-eta system. In the experiment, performed in November 2010, two reactions dd-->4He-eta-->3He p pi- and dd-->4He-eta-->3He n pi0 were measured with a beam momentum ramped from 2.127GeV/c to 2.422GeV/c. The proceedings will include description of the experimental method of the analysis.
- Status and perspectives of the KLOE-2 experimentF. Achilli, ..., I. Balwierz, E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et al.published in: Particle Physics at the Tercentenary of Mikhail Lomonosov: pp. 324-327.The KLOE experiment has acquired an integrated luminosity greater than 2.5 fb?1 at the peak of ?-resonance on the e+e? DA?NE collider in the Frascati National Laboratory (LNF). New data taking with the upgraded detector (KLOE-2) and DA?NE should start in the end of 2011. Main modifications of the detector and new interaction region give a unique possibility to collect about 20 fb?1 in 3 years. The KLOE-2 wide scientific program which contains the experimental study of CP and CPT symmetries, quantum decoherence, ?? physics and search of the dark matter is presented and briefly discussed.
- Recent results on hadron physics at KLOED. Babusci, ..., I. Balwierz - Pytko, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, K. Kacprzak, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, W. Wiślicki, J. Zdebik et al.published in: 2013 : QCD and High Energy Interactions : proceedings of the XLVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy-MarchOne of the basic motivations of the KLOE and KLOE-2 collaborations is the test of fundamental symmetries and the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model via the hadronic and leptonic decays of ground-state mesons and via their production in the fusion of virtual gamma quanta exchanged between colliding electrons and positrons. This contribution includes brief description of results of recent analysis of the KLOE data aimed at (i) the search for the dark matter boson, (ii) determination of the hadronic and light-by-light contributions to the g-2 muon anomaly and (iii) tests of QCD anomalies.
- Search for eta-mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSY detector.W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, M. Skurzok, J. Smyrskipublished in: PoS Bormio2013 (2013) 036
- Search for 4He-eta bound states with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemien, P. Moskalpublished in: DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys. 57 (2012) 424
- Test of charge conjugation invariance in the decay of the eta meson into pi(+)pi(-)pi(0)M. Zieliński, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 37 (2012) 09037In this work we present the preliminary results of the analysis of the pp->pp eta(->pp pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) reaction aiming to test the charge conjugation symmetry C in strong interactions. Based on approximately $10^5$ identified eta->pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) decay events we have extracted asymmetry parameters sensitive to C symmetry violation for different isospin values of the final state and we have established that all are consistent with zero within the obtained accuracy.
- Search for eta-mesic Helium with the WASA-at-COSY detector.W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski, M. Skurzokpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 37 (2012) 02003A search for the 4He-eta bound state via exclusive measurement of the excitation function for the dd->3Heppi- reaction, was performed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich with the WASA-at-COSY detection system. The data were taken during a slow acceleration of the beam from 2.185 GeV/c to 2.400 GeV/c crossing the kinematic threshold for the eta production in the dd -> 4He-eta reaction at 2.336 GeV/c. The corresponding excess energy in the 4He-eta system varied from -51.4 MeV to 22 MeV. The shape of the excitation function for the dd -> 3Heppi- was examined. No signal of the 4He-eta bound state was observed in the excitation function.
- Study of the eta -> e+ e-gamma Decay Using WASA-at-COSY Detector SystemM. Hodana, P. Moskal for the WASA - at - COSY Collaborationpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 37 (2012) 09017At the turn of October and November 2008, the WASA-at-COSY collaboration performed an experiment to collect data on the eta meson decays in pd-->3He eta reactions. This report presents results of a study of the eta-->e+e-g conversion decay. The desired feature of this decay is that the final state e+e- pairs come from the conversion of a virtual gamma quantum and, therefore, they constitute a rich source of knowledge about the electromagnetic structure of decaying meson. This is a very important characteristic when it comes to study of a short-lived neutral particle like the eta meson, because the classical methods of particle scattering are not applicable here. The analysis performed on one third of the p-d data sample collected using the WASA-at-COSY detector, lead to the extraction of the eta transition form factor as a function of the e+e- mass and to the calculation of the slope parameter, related to the charge radius of the eta meson.
- Search for the He-eta bound states with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemień, P. Moskalpublished in: EPJ Web Conf. 37 (2012) 09034The existence of eta-mesic nuclei in which the $eta$ meson is bound in a nucleus by means of the strong interaction was postulated already in 1986 but it has not been yet confirmed experimentally. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important as it might allow for a better understanding of the eta meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search for eta-mesic helium (4He-eta) is carried out with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA detector, installed at the cooler synchrotron COSY of the Research Center Juelich. The search is conducted via the measurement of the excitation function for selected decay channels of the 4He-eta system. In the experiment, performed in November 2010, two reactions dd-->4He-eta-->3He p pi- and dd-->4He-eta-->3He n pi0 were measured with a beam momentum ramped from 2.127GeV/c to 2.422GeV/c. The poster will include description of the experimental method and status of the analysis.
- MATRIX-PET: A novel PET detector concept based on large blocks of organic scintillatorsP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zielińskipublished in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A47-A48Matrix-PET is a novel detector solution for the Positron Emission Tomography. It is one of the two methods which is developed at present at the Jagiellonian University.
- STRIP-PET: Concept of TOF-PET scanner based on polymer scintillator stripsP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zielińskipublished in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A61-A63The aim of the poster is to present an idea of a new PET scanner based on strips of polymer scintillators arranged in a large acceptance detector system which may allow a simultaneous diagnostic of a large fraction of (or even the whole) human body.
- Polymer Scintillator Detectors for TOF-PET with Large Longitudinal Field of ViewP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. Zielińskipublished in: Nuclear Medicine Review 15 (2012) A25-A26In this contribution we present a concept of the large acceptance detector systems based on the organic scintillators which in the future may allow for simultaneous diagnostic of large fraction of the human body.
- Study of eta Meson Production with a Polarized Proton BeamI. Ozerianska, P. Moskal, M. Hodana for the WASA-at-COSY Collaborationpublished in: Proceedings of the second International PrimeNet Workshop (2012) 87These are the proceedings of the second PrimeNet Workshop, held in September 26-28, 2011, at the campus of Forschungszentrum J'{u}lich, Germany. This workshop is part of the activities in the project 'Study of Strongly Interacting Matter' (acronym HadronPhysics2), which is an integrating activity of the Seventh Framework Program of EU. This HP2 project contains several activities, one of them being the network PrimeNet having the focus on Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD. This network is created to exchange information on experimental and theoretical ongoing activities on mainly eta and eta-prime physics at different European accelerator facilities and institutes.
- Study of the eta --> e+ e- gamma decayM. Hodana, P. Moskal for the WASA-at-COSY Collaborationpublished in: Proceedings of the second International PrimeNet Workshop (2012) 45These are the proceedings of the second PrimeNet Workshop, held in September 26-28, 2011, at the campus of Forschungszentrum J'{u}lich, Germany. This workshop is part of the activities in the project 'Study of Strongly Interacting Matter' (acronym HadronPhysics2), which is an integrating activity of the Seventh Framework Program of EU. This HP2 project contains several activities, one of them being the network PrimeNet having the focus on Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD. This network is created to exchange information on experimental and theoretical ongoing activities on mainly eta and eta-prime physics at different European accelerator facilities and institutes.
- Search for eta-mesic 4He with WASA-at-COSYW. Krzemień, P. Moskal, J. Smyrski for the WASA-at-COSY Collaborationpublished in: Proceedings of the second International PrimeNet Workshop (2012) 140These are the proceedings of the second PrimeNet Workshop, held in September 26-28, 2011, at the campus of Forschungszentrum J'{u}lich, Germany. This workshop is part of the activities in the project 'Study of Strongly Interacting Matter' (acronym HadronPhysics2), which is an integrating activity of the Seventh Framework Program of EU. This HP2 project contains several activities, one of them being the network PrimeNet having the focus on Meson Physics in Low-Energy QCD. This network is created to exchange information on experimental and theoretical ongoing activities on mainly eta and eta-prime physics at different European accelerator facilities and institutes.
- U boson searches at KLOEF. Archilli, ..., I. Balwierz, .., E. Czerwiński, ..., P. Moskal, ..., M. Silarski, ..., W. Wiślicki, ..., J. Zdebik, et al.published in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 335 (2011) 012067The existence of a secluded gauge sector could explain several puzzling astrophysical observations. This hypothesis can be tested at low energy e+e- colliders such as DAPHNE. Preliminary results obtained with KLOE data and perpectives for the KLOE-2 run, where a larger data sample is expected, are discussed.
- Study of the eta meson production with the polarised proton beamP. Moskal, M. Hodanapublished in: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 295 (2011) 012080The azimuthally symmetric WASA detector and the polarised proton beam of COSY, enable investigations of energy and angular dependence of the beam analysing power in the pp --> pp eta reaction. The aim of the studies is the determination of the partial wave contributions via interference terms which are inaccessible from spin averaged observables. The partial wave decomposition is mandatory for the understanding of the reaction dynamics and for the determination of the ?-proton interaction, independently of the theoretical paradigm used.
- Study of the decoherence of entangled kaons by the interaction with thermal photonsI. Balwierz, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskalpublished in: Frascati Physics Series LI (2010) 37-42The KLOE-2 detector is a powerful tool to study the temporal evolution of quantum entangled pairs of kaons. The accuracy of such studies may in principle be limited by the interaction of neutral kaons with thermal photons present inside the detector. Therefore, it is crucial to estimate the probability of this effect and its influence on the interference patterns. In this paper we introduce the phenomenology of the interaction of photons with neutral kaons and present and discuss the obtained quantitative results.
- Hadron physics with KLOE-2E. Czerwiński, ..., I. Balwierz, P. Moskal, M. Silarski, J. Zdebik et alpublished in: Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 207-208:137-140 (2010)In the upcoming month the KLOE-2 data taking campaign will start at the upgraded DAFNE phi-factory of INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The main goal is to collect an integrated luminosity of about 20 fb (-1) in 3-4 years in order to refine and extend the KLOE program on both kaon physics and hadron spectroscopy. Here the expected improvements on the results of hadron spectroscopy are presented and briefly discussed.
- Study of the near threshold pp-->ppK+K- reaction in view of the K+K- final state interactionM. Silarski, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 3 (2010) 937-942Measurements of the pp-->ppK+K- reaction, performed near the kinematical threshold with the experiment COSY-11 at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, reveal a significant discrepancy between obtained excitation function and theoretical expectations neglecting interactions of kaons. In order to deepen our knowledge about the low energy dynamics of the ppKK system we investigated population of events for the pp-->ppK+K- reaction as a function of the invariant masses of two particle subsystems. Based for the first time on the low-energy K+K- invariant mass distributions and the generalized Dalitz plot analysis, we estimated the scattering length for the K+K- interaction.
- Study of the eta' meson structure, width and interactions with nucleons at COSY-11.E. Czerwiński, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 3 (2010) 955-962We present results on the isospin dependence of the eta-prime production cross section in nucleon-nucleon collisions, as well as the results of comparative analysis of the invariant mass distributions for the pp->pp eta-prime and pp->pp eta reactions in the context of the proton-eta and proton-eta-prime interaction. Additionally, the value of the total width of the eta-prime is reported as derived directly from the measurement of the mass distribution and an explanation of the experimental technique used in order to achieve a precision about an order of magnitude better then former experiments is included.
- Search for eta-mesic helium using WASA-at-COSY.P. Moskalpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 1257 (2010) 725-728The installation of the WASA detector at the cooler synchrotron COSY opened the possibility to search for ??mesic helium with high statistics and high acceptance. A search for the 4He?? bound state is conducted via an exclusive measurement of the excitation function for the dd?3Hep?? reaction varying continuously the beam momentum around the threshold for the dd?4He? reaction. Ramping of the beam momentum and taking advantage of the large acceptance of the WASA detector allows to minimize systematical uncertainities.
- Dynamics of the near threshold eta meson production in proton-proton interactionP. Moskal, R. Czyżykiewicz, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, M. Zieliński, W. Zipperpublished in: Proceedings of The 11th Workshop on The Physics of Excited Nucleons, 5?8 September 2007, Bonn, GermanyWe present the results of measurements of the analysing power for the p(pol)p --> pp eta reaction at the excess energies of Q=10 and 36 MeV, and interpret these results within the framework of the meson exchange models. The determined values of the analysing power at both excess energies are consistent with zero implying that the eta meson is produced predominantly in s-wave.
- Study of the low energy dynamics in ppK+K- system with the COSY-11 magnetic spectrometerM. Silarski, P. Moskal, D. Gil, J. Smyrskipublished in: Acta. Phys. Polon. B Proc. Supp. 2 (2009) 97-104The near threshold production of K+K- pairs in proton-proton collisions has been investigated at the cooler synchrotron COSY below and above the threshold for the phi meson production. The experimental excitation function determined for the pp-->ppK+K- reaction differs from theoretical expectations including proton-proton final state interaction. The discrepancy may be assigned to the influence of K+K- or pK interaction. In this article we present distributions of the cross section for the pp-->ppK+K- reaction as a function of the invariant masses of two and three particle subsystems at excess energies of Q=10 MeV and 28 MeV.
- Study of the near threshold total cross sesctions for the quasi-free pn -> pn eta-prime reaction with the COSY-11 detector.J. Klaja, P. Moskal, J. Zdebikpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 2 (2009) 31The measurement of the quasi-free production of the eta prime meson has been carried out at the COSY-11 detection setup using a proton beam and a deuteron cluster target. The energy dependence of the cross section is extracted using a fixed proton beam momentum of p_beam=3.35 GeV/c and exploiting the Fermi momenta of nucleons inside deuterons. The data cover a range of centre-of-mass excess energies from 0 to 24 MeV. Due to the low statistics at the present stage only upper limits for the cross sections could be extracted. In this article we focus on the functioning and efficiency determination of the neutron detector.
- Comparative Studies of Low Energy ppeta and ppeta-prime Systems with Cosy-11 Detector.P. Klaja, R. Czyżykiewicz, P. Moskalpublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 2 (2009) 45-50We present a comparison of the two-body invariant mass distributions for the pp -> ppeta and pp -> ppeta-prime reactions, both measured at a nominal excess energy value of Q = 15.5 MeV. For the pp -> ppeta reaction, in addition, the differential cross sections were extracted for an excess energy of Q = 10 MeV. The comparison of the results for the eta and eta-prime meson production rather excludes the hypothesis that the enhancement observed in the invariant mass distributions is due to the interaction of the meson and the proton.
- Search for eta-mesic helium using the WASA-AT-COSY detector.W. Krzemień, P. Moskal, J. Smyrskipublished in: Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 2 (2009) 141-148We conduct a search for the 4He-eta bound state with the WASA-at-COSY facility via the measurement of the excitation function for the reaction dd->3Heppi-. In first experiment performed in June 2008, we used COSY deuteron beam with a slowly ramped beam momentum corresponding to a variation of the excess energy for the 4He-eta system from -51.4 MeV to 22 MeV. Here we report on the status of the measurement and the data evaluation.
- Near threshold production of the pseudoscalar mesons at the COSY-11 facilityP. Moskal, R. Czyżykiewicz, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, M. Silarski, J. Smyrski, A. Täschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wüstner, M. Zieliński, W. Zipperpublished in: Proceedings of The 11th Workshop on The Physics of Excited Nucleons, 5?8 September 2007, Bonn, GermanyWe summarise measurements of the COSY-11 collaboration concerning the excitation functions of the near threshold pseudoscalar meson production in the proton-proton interaction. The results are discussed in the context of the meson-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon interactions. We conclude that the $eta$-proton interaction is significantly stronger than the eta'-proton interaction. Similarly, we found that the hyperon Lambda interacts with the nucleon considerably stronger than the hyperon Sigma, and that the interaction of (K-)-proton is much stronger than this of the (K+)-proton
- Study of the hadronic production of kaon pairs below the threshold for the phi mesonP. Moskal, M. Silarski, A. Budzanowski, E. Czerwiński, R. Czyżykiewicz, D. Gil, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, P. Klaja, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, B. Rejdych, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taschner, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wustner, M. Zieliński, W. Zipper, J. Zdebikpublished in: Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 194 (2008) 181-182The near threshold production of K+K- pairs in proton-proton collisions has been investigated at the cooler synchrotron COSY below and above the threshold for the phi meson using the COSY-11 and ANKE facilities, respectively. The excitation function determined for the pp ->ppK+K- reaction revealed a statistically significant enhancement close to the threshold which may plausibly be assigned to the influence of the K-p interaction. In addition, observed consistently by both groups, a strong enhancement at low values of the ratio of the K-p to K+p invariant mass distributions shows that the proton interacts much stronger with K- than with K+. In this report we focus on the measurements performed by the COSY-11 collaboration. We explain the experimental method used and present main results of completed analyses as well as a new qualitative elaboration of the ppK+K- events population on the Goldhaber plot. We conclude with the observation that event densities increase at the region where the influence from the K+K- interaction is expected.
- Multimeson production in pp interactions as a background for eta and eta' decaysA. Kupść, P. Moskal, M. Zielińskipublished in: Proceedings of MENU07 Conference (2008)Multimeson production in pp interactions comprises important background for eta, omega and eta' mesons production experiments and for the studies of their decays planned with WASA detector at COSY. The available information about the reactions is summarized and the need for efforts to describe the processes is stressed.
- Using COSY-11 apparatus for the precise studies of the natural width of the eta-prime meson.E. Czerwiński, ..., P. Moskal et al.published in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 89-94We present preliminary results and motivation of measurement of the total width of the ?? meson (???).
- Experimental proton-proton correlation function derived for the pp -> pp eta reaction.P. Klaja, ..., P. Moskal, D. Deloff et al.published in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 156-161Based on the high statistics data from the pp -> ppX reaction measured by the COSY-11 collaboration [1] we have derived a two-proton correlation function for the production of the ppeta and pp+pions systems. The measured correlation function normalized to the value simulated for a point-like source was compared with a theoretical prediction in order to estimate the size of the reaction volume.
- Luminosity determination for the quasi-free nuclear reactions.R. Czyżykiewicz, P. Moskal, E. Czerwiński, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, M. Zieliński, M. Silarski et al.published in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 118-124A method for the calculation of the luminosity for the proton-nucleus collisions based on the quasi-free proton-proton scattering is presented. As an example of application the integrated luminosity for the scattering of protons off the deuteron target is determined for the experiment of the quasi-free pn --> pneta reaction performed by means of the COSY-11 facility.
- Status of the analysis of the p n -> d eta-prime reaction measured using the COSY-11 facilityB. Rejdych, P. Moskal et al.published in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 127-130We present the experimental method and the status of the analysis of the quasi?free pn?d?? reaction measured by means of the COSY?11 detection system.
- Dynamics of the eta meson production in proton-proton collisionsM. Hodana, A. Kupść, P. Moskalpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 268-272We briefly describe the present knowledge about the mechanism of the eta meson production in the collisions of nucleons. We stress the role of the spin degrees of freedom and discuss a possibility of investigations of the spin observables for the pp --> pp eta reaction using the WASA?at?COSY apparatus and the vertically polarized proton beam of COSY.
- Chodrow plot and the interaction of K+K-M. Silarski, P. Moskalpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 950 (2007) 77Measurements of the pp-->ppK+K? reaction, performed with the experiment COSY?11 at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, reveal a significant discrepancy between obtained excitation function and theoretical expectations neglecting interactions of kaons. Thus, the observed enhancement of the data above the predictions may be plausibly assigned to the influence of K+K? or Kp interaction. This may manifest itself even stronger in the distributions of the differential cross?sections. Therefore, in order to deepen our knowledge about the low energy dynamics of the ppKK system we investigate population of events for the pp?ppK+K? reaction as a function of the invariant masses of two particle subsystems. In particular generalizations of the Dalitz plot for the four particles proposed by Chodrow and Goldhaber will be presented.
- COSY-11: An Experimental facillity for studying meson production in free and quasi-free nucleon-nucleon collisions.P. Klaja, H.-H. Adam, A. Budzanowski, R. Czyzykiewicz, D. Grzonka, M. Janusz, L. Jarczyk, B. Kamys, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, P. Moskal, W. Oelert, C. Piskor-Ignatowicz, J. Przerwa, J. Ritman, T. Rozek, T. Sefzick, M. Siemaszko, J. Smyrski, A. Taeschner, J. Wessels, P. Winter, M. Wolke, P. Wuestner, W. Zipperpublished in: AIP Conf. Proc. 796 (2005) 160-163The COSY-11 experimental setup is an internal facility installed at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY in Juelich. It allows to investigate meson production in free and quasi-free nucleon-nucleon collisions, eg. pp --> pp meson and pd --> p_sp np meson reactions. Drift chambers and scintillators permit to measure outgoing protons, separated in magnetic field of COSY-11 dipole. Neutrons are registered in the neutron modular detector installed downstream the beam. Recently, the experimental setup has been extended with spectator detector, deuteron drift chamber and polarization monitoring system, and since then meson production can be investigated also as a function of spin and isospin of colliding nucleons.
- Positron Emission Tomography Could Be Aided by EntanglementP. Moskalpublished in: Physics 17, 138
- Jednoczasowa tomografia PET całego ciałaP. Moskal, E. Stępieńpublished in: Alma Mater UJ 224/2021 (2021) 48-53
- Rozwój techniki obrazowania pozytonium przy użyciu skanera PET na całe ciałoP. Moskal, E. Stępieńpublished in: Inżynier i Fizyk Medyczny Vol. 10 (2021) 143-144
- Towards positronium imaging with total-body PET from plastic scintillatorsP. Moskal, E. Stępieńpublished in: European Medical Physics News 01/2021 (2021) 68-69
- J-PET: nowy Pozytonowy Emisyjny Tomograf zbudowany z plastikowych detektorówP. Moskal, A. Kubicapublished in: Inżynier i Fizyk Medyczny 5 Vol. 4 (2015) 235
- Łamanie symetrii względem odwrócenia czasu - cz. IIP. Moskalpublished in: Foton 128 (2015) 4-17
- Antimatter reveals cancerT. Bednarski, P. Białas, E. Czerwiński, A. Gajos, T. Gruntowski, A. Gruntowski, T. Gucwa-Ryś, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, D. Kamińska, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Korcyl, J. Kowal, G. Konopka-Cupiał, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, E. Kubicz, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, I. Moskal, P. Moskal, Sz. Niedźwiecki, M. Niedźwiecka-Pawlik, O. Rundel, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, N. G. Sharma, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, A. Strzelecki, A. Wieczorek, M. Zieliński, N. Zońpublished in: Projektor Jagielloński 2
- Łamanie symetrii względem odwrócenia czasu - cz.I: Oscylacje mezonów dziwnychP. Moskalpublished in: Foton 126 (2014) 9-17
- Antymateria odsłania nowotwórP. Moskalpublished in: Projektor Jagielloński 2 (2014) 97-98
- Poszukiwanie cząstek ciemnej materii w laboratoriach na ZiemiP. Moskalpublished in: Foton 124 (2014) 4-12
- Promieniowanie naturalne z Ziemii i z Kosmosu.P. Moskal, S. Jowzaeepublished in: Foton 117 (2012) 4-20
- Metoda datowania węglem 14C. Skąd wiemy, kiedy wymarły mamuty.P. Moskalpublished in: Neutrino 16 (2012) 1-4
- From mesons to tomographyP. Moskalpublished in: Magazyn Kompas Innowacji nr 4 (2012) 9
- Od mezonów do tomografiiP. Moskalpublished in: Magazyn Kompas Innowacji nr 3 (2012) 6
- Dawki promieniowania jądrowegoP. Moskalpublished in: Foton 112 (2011) 9
- Atometria jako metoda wykrywania substancji niebezpiecznychM. Silarski, P. Moskalpublished in: Foton 112 (2011) 15
- Nuclear physics in medicine, minefield and kitchenP. Moskalpublished in: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio AAA - Physica V66 71-88 (2011)A plethora of phenomena discovered and investigated in the Maria Curie laboratories nowadays constitute basis of functioning of various advanced devices used in modern science, industry and medicine. In this article we briefly describe a few examples of nuclear physics applications such as: non-invasive imaging of living organisms by means of Positron Emission Tomography, remote identification of explosives and other dangerous substances using the technique of atometry, and preservation of food by its exposure to nuclear radiation.
- Czy promieniowanie jądrowe jest zawsze szkodliwe dla zdrowia? Hormeza radiacyjna.P. Moskalpublished in: Foton 110 (2010) 26
- Energia jądrowa w kuchni: konserwowanie żywności za pomocą promieniowania jądrowegoP. Moskalpublished in: Foton 109 (2010) 8
- Evaluation of normalization and random coincidences corrections of clinical images obtained with the first PET from plastic scintillatorsS. Parzych, A. Coussat, M. Das, W. Krzemień,1,2, E. Y. Beyene, E. Czerwiński, B. Głowa, A. Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, T. Kaplanoglu, G. Korcyl, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, M. Opalińska, M. Rädler, S. Sharma, M. Skurzok, A. Sowa-Staszczak, P. Tanty, K. Tayefi Ardebili, P. Moskal, E. Ł. StępieńEANM24 - Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine
- Developing positronium imaging technique for the liver phantom using modular J-PETManish Das, Sushil Sharma, Pawel Moskal19th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2024)
- Measuring the correlation between polarization of two photons originating from e+e- annihilations for PET imaging using J-PETD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. Moskal67th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics
- Exploring the polarization of high-energy photons in fundamental studies with J-PET detectorD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. MoskalMeghnad Saha Memorial International Conference on ?Frontiers of Physics? (MSMICFP-2023)
- Feasibility study of positronium imaging with Biograph Vision Quadra and Modular J-PETS. Parzych, J. Baran, E. Y. Beyene, M. Conti, A. Coussat, N. Chug, C. Curceanu, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. Valsan Eliyan, A. Gajos, B. Hiesmayr, A. Jedruszczak, K. Kacprzak, M. Kajetanowicz, T. Kaplanoglu, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D. Kumar, G. Łapkiewicz, L. Mercolli, W. Migdał, S. Moyo, W. Mryka, S. Niedźwiecki, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, A. Rominger, H. Sari, S. Sharma, K. Shi, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, M. Skurzok, W. M. Steinberger, E. Ł. Stępień, P. Tanty, F. Tayefi, K. Tayefi, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
- A cross staged gantry sliding system for total body PET scanning and motion artifact free CT imagingT. Kaplanoglu, P. MoskalSymposium on new trends in nuclear and medical physics
- Study of polarization correlation in positron annihilation with J-PETD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. MoskalSymposium on new trends in Nuclear and Medical Physics
- Simulating Performance Characteristics of a Single Ring of the Total-Body J-PET Scanner According to NEMA NU 2-2018Keyvan Tayefi Ardebili, Szymon Niedźwiecki, Paweł MoskalSymposium on new trends in Nuclear and Medical Physics
- Estimating the efficiency and purity for detecting annihilation and prompt photons with J-PET using toy Monte Carlo simulationManish Das, Wiktor Mryka, Ermias Y. Beyene, Szymon Parzych, Pawel MoskalSymposium on new trends in nuclear and medical physics, October 18-20, 2023
- Experimental observation of polarization correlation of entangled photons from positronium atom using J-PET detectorD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. MoskalEPS-HEP 2023
- Improving the experimental precision of ortho-positronium decay rate in vacuum with the J-PET detectorS. Sharma, K. Dulski, P. MoskalPOSMOL 2023, August 3-6, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA.
- Test for non-relativistic QED in decays of Positronium atomsS. Sharma, K. Dulski, P. MoskalMESON 2023: 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics KRAKÓW, POLAND
- Modular J-PET - a cost effective PET scanner prototypeSzymon Niedzwiecki, Grzegorz Korcyl, Krzysztof Kacprzak, Aleksander Gajos, Eryk Czerwinski, Jakub Baran, Wojciech Krzemien, Ewa Stepien, Pawel Moskal On behalf of the J-PET CollaborationEuropean Molecular Imaging Meeting 2023, Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology
- JPET for proton beam range monitoringJakub Baran, Szymon Niedźwiecki, Aleksander Gajos, Grzegorz Korcyl, Jan Gajewski, Antoni Ruciński, Paweł Moskal on behalf of the J-PET CollaborationEuropean Molecular Imaging Meeting 2023, Applications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology
- Experimental Measurement of the polarization correlation of annihilation photons with J-PET scannerD. Kumar, S. Sharma and P. MoskalApplications of radiation detection techniques in fundamental physics, food control, medicine and biology
- A simulation study to evaluate NEMA characteristics of Modular J-PETFaranak Tayefi Ardebili, Szymon Niedzwicki, Pawel MoskalTotal-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- A simulation study to evaluate NEMA characteristics of Modular J-PETFaranak Tayefi Ardebili, Szymon Niedzwicki, Pawel MoskalTotal-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- A simulation study to investigate the sensitivity of Total-Body J-PETK. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, P. MoskalTotal-body PET 2022 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 2022
- Gold nanoparticles as contrast agents for micro CT imagingD. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. Stępień4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Kraków, Poland, July 2022
- Developing a phantom for the positronium imaging evaluationG. Łapkiewicz, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskal4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland, July 2022
- Estimation of 511 keV gamma scatter fraction in WLS layer in Total Body JPET ; A simulation studyK. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskal4th Jagiellonian Symposium on Advances in Particle Physics and Medicine, Cracow, Poland, 10 - 15 July 2022
- Spheroids for the study of nanoparticles as contrast agents for CTD. Panek, M. Szczepanek, B. Leszczyński, P. Moskal, E. StępieńNanoTech Poland Conference, Poznań, Poland, June 2022
- Introduction of the DOI capable Total-Body J-PET: a simulation studyM. Dadgar, S. Parzych, F. Tayefi, S. Vandenberghe, P. MoskalSNMMI Annual Meeting 2022, Vancouver, Canada, June 2022
- Preliminary Monte Carlo study of Modular J-PETFaranak Tayefi, Pawel Moskal, Szymon NiedzwieckiPSMR-TBP2022
- A simulation based study to introduce small animal Total-Body PET by J-PET technologyM. Dadgar , F. Tayefi Ardebili, S. Parzych, E. Stepien and P. Moskal2021 Virtual IEEE Nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference, (via teleconference), Yokohama, Japan
- Classification of heavy metal contaminated samples based on micro CT images using machine learning algorithmsD. Panek, B. Leszczyński, D. Wojtysiak, P. Moskal, E. Stępień1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021
- The development of a method for determining ortho-Positronium lifetime in extracellular vesicles using Positron Annihilation Lifetime SpectroscopyJ. Nizioł, E. Kubicz, P. Moskal, E. Stępień1st Symposium on Theranostics, Cracow, Poland, October 2021
- Studies of J-PET detector to monitor range uncertainty in proton therapyA. Ruciński, J. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, P. MoskalNSS/MIC - 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, UK
- New approach to visualize 3 dimensional cancer cellsHanieh Karimi , Bartosz Leszczyński , Ewa Stępień, Pawel Moskal3rd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental a nd Applied Subatomic Physics, Cracow, Poland, June 2019
- New approach to visualize 3 dimensional cancer cellsHaneih Karimi , Bartosz Leszczyński , Ewa Stępień, Pawel Moskal3rd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, Cracow, Poland, June 2019
- Monte Carlo evaluation of the beta+ signal in J-PET detector for hadrontherapy range monitoring applicationA. Ruciński, J. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Garbacz, M.Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, P. MoskalThe 58th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG58), 10-15 June 2019, Manchester, England
- Plastic-scintillator based PET detector for proton beam therapy range monitoring: a preliminary studyA. Ruciński, J. Baran, J. Gajewski, M. Garbacz, M.Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, P. MoskalESTRO 38, 26-30 April 2019 Milan, Italy
- Towards molecular in-vivo cancer imaging by means of positronium and the J-PET tomographP. Moskal, M. Bała, Z. Bura, J.Chhokar, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K.Farbaniec, A. Gajos, B. Jasińska, H. Karimi, E. Kubicz, G. Korcyl, K. Rakoczy, S. Sharma, E.StępieńFNP IIIrd Inter Deciplinary Congress meeting, April 11, 2019, Warsaw, Poland
- Search for the exotic nuclear matter with WASA-at-COSYA. Khreptak, O. Rundel, M. Skurzok, P. MoskalPrzyszłość Fizyki Jądrowej Niskich Energii w Polsce a Rozwój Krajowej Infrastruktury Badawczej, 14-15.01.2019, Warsaw, Poland
- Pilot studies towards positronium imaging with the total-body PET scannersP. Moskal, J. Chhokar, D. Kisielewska, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedzwicki, S. Sharma on behalf of the J-PET collaboration2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia
- Towards total-body modular PET for positronium and quantum entanglement imagingP. Moskal, J. Chhokar, D. Kisielewska, E. Kubicz, Sz. Niedzwicki, S. Sharma on behalf of the J-PET collaboration2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia
- J-PET scanner combined with Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy as a tool for morphometric imagingE. Kubicz, K. Dulski, G. Grudzień, E. Stępień, P. MoskalTotal Body Pet - From Mice to Men, June 30 - July 2, 2018, Ghent, Belgium
- Morphometric imaging of cardiac myxoma by the J-PET scanner combined with Positron Annihilation Lifetime SpectroscopyEwelina Kubicz, Grzegorz Grudzień, Kamil Dulski, Ewa Stępień, Bogusław Kapelak, Paweł MoskalIX Congress of the Polish Society of CardioThoracic Surgeons, Szczecin, Poland
- Searching for eta-mesic 3He with WASA-at-COSY facilityO. Rundel, O. Khreptak, M. Skurzok, P. Moskal, W. Krzemień14th International Workshop on Meson Production (MESON 2016), 2-7 June 2016, Kraków
- J-PET detector system for studies of the electron-positron annihilationsM. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, O. Khreptak, A. Gajos, A. Wieczorek, P. Moskal14th International Workshop on Meson Production (MESON 2016), 2-7 June 2016, Kraków
- Mobile PET insert for simultaneous PET/MR imagingM. Zieliński, B. Głowacz and P. MoskalInternational Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology | Physics for Health in Europe, 15-19 Luty 2016, Genewa, Sz
- Hybrid TOF-PET/MRI local transceiver coilB. Głowacz, M. Zieliński and P. MoskalInternational Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology | Physics for Health in Europe, 15-19 Luty 2016, Genewa
- Search for 4He-eta bound states in dd->3He p pi- and dd->3He n pi0 reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityMagdalena Skurzok, Wojciech Krzemien, Pawel MoskalINPC 2013, Forence, Italy
- Search for 4He-eta bound states in dd->3He p pi- and dd->3He n pi0 reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemien, P. MoskalINPC 2013
- Study of the eta --> e+e-gamma Decay using WASA-at-COSY Detector SystemM. Hodana, P. Moskal12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Kraków, Poland
- Search for He-eta bound states with the WASA-at-COSY facilityM. Skurzok, W. Krzemień, P. MoskalMESON2012 - 12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction
- Matrix-PET: A novel PET detector concept based on large blocks of organic scintillatorsP. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka-Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, Z. Rudy, P. Salabura, M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, J. Zdebik, M. ZielińskiPETRAD, Conference on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics 2012
- STRIP-PET: Concept of TOF-PET scanner based on polymer scintillator strips.P. Moskal, T. Bednarski, A. Heczko, M. Kajetanowicz, Ł. Kapłon, A. Kochanowski, G. Konopka - Cupiał, G. Korcyl, W. Krzemień, K. Łojek, W. Migdał, M. Molenda, S. Niedzwiecki, P. Salabura. M. Silarski, A. Słomski, J. Smyrski, Z. Rudy, J. Zdebik, M. ZielińskiPETRAD, Conference on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics 2012
- Atomometria jako metoda wykrywania materiałów wybuchowychP. Moskal & M. Silarski
- Two-proton correlation function for the pp -> pp+eta and pp -> pp+pions reactionsP. Klaja & P. MoskalMESON 2010
- Proton-proton correlation function for the pp -> ppeta reaction measured with COSY-11P. Klaja & P. MoskalMENU 2007
- Study of the interaction of eta and eta-prime mesons with protons.J. Przerwa, R. Czyżykiewicz, M. Janusz, P. Klaja, P. MoskalLEAP Conference, Bonn 2005
- Search for Bremsstrahlung radiation in the quasi-free pn--> pn gamma reaction.J. Przerwa, P. MoskalGerman Physical Society meeting, Cologne 2004
- The Present and the future of Breast Cancer diagnosisShivani, Elżbieta Łuczyńska, Sylwia Heinze, Paweł Moskal1st Symposium on Theranostics, 9-11 october 2021,Krakow, Poland
- Development of the JPEM for breast cancer detection and diagnosis using positronium imagingShivani, Elżbieta Łuczyńska, Sylwia Heinze, Pawel Moskal On behalf of JPET collaboration3rd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, Krakow, 23-28 June 2019
- Title: Urządzenie matrycowe i sposób wyznaczania miejsca i czasu reakcji kwantów gammaTitle in English: Matrix device and method for determining the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta and the use of the device to determine the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta in positron emission tomographyAuthor(s): P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 218733Polish patent filing date: 2009-07-16Polish patent grant date: 2015-01-30European patent number: EP 2454611European patent filing date: 2012-02-16European patent grant date: 2014-12-10US patent number: US 8,969,817US patent filing date: 2012-01-12US patent grant date: 2015-03-03Japanese patent number: JP 5824773Japanese patent filing date: 2012-01-13Japanese patent grant date: 2015-10-23
- Title: Urządzenie paskowe i sposób do wyznaczania miejsca i czasu reakcji kwantów gamma oraz zastosowanie urządzenie do wyznaczania miejsca i czasu reakcji kwantów gamma w emisyjnej tomografii pozytonowejTitle in English: Strip device and method for determining the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta and the use of the device to determine the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta in positron emission tomographyAuthor(s): P. MoskalEuropean patent number: EP 2454612European patent filing date: 2012-02-16European patent grant date: 2014-10-15US patent number: US 8,859,973US patent filing date: 2012-01-12US patent grant date: 2014-10-14Japanese patent number: JP 5824774Japanese patent filing date: 2012-01-13Japanese patent grant date: 2015-10-23
- Title: System akwizycji pomiarowych danych tomograficznychTitle in English: A system for acquisition of tomographic measurement dataAuthor(s): G. Korcyl, P. Moskal, M. Kajetanowicz, M. PałkaPolish patent number: PL 229380Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-07-31US patent number: US 10,007,011US patent filing date: 2016-02-28US patent grant date: 2018-06-26
- Title: Sposób pomiaru parametrów sygnału analogowego oraz urządzenie do pomiaru parametrów sygnału analogowegoTitle in English: A method and a device for measuring parameters of an analog signalAuthor(s): M. Pałka, P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 227657Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31US patent number: US 9,804,206US patent filing date: 2016-02-28US patent grant date: 2017-10-31
- Title: Sposób wyznaczania parametrów reakcji kwantów gamma w scyntylatorze tomografu PETTitle in English: A method for determining parameters of a reaction of a gamma quantum within a scintillator of a pet scannnerAuthor(s): P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 227660Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31US patent number: US 9,804,279US patent filing date: 2016-02-29US patent grant date: 2017-10-31
- Title: Tomograf hybrydowy TOF-PET/CTTitle in English: A hybrid TOF-PET/CT tomographAuthor(s): P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 228457Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-03-30European patent number: EP 3039456European patent filing date: 2016-02-28European patent grant date: 2019-04-03US patent number: US 9,804,274US patent filing date: 2016-02-29US patent grant date: 2017-10-31
- Title: Tomograf hybrydowy TOF-PET/MRITitle in English: Hybrid TOF-PET/MRI tomographAuthor(s): P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 228483Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-04-30European patent number: EP 3039442European patent filing date: 2019-03-26European patent grant date: 2022-10-26US patent number: US 10,520,568US patent filing date: 2014-08-29US patent grant date: 2019-12-31
- Title: Sposób kalibracji detektorów TOF-PET przy wykorzystaniu promieniowania kosmicznegoTitle in English: A method for calibration of tof-pet detectors using cosmic radiationAuthor(s): E. Czerwiński, P. Moskal, M. SilarskiPolish patent number: PL 223751Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2016-10-31US patent number: US 9,798,021US patent filing date: 2016-02-29US patent grant date: 2017-10-24
- Title: Tomograf TOF-PET i sposób obrazowania za pomocą tomografu TOF-PET w oparciu o prawdopodobieństwo produkcji i czas życia pozytoniumTitle in English: TOF-PET tomograph and a method of imaging using a TOF-PET tomograph, based on a probability of production and lifetime of a positroniumAuthor(s): P. Moskal, I. Moskal, G. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 227658Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31European patent number: EP 3039453European patent filing date: 2016-02-28European patent grant date: 2020-04-29US patent number: US 9,851,456US patent filing date: 2016-02-28US patent grant date: 2017-12-26
- Title: Urządzenie detekcyjne do wyznaczania miejsca reakcji kwantów gamma oraz sposób wyznaczania miejsca reakcji kwantów gamma w emisyjnej tomografii pozytonowejTitle in English: A detecting device for determining a position of reaction of gamma quanta and a method for determining a position of reaction of a gamma quanta in positron emission tomographyAuthor(s): P. Moskal, J. SmyrskiPolish patent number: PL 227659Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31US patent number: US 10,042,058US patent filing date: 2016-02-28US patent grant date: 2018-08-07
- Title: Sposób wyznaczania parametrów miejsca reakcji kwantu gamma w detektorze scyntylacyjnym tomografu PET i układ do wyznaczania parametrów miejsca reakcji kwantu gamma w detektorze scyntylacyjnym tomografu PETTitle in English: A method and a system for determining parameters of a position of a gamma quantumAuthor(s): P. Moskal, Ł. KapłonPolish patent number: PL 227661Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31
- Title: Sposób wyznaczania parametrów reakcji kwantów gamma w detektorach scyntylacyjnych i układ do wyznaczania parametrów reakcji kwantów gamma w detektorach scyntylacyjnych tomografów PETTitle in English: A method and a system for determining parameters of reactions of gamma quanta within scintillation detectors of pet scannersAuthor(s): P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 228119Polish patent filing date: 2013-08-30Polish patent grant date: 2018-02-28US patent number: US 10,088,581US patent filing date: 2016-02-28US patent grant date: 2018-10-02
- Title: Urządzenie oraz sposób nieinwazyjnego wykrywania materiałów niebezpiecznych w środowisku wodnymTitle in English: Device and method for non-invasive detection of hazardous materials in the aquatic environmentAuthor(s): M. Silarski, P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 225474Polish patent filing date: 2014-07-09Polish patent grant date: 2017-04-28European patent number: EP 3189356European patent filing date: 2017-04-04European patent grant date: 2019-10-30US patent number: US 10,126,257US patent filing date: 2017-03-06US patent grant date: 2018-11-13Japanese patent number: JP 6580675Japanese patent filing date: 2017-03-07Japanese patent grant date: 2019-09-06
- Title: Zastosowanie 2-(4-styrylofenylo)benzoksazolu oraz scyntylator polimerowyTitle in English: Use of 2-(4-styrylphenyl)benzoxazole and plastic scintillatorAuthor(s): A. Wieczorek, A. Danel, T. Uchacz, P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 227854Polish patent filing date: 2014-07-09Polish patent grant date: 2018-01-31European patent number: EP 3189523European patent filing date: 2017-04-04European patent grant date: 2020-01-01US patent number: US 10,329,481US patent filing date: 2017-03-06US patent grant date: 2019-06-25
- Title: Mobilny wkład tomograficzny TOF-PET o rekonfigurowalnej geometrii do tomografi MRITitle in English: Mobile TOF-PET insertAuthor(s): B. Głowacz, P. Moskal, M. ZielińskiPolish patent number: PL 228003Polish patent filing date: 2015-07-16Polish patent grant date: 2018-02-28European patent number: EP 3323001European patent filing date: 2018-01-14European patent grant date: 2018-12-26US patent number: US 10,670,737US patent filing date: 2018-01-09US patent grant date: 2020-06-02
- Title: Sposób obrazowania medycznego w tomografii TOF-PETTitle in English: Method for medical imaging in TOF-PET tomographyAuthor(s): B. Jasińska, P. MoskalPolish patent number: PL 233378Polish patent filing date: 2016-09-14Polish patent grant date: 2019-10-31European patent number: EP 3513221European patent filing date: 2019-03-26European patent grant date: 2022-11-16US patent number: US 11,137,505US patent filing date: 2019-03-12US patent grant date: 2021-10-05
- Title: Method for reconstructing multi-tracer metabolic and morphometric images and tomography system for multi-tracer metabolic and morphometric imagingAuthor(s): A. Gajos, E. Czerwiński, D. Kamińska, P. MoskalEuropean patent number: EP 3347742European patent filing date: 2018-02-26European patent grant date: 2020-02-12US patent number: US 10,339,676US patent filing date: 2018-02-18US patent grant date: 2019-07-02
- Title: System i sposób kalibracji czasowej układu detekcyjnego tomografu TOF-PETTitle in English: System and method for timing calibration of a detection system of a TOF-PET scannerAuthor(s): P. Moskal, K. DulskiPolish patent number: PL 243899Polish patent filing date: 2020-07-16Polish patent grant date: 2023-10-30European patent number: EP 4182731European patent filing date: 2021-07-09European patent grant date: 2024-02-14US patent number: US 18/014,195US patent filing date: 2023-01-03
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